6. Make up the plan of the text. Write down thekey words to the each point of the text.
6. Make up the plan of the text. Write down thekey words to the each point of the text. 7. Give annotation of the text. 8. Read and dramatize the following dialogues. Dialogue 1. A. Nowadays there are so many opinions about whether you really should study foreign languages. B. No question. The modern world is so complex, packed with all sorts of information and to survive in it you should know a lot of different things including foreign language. A. I think that education kits you out for life and then again helps toform your personality. B. Right, that's why education is a big part of any civilized nation's politics and one of the government's highest priorities. A. Globalization and making contacts with foreign countries broaden the horizons and people have a chance to communicate with their colleagues abroad. So, the knowledge of English as a language of international communication becomes necessary. B. I quite agree with you. It becomes an absolute necessity for any good specialist — an engineer, an artist, a doctor or an architect. He must read muchof a special scientific literature in foreign languages to be well informed in his field of knowledge.
Dialogue 2. A. I decided to study a second foreign language. B. It's really good. Foreign languages are given such prominence nowadays. What language are you going to study? A. I'm going to study Spanish. B. I think it is not so easy to learn a completely new language. A. Of course, but university gave me a serious foundation in languages. In any case I must also consolidate my English. B. To tell you the truth I can'timagine anybody managing without foreign languages nowadays. It is very important for the exchanging of information. A. I agree with you. . For example, if you're going to do research or write a dissertation you need to look through a lot of articles in various foreign journals. If you know the language, that solves the problem. B. In fact it is difficult to exaggerate the significance of learning languages.
Dialogue 3. A. Good morning! Could you give me some information about jobs? I want some summer work. B. Good morning. I have got a list of vacancies here, but I need your CV. A. What sort of CV? B. Say who you are, brief details of experience, skills, your advantages. A. Right. Do I have to write it down myself or just answer your questions? B. It has to go into the computer. I've got some free time now, so I can ask you certain essential questions now, if you like. A. Fine, thanks. B. Right — well, to begin with, your name. A. Peter. Surname: Anisimov. B. Age? A. 20. B. What sort of work have you done or are doing at the moment? A. I'm a student, I have just received the Bachelor’s degree. B. What kind of work are you looking for? Permanent or part-time? A. Just part-time for the moment, but if there's a chance of something more permanent, that would be great.
B. Right. Do you know any foreign language? A. English is main and Italian - personal study. B. Well, that's good. What about a personal computer? A. Yes I did an IT course, so I can use a computer. B. Is your language up to doing serious translation work? A. I had to do articles on Arts subjects — history, archive research, literary criticism. B. Any technical stuff? A. Not so far. B. We could offer you some technical translation. We had an inquiry about it. A. I could probably do it. I've got various dictionaries, including technical terminology. I don't usually find it difficult. My teacher finds my translation work perfectly acceptable. B. We could probably offer you some job. A. Thank you.
9. Work in pairs. Discuss the necessity of possessing English nowadays. Use the following phrases. To tell you the truth …Честноговоря … I don’t mind telling …Не стану скрывать … Obviously … Очевидно, что … Youmeanthat … Вы хотите сказать, что … As far as I know …Насколько я знаю … Inanycase … Влюбомслучае … Ontheonehand …Соднойстороны … On the other hand …С другой стороны … UNIT II. A Curriculum Vitae Part 1. 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word-combinations: Curriculum Vitae; personal details; to present sb in the best possible light; to make multiple applications; employers in a specific career area; essential information; personal qualities; commitment to the career; to construct a CV; to be structured within the basic framework; to outline career history; a good all-round mixture of education and work experience; mature students; to emphasise sb’s age; to relate skills and abilities to a specific job; to highlight skills; factual details; to be closely targeted to a specific job. 2. Read and translate the following international words: area biographical career chronological construct design details document form history impressive information person professional qualification ré sumé subordinate traditional 3. Give 3 forms of the following verbs:
4. Read and translate the text A:
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