6. Подберите подходящее решение для каждой проблемы, используйте модальные глаголы should и ought to.
6. Подберите подходящее решение для каждой проблемы, используйте модальные глаголы should и ought to.
Глаголы should и ought to имеют значение долженствования, их употребляют в советах, рекомендациях, порицаниях. Например:
We ought to find new models who will make money.
Our company shouldn’t represent the last year collections.
They should work on a good action plan.
1. We are loosing our reputation as a first-class agency.
2. Many of our models are not making money for the agency.
3. The costs of running the agency are very high.
4. The financial position is very weak.
5. The model agency business is very competitive
| a. We should try to offer something special and focus on excellent customer care.
b. The shareholders are very unhappy about this. We should find ways to improve the situation quickly.
c. The MD should decide not to represent these girls, he ought to attract new models.
d. We should think of ways of reducing them.
e. We should appoint someone with a new strategy to run the company.
7. Посоветуйте, что нужно сделать в данной ситуации.
We are opening new office in Dublin. - ………………………………...
Our company is constantly losing money. - ……….. ……………….. …..
The new manager is very rude - ………………………………………….
My director is unhappy with my work - …... …………………………….
Tomorrow we’ll have a meeting - ………………………………………..
Our business is very competitive - ……………………………………….
A new product is not selling well - …………………………………….
8. Верны ли следующие высказывания? Поясните свою точку зрения.
ü Troubleshooting, or solving problems is the most important area when studying management.
ü Problems can cost money.
ü Any problem in company is caused by incorrect management.
ü Good planning is 50% of success. What is another half?
9. Добавьте необходимые слова в названия книг.
| consultant
| increase
| work
The latest books from European Business Press
The Future is now!
Planning a long-term ___
________ for your business
| |
Writing for Business
The business person’s guide o good __________ writing
| |
__________ - How to solve your own problems
| |
Using a management __________ to analyse your situation
| |
10. Напишите рекомендации: проанализируйте сложившиеся обстоятельства в Midwest Bank Plc, изучив данные, предоставленные отделом по работе с клиентами.
Midwest Bank plc
To: Susanna Santos Date: ______________
From: ______________ Subject: Customer Service Questionnaire
The findings of a recent survey of our customers show that customers are dissatisfied in the following areas:
- staff attitudes (rude and uninterested)
- local managers (don’t have enough order)
- bank charges (commission is very high)
- self-service machine (unreliable)
- the interior design is old-fashioned and in bad condition.
As a manager of Customer Service Department I called meeting and we have come to the following conclusion:
1. We should ……………………………………. ………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………. ………………………………
4. Dress Codes
1. Прочитайте статьи, переведите подчёркнутые выражения.
………………………………1 …………………………………7
………………………………2 …………………………………8
………………………………3 …………………………………9
………………………………4 …………………………………10
………………………………5 …………………………………11
………………………………6 …………………………………12
John Humphries, aged 62, is a lorry driver who is proud of being well-dressed for work1. However, his employer told him that he must not come to work in a collar and tie2 to drive his 17-tonne lorry. If he did so he faced the sack3. When working, Mr Humphries, an ex-Royal Airforce man4, wore dark blue trousers; a light blue shirt, and a red and grey striped tie. He felt he looked smart and impressed the customers. 'If you present yourself properly5, you look good and get respect, ' he said.
Mr Humphries' employers were not impressed when he
refused to give up his collar and tie. They wanted him to conform to the company's new image of casual clothing such as T-shirts or sweat shirts. They even threatened to dismiss him6 if he didn't accept their new dress code7. Union officials advised him to accept the change and follow the company's policy8. He agreed.
Yoshiaki Nishiura, a 25-year-old lorry driver from western Japan, was sacked because he dyed his hair brown. (This is a popular fashion with a growing number of young Japanese. ) Although he apologised9 and dyed it black again, he was still fired10. His employer, Mr Yamago, believed that behaviour like Mr Nishiura's undermined company discipline and corrupted morale11. He blamed it on American influence. 'We need drivers to maintain a professional appearance to make a good impression, ' he said. A Japanese journalist said, 'Japanese firms expect all employees to look the same and think the same. When you enter a company, you sign away your human rights. '
Mr Nishiura is going to sue his employer for unfair dismissal12.
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