Text 2 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: drug drug-habit trade susceptible pernicious psychedelic drugs delude anti-trafficking measures peddlers correction system
2. Read and translate the text: I think that the most difficult and serious problem of modern teen-ages is drug-habit. Drugs are probably the fastest growing trade, except maybe the Internet! It is a billion-dollar industry. In most countries there is a drug-related crime. People on drugs will steal, sell their bodies, kill, and do anything to find money for their habit. Some young men use drugs because they think that they will be cool guys. But they don’t understand that it’s wrong. Some of them can’t stop that and they become depended on drugs. Drugs will kill our young generation and our future will be very bad. People of almost every age are susceptible to this pernicious disease but it hits the youth the hardest. It often happens that physicians, narcologists and even psychotherapists tend to treat the dependency with medicines, primarily, psychedelic drugs. In doing so they refuse to see that medicines cannot at all solve the problem, as experience and practice have long been established that drug-addiction is incurable medically. Moreover, they delude the patient into believing that recovery can be achieved fast and easy. Besides, this approach often replaces one type of drugs by another. Unfortunately, steps taken by the government to fight drugs have been confined almost exclusively to anti-trafficking measures, mostly against “small fish”, such as street peddlers, pushers and individual users. Indeed, it is possible to help only those who want to be helped and ask for you. But will you ask for help voluntarily if you know you may not only become a social outcast but also taste the amenities of correction system? So, the problem has been hammered deep inside, instead of being identified and addressed. Evidently, drug-addiction is now coming to the forefront as a problem which poses a serious threat to the physical, social and, most importantly, spiritual well being of the country. In fast this threat has been there for quite a while but the government has been preoccupied with many other more important issues, while the public has turned a blind eye on drug-addiction, just as on many other problems. However, to ignore the problem of drugs and drug-addiction is no longer possible as it makes itself felt at every corner by bursting in every aspect of social life.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What is the most difficult and serious problem of modern teenagers? b) Why do some young men use drugs? c) Drug-addiction is coming as a problem which poses a serious threat to the physical, social and spiritual well being of the country, isn’t it? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) The most difficult and serious problem of modern teenager is to use slang. b) Some young men use drugs because they want to have good health. c) To ignore the problem of drugs and drug-addiction is possible.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) People on drugs will steal … b) Physicians, narcologists and even psychotherapists tend … b) Steps taken by the government …
6. Give English equivalents for: восприимчивый пагубный наркотики, оказывающие галлюциногенное воздействие вводить в заблуждение уличные торговцы изгой исправительная система общественная жизнь устанавливать зависеть Text 3 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: drug-bearing plants dangerous trend profit drug addict dependence take advantage supply drugs
2. Read and translate the text: The 20th century has witnessed the spread of narcotics to the entire world. In the past narcotics in the natural economy were confined to territories where drug-bearing plants were grown. By the end of century drug addiction has become a worldwide socially dangerous trend. Narcodealers making fabulous profits infect more and more people and even entire social groups with drug addiction. Narcotics have long since gone beyond the borders of traditional drug-producing areas and have infiltrated all the countries of the world, exerting its malicious effect on their peoples. It has affected social, economic, political and biological aspects of life. Statistics is constantly reporting the spread of drug addiction and the growth in the number of drug addicts on file at medical institutions, as well as the rise in officially recorded drug-related crimes. Drug abuse has become a real plague of the 20th century in many countries of the world and may become the plague of this country in particular. The pleasurable sensation of comfort and satisfaction that a person experiences using narcotics is much greater than that of alcohol thus making the repetition necessary. Consequently, dependence on drugs and the desire to enlarge the dose or experiment with the new and more powerful drugs increases. Gradually the desire for dope becomes so overwhelming that it degrades the addict's individuality. The transition from experimentation to dependence is no longer a secret for it has been studied thoroughly. Profit seeking dealers expand the drug market at any cost by supplying drugs to more and more addicts taking advantage of their weaknesses.
3. Answer the following questions: a) Has drug addiction become a worldwide dangerous trend? Why? b) What is statistics reporting constantly about? c) Do profit seeking dealers expand the drug market at any cost by supplying drugs taking advantage of their weaknesses?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) In the past narcotics were not confined to territories where drug-bearing plants were grown. b) Narco-dealers infect several people with drug addiction. c) Profit seeking dealers don’t expand the drug market at any cost by supplying drugs.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) By the end of century drug addiction has become… b) Drug abuse has become… c) The pleasurable sensation of comfort…
6. Give English equivalents for: быть свидетелем возрастать плантации опасная черта всемирный наркодиллеры извлекать выгоду граница территория политический аспект наркозависимость превосходство
Text 4 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: drug sales trafficking trade huge profit illegal profit harmful enforcement agencies situation executive branch influence prison term
2. Read and translate the text: Drug sales are the closing stage in drug trafficking. Drug trade earns huge profits that cover the costs of cultivating drug-bearing plants, producing (or illegally acquiring from medical institutions) transportation, sale expenses, and the bribery of officials, including those of the law enforcement agencies. Since illegal drug trafficking is extremely advantageous in terms of illegal profit accumulation and so harmful and immoral it must be regarded by the entire world community as a socially dangerous phenomenon. Some countries qualify its certain manifestations as a heinous crime. A lot of people today are drawn into the process of illegal drug trafficking: from those engaged in cultivating drugs or producing medical preparations containing drugs, to drug salesmen and dealers engaged in money-laundering. At times these people form groups, which are termed, organized criminal groups or associations by the criminal code. On the one hand, these groups take control of drug-related crimes and draw people who commit such crimes on their own. And on the other hand, they establish firm organizational ties among themselves forming drug cartels in order to monopolize drug trafficking in the vast regions of the world. This shows that there is a continuous blending process between narcotics and organized crime. These factors characterize the highest degree of danger that narcotics represent. They prove the pressing need to increase worldwide action against narcotics. This action calls for the use of all possible means: political, legal, economic, and medical among others.
The antidrug campaign is a big drain on the material resources of the country. It involves large spending on various programs such as preventive Medicare, law-enforcement, legal and economic measures, and other. If this spending is to be rational and effective, a range of measures should be outlined with the utmost precision and professionally implemented. All this calls for a comprehensive analysis of the existing situation and of the possible opposition by drug dealers. As the owners of enormous wealth, which sometimes exceeds the budgets of some countries, drug dealers are able to influence government policies, especially in small countries. Mainly bribing top government officials in the legislative or the executive branches ensures this influence. As a result, criminals get a chance to interfere in law making from the outset. The bribery of the law enforcement officers and of the officers of the court, among others, makes it possible to cover up drug deals, prevent exposed members of the criminal associations involved in these deals from prosecution or substantially curtail their prison terms. 3. Answer the following questions: a) What is the role of drug salers in drug trafficking? b) What can the groups of people which are termed do? c) What is the antidrug campaign?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) Drug trade doesn’t earn huge profits that cover the costs of cultivating. b) A lot of people today are drawn into the process of legal drug trafficking. c) The antidrug campaign is a small drain on the material resources of the country.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Drug trade earns huge profits… b) These groups take control of… c) As the owners of enormous wealth…
6. Give English equivalents for: сравнительный анализ правоохранительная деятельность наркодиллеры организованная преступность проводить контроль опасный феномен незаконный оборот наркотиков Text 5 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: wealthy countries to allocate sufficient sums guidance drug abuse establish absolute truth solution to pool international effort interdependent disease
2. Read and translate the text: Unlike the United States and other wealthy countries, smaller nations are in no position to allocate sufficient sums from their budgets to carry out effective antidrug projects. Research-based guidance may to a certain extent make up for the lack of necessary funding. And here government-supported antidrug programs may play an essential role. The study of drug abuse has always been prominent in the study of law. Many booklets, articles, serious textbooks, and monographs are devoted to narcotics. It is as hard to cover all aspects of the problem, even in the most profound study, as it is to establish absolute truth, especially, since reality keeps creating new problems all the time. The key solution lies in the need to pool international efforts in eradicating drug addiction and narco-business. In the present-day world with its integration processes it is impossible to do away with drug addiction in any one country. Yet there is no way for the world community to regard itself free from the problem even at a time when drugs will be a peril only in one particular country. An intensive and continuous buildup of the world community's joint effort against narcotics is a top priority objective of the world at large. Chapter 1. Concept, Manifestations and Tendencies of Drug Abuse 1. The Concept and Manifestation of Drug Abuse Sociologists, lawyers and medical experts single out three basic aspects of drug abuse: social, legal and medical. These aspects are interconnected and interdependent and reveal the diverse nature of drug abuse. Moreover one can also point out the criminological, economic and ecological aspects. To highlight the entire multiplicity of this phenomenon, it is necessary to go beyond the widespread notion of " drug addiction" because strictly speaking it applies only to the medical or biological aspects of drug use being viewed exclusively as a disease without covering social, legal and some other aspects. This is why the notion " drug abuse" rather than " drug addiction" is used in juridical literature as a much wider term covering social, legal and other aspects. So, drug abuse is understood as a " social phenomenon" which combines such illegal actions as willful consumption of narcotics, dealing in narcotics illegally, as well as solicitation to use drugs, creating the conditions for becoming a part of illegal drug trafficking. This definition is acceptable on the whole and may be used as a basis for describing the phenomenon, yet it fails to cover the biological aspect and insufficiently expresses the economic, legal and criminological aspects. There is a need for a term that would cover all the aspects of this negative phenomenon, and of the ways of combating it. Social Aspects of Drug Abuse: Most concisely, the social aspect of drug abuse can be described as a combination of social behaviors linked to narcotics and their social consequences in the form of damage that has been done and can be done to society. The actual negative social manifestations of drug abuse are expressed in various drug-related actions: cultivation of drug bearing plants, preparation, acquisition, storage, sale and consumption of narcotics, as well as persuasion to use narcotics.
3. Answer the following questions: a) Has the study of drug abuse always been prominent in the study of law?
b) Where is the key solution lie? c) What are the basic aspects of drug abuse? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) Unlike the England smaller nations are in no position to sum sufficient sums. b) Many booklets, articles, serious textbooks are devoted to narcotics. c) The aspects of drug abuse are not interconnected and interdependent.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) It is as hard to cover all aspects… b) The key solution lies in the… c) The concept and manifestation of…
6. Give English equivalents for: международная попытка установить правду создавать проблему мировое сообщество общественная попытка общественный феномен хранение наркотиков продажа наркотиков быть допустимым Text 6 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: Social Consequences Drug Abuse harm negative changes damage hazards combat prevent crime decline abstinence desire material damage unlawful actions abuse of authority
2. Read and translate the text: Negative Social Consequences of Drug Abuse: The negative social consequences of drug abuse are similar to the social consequences of crime. They amount to " real harm caused by crime to social relationships and expressed in the cause-and-effect combination of criminal behavior and in the direct and indirect, immediate and mediate negative changes (damage, losses, and other ill effects), ultimately affecting the social (economic, moral, legal, etc. ) Values and also implying the combination of society's economic and other social hazards attributed to the effort to combat and to socially prevent crime. Preceding from this definition it is possible to recognize the negative social consequences of drug abuse. The first is the negative social changes, such as harm to people's health, the destruction of family foundations, and a decline in work efficiency. The second is the cost which society has to pay to overcome these changes. Other changes also include refusal to work, various antisocial actions, and crime. A closer look at these negative changes shows that drug addicts are poor workers because of their ill health, which, in general, makes work impossible for them during spells of abstinence. Their entire range of interests and thoughts lies in the desire to find ways of obtaining drugs. The list of negative changes also includes material damage perpetrated by the drug addicts who are often the source of transportation accidents and accidents in industry. For example, 60 billion dollars worth of damage is done annually in the United States alone. There is also the moral damage resulting from the various unlawful actions motivated by the desire to find means for buying drugs, such as the willingness to commit crime for the sake of meeting that desire. Forgery, embezzlement, abuse of authority and office duties is just a few. Drug addicts create unbearable conditions for their families by denying them normal lifestyles and means of existence. They harm their offspring by upsetting the hereditary stock. Drug addicts undergo physical and moral degradation and die early. They destroy their own basic moral and ethical values. The Committee of Experts of the World Health Organization determines the social danger and negative consequences of drug abuse according to the basic factors and divides them into two main groups: the breach of relations among drug consumers and the spread of unfavorable consequences among many people.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What is the negative social consequence of drug abuse? b) What changes in the negative social consequences do you know? c) What does the list of negative changes include?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) The negative social consequences of drug abuse are not similar to the social consequences of crime. b) A close look at the negative changes shows that drug addicts are criminal. c) The list of negative changes includes theft of cars perpetrated by the drug addicts.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) There is also the moral damage resulting from… b) Drug addicts create… c) They destroy their own basic…
6. Give English equivalents for: негативный причинение вреда общественные отношения социальные нарушения попытка предотвращать преступление цена антиобщественные действия добывать незаконные действия деградация Всемирная организация здоровья хищение мошенничество Text 7 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: Specific Social Problem material losses drug consumers roommate mercenary violent influence of drugs preventative leisure resources drug ideology handicapped deterioration eliminate 2. Read and translate the text: Specific Social Problems of Drug Abuse: WHO experts describe the specific social problems caused by drug abuse as follows: the huge material losses and their consequences in the form of all kinds of damage done to those who immediately surround drug consumers (parents, college roommates and so on) and to the society as a whole; the deterioration of relations with official organizations and institutions, staff at college and at work etc.; drug consumers' inclination to commit crimes motivated by the need to have drugs or the means to buy them, and also the mercenary violent crimes committed under the influence of drugs; the additional demand for welfare benefits and medical care for persons using drugs other than for medicinal purposes and in connection with this the unnoticed spending both by drug addicts and by society as a whole; the danger arising from drug addicts as potential conduct of drug addiction in their immediate surroundings. Detailed research however allows for a broader list of specific social aspects. They include: ideological and cultural, law enforcement, medical care and preventative medicine, labor and education, family and leisure time, and material resources. The specific ill effects of narcotics and their unfavorable social consequences can be seen in any of the categories listed above. For example, in the ideological and cultural area they express themselves in the development of a specific drug ideology; in the law enforcement area there is an increase of crime. In Medicare and preventive medicine, there is deterioration in people's health and an increase in the number of handicapped children. In industry and education - a decline in labor efficiency and poor results at schools and other educational centers is evident. One can also point to accidents and to deterioration of relations among staff. In the family relations, a loss of understanding occurs. All this requires setting up special schools, preventive centers, and drug departments at medical institutions, rehabilitation centers and new antidrug programs. To sum up the above-cited social aspects of drug abuse one may state, that it is harmful in physical, moral and proprietary ways. This harm is caused by the proliferation of the narcotic sub-culture as it draws more victims into it; secondly, by drug-related crimes; thirdly, by crimes committed for the purpose of getting means for buying more drugs; fourthly, by crimes committed under the influence of drugs; and, finally, by the spending needed to carry out various programs aimed at eliminating drug abuse.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What does the list of specific social aspects include? b) Is a decline in labor efficiency and poor results at schools and other educational centers evident? c) What are the social aspects of drug abuse?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) Detailed research allows for a small list of specific social aspects. b) In preliminary search, there is deterioration in people's health and an increase in the number of handicapped children. c) In the friend relations, a loss of understanding occurs. 5. Complete the following sentences: a) Who experts describe the specific social problems caused by… b) Detailed research include… c) This harm is caused by the proliferation…
6. Give English equivalents for: подробный осмотр общественная проблема потенциальный поведение окружение широкий перечень медицинское обслуживание идеологический отсутствие понимания семейные отношения жертва указывать похищенный ребенок возрастать реабилитационный центр Text 8 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: Legal Aspect criminological aspect law-breaking act illegal cultivation drug-bearing plant theft suitable conditions purchase drugs curative methods drug-inspired activity extreme danger prevention measures insurmountable shadow economy destroy drug taker
2. Read and translate the text: Legal Aspect of Drug Abuse: The legal aspect of drug abuse is also a part of the social aspect. Crimes and other law-breaking acts covered by the totality of legal norms involve the illegal cultivation of drug-bearing plants, the preparation, storage, transportation, trafficking, sales, and theft of drugs, the use of drugs without doctor's prescription, and the violation of laws regulating the handling of narcotics. This also covers the situation when suitable conditions are created for taking drugs and those in which more people are persuaded to use drugs or when people have to commit crimes in order to obtain means to buy drugs. Crimes committed under the influence of drugs, as well as crimes that are committed for the purpose of getting money to purchase drugs are included as well. These crimes should be viewed as part of the notion of drug abuse since they are caused by the desires of drug users to boost drug-inspired activities or their level of intoxication. The legal aspect of drug abuse also includes those relationships regulated by law and arising from the non-medical use of drugs. Criminological Aspect of Drug Abuse: The criminological aspect of drug abuse includes a part of this phenomenon that poses an extreme danger to the public, i. e. is linked to the above-cited crimes, their state, level, structure, dynamics, cause-and-effect, criminal's personality, and prevention measures, among others. Economic Aspect of Drug Abuse: The economic aspect of drug abuse is associated with its affect on economy, such as large sums of money in possession of drug dealers, a decline in labor productivity of drug addicts; an increase in spending on law-enforcement engaged in combating drug-related crimes; and a drain on national budgets due to preventive and rehabilitation measures to combat drug addiction. Experts claim, for example, that in the former USSR, the cost of illegal drug trafficking within the " narco-business-shadow economy" amounted to billions of troubles. Biological Aspect of Drug Abuse: The biological aspect of drug abuse is associated with the notion that it is " a disease manifested by a constant and insurmountable craving for drugs (morphine, for example) causing euphoria in small doses and stupor in large ones. The regular use of drugs arouses a desire to increase the dose. The abstinence syndrome usually accompanies withdrawal. Narcotics damage the internal organs of drug takers, destroy their nervous systems, their state of mind, and bring about their social degradation. Since drug addiction is a disease, there is a need to find a cure for it. Hence, the need to have qualified medical personnel, special drug rehabilitation centers and branches offices, effective medicines and curative methods. Ecological Aspect of Drug Abuse: The ecological aspect of narcotics is associated, on the one hand, with the natural existence of drug-bearing plants, and on the other, with their man-made cultivation. These plants are a source of obtaining and preparing narcotic substances. From the ecological point of view there is a need, first, to do away with the spread of wild drug-bearing plants, and second, to ban their man-made cultivation. The economic, biological and ecological aspects are subjects for research by experts. 3. Answer the following questions: a) What do the law-breaking acts involve? b) What does the criminological aspect of drug abuse include? c) What is the economic aspect of drug abuse associated with?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) These crimes should be viewed as the whole of the notion of drug abuse. b) The criminological aspect of drug doesn’t include a part of the phenomenon that poses an extreme danger. c) The seldom use of drugs arouses a desire to increase the dose.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) This also covers the situation when suitable conditions… b) The criminological aspect of drug abuse… c) The biological aspect of drug abuse…
6. Give English equivalents for: правовой аспект хранение кража наркотиков рецепт врача немедицинское использование наркотиков теневая экономика нервная система общественная деградация ассоциироваться медицинский персонал наркотическое средство разрушать нервную систему Text 9 1. Translate these words and word – combinations: drug-related crimes drug addiction embrace parcel mail to force other people to use drugs conducive sow plants violate rules drug smuggling mercenary crimes plunder blackmail scale true scale drug-induced disease latent 2. Read and translate the text: Drug-related Crimes: It is possible to define drug abuse as a negative social phenomenon touching upon the social, legal, criminological, economic, biological and ecological areas accordingly. One part of the phenomenon is drug addiction, as a disease, and other, embraces all the law-breaking actions related to drugs: those carried out to secure means for purchasing drugs or those committed under the influence of drugs. Such law-breaking actions cover the use, preparation, purchase, storage, transportation, parcel mail, sale and theft of narcotic substances; attempts to force other people to use drugs and the creation of conditions conducive to such use; attempts to sow and grow drug-bearing plants; attempts to violate the established rules regulating the production, purchase, storage, control, sale, transportation or parcel mail of narcotic substances; and, drug smuggling. The law-breaking actions also cover various mercenary crimes (violent crime) that are not drug-related but are committed in order to buy drugs subsequently (theft, robbery, plunder, fraud, blackmail and others) and also violent crimes committed under the influence of drugs (e. g., hooliganism against individuals). This notion reflects the essence and the confines of the drug use and serves as a guideline for determining its scale and developing strategies against it. Yet the true scale of this phenomenon is obscured by a high degree of latent drug-induced diseases and law-breaking drug-related actions. 3. Answer the following questions: a) Is drug abuse a negative social phenomenon? b) How many of the phenomenon in drug addiction do you know? What are they? c) What do the law-breaking actions cover?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) The law-breaking actions also cover violent crimes that are drug-related. b) The true scale of this phenomenon is not obscured by a small degree of latent drug-induced diseases. c) This notion doesn’t reflect the essence and the confines of the drug use as a guideline. 5. Complete the following sentences: a) One part of the phenomenon is drug addiction… b) Law-breaking actions cover the use… c) The law-breaking actions also cover various mercenary crimes… 6. Give English equivalents for: общественный феномен запрашивать охранять влияние наркотиков попытка устанавливать наркозависимый высокая степень косвенный покупать наркотики отражать грабеж. UNIT 3 THE WORK OF MILITIA
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