в) Подготовьте собственное резюме.
Skills Good working knowledge of Excel Spreadsheets Working Knowledge of English Driving licence Interests (Don’t’ just list your interests – add a few details)
Travel: I have travelled extensively and independently in Europe Music: I play the guitar Referees (Give two referees)
Konstantin Petrov (Dean of the School of Management) 48 Moika Saint Petersburg, Russia e-mail: petrov@herzen. spb. ru
Lilia Korsak (Customer Service Manager at IA) 67 Kanal Griboedova, Saint Petersburg, Russia e-mail: korsak@mail. ru в) Подготовьте собственное резюме. 6. Переведите слова, прочитайте текст, выскажите своё мнение относительно набора на работу новых сотрудников. avoid.................................... recruitment................................... employee............................ invest ………….. …...................... abilities............................... learning languages....................... handling numbers............... attempt.......................................... How to select the best candidates and avoid the worst. Investing thousands of pounds in the recruitment and training of each new graduate employee may be just a beginning. Choosing the wrong candidate may leave an organization paying for years. The first point to remember at the recruitment stages is that people don’t change. The same is true about the abilities, such as learning languages and handling numbers. It’s better to select for what you actually see rather than attempt to change it.
7. На основе анализа двух резюме выберите лучшего кандидата на вакантную должность. 3. S. W. O. T. Analysis 1. Переведите слова, найдите синонимы. goals …………………………. useful …….. ………….. …….. strategy……………………….. achieve …………. ……. ….. solve problems……………… recruit ……………………….. get the results …………….. re-plan …………………………. efficiently …………………….. troubleshooting …. ………….. appoint ……………………….. objectives…………………….
2. Найдите в тексте значение аббревиатуры S. W. O. T. S ……………………………… W ……………………………… O ……………………………… T ………………………………
Sometimes companies realize that they are not achieving their goals or objectives effectively – that means they are not getting the results they need. In this case they have to re-plan their strategy. It can be useful to appoint an outsider, e. g. management consultant, to analyze the company’s performance and recommend changes to make it more efficient. A SWOT analysis can be useful, that is an analysis of the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) that face the company. Troubleshooting, or solving problems, is a necessary part of running a company.
3. Переведите подчёркнутые в тексте выражения и ознакомьтесь с информацией об агентстве IMG. ……………………………… …………………………………. ……………………………… …………………………………. ……………………………… …………………………………. ……………………………… …………………………………. ……………………………… …………………………………. ……………………………… …………………………………. A Model Manager The fashion model agency IMG solves a problem by successful troubleshooting strategy.
Company IMG History One of the best-known model agencies in the industry for many years with an excellent reputation as a fashionable, forward looking company. The problem The company loses its reputation as one of the best and needs a new strategy. The solution The board appoints a new managing director, Jonathan Phang. He has over fifteen years of experience in the model history. The strategy Jonathan’s main tasks are to find new models; to generate more awareness of what the agency is all about, and to encourage girls from other agencies to switch to IMG. He also has to cut costs to make the agency more profitable and stop representing models who are not making money. The result IMG is now attracting excellent models which means they are also attracting more clients and doing well financially.
4. Заполните пропуски в таблице.
5. На основе особенностей работы компании IMG, выделенных Дж. Фэнгом, заполните SWOT анализ. _4_ ___ ___ STRENGTHS ___ ___WAKNESSES
1. In the past – one of the best known companies. 2. Model agency business is very competitive. All the companies are looking for good models too. 3. IMG no longer has a reputation for being fashionable or forward looking. 4. New MD has a lot of experience. 5. IMG has models who are not making money. 6. MD can make good financial decisions. 7. All model agencies are looking for new models. 8. Models switch to good agencies quickly. 9. In the end of year IMG will take part in the show World of Fashion.
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