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Value mineral substances in nutrition


From 50 elements, which are present in an organism, 26 - are necessary, thus 12 of them - macroelements, 14 - microelements.


MACRO-ELEMENTS ( Content more than 10 mg/kg 1 mg %) MICRO-ELEMENTS (Content less than 10 mg/kg 1 mg %)
1. cations – calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium NECESSARY: Iron, Iodum, fluorine, Zincum copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel, selenium, chrome etc.
2. anions - phosphorum, sulfur, chlorine Necessity not is clarified: strontium, boron, Bromum, cadmium etc.
  3. enter in organic bonds – Oxygenium, carboneum, Hydrogenium,                                                                                                TOXIC: lead, Cadmium, arsenic, Hydrargyrum  



       Calcium - 800 - 1500                            Iodum - 0, 15

       Phosphorum - 1200- 3000                   Copper - 1, 5 - 3

       Magnesium - 400 - 500                         Manganese - 2-5

       Iron - 15 - 18                                          Fluorines - 1, 5 - 4

       Zincum - 15                                           Chromes - 50-200


Calcium. Per day - 0, 8g, for pregnant, at a lactation 2g. It is especially important at children's age - 1 - 1, 5г in days.

Functions: plastic – in structure of bones, teeth (give it hardness), regulatory - strengthening vascular wall, participation in coagulability of blood, transfer pulses in nervous system, maintenance normal nervous - muscular excitability, is part of buffer systems, Protective - raises resistibility to infections, renders desensibilization action (antibiotics).

Conditions of mastering Ca.

1) Optimal ratio with phosphorus: Са: P = 1: 1, 5 - in milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese).

2) Presence vitamin D - improves absorbtion Са

3) Optimal ratio with magnesium – Са: Mg = 2: 1 (for children 9: 1). Magnesium - antagonist Ca - is a lot in cereals.

4) Enough proteins in a feed - is better mastering

5) Absence plenty fats and sorrel acid - are formed insoluble substances with Ca.

Phosphorus. Per day 1, 6g, children – 3g., pregnant 3, 8g.

Functions: plastic - is part of a bone fabric (elasticity), a nervous fabric

regulatory - formation phosphatides and nucleinic acids, formation buffer systems of an organism.

Conditions of mastering: Ratio Са: P = 1: 1, 5, Enough of fats in food.

Products - sources: dairy products, a yolk of eggs, a fish, leguminous, meat


The mineral substances contained in fabrics of an organism less than 1 mg - %, necessary for an organism in minute quantities, but having very important regulation role.

The diseases, connected to infringement of microelement structure of nutrition named MICROELEMENTHOSIS.

The reason of occurrence - biogeochemical provinces (V. I. Vernadsky) - territories with the abnormal contents (increased or lowered) microelements. These provinces may be natural - are caused by features of geological formation of an earth's crust and anthropogenous - are connected to activity of the person (heavy metals, fluorine etc. ). People in these areas with food and water receive insufficient or superfluous amount of microelements, so there are arise ENDEMIC DISEASES (are characteristic for the certain district).


MONO-HYPO MICROELEMENTOSIS On fluorine – caries On Iodum – endemic struma On Ferrum – ferrum-deficit anemya MONO-HYPER MICROELEMENTOSIS 1. NATURAL: On a molybdenum – molybden gout, on a selenium - selenum toxicosis, on strontium- strontium rachitis, On fluorine - fluorosis, on cadmium - cadmium nephropathy On Iodum – Basedov illness
POLY-HYPO- MICROELEMENTOSIS On Ferrum, copper, manganese, zincum – anemia 2. ANTHROPOGENIC: On Hydrargyrum - illness Minamata On cadmium - illness itai – itai On PCD - illness Usho On lead, arsenic, pesticides dioxines, Nitrates
  POLY-HYPER MICROELEMENTOSIS On strontium, manganese,       Fluorine - Urov illness



Fluorine. Daily requirement is 2, 5-3 mg. It adjusts exchange Ca and P. Takes part in formation dentyn, dental enamel and bones. At lack - caries, at surplus (5 % territory of Ukraine) - fluorosis - damage of teeth, bones, infringements of intellectual development at children.

Iodine. Daily requirement is 0, 1-0, 2 mg (100-200 mcg). Participates in synthesis of hormone of a thyroid gland thyroxin, adjusts function of this gland. At lack it is hypothyreosis (endemic craw or mixedema). At surplus it is hyperthyreosis (Basedov illness).

Iron. Per day - 15 mg, to women - 30 mg. Synthesis hemoglobin (60 % of all iron in an organism), is part some oxidizing enzymes - peroxidasa, citochromes. It is a necessary part of cytoplasm and a nucleus of cells.

Conditions of mastering: a hydrochloric acid, vitamin C.


         Prophylactic nutrition.

       The important measure of the prophylactic of the professional diseases is the prophylactic nutrition or treatment-and-prophylactic nutrition.

Basis of a prophylactic feed is the balanced diet constructed in view of changes of a metabolism in organism under influence of harmful physical and chemical production factors, using separate components of the food rendering protective effect at influence of toxic chemical compounds and adverse physical factors of manufacture.



1) Increase general resistancy of an organism;

2) Compensation of power and plastic stocks of an organism under influence harmful chemical and physical factors on manufacture.

3) Increase specific resistibility of an organism to industrial poisons and harmful industrial physical factors by the way:

 - decreasing of receipt of harmful substances in an organism;

 - acceleration of removing toxicants from an organism;

 - acceleration of metabolism of toxic substances with formation less toxic connections,

 - protection of separate systems of organism against harmful action of industrial physical and chemical factors.



1. High-grade proteins, which are carrying out plastic function, stimulating general resistibility of organism, participating in detoxication of some poisons.

So, amino acids cystin, cystein, methionin, containing SH groups, are capable to connect heavy metals, phenol, arsenic. Methinin, which, have lipophylic action, prevents fatty infiltration of a liver, improves its antitoxic function.

2. Carbohydrates restore the power expenses of an organism caused by poisons, take part in neutralization of some poisons.

For example, fructose and saccharose translate cyanides and connections of phosphorus in low toxic substances, pectinaceous substances connect and deduce lead and other heavy metals, stop absorbing strontium and radium.

3. Mineral substances, first of all calcium, raise general resistibility of an organism.

Calcium has antagonistic action to strontium, weakens action of chlorine, oxides of nitrogen which cause pathological increase of permeability of vessels and development of a lungs hypostasis.

Salts of copper accelerate removing of molybdenum. Phytin reduces or prevents clinical attributes of a poisoning by lead.

4. Vitamins raise the general resistibility of an organism to adverse physical and chemical factors. They can play the important role in destruction and removing from an organism of many toxic substances.

So, vitamin C translates arsenic poisons in less toxic connections and promotes its removing from an organism. Vitamin B1 raises stability of an organism to lead, benzene, fluorine, styrene.



       Milk. All set above substances in the optimal ratio contain in milk. Therefore milk is applied to preventive maintenance of many industrial poisonings. However protective action milk give at rather small amount of poisons (arsenic, heavy metals, phosphorus, phenol, aromatic connections).

In other cases, milk as high-grade food stuff, only improves the general condition of an organism, raising his nonspecific resistibility.

Depending on the mechanism of action of physical and chemical production factors there are some diets of treatment-prophylactic feed:

1 Diet, used in conditions of the lowered atmospheric pressure when in organism develops hypoxia, in an organism collect not oxidased products, function nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems is broken. In these conditions decrease of amount of fats and increase of easily acquired carbohydrates, reduction of amount of protein is necessary.

2 Diet used in conditions of noise, is made in view of the infringements of oxidation-reduction processes caused by noise, lack of vitamins C, Р, B1, B2, B6, decrease rasistancy of capillaries and cellular membranes. The increase in a diet amount of protein is necessary due to reduction of fats and carbohydrates.

3 Diet used in conditions of action of radiation. The structure of a diet includes three groups of substances:

1. Amino acids: acids cystin, cystein, methionin, having ability of shielding (SN-group in molecules);

2. The substances, capable to connect and remove from an organism free radicals: pectin substances, acids cystin, cystein, methionin, glycin, bilious and nucleinic acids, vitamins and mineral substances, first of all, calcium;

3. Lipothropic substances improving fat exchange and raising antitoxic function of a liver: cystin, methionin, phosphatids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins.

4 Diet of the desensibilised nutrition is appointed the worker contacting to chemical substances, having allergenic effect. Restriction in a diet of carbohydrates, especially sugar. Small increase of fats, basically due to vegetative. The acid strengthening removing from an organism of calcium, chloride sodium, biogenic amines (gystamin, serotonin), sharp and extract dishes is limited. The products containing active biological allergens, pesticides, food additives are limited.

5 Diet special power supply at contact to various groups of industrial poisons are made in view of the mechanism of action of poisons and properties of various components of food to render detoxicant effect on the given chemical compounds by delay their receipt in an organism, acceleration of removing from an organism or translation in less toxic connections.     


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