2. Read the text below and if the sentences are true or false.
B. 2. Read the text below and if the sentences are true or false. A Scottish University has announced a world first in the field of elite academic achievement. It is offering a masters degree course in computer games software engineering. The University of Abertay in Dundee says it could put the city at the centre of a multi-million pound industry. Over £ 45bn will be spent on computer software in Europe this year, with the games market making up a substantial share. There are only forty places on the course. The course leader, John Sutherland says he hopes that people will see that computer games are about people as well as machines. " Students will have to learn about how people see, feel and hear to be successful in this environment" he said " In the next five years the computer games industry will be worth more than the entire cinema industry is today. " The University will be offering a Bachelors course in the same discipline in the very near future and are in the process of building a new computer laboratory. Computer games technology, particularly virtual applications, have other uses apart from entertainment. Medical simulations for training surgeons and more realistic flight simulators for pilot education are just two uses for the technology. 1. The university wants to teach people how to play games better. True False 2. There's a chance that the area might become very important for the computer game industry if this course goes ahead. True False 3. The leader of the course hopes to expand people's understanding of what computer games are about. True False 4. There is more money now in computer games than in the entire cinema industry. True False 5. Only older, more advanced students can currently take the course. True False 6. The university is undergoing expansion to allow the course to take place. True False 7. The course is specially designed for professionals such as doctors and pilots. True False 3. Discuss the following.
PART 2 PRACTICE YOUR READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS Text 1 1. Read the text and complete the sentences choosing the correct answers. Most people spend a third of their lives at work and spend more time with their work colleagues than with their families or friends. So it is important that people enjoy their work as much as possible: and enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place. People in Britain can start work at the age of sixteen, though many people stay at school after this age. For all people, as they approach the end of their school lives the big question is – what are they going to do? Most young people have several choices open to them when they leave school. Here are some of them. They can leave school at the age of sixteen and take a low-paid job, often a manual one such as working in a shop or a factory. They can leave school at sixteen, take a job but spend one day a week at a College of Further Education learning more about the theory and practice of their work. Many people who are learning a practical skill – for example, car mechanics, caterers, hairdressers or typists – do this. At the end of their training, they get a qualification, which gives them a better chance of promotion and higher wages. At the same time they have gained practical experience in their job, because they have been working while training. Many people stay at school to take A (advanced) level G. C. E. (general certificate of education) examinations. This means working very hard and earning no money for two or three more years. However, with A-levels, a student has more choices open to him. If he goes to a Technical College, he can get a qualification in a practical skill such as engineering, art and design, secretarial work, business studies and childcare. He can go to a College of Education and train to be a teacher. These training courses take from two to seven years. If a student has very good results in his A-levels, he can go to university and get a degree in a subject like Languages, Math, Philosophy, Literature or Science. This normally takes three years. However, after such an academic course, many students still have no practical skill for doing a job.
1. To take GCE exams you must… 1. have a well-paid job 2. stay at school for some more years 3. attend classes once a week 2. A university graduate gains… 1. a lot of practical experience 2. good “A” level results 3. a degree 3. Most 16 year-olds … 1. are offered a variety of opportunities 2. get qualification in some practical skill 3. take further education outside school 4. While attending a College of Further Education you … 1. get promotion and higher wages 2. study for an “A” level GCE exam 3. combine training and work 5. Getting a university degree takes … 1. from two to seven years 2. a third of your life 3. three years
Text 2
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