4. These sentences are not true. Correct them.
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them. a) A careful assessment of the source isn’t necessary to avoid wasting time. b) The interrogator must guide the conversation rudely. c) A good assessment of the source is the final part for the approach.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Remember that the approaches… b) If the source answers that… c) The interrogator must quide…
6. Give English equivalents for: установить контроль подготовительная фаза подход убеждение показатель обещание жизненный попытка допроса искренний предупреждать
Text 6 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: approach techniques to be sluid waste imagination ruse deception to be violated futility cohesive ingenuity smooth transitions conviction failure incentive
2. Read and translate the text: Approach Techniques Interrogation approach techniques are usually performed by one interrogator working alone. However, sometimes interrogators work together. He must also remember that the tactical situation is very fluid and that the commander needs information in the shortest period of time. This means that the tactical interrogator has little time to waste. especially during the approach phase. Obviously, the more complicated an approach technique is, the more preparation time is required for it and its successful use. For this reason, the approach techniques discussed are those that take the least amount of time to produce the most usable information possible. The number of approaches used is limited only by the interrogator's imagination and skill. Almost any ruse or deception is usable as long as the provisions of the Geneva Conventions are not violated. The Geneva Conventions do not permit an interrogator to pass himself off as a medic, chaplain, or as a member of the Red Cross (Red Crescent or Red Lion). To every approach technique, there are literally hundreds of possible variations, each of which can be developed for a specific situation or source. The variations are limited only by the interrogator's personality, experience, ingenuity, and imagination. With the exception of the direct approach, no other approach is effective by itself. Interrogators use different approach techniques or combine them into a cohesive, logical technique. Smooth transitions, logic, sincerity, and conviction can almost always make a strategy work. The lack of will undoubtedly dooms it to failure. Some examples of combinations are- · Direct/futility/incentive. · Direct/futility/love of comrades. · Direct/fear up (mild)/incentive. The actual number of combinations is limited only by the interrogator's imagination and skill. Great care must be exercised by the interrogator in choosing the approach strategy in the planning and preparation phase of interrogation and in listening carefully to what the source is saying (verbally or nonverbally) for leads that the strategy chosen will not work. When this occurs, the interrogator must adapt himself to approaches that he now believes will work in gaining the source's cooperation.
3. Answer the following questions: a) Are interrogation approach techniques usually performed by one interrogator? b) Is the number of approach limited by the interrogator’s imagination and skill? c) In what way do interrogators use different approach techniques?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them. a) The Geneva Conventions permit an interrogator to pass himself as a member of the Red Cross. b) Interrogators don’t use different approach techniques. c) Great attention must be exercised by the interrogator in choosing the approach strategy.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Interrogation approach techniques… b) The number of approaches used… c) Smooth transitions, logic… 6. Give English equivalents for: подход подготовительная фаза очевидно успешное использование возможные варианты обвинение отсутствие желания сплочённый побуждение Text 7 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: interpreter consume source be briefed evaluate simultaneous alternate target language skills to be covered tend precision
2. Read and translate the text: INTERROGATION WITH AN INTERPRETER Interrogating through an interpreter is more time consuming because the interpreter must repeat everything said by both the interrogator and the source, and the interpreter must be briefed by the interrogator before the interrogation can begin. An interrogation with an interpreter will go through all five phases of the interrogation process. After the interrogation is over, the interrogator will evaluate the interpreter. Methods of Interpretation During the planning and preparation phase, the interrogator selects a method of interpretation. There are two methods: the simultaneous and the alternate. The interrogator obtains information about his interpreter from the senior interrogator. He analyzes this information and talks to the interpreter before deciding which method to use. With the simultaneous method, the interpreter listens and translates at the same time as the person for whom he is interpreting, usually just a phrase or a few words behind. With the alternate method, the interpreter listens to an entire phrase, sentence, or paragraph. He then translates it during natural pauses in the interrogation. The simultaneous method should only be selected if all of the following criteria are met: • The sentence structure of the target language is parallel to English. • The interpreter can understand and speak both English and the target language with ease. • The interpreter has any required special vocabulary skills for the topics to be covered. • The interpreter can easily imitate the interrogator's tone of voice and attitude for the approaches selected.
• Neither the interrogator nor the interpreter tends to get confused when using the simultaneous method of interpretation. • If any of the criteria listed above cannot be met, the interrogator must use the alternate method. The alternate method should also be used whenever a high degree of precision is required.
3. Answer the following questions: a) Are there two methods of interpretation? Which are they? b) What are the duties of interrogator with the simultaneous method? c) Is the sentence structure of the target language parallel to English?
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