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7. Read the definitions and give the name of the corresponding actions or notions.

7. Read the definitions and give the name of the corresponding actions or notions.

1. All articles found at the scene of a crime which help prove case are called …

2. The prints of the hands left by a criminal on objects which he touched during the commission of the crime are called…

3. The process of observing the whole of the crime scene and noting the location of its objects is called …

4. The process of using special powder to develop latent prints is called …

5. A person who can give information about the crime of the criminal is called a …

6. An imprint left by the criminal which cannot be seen without special techniques is called...


8. Explain what is:

1) physical evidence;

2) circumstantial evidence;

3) corroborative evidence;

4) a fingerprint;

5) a latent print;

6) contamination of evidence;

7) the preliminary survey.


9. Find the sentences with Subjunctive Mood in the text and translate them.


10. Read and translate the sentences with the Subjunctive Mood:

a) 1. On many occasions an expert listens to the evidence for the first time when it is given at the trial and realizes for the first time what he might have done to assist the court if he had only known earlier.

   2. While the circumstances may have been explained at some time to the laboratory expert, they will not be impressed on his mind in the same way they would have been if he had visited the scene of the crime.

   3. It is of primary importance that the greatest care should be taken to prevent any possible contamination of various samples.

   4. A suspect might claim the contact traces on his clothes were not received at the crime scene. It should be that the explanation looks natural.

   5. It is necessary that no objects should be overlooked through inability to recognize their evidential value.

   6. A practice of forcing a suspected tool to see if it fits a mark could destroy the individuality of a particular mark.

   7. If police work were seen mostly as a broad category of occupations which deal with people who are difficult to handle, individuals would enter police work because they wanted to help people and not because of romantic ideas.

  8. The first category of police functions may be defined as «order maintenance», and the second category - «law enforcement» - would include responding to reports of crimes. 9. One of the major conceptions employed in the law for the determination of liability is the necessary cause, the cause but for which the particular result would not have occurred.

b) 1. Every object of the material world has its own specific features which help identify it. Yet this requires that the traces left by the object imprint the features that make it different from similar ones.

2. The examination of footprints helps determine a number 01 important factors that could be used in identifying a criminal I he were arrested.

3. Criminalistic photography is widely used in criminal triaI however this would be impossible in the absence of legal regulations.

4. The gathering of factual material would be unreasonable without hypothesis explaining the cause that gave rise to the evidence.

5. One must put himself in the place of the criminal. What would the investigator himself do if he were in the same situation and conditions?

6. It is natural that the process of investigation should begin with examining the scene of the crime.

7. It is essential that different investigation methods be used with regard to different crimes.

8. During the examination of the crime scene the investigator should record all details pertinent to the crime lest any important item of evidence remain overlooked.

9. It is necessary that, in all legal systems, the law investigation bodies should not use any drugs.


11. Use the proper form of Subjunctive Mood.


1. It is desirable that the investigator (to accompany) the photographer on the scene of a crime.

2. If the investigator (to have) more evidence, he (to be able) to prove the case. But he hadn't.

3. The police (to arrest) the offender. But his identity is still unknown.

4. It is essential that all articles of evidence found at the crime scene (to be marked) properly.

5. Corroborative evidence (to help) to prove the case.

6. If fingerprints (to be found) at the Scene of the crime, the perpetrator (to be identified).

7. It is necessary that all objects (to be examined) for latent prints.

8. The law requires that the investigator (to use) only lawful investigation methods.

9 The criminal was very careful and tried not to leave any traces lest the Police (to establish) his identity.

10. It is imperative that the Police (to protect) the crime scene.

11. The officer demanded that the expert (to cast) the imprints of the shoes left on the ground.

12. If the investigating officer (not to find) physical evidence, it (to be) difficult to investigate the crime.


12. Translate the sentences into English:

    1. Следователь должен собрать все вещественные улики на месте преступления.

    2. Во время предварительного осмотра следователь подробно знакомится с местом происшествия.

    3. Полицейский должен обеспечить сохранность места происшествия.

    4. Каждый преступник оставляет следы.

    5. Предметы на месте преступления нельяз трогать, поскольку на них могут быть отпечатки пальцев.

    6. Все предметы, на которых могут быть скрытые отпечатки, следует осторожно изъять с места происшествия.

    7. Если есть отпечатки обуви, с них следует сделать слепки.

    8. Все вещественные улики, найденные на месте происшествия, должны быть промаркированы, упакованы и отправлены в лабораторию.


13. Give all possible word combinations:

prints (скрытые, видимые, невидимые, пластичные)

evidence (вещественные, косвенные, прямые, подтверждающие, убедительные)

fingerprints (найти, обработать порошком, проявить, подделать)

evidence (искать, измерять, извлекать, разрушать, загрязнять, собирать)

the scene of the crime (осматривать, охранять, фотографировать).


14. Find the equivalents in the text:

доказать вину, снять подозрения с подозреваемого, ценные вещественные доказательства, сделать слепок, косвенные улики, кража со взломом, убийство, подтверждающие доказательства, предварительный осмотр места происшествия, изъять предметы, уничтожить улики, осматривать место происшествия в целях нахождения отпечатков пальцев, жертва, доказывать вину лишь с помощью вещественных доказательств, оберегать место происшествия, закончить предварительный осмотр, отметить расположение отпечатков польцев, дактилоскопист, обработать порошком, промаркировать улики, упаковать улики.



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