2. Выпишите из текстов статей описания одежды.
2. Выпишите из текстов статей описания одежды. ...................................... .................................. .................................. ...................................... .................................. ..................................
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What job did the men do? 2. Why were their employers upset? 3. Who appologised? Who accepted the change? 4. Who is going to sue his employer? Why?
4. Обсудите следующие вопросы. 1. What do you think of: a) the employers' decisions? b) the employees' reactions? 2. How important is your personal appearance at work? Think about formal clothing, uniforms, men with earrings, and tattoos, etc. 5. Составьте переведите словосочетания. growing dismissal........................................................................ human number........................................................................ company appearance....................................................................... professional rights .............................................................. good discipline............................................................... unfair impression ...............................................................
6. Используйте полученные словосочетания в данных предложениях. 1. It is important to make a....................... .. ........... at an interview by dressing appropriately. 2. In a case of........................... .................... , an employee may sue a company to get their job back or to receive financial compensation. 3. A.... growing number.... of firms think that appearance is important. Therefore, many companies are introducing dress codes for their staff. 4. If a management allows staff to be absent from work without reason, this will affect..................... .................................... . 5. When dealing with customers directly, it is important to have a..................... .................................... . 6. Some people say that being able to go on strike and having a minimum wage are basic.......................................................... .
7. Используя информацию из статей 1 и 2, напишите служебную записку в комитет социальной защиты от имени John Humphries или Yoshiaki Nishiura.
5. Managing People
1. Переведите слова, найдите синонимы. make money ……………………… interest.............. ………………… enjoy work....................................... people you work with.................. communication................................. success.......................................... staff.................................................... value............................................. profit increase................................... leadership ………….....................
Most people work because they need to earn a salary, but money is not the only motivation or reason why people work. People get job satisfaction from different factors, such as social interaction with colleagues. Status, that is your professional position, and achievement, doing something well, can be important. Some companies really value their employees and see them as the company’s main asset. Managing people well can lead to better results and higher productivity for the company, but this can be difficult to do. People respond differently to different styles of management. Some organizations give their workers freedom to develop their roles and others don’t.
2. Прочитайте тексты и назовите основной фактор мотивации к работе для Patricia, Bruno, Charles, Michael, ответы занесите в таблицу.
3. Переведите предложения, заполните пропуски выражениями из таблицы.
1. In order to achieve ……… from Bruno the company should increase his pay. .................................................................................................................... 2. Michael likes a........................... that allows him to develop projects. ................................................................................................................... 3. Charles gets......................... when he is allowed to work with people.
................................................................................................................... 4. Patricia is a valuable.......... to a company that respects her professional position. ....................................................................................................................
4. Данные ниже глаголы могут использоваться с разными предлогами и в зависимости от того, сочетаются ли они с одушевлёнными и неодушевлёнными дополнениями. Например: 'He reports to the Marketing Director. ' (to a person) 'The Sales Manager reported on last month's sales figures. ' (on a thing)
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