General insufficiency of feed (e40-e46)
GENERAL INSUFFICIENCY OF FEED (E40-E46) E 40 Kvashiorkor. E 41 Alimentarniy marasmus. E 42 Marasmus kvashiorkor. E 43 Heavy protein-power insufficiency (PPI) unspecified. E 44 PPI moderate and weak degree. E 45 Delay of development because of PPI. E 46 PPI unspecified. OTHER TYPES OF INSUFFICIENCY OF FEED (E 50 - E 64) E 50 Lack of vitamin A. E 51 Lack of the vitamin V1 (tiamin). E 52 Lack of nicotine acid (pelagra). E 53 Lack of other vitamins of group B. E 54 Lack of ascorbic acid. E 55 Lack of the D vitamin. E 56 Lack of other vitamins. E 58 Alimentary insufficiency of calcium E 59 Alimentary insufficiency of selenium. E 60 Alimentary insufficiency of zinc. E 61 Insufficiency of other elements of feed (copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, chrome, molybdenum, vanadium, many elements of feed and dr. ). E 63 Other types of insufficiency of feed. E 63. 0 Insufficiency of irreplaceable fatty acids. The E 63. 1 Unbalanced receipt of elements of feed E 63. 8 Other specified types of insufficiency of feed. E 63. 9 Insufficiency of feed is unspecified (cardiomyopathya). E 64 Consequences of insufficiency of feed and insufficiency of other nutrients. OBESITY AND OTHER TYPES OF SURPLUS OF FEED E 66 Obesity E 67 Other types of surplus of feed E 67. 0 Hypervitaminosis A. E 67. 1 Hyper karotinemiya. E 67. 2 Syndrome of the megadozis vitamin V6. E 67. 3 Hypervitaminosis D. E 67. 8 Other specified forms of surplus of feed. E 68 Consequences of surplus of feed CLASS 9 DISEASES ORGANS of DIGESTION B 02 Caries CLASS 19 TRAUMA, POISONING AND OTHER CONSEQUENCES ACTIONS OF EXTERNAL FACTORS T 56 Toxic action of metals. T 57 Toxic action of other inorganic matters. T 60 Toxic action of pesticides. T 61 Toxic action of harmful matters at the use of products of sea. T 62 Toxic action of other harmful matters of food stuffs. T 64 Toxic action of aflotoksina and other mikotoksinov. MEDICAL-HYGIENICAL CLASSIFICATION ALIMENTARY AND АLIMENTARY-CAUSED DISEASES
1. Primary (exogenic) alimentary diseases. It is connected with insufficient or surplus nutrients or energy in diet. The main feature of it is that aethyology, pathogenesis, the clinic, prevention and treatment are connected only with nutrition.
2. Secondary аlimentary-caused diseases. It caused by diseases of bodies and the systems, bringing to infringements mastering of a feed, strengthening disintegration and expenses nutrients. It may be infectious, surgical, oncological illnesses. Endogenic avitaminosises, cerebral, endocrinic adiposity or a dystrophy. The differentiation 1 and 2 groups is very important for the doctor, because tactics of treatment is completely various: in the first group - only correction of nutrition, in the second - treatment initial disease plus dietetic therapy, application biologically active additives (BAA).
3. Diseases multifactorial aethyology, including the alimentary factor. It has very many reasons: genetic predisposition, the nervous - emotional reasons and other factors: an atherosclerosis, a hypertension, urine-stone and gall-stone illness, a gout, gastric diseases, oncopathology, a diabetes. In occurrence these diseases nutrition - only a risk factor, but not the unique reason. Prevention it is preventive nutrition, dietetic therapy at the developed pathology. 4. Diseases connected to presence in food harmful factors. In food product can be many harmful factors: chemical substances, microbes and it toxins and other. This group includes food poisonings, intestinal infections, gelminthosis. Prevention it is control quality of food products. 5. Food intolerance - set clinical reactions to a food: a food allergy (immunopathology), a pseudo-allergy (individual reactions to separate substances), food idiosincrasy owing to ensimopathies.
CLASSIFICATION PRIMARY ALIMENTARY DISEASES (1 group) 1. Illnesses and syndromes of an insufficient feed: 1. Protein-power insufficiency (PPI) different degree, alimentary marasm, a delay physical development owing to PPI. 2. Protein insufficiency, including kvashiorcor. 3. Avitaminosis. 4. Mineral insufficiency: iron-deficit anemia, endemic craw (hypotyreosis), caries, hypozincosis, hyposelenosis etc. 2. Illnesses and syndromes of an excessive feed. 1. Surplus caloric content - alimentary adiposity 1-4 degrees. 2. Hypervitaminosises A and D. 3. A syndrome surplus of proteins, fat acids. 4. Surplus mineral substances - fluorosis, selenosis, мolibden gout. Norms of nutrition of the population. In every country there is special Norms of nutrition of the population, where consist daily amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances and calories for different groups of the population. This amount depends from age, sex and group of physical loading. Modern problems of nutrition of the population in Ukraine. Dynamic chances of using main food products for one person (kg/year)
There is decreasing of usage high quality animal product and increasing usage vegetable products (bread, potato) There is deficit such nutrients in population nutrition: - vitamins – hypovitaminosis – in 40-90% of population - Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (fish oil) - Macroelements – Calcium - Microelements – fluorine, selenium, zinc, iron et al.
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