Functions of militia. 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them. History. suppression
Text 5 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: safety to be specified prevention suppression offence protection public order ownership legitimate interests construction legality tortures violence human advantage application of the weapon
2. Read and translate the text: Functions of militia In «the Law on militia» following functions of militia are specified: a safety of the person, the prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offences, revealing and disclosing of crimes, protection of a public order and maintenance of public safety, protection private, state, municipal and other patterns o ownership, rendering assistance to physical and legal persons in protection of their rights and legitimate within the limits of. Activity of militia is under construction according to principles of respect of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen, legality, humanism, publicity. The militia is forbidden to resort to tortures, violence, reference another severe or humiliating human advantage; application of the weapon, physical strength is supposed only in the special cases specified in the law. Also in the law « About militia» it is spoken about equal human rights irrespective of a floor, race, a nationality, language, an origin, property and official position, a residence, the attitude to religion, belief, an accessory to public associations, and also other circumstances.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What functions of militia are specified in " the law on militia"? b) On what is activity of activity of militia based on? c) The militia is forbidden to resort to tortures, violence, isn’t it?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them. a) Activity of militia is not under construction to principles of respect of the rights. b) In the law " About militia" it is spoken about gambling and bribery. c) The militia is not forbidden to resort to tortures, violence.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) In " the law on militia" functions of militia… b) Activity of militia is under construction… c) The militia is forbidden…
6. Give English equivalents for: безопасность человека предупреждение сокращение роста преступности административные правонарушения общественная безопасность имущество деятельность милиции принципы уважения насилие превосходство человека физическая сила равные права обстоятельства
Text 6 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: maintenance order volunteer imperial initial sense strike government
replacement decision affinity protection exist
2. Read and translate the text: History Till now in the majority of the countries of the world, and before October revolution - and in Russia too, militia the armed formations intended for maintenance of the order, formed of volunteers and not a part of official system of the state law enforcement bodies referred to. In imperial Russia groups of militia (in initial sense) were formed during large strikes, other mass actions against authority. After February revolution the case of gendarmes and department of police (the decision of Provisional government from March, 6th, 1917 and from March, 10th, 1917) have been liquidated. Then replacement of police «national militia» which has been created on the basis of the decision «About the statement of militia» and «Time (Temporary) regulations about of militia» from April, 17th, 1917 has been proclaimed. Thus, «militia» created under the name system actually was police (public service of maintenance of the order). The name has been changed to emphasize affinity to interests of people and that the new organization did not associate with old police and the gendarmerie served by symbols of an old regime. In parallel with state national militia the groups of working militia created by local Advice (Councils) for maintenance of the order at mass actions and organizations of protection of the enterprises continued to be organized and exist.
3. Answer the following questions: a) When hase the department of police been liquidated? b) What has been proclaimed after February revolution? c) For what purpose has “police” been changed?
5. These sentences are not true. Correct them. a) Replacement of militia “national police” which has been created on the basis of the decision has been proclaimed. b) In parallel with the local national militia the groups of working militia continued to be organized. c) “Police” created under the name system was “militia”.
6. Complete the following sentences: a) In the majority of the countries… b) After February revolution… c) “Militia” created under the name…
6. Give English equivalents for: правила большинство поддерживать порядок государственные правоохранительные органы департамент полиции быть ликвидированным быть установленным быть организованным
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