Contrast diets (days of limited intake of food)
CONTRAST DIETS (DAYS OF LIMITED INTAKE OF FOOD) Are appointed instead of the basic diet of 1 times in 7-10 days. In a kind of low caloric content of them it is necessary to make at observance these days a confinement to bed. Contrast days promote significant unloading of exchange, rendering thus beneficial effect on current of disease. APPLE DAY - at sharp chronic colitis (it is especial at diarrheas), kidney stones, hypertonic illness, an atherosclerosis, a gout, adiposity. On 300 g crude mature apples 5 times a day in 2, 5-3 hours. SUGAR - at diseases of a liver, bilious ways, kidneys. On 1 glass of tea with 40g sugar 5 times a day in 2, 5-3 hours. DAIRY - Variant 1 - at diseases of cardiovascular system in a stage decompensation and sub-decompensation. 100 ml of milk in 1, 5-2 hours 7 once a day with addition 20-25g sugar and 30 g the dried white bread. Variant 2 - at adiposity and a gout. 1 glass of milk 5-6 once a day in 2 hours. COTTAGE CHEESE - at adiposity, diseases of cardiovascular system in a stage of subindemnification, a liver, bilious ways, kidneys. 600 g cottage cheeses with 50 g sugar - divide into 5 receptions in 3 hours. KEFIR - at diseases of cardiovascular system, adiposity, a gout, diseases of a liver, chronic colitis with locks. 200 ml of kefir or curdled milks 5 once a day in 3 hours. RICE-COMPOTE - compote from 120g fresh or 250g dried fruit, 100g sugar and 1, 5 l water. 1 glass compote in 2, 5-3 hours. From them 2 times with a sweet boiled rice (20 g the rice cooked on water). Indications - hypertonic illness, illnesses of kidneys, a liver and bilious ways. SALAD - at chronic polyarthritises, an atherosclerosis, illnesses of kidneys, diathesis, a gout. 200-250 g salad from vegetables and fruits without salt with small amount vegetable oil 4-5 once a day. POTATO - at diseases of cardiovascular system in a stage of decompensation. 1 kg of a baked potato, 50 g sour creams and 20 g butter on 5 receptions. CUCUMBER - at adiposity, alimentary locks, мочекислом a diathesis, a gout. 1, 5 kg frash cucumbers on 5 receptions and 1 cooked egg for dinner and supper. ORGANIZATION OF THE DIETETIC THERAPY IN THE HOSPITAL Medical diets are appointed the attending physician (are brought in case records). The main medical sister of medical branch daily on the basis of a history of illnesses makes list where the total of patients and amount of patients on each diet is specified. This list it is transferred to easting establishment. Dietetic sister of easting establishment on the basis of lists from each branch writes summary list and on the basis of it under supervision of the doctor - dietician makes a menu - allocation on each diet. The menu - allocation is made only for 1 day (following). On Friday the menu - allocation is made for 3 days on Saturday, Sunday and Monday). Test of the prepared food is investigated by the certification commission consisting of the doctor on duty of a reception (in small hospitals - the doctor on duty of hospital), the doctor - dietician and the chief - cook. Sanitary inspection behind hospital easting establishment basically does not differ from sanitary inspection of other easting establishments, but more careful.
THEME № 8. FOOD POISONINGS. REASONS, CLINIC, PREVENTION. Food poisonings – non-contagious, more often sharp and mass diseases, caused by the use of substandard food, containing microorganisms or toxins of a various origin. Difference from intestinal infections (dysentery, cholera etc. ) – non-contagious! (absence of transfer disease from the patient to the healthy person). Food poisoning may be only at the person, which eat food, containing harmful substances or microbes. CLASSIFICATION FOOD POISONINGS:
1. ALIMENTARY POISONINGS MICROBE ETIOLOGY: 1) TOXINFECTIONS - at hit alive microbes with nutrition (E. coli, Proteus, Cl. perfringens, Bac. cereus etc. ) 2) BACTERIAL TOXICOSES - at hit microbial toxins with nutrition: а) Staphylococcal toxicosis (Staphylococcus aureus) b) BOTULISM (Clostridium botulinum) 2. ALIMENTARY POISONINGS NOT MICROBE ETIOLOGY: 1) BY TOXICANT PRODUCTS: а) Toxicant mushrums (pale poganka, fly-agaric etc. ) b) Toxicant plants (beladonna, etc. ) c) Toxicant weeds (heliotrope) d) Toxicant parts some fishes 2) BY PRODUCTS SOMETIMES OR PARTICULATE TOXICANT: а) Stone fruits (amygdaline) b) String bean (fasin) c) Potatoes (solanine) 3) BY CHEMICAL MATERIALS: а) Heavy metals - lead, copper, Zincum, Hydrargyrum etc. b) Pesticides c) Nitrates and nitrites d) Alimentary additives
4. ALIMENTARY POISONINGS NOT-INVESTIGATED ETIOLOGY 1) Alimentary paroxyzmal toxic myoglobinuria (Gaffen illness) 2) Poisoning by meat of quail 3) Urov illness (the illness Kashin - Bec) (now it is referred to poly-hyper-microelementosis on strontium, manganese and fluorine) FOOD POISONINGS MICROBE Aethyology: 1. Toxicoinfections - are caused by hit in an organism food, containing the alive microorganisms. Specific activators it is salmonels, potentially pathogenic microflora – E. Coli, proteus, etc. 2. Bacterial toxicoses (the old name - food intoxications) - arise at hit in organism food products containing bacterial toxins, formed in it. Representatives - staphylococcal toxicosis, botulism.
3. Mixed aethyology - when in food is both alive microbes and toxins - for example, salmonels + staphylococcal toxin.
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