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Упр. 143. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он придет через час. 2. Подождите пожа­луйста, я вернусь через несколько минут. 3. Мы окончим школу через несколько лет. 4. Через два или три года все изменится. 5. В прошлое воскресенье мы встали на рассвете и к семи ча­сам были готовы идти. В десять минут восьмого мы отправились. Мы пошли на автобусную оста­новку. На остановке было мало народу: в вос­кресенье люди не любят вставать на рассвете. Автобус подошел к остановке через десять ми­нут. Мы поехали на вокзал. Через полчаса мы были на вокзале. На платформе мы встретили своих друзей. Через час мы были уже за горо­дом. Мы пошли в лес. Было жарко, но когда мы вошли в лес, стало прохладно. Мы провели за городом весь день и вернулись в город на закате. 6. Я не был в Эстонии с 1997 года. Будущим летом я поеду туда. Я проведу там все лето и вернусь в Санкт-Петербург к первому сентября.

Предлоги, передающие падежные отношения

Обратите внимание на соответствие некоторых предложных оборотов русским падежным фор­мам:

of - - родительный

the leg of the table - - ножка стола

to — дательный

explain to me -- объясните мне

Упр. 144. Вставьте предлоги to или of.

1. Не bought a book... English poems and gave it... his sister. 2. I wrote... him asking to send me a box... chocolates. 3. The roof... the house is very old. 4. There is a monument... Pushkin in the Square... Arts. 5. One wheel... my car must be changed. 6. He was standing outside the door... his house and explaining... the mechanic what was wrong with his car. 7. He gave her a big bunch... flowers. 8. I sent a letter... my friend. 9. The streets... St. Petersburg are straight. 10. Many pages... this book are torn. 11. The young scien­tist was trying to prove... the professor the neces­sity... the experiment. 12. London is the capital... Great Britain. 13. The embankments... the Neva are faced with granite. 14. It is clear... me that you don't know your lesson. 15. He was devoted... his friend. 16. I explained... the teacher that by the end... the lesson I had not finished the trans­lation... the text and that's why I had not handed it... him. The surprise... the teacher was great. My explanation seemed strange... the teacher.

Сочетания существительных с предлогами with и by соответствуют русскому творительному па­дежу.

Не путайте употребление этих предлогов:

with обозначает орудие (чем произведено дей­ствие)

by обозначает деятеля (кто совершил дей­ствие)

with a knife -- ножом by my brother -- братом

Упр. 145. Вставьте предлоги with или by.

1. The boy cut his finger... a knife. 2. The boat was carried... the waves into the open sea. 3. The teacher was pleased... our work. 4. America was discovered... Columbus. 5. "Hamlet" was written

Shakeреаге. 6. We eat soup... a spoon. 7. He was killed... a knife. 8. He was killed... the rob­bers. 9. He was knocked down... a big stick. 10. He was knocked down... a car. 11. He was taken to hospital... an ambulance. 12. He was treat­ed... very effective drugs. 13. He was cured... a very skilful doctor. 14. He wrote his letter... a pencil. 15. He was scolded... his mother.

Запомните употребление предлогов со следую­щими глаголами и выражениями:

They listened to me — Они слушали меня They looked at me -- Они смотрели на меня They waited for me — Они ждали меня They spoke to me — Они говорили со мной They laughed at me — Они смеялись надо

мной They complained of me — Они жаловались

на меня They were afraid of me - - Они боялись меня

They answered s_ my question - - Они

ответили на мой вопрос

They entered S_ the room — Они вошли в


They turned S_ the corner — Они повернули

за угол

Упр. 146. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

1. My mother is afraid... rats. 2. "What do you complain...?" asked the doctor. 3. Don't enter... the room. 4. What are you laughing...? 5. They did not want to listen... me. 6. Wait... me. I'll be back... a few minutes. 7. Yesterday the teacher spoke... us about the architecture... St. Peters­burg. 8. My grandmother often complains... head­ache. 9. I am sorry, Г cannot speak... you now, the professor is waiting... me. I must go... the insti­tute and explain... him some details... our work. Come... the evening, I shall listen... you very attentively and answer... all your questions. 10.... nine o'clock the lecturer entered... the hall, walked up... the table, put his bag... it, looked.... everybody and began his lecture. The lecture, as all the lectures... this professor, was very inter­esting, and the students listened... him with great attention. 11. Turn... the corner... the house and look... the flowers grown... my mother: aren't they beautiful? 12. He was an excellent pupil, and the teachers never complained... him. 13. She com­plained... feeling bad and could not answer... the questions... the teacher. 14. We tried to speak... him, but he did not want to listen... us. He did not even look... us and did not answer... our questions. 15. Your brother complains... you. He says you always laugh... him, never speak... him and never answer... his questions. 16. When I entered... the room, everybody looked... me with surprise: they had not waited... me. 17. At the end... the street she turned... the corner, walked... the bus-stop and began waiting... the bus.

Обратите внимание на способы перевода рус­ского предлога "через":

через час — in an hour

через дорогу - - across the road

через поле — across the field

через лес — through the wood

через реку (вброд, вплавь, на лодке) -

across the river через реку (по мосту, по воздуху) -- over

the river через забор — over the fence

Обратите внимание на способы перевода рус­ского предлога "по":

по улице — along (down) the street

по реке — down (up) the river

по морю — across the sea

по городу - - about the town

по комнате - - about the room

по коридору - - along the corridor

по стране -- about the country

Упр. 147. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на способы перевода пред­логов через и по.

1. Он перешел дорогу и вошел в кафе. 2. Она ходила по комнате. 3. Они плавали по южным морям. 4. Иди по этой дорожке через поле и че­рез лес, и через два-три часа ты подойдешь к реке. 5. Они бродили по городу с рассвета до за­ката, говорили с многими людьми, смотрели на прекрасные дворцы и памятники. Вечером они вернулись в гостиницу, усталые но довольные. 6. Том Сойер перепрыгнул через забор и побе­жал по улице. Через несколько секунд он повер­нул за угол и исчез. 7. Пройдите по этому кори­дору, заверните за угол в конце коридора и войдите в первую комнату. 8. Через пять минут все сидели за столом и слушали бабушку. 9. Он смотрел на лодки, плывущие но реке. 10. В про­шлом году мы путешествовали по Европе. 11. Он шел по улице и смотрел на лица прохо­жих. 12. Собака подбежала к реке, прыгнула в воду, переплыла реку и вбежала в лес.


Спряжение глагола to be (быть)

в Present Simple Tense

(Present Indefinite Tense)

I am He is

She is It is

We are You are They are


Is he? Is she? Is it?

Are we? Are you? Are they?

I am not He is not She is not It is not

We are not You are not They are not

Yes, I am Yes, he is Yes, she is Yes, it is

Yes, we are Yes, you are Yes, they are

No, I am not No, he isn't No, she isn't No, it isn't

No, we aren't No, you aren't No, they aren't

Упр. 148. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. I... a pupil. 2. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist. 3.... your aunt a doctor? - Yes,

she.... 4.... they at home? - - No, they... not at borne, they... at work. 5. My brother... a worker. He... at work. 6.... you an engineer? - - Yes, I.... 7.... your sister a typist? No, she... not a typist, she... a student. 8.... your brother at school? - - Yes, he.... 9.... your sister at school? - No, she... not at school. 10. My... sister... at home. 11.... this your watch? • Yes, it.... 12. She... an actress. 13. This... my bag. 14. My uncle... an office-worker. 15. He... at work. 16. Helen... a painter. She has some fine pictures. They... on the walls. She has much paper. It... on the shelf. The shelf... brown. It... on the wall. Helen has a brother. He... a student. He has a family. His family... not in St. Petersburg, it... in Moscow.

Упр. 149. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Я ученик. Я в школе. 2. Мой брат худож­ник. Он не инженер. 3. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач. 4. Он студент. 5. Вы студент? — Нет, я врач, 6. Моя сестра дома. 7. Мы не в школе. Мы дома. 8. Мой брат ученик. Он в школе. 9. Ваша мама дома? - - Нет, она на работе. 10. Ваш двоюрод­ный брат дома? - - Нет, он в школе. Он ученик. 12. Ваша сестра учительница? - - Нет, она сту­дентка. 12. Твой папа на работе? — Нет, он дома,

13. Твоя сестра машинистка? — Да, — Она дома? - Нет, она на работе. 14. Мой дедушка ученый, 15. Моя мама не учительница. Она врач.

Упр. 150. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Чья это ручка? — Это моя ручка. 2. Чья это книга? — Это ваша книга. 3. Чей это стол? -

Это стол моего брата. 4. Чья это сумка? - - Это сумка моей мамы. 5. Чей это карандаш? - - Это карандаш моей сестры. 6. Это твоя тетрадь? -Да. 7. Это тетрадь твоего брата? - - Нет, это моя тетрадь. 8. Где ваш стол? -- Он посередине ком­наты. 9. Где твоя ручка? — Она в моем кармане. 10. Где твоя тетрадь? - - Она на столе. 11. Где твоя мама? -- Она на работе. 12. Где твой брат? - Он в школе. 13. Где твоя сестра? -- Она дома. 14. Чей это карандаш? - - Это мой карандаш. -А где мой карандаш? — Он на столе. 15. Чьи это часы? - - Это мои часы. - - А где мои часы? -Они на столе.

  Спряжение глагола to be (быть)
  в Pasf Simple Tense
  (Past Indefinite Tense)
  I was I was not
  He was He was not
  She was She was not
  It was It was not
  We were We were not
  You were You were not
  They were They were not
  Was I? Yes, I was No, I wasn't
  Was he? Yes, he was No, he wasn't
  Was she? Yes, she was No, she wasn't
  Was it? Yes, it was No, it wasn't
  Were we? Yes, we were No, we weren't
  Were you? Were they? Yes, you were Yes, they were No, you weren't No, they weren't

Упр. 151. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present или Past Simple,

1. Я ученик. 2. Он летчик. 3. Она доктор. 4. Мы школьники. 5. Вы рабочие. 6. Ты рабо­чий. 7. Они ученики. 8. Я дома. 9. Он в школе. 10. Она в кино? 11. Мы в парке. 12. Они в теат­ре? 13.Она молодая? 14. Он старый. 15. Она не старая. 16. Они сильные. 17. Она больна. 18. Вы больны? 19. Он болен? 20. Я не болен. 21. Я был болен вчера. 22. Она не была больна. 23. Мы были в кино. 24. Они не были в кино. 25. Они не в школе. 26. Они дома. 27. Вы были в парке вче­ра? 28. Он был в школе вчера? 29. Он был рабо­чим. 30. Она была учительницей.

Спряжение глагола to be (быть) в Future Simple Tense (Future Indefinite Tense)
I shall be He will be She will be It will be I shall not be He will not be She will not be It will not be
We shall be You will be They will be We shall not be You will not be They will not be
Shall I be? Will he be? Will she be? Will it be? Yes, I shall Yes, he will Yes, she will Yes, it will No, I shan't No, he won't No, she won't No, it won't
Shall we be? Will you be? Will they be? Yes, we shall Yes, you will Yes, they will No, we shan't No, you won't No, they won't


Упр. 152. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.

1, My father... a teacher. 2. He... a pupil twen­ty years ago. 3.1... a doctor when I grow up. 4. My sister... not... at home tomorrow. 5. She... at school tomorrow. 6.... you... at home tomorrow? 7,... your father at work yesterday? 8. My sister... ill last week. 9. She... not ill now. 10. Yesterday we... at the theatre. 11. Where... your mother now? — She... in the kitchen. 12. Where... you yesterday? — I... at the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family... at home. 14.... your little sister in bed now? — Yes, she... 15.... you... at school tomorrow? — Yes I.... 16. When my granny... young, she... an actress. 17. My friend K,,. in Moscow now. 18. He... in St. Petersburg to­morrow. 19. Where... your books now? -- They... in my bag.

Упр. 153. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.

1. Мой брат сейчас в школе. 2. Мой брат был вчера в кино. 3. Мой брат будет завтра дома. [ 4. Ты будешь дома завтра? 5. Она была вчера в парке? 6 Он сейчас во дворе? 7. Где папа? 8. Где выбыли вчера? 9. Где он будет завтра? 10. Мои книги были на столе. Где они сейчас? 11. Моя мама вчера не была на работе. Она была дома. 12, Мой друг не в парке. Он в школе. 13. Завтра в три часа Коля и Миша будут во дворе. 14. Мы не были на юге прошлым летом. Мы были в Москве. 15. Завтра мой дедушка будет в дерев­не. 16. Когда твоя сестра будет дома? 17. Ты бу­дешь летчиком? — Нет, я буду моряком. 18. Моя

сестра была студенткой в прошлом году, a eel час она врач. — Ты тоже будешь врачом? — Нет, я не буду врачом. Я буду инженером.

Спряжение глагола to work (работать) в Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive Tense) (действие в процессе, совершается в тот момент, когда о нем говорят)
I am working Не is working She is working It is working • I am not working Не is not working She is not working It is not working
We are working You are working They are working We are not working You are not working They are not working |
Am I Yes, I am No, I am not
Is he Yes, he is No, he isn't
Is she Yes, she is No, she isn't
Is it Yes, it is No, it isn't
Are we Yes, we are No, we aren't
Are you Yes, you are No, you aren't
Are they Yes, they are No, they aren't

Упр. 154. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(NOW) 1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2 I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his

friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 5. A young

man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room.

7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who

(to lie) on the sofa? 11. What they (to talk) about? 12. It still (to rain).

Упр. 155. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(СЕЙЧАС) 1. Я читаю. 2. Он не пишет. 3. Мы не работаем. 4. Вы читаете? 5. Он спит? 6. Коля и Миша играют в футбол. 7. Катя играет на роя-I ле. 8. Она не поет. 9. Моя сестра спит. 10. Папа пьет чай? 11. Твои родители пьют чай? 12. Я не сплю. 13. Она сидит за столом. 14. Мы делаем упражнение. 15. Мы не купаемся. 16. Они игра­ют во дворе? 17. Нина и Аня моют пол. 18. Коля помогает маме. 19. Ты помогаешь папе? 20. Моя сестра читает интересную книгу. 21. Они идут в школу. 21. Вы идете в школу? 22. Он работает? 23. Твоя бабушка идет в магазин? 24. Он поку­пает конфеты. 25, Что делает твоя сестра? 26. Где играют дети? 27. Почему ты смеешься? 28. Куда они идут? 29. Что несут эти мальчики?



II Спряжение глагола to work (работать) в Present Simple Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) (действие совершается обычно)  
  I work I do not work  
  He works He does not work  
  She works She does not work  
  It works It does not work  
  We work We do not work  
  You work You do not work  
\— They work They do not work  
| 1)0 I work? Yes, I do No, I don't  
! Does | Does 1 Does he work? Yes, he does she work? Yes, she does it work? Yes, it does No, he doesn't No, she doesn't No, it doesn't  
Do we work? Yes, we do No, we don't  
Do you work? Yes, you do Do they work? Yes, they do No, you don't No, they don't  
_ --------------------

Упр. 156, Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. 2. She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 7. She (to speak) French well. 8, My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes, At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My fa­ther and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living-room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

Упр. 157. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

(ОБЫЧНО) 1. Я работаю. 2. Мы работаем. ' 3. Они не работают. 4. Вы работаете? - - Да. | 5. Он работает? - - Нет. Он учится. 6. Мой брат | не учится. Он работает. 7. Моя сестра не читает книг. 8. Наша бабушка любит спать на диване. 9. Вы любите отдыхать в кресле? 10. Мы едим и пьем в кухне. 11. Мой брат не любит читать га­зеты. 12. Мы спим в спальне. 13. Мой брат спит на диване в жилой комнате. 14. Моя сестра оде­вается перед зеркалом. 15. Мой дядя пишет кни­ги. 16. Мы пишем упражнения в школе.

Упр. 158. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

  1. Когда вы встаете? - - Я встаю без четверти семь. 2. Когда встает твой брат? - - Он встает без двадцати восемь. — А твоя сестра тоже встает без двадцати восемь? - - Нет. Мой брат ходит в шко­лу, а моя сестра не ходит в школу. Она еще не ученица. Она встает в девять часов. 3. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает двадцать минут восьмого. Он работает утром и днем. Вече­ром он не работает. Вечером он отдыхает. 4. Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? - - Нет. Она гово­рит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-английски.

Упр. 159. Переведите на английский язык,! употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

Мой дядя инженер. Он очень занят. Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он встает в семь часов. Он умывается, одевается и завтракает. После завтрака он идет на работу. Он работает в институте. Он любит свою работу. Он женат. Его жена врач. Она работает в больнице. Вечером она изучает французский язык. Она посещает курсы французского языка. Мой дядя не говорит по-французски. Он говорит по-русски и по-немец­ки. Он изучает английский язык. Вечером он по­сещает курсы английского языка. Сын моего I дяди ученик. Он ходит в школу. В школе он изучает английский язык.

Сравните употребление Present Continuous и Present Simple.

Упр. 160. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

I (to read) now. He (to sleep) now. We (to drink) tea now. They (to go) to school now. I (not to sleep) now.

She (not to drink) coffee now. I (to read) every day. He (to sleep) every night. We (to drink) tea every morning.

They (to go) to school eve­ry morning. I (not to sleep) in the day­time. She (not to drink) cof­fee after lunch. We (not to watch) TV now. They (not to eat) now. My mother (not to work) now. You (to work) now? He (to play) now? They (to eat) now? Your sister (to rest) now? What you (to do) now? What you (to read) now? What they (to eat) now? What your brother (to drink) now? We (not to watch) TV in the morning. They (not to eat) at the lesson. My mother (not to work) at an office. You (to work) every day? He (to play) in the after­noon? They (to eat) at school? Your sister (to rest) af­ter school? What you (to do) every morning? What you (to read) after dinner? What they (to eat) at breakfast? What your brother (to drink) in the evening?

Упр. 161. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 5. Look! The baby (to sleep). 6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 9. I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in the morning. 10. What your sis­ter (to do) now? - - She (to wash) her face and hands. 11. When you usually (to come) home from school? — I (to come) at three o'clock. 12. Where your cousin (to work)? -- He (to work) at a hospi-taJ. 13. Your sister (to study) at an institute? -No, she (to study) at school. 14. My cousin (to go) to school every day. 15. My mother (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the morning.

Упр. 162. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. I (to read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to write) an exer­cise now. 4. I (not to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in the room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother every day? 10. He (not to help) his mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 12. My friend (not to like) to play foot­ball. 13.1 (not to read) now. 14. He (to sleep) now? 15.We (not to go) to the country in winter. 16.My sister (to eat) sweets every day. 17. She (not to eat) sweets now. 18. They (to do) their home­work in the afternoon. 19. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 20. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 21. He (to work) every day.

Упр. 163. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. They (to read) many books. 2. They (to read) many books? 3. They (not to read) many books. 4. The children (to eat) soup now. 5. The children (to eat) soup now? 6. The children (not to eat) soup now. 7. You (to play) volley-ball well? 8. When you (to play) volley-ball? 9. What Nick (to do) in the evening? 10. He (to go) to the cinema in the evening? 11. We (not to dance) every day. 12. Look! Kate (to dance). 13. Kate (to sing) well? 14. Where he (to go) in the morning? 15. He (not to sleep) after dinner. 16. My granny (to sleep) after din­ner. 17. When you (to sleep)? 16. Nina (not to sleep) now. 19. Where John (to live)? - - He (to live) in England.

Упр. 164. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. I (to write) a composition now. 2. I (not to drink) milk now. 3. I (to go) for a walk after din­ner. 4. I (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He (not to read) now. 6. He (to play) now. 7 He (to play) now? 8. My mother (to work) at a factory. 9. My aunt {not to work) at a shop. 10. You (to work) at an office? 11. My friend (to live) in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin (not to live) in Moscow. 13. The children (not to sleep) now. 14. The chil­dren (to play) in the yard every day. 15. They (not to go) to the stadium on Monday. 16. She (to read) in the evening. 17. She (not to read) in the morn­ing. 18. She (not to read) now. 19. Your father (to work) at this factory? 20. You (to play) chess now? 21. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer. 22. How is your brother? - - He is not well yet, but his health (to improve) day after day. 23. Listen! Who (to play) the piano in the next room?

Запомните глаголы, не употребляющиеся во временах группы Continuous: to be, to know, to understand, to think, to recognize, to want, to like, to see, to hear, to feel, to have1. Эти глаго­лы надо употреблять в Present Simple, даже если действие совершается в момент речи.

Упр. 165. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

I. What you (to do) here now? - - We (to listen) to tape-recordings. 2. You (to want) to see my fa­ther? - Yes, I... 3. Michael (to know) German rather well. He (to want) to know English, too, but he (to have) little time for it now. 4. What maga­zine you (to read)? - - It (to be) a French magazine. There (to be) good articles on sports here. You (to be) interested in sports? - - Yes, I.... But I (not to know) French. 5. We (to have) an English lesson now. 6. Lena usually (to prepare) her homework at the institute? - - No, she.... As a rule, she (to work) at home. — And what she (to write) now? -Oh, she (to write) an article for our wall newspa­per. 7. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in the doorway? - - You (not to recognize) him? It (to be) John, my cousin. 8. I (to have) no time now, I (to have) dinner. 9. Your family (to leave) St. Peters­burg in summer? - Yes, we always (to go) to the sea-side. We all (to like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to re­turn) much earlier. 10. Where Tom and Nick (to be) now? — They (to have) a smoke in the garden.

1 to have -- только в своем прямом значении «иметь». В словосочетаниях типа "to have breakfast", "to have a lesson", "to have a smoke" глагол to have употребляется также и во временах группы Continuous

Упр. 166. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. It (to take) me forty minutes to get to school. 2. Hello, Pete, where you (to go)? — I (to hurry) to school. 3. When your lessons (to begin) on Mon­day? — They (to begin) at nine o'clock. 4. Where your sister (to be)? — She (to do) her homework in the next room. 5. It usually (to take) me an hour to do my written exercises. 6. Where Boris (to be)? I (to look) for him. - - He (to have) dinner. 7. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends. 8. On Sunday we sometimes (to go) to the cinema or to a disco club. 9. Andrew (to get) up very early as he (to live) far from school, He (to be) never late. 10. It (to be) six o'clock in the evening now. Victor (to do) his homework. His sister (to read) a book. His mother and grandmother (to talk). 11. I (to write) a letter to my grandmother who (to live) in Novgorod. I (to write) to her very often.

Упр. 167. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. Agnes was very excited. She was interested in everything she saw. "Mother, look," she said. "There (to be) a mon­key in this cage. It (to eat) an apple. Now it (to give) a bite to another monkey. I (to think) mon­keys (to like) apples very much." "Yes, dear," said her mother. "Now I (to want) to go and see the lions and tigers. Where they (to live), mother?" "In that big house over there. Come along." Agnes enjoyed herself very much in the lion house. "Mother," she said, "the tiger (to want) a drink: it (to go) to the dish of water there in the corner. And the lion (to look) right at me. You (to think) it (to want) to eat me up? When the lions and tigers (to have) their dinner, mother?" "The keepers (to bring) them great pieces of meat every day at four o'clock. And they (to make) a big noise before their dinner time, so everybody (to know) they (to be) hungry."

Спряжение глагола to work (работать) в Future Simple Tense
(Future Indefinite Tense)
(действие будет совершаться в будущем)
I shall work I shall not work
Не will work He will not work
She will work She will not work
It will work It will not work
We shall work We shall not work
You will work You will not work
They will work They will not work
Shall I work? Yes, I shall No, I shan't
Will he work? Yes, he will No, he won't
Will she work? Yes, she will No, she won't
Will it work? Yes, it will No, it won't
Shall we work? Yes, we shall No, we shan't
Will you work? Will they work? Yes, you will Yes, they will No, you won't No, they won't

Сравните употребление Present Continuous, Present Simple и Future Simple.

Упр. 168. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаго­лы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

1. I (to play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not to play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (to play) chess tomorrow? 4. He (to play) chess every day. 5. He (not to play) chess every day. 6. He (to play) chess every day? 7. They (to play) chess now. 8. They (not to play) chess now. 9. They (to play) chess now? 10. Nick (to go) to the park now. 11. Nick (to go) to school every day. 12. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow. 13. You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 14. You (to read) this book next week? 15. You (to read) books every day? 16. You (to read) a book now? 17.1 (not to see) him tomorrow. 18. What you (to do) tomor­row? 19. What your friend (to do) tomorrow? 20. Where you (to go) next summer? 21. Where you (to go) every morning? 22. Where you (to go) now? 23. Look! Mary (to dance). 24. She (to dance) every day. 25. She (to dance) tomorrow?

Упр. 169. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаго­лы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

I. He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 2. We (to go) to school in the morning. 3. Look! Kate (to go) to school. 4. You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 5.1 (not to play) the guitar now. 6. My brother (to play) the guitar every evening. 7. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 8. You (to like) apples? 9. You (to eat) apples tomorrow? 10. Nick (to read) many books. 11. Mother (to work) every day. 12. He (not to sleep) now. 13. Your brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday? 14. We (not to go) to the zoo tomorrow. 15. I (not to learn) the

poem now. 16. She (to live) in San Francisco. 17. My father (to shoot) very well. 18. He is very strong. Look! He (to carry) a very heavy box. 19. My sister (not to like) coffee. 20 When you (to go) to bed every day? 21. What he (to read) now? 22. What he (to read) every day? 23. What he (to read) tomorrow? 24. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 25. You (to give) me this book tomorrow?

Упр. 170. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаго­лы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

1. When you (to get) up every day? - - I (to get) up at seven o'clock. 2. My brother usually (not to get) up at seven o'clock. As a rule, he (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at sev­en o'clock. 3. Why she (to come) home so late to­morrow? 4. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 5. Our friends always (to go) to the coun­try for the week-end. 6. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail. 7. Your parents (to watch) TV now? 8. My sister (not to rest) now. She (to help) mother in the kitchen. She (to help) mother in the kitchen every day. 9. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 10. She (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 11. They (to stay) at home tomorrow. 12 What you (to do) now? I (to see) that you (not to read). 13. When you (to finish) your homework? It (to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 14. How you usually (to spend) evenings? 15. What you (to do) in the country next summer? 16. They (not to drink) tea now. I (to think) they (to watch) TV. 17. What your father (to drink) in the evening?

He забывайте употреблять настоящее время вместо будущего в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until).

Упр. 171. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в нужном времени.

1. If you (to translate) this article into Rus­sian, I shall use it in my report. 2. If she (to be) in St. Petersburg now, she will meet you at the I railway station. 3. If you (not to hurry), you will miss the train. 4. If it (to rain), we shan't go to the country. 5. When my friend (to come) to St. Petersburg, we shall go to the Russian Museum. 6. What will you be doing when he (to come) to your place? 7. Don't forget to pay for your din­ner before you (to leave) the canteen. 8. I shall /be able to translate this article if you (to give) me a dictionary. 9. You will have to work hard at home if you (to miss) the lesson. 10. Where will you go when you (to come) to London? 11. The child won't be healthy if you (not to give) him much fruit. 12. I shan't have dinner before mother (to come) home.

Упр. 172. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла-| голы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все предложения относятся к будущему).

1. When he (to return) to St. Petersburg, he (to call) on us. 2. If I (to see) him, I (to tell) him about their letter. 3. We (to gather) at our place when my brother (to come) back from Africa. 4. I (to sing) this song with you if you (to tell) me the words. 5. I hope you (to join) us when we (to gath­er) in our country house the next time. 6. What you (to do) when you (to come) home? 7. If I (to stay) some more days in your town, I (to call) on you and we (to have) a good talk. 8. He (to go) to the Public Library very often when he (to be) a student. 9. As soon as I (to return) from school, I (to ring) you up. 10. You (to pass) many towns and villages on your way before you (to arrive) in Mos­cow. 11.1 (to stay) at home till she (to come). Then we (to go) to the theatre if she (to bring) tickets. 12. After I (to finish) school, I (to enter) the Uni­versity.

Упр. 173. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все предложения относятся к будущему).

1. I (to see) you before you (to start)? 2. What he (to do) when he (to come) home? 3. Where they (to go) if the weather (to be) fine? 4. He (to ring) me up when he (to return) home. 5. If it (to rain), we (to stay) at home. 6. She (to walk) home if it.(not to be) too cold. 7. I am sure he (to come) to say good-bye to us before he (to leave) St. Peters­burg. 8. Please turn off the light when you (to leave) the room. 9. If we (to be) tired, we (to stop) at a small village half-way to Moscow and (to have) a short rest and a meal there. 10. If you (to miss) the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. 11. She (to make) all the arrangements about it before she (to fly) there. 12. Before he (to start) for London, he (to spend) a day or two at a rest-home not far from here.

Упр. 174. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все I предложения относятся к будущему).

1. Don't go away until mother (to come) back. Give her the note as soon as she (to come). 2. You (to go) to the library with us? - - No, I.... I (to stay) here and (to help) Jane with her grammar. I (to come) to the library after I (to finish). 3. Ring [ me up before you (to come). 4. I (to speak) to Mary if I (to see) her today. 5. I (not to speak) to him until he (to apologize). 6. Peter (to introduce) us to his friend as soon as we (to meet) them. 7. We (to go) to the station to meet Sergei when he (to come) to St. Petersburg.

Упр. 175. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаго­лы в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Future


1. It (to be) cold in autumn. It often (to rain). A cold wind often (to blow). 2. The weather (to be) fine today. It (to be) warm, the sun (to shine) brightly. A soft wind (to blow). Small white clouds (to sail) in the sky. 3. Don't go out: it (to rain) heavily. 4. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it (to rain) in the evening and you (to get) wet through if you (not to put) on your raincoat. 5. Every spring birds (to come) to our garden and (tosing) in the trees. 6. Listen! Somebody (to sing) in the next room. 7. It usually (not to snow) at this time of the year. 8. What the weather (to be) like now? It (to snow)? -- No, it.... 9. We (to go) out of town to ski on Sunday? - - Yes, we... if it (to snow) this week and if there (to be) a lot of snow everywhere. 10. What you (to do) tomorrow? - We (to go) out of town if the weather (not to change) for the worse. You (to come) with us? - - With pleasure if only I (not to have) too much work to do at home.

Упр. 176. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple.

I. Я приду домой в шесть часов. 2. Когда я при­ду домой, я позвоню вам. 3. Она позвонит нам ве­чером. 4. Если она позвонит вам, попросите ее при­нести мне книгу. 5. Я увижу Тома завтра. 6. Как только я увижу Тома, я расскажу ему об этом. 7. Я поеду в Париж на будущей неделе. 8. Перед тем, как я поеду в Париж, я позвоню вам. 9. Он не пойдет в библиотеку сегодня вечером. 10. Если он не пойдет в библиотеку, он будет дома. 11. Мы будем дома завтра. 12. Если мы будем дома завт­ра, мы посмотрим эту программу по телевизору. 13. Ее не будет завтра дома. 14. Если ее не будет завтра дома, оставьте ей записку. 15. Завтра пого­да будет хорошая. 16. Если завтра погода будет хорошая, мы поедем за город. 17. Когда она при­ходит в школу, она снимает пальто. 18. Когда она придет в школу, она снимет пальто. 19. Как толь­ко он вспоминает эту смешную сцену, он начинает смеяться. 20. Как только он вспомнит эту смеш­ную сцену, он начнет смеяться.

Спряжение глагола to work (работать)
в Past Simple Tense
(Past Indefinite Tense)
правильные глаголы
(действие совершалось в прошлом)
I worked I did not work
Не worked He did not work
She worked She did not work
It worked It did not work
We worked We did not work
You worked You did not work
They worked They did not work
Did I Yes, I did No, I didn't
work?   \
Did he Yes, he did No, he didn't
Did she Yes, she did No, she didn't
Did it Yes, it did No, it didn't
Did we Yes, we did No, we didn't
Did you Yes, vou did No, you didn't
Did they Yes, they did No, they didn't


Спряжение глагола to write (писать)
в Past Simple Tense
(Past Indefinite Tense)
неправильные глаголы
(действие совершалось в прошлом)
I wrote I did not write
Не wrote He did not write
She wrote She did not write
It wrote It did not write
We wrote We did not write
You wrote You did not write
They wrote They did not write
Did I Yes, I did No, I didn't
Did he Yes, he did No, he didn't
Did she Yes, she did No, she didn't
Did it Yes, it did No, it didn't
Did we Yes, we did No, we didn't
Did you Yes, you did No, you didn't
Did they Yes, they did No, they didn't

Упр. 177. Перепишите следующий текст в про­шедшем времени.

On Monday we have five lessons. The first les­son is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard.

He answers well and gets a "five". Pete does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and take a book. Then I go home.

Упр. 178. Перепишите следующий текст в про­шедшем времени (что рассказала мама).

On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After Breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don't work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watch­es TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some wrork about the house. At about eleven o'clock we I go to bed.


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