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Dialogue 2. Having a snack. Dialogue 3. Guests on board. Exercise 13. Translate the phases to complete the dialogue. Exercise 14. Answer the questions


WAITRESS: Can I help you?

YOU: Yes, I’d like a hamburger, French fries, a Coke and an orange juice.

WAITRESS: Is it to go or for here?

YOU: The juice and French fries are to go and the hamburger and the Coke for here.

to have a snack перекусить

hamburger гамбургер

  French fries (chips) жареный хрустя­щий картофель

Is it to go? зд. Вы это возьмете с со­бой?


YOU: Would you like to dine with us, Mr. Brown?

MR. BROWN: Oh, thank you. It’s very kind of you.

YOU: Have a drink. What’s yours?

MR. BROWN: Just a drop of vodka, I think. Cheers!

YOU: Help yourself, please. Would you like some more salad?

MR. BROWN: No, thank you. That’s quite enough.

YOU: Well, let me help you to some cabbage soup then.

MR. BROWN: Thanks, just a little. Will you pass me the salt, please? YOU: Look, we have roast chicken and fried fish with chips. Which would you rather have?

MR. BROWN: I think I’ll have some chicken, please.

YOU: Another piece of chicken? No? Well, do you take your coffee white or black?

MR. BROWN: Black, please.

MR. BROWN: Thank you for a lovely dinner. I’ve really enjoyed it.

YOU: I’m so glad you liked it.

MR. BROWN: I’m afraid I must go now.

YOU: Must you really? It was so nice of you to come. Will you have one for the road?

MR. BROWN: Gladly. Thank you for the pleasure of your company. YOU: Why, the pleasure was all mine.


What’s yours? зд. Что вы будете пить?

chicken  курица (кушанье)

Cheers! Ваше здоровье!       

help yourself берите; угощайтесь 

Exercise 13. Translate the phases to complete the dialogue

A: Can I help you?

В: Да, пожалуйста. Я бы хотел бутерброд с ветчиной, две сосиски и томатный сок.

A: Is it to go or for here?

В: Бутерброд я возьму с собой. Сколько я должен заплатить?

A: How do you want your steak?

В: С кровью, пожалуйста. На гарнир я бы хотел отварной картофель и зеленый горошек.

A: Will you have some coffee?

В: Да, пожалуйста.

A: Do you take cream with your coffee?

В: Нет, черный кофе, пожалуйста.


Exercise 14. Answer the questions


А. 1. How many meals do you have a day? 2. When do you have your breakfast (dinner, supper)? 3. What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)? 4. What is your favourite dish? 5. Are you a good cook?

B. 1. Do you often eat out? 2. Do you go to a restaurant alone or with your friends? 3. What do you usually order? 4. Where are meals more expensive, in a restaurant or a cafe?

Exercise 15. Ask your guest

if he will have dinner with you; if he would like some appetizer; what he would like to drink; which he would rather have: chicken or steak; if he wants another helping; if he takes lemon with his tea.




Ship chandler: 'Morning, sir. My name's Stock.

Second Mate: Good morning. Sit down, please. Here's the list of provisions we need. Are they available in the market?

Ship chandler: Well, let me see. I think I can supply everything but grapes. Second Mate: О. K. What are the regular prices?

Ship chandler: Oh, sorry, here is the price list. You may look it through. And how much money are you going to spend on provisions?

Second Mate: About 400 dollars.

Ship chandler: Very good.

Second Mate: Are the prices in the list quoted for a kilogramme?

Ship chandler: No, sir. Meat, cheese, ham and chickens are quoted for an English pound, eggs and bananas for a dozen, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges and apples for a case and potatoes, carrots, cabbage and onions for a bag.

Second Mate: That's clear. I think that the prices of fruit are rather high. Why are they so expensive?

Ship chandler: You see, we've had a very dry summer. If you are going to take a large amount, we'll make a 10 per cent reduction for you (as against the prices in the price list).

Second Mate: That's settled. Now I'll put down the quantity of each item. Let's count how much it will come to.

Ship chandler: Well, the total sum is Can $ 354. 60. Second Mate: It seems to be О. K. When will you deliver the foodstuffs?

Ship chandler: What time will suit you?

 Second Mate: Any time you say.

 Ship chandler: Tomorrow afternoon then.

Second Mate: That'd be fine. Please see that the foodstuffs are absolutely fresh and the fruit and vegetables are ripe.

Ship chandler: Yes, sir. I'll see to that. We guarantee the quality of products. Anything else, sir?

Second Mate: Yes, some crew members would like to make individual orders for such goods as spirits, coca-cola, beer, chewing gum, tobacco, cigarettes, instant coffee and some other things. Let me have the price list if any.

Ship chandler: Here it is. Do you know that they are payed for in cash? Second Mate: Yes, I do. I'll inform our crew about the prices and make up a list of those goods by tomorrow.

Ship chandler: It's О. K. Right, then, thank you very much. Good-bye.


grapes  виноград

price list список цен

quote котировать; назначать цену

dozen дюжина

cucumber  огурец

  case  ящик

carrot морковь

cabbage  капуста

onion лук

expensive дорогой

amount количество

  to make a reduction (to make a discount) сделать скидку

as against по сравнению

That's settled. Решено.

item  каждый отдель­ный предмет в списке, пункт счета

total sum общая сумма

suit     устраивать, подходить

foodstuffs продукты

  ripe  спелый

I'll see to that. Я за этим про­слежу.

guarantee    гаран­тировать; ручаться

instant coffee растворимый кофе

 to pay in cash платить налич­ными.



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