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9. Answer the following questions.

9. Answer the following questions.

1. In what countries is English considered to be the official spoken language?

2. How many people speak English all over the world?

3. How studying foreign language enrich the native language of the speaker?

4. How do we call the official language used and taught in Great Britain?

5. Why do many people in our country study English?

6. Prove that English is a principle language of international intercourse?

7. Is the knowledge of foreign language a sign of intellectual vitality?

8. What is the main objective of the language learning?

9. Why is it necessary for any good specialist to read special scientific literature in the foreign languages?

10. What is English used for?

11. English is associated with technological and economic development of the great manufacturing countries, isn’t it?

10. Choose the right variant.

1. Nowadays English acquired a status of … language.

a) native       b) secondary  c) international

2. Native speakers of English … 300 million.

a) exceed b) acquire c) consider

3. Standard English is an … language.

a) old b) official c) artificial

4. English is more widely used as … language.

a) official b) standard c) foreign

5. The knowledge of foreign language gives opportunity ….

a) to compare b)to become c) to communicate

6. People consider … as the main objective of language learning.

a) studying b) speaking c) many

7. Any good specialist must … foreign language.

a) possess b) respect  c) read  

8. In the time of Shakespeare English was of … importance.

a) world b) provincial c) less

9. Many people try … as many foreign languages as possible.

a) to receive b) to possess c) to enrich

10. The knowledge of a foreign language … the native language.

a) to enrich b) to become c) to give

11. Find the wrong statements and correct them.

1. English has been the principle language all over the world.

2. English is spoken as a second language in China.

3. In the time of Shakespeare English was of great importance.

4. Standard English is used and taught only in Great Britain.

5. English is a universal language of public communication except diplomacy.

6. The model used in the teaching of English overseas is called foreign language.

7. Nowadays the knowledge of foreign language is a sign of intellectual vitality.

8. The number of second-language speakers exceeded the number of native speakers.

9. All of the world’s scientific literature is published in English.

10. Speaking is rejected by many as the main objective of the language learning.


12. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Сто лет тому назад английский язык был второстепенным по значимости.

2. Сегодня английский язык считается языком международного общения.

3. В скором времени количество людей, для которых английский язык является вторым языком общения, превысит количество носителей языка.

4. Английский язык приобрёл международный статус и более широко изучается как иностранный язык.

5. В школах и университетах преподаётся литературный английский язык.

6. Люди изучают иностранный язык, чтобы читать специальную научную литературу в своей области знаний и обмениваться информацией.

7. Знание иностранного языка обогащает родной язык и делает его более гибким и выразительным.

8. Любой хороший специалист должен владеть иностранным языком.

9. Половина всей научной литературы публикуется на английском языке.

10. В значительной степени английский язык является универсальным языком.


13. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-form.

Besides Standard English, there (to be) very many local dialects in Great Britain. Under the influence of Standard English taught at school and the speech cultivated by the radio, television and the cinema the local dialects (to undergo) a change. The old local dialects mainly (to preserve) in the countryside and for the most part in the speech of elderly people.

A few words should (to say) about Cockney English. It (to know) at least by name to a large number of people living outside the English speaking countries. Cockney (to be) a class dialect spoken by about two million working-class Londoners — Cockneys — in the East End of London. It (to differ) from Standard English by its peculiar pronunciation.

Because of the geographical separation, English spoken outside the British Isles (to develop) certain differences in vocabulary and pronunciation but less in grammar. Differences in geographical features, in the flora and fauna and in the way of life (tocall) for new words that find their way in the general English vocabulary.

Contacts with other languages also (to leave) their mark on English outside Great Britain. Contacts with various native languages, as for example, with Red Indian language in America, the languages of the Australian aborigines and the Maori in New Zealand (to introduce) new elements into the English vocabulary.

14. Speak on the topic: The use of the English language.


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