organization treatment-prophylactic feed at manufacture.
organization treatment-prophylactic feed at manufacture. Treatment-prophylactic feed is allocated working in conditions of constant contact to harmful physical or chemical factors not less than half working hours. It is given out free-of-charge due to the enterprise through a factory dining room as 0, 5 litres of milk or hot breakfasts. Vitamins are given out as vitamin preparations or it enrich the first dishes. Treatment-prophylactic feed is given out prior to the beginning of work (the optimal variant) or during a lunch break. The doctor of a health center of the manufacture supervises quality of Treatment-prophylactic feed and in case of need gives the recommendation for replacement of missing products equivalent on detoxicant action.
MEDICAL NUTRITION (DIETETIC THERAPY) The Science about a feeding of patients named dietology. In a basis of dietology is change of a feeding and metabolism of the ill person. Main tasks of dietetic therapy: 1) to give to organism of the patient all necessary nutrients; 2) to change of metabolism of the ill person in the necessary direction promoting treatment of illness. The Practical part of dietology is dietetic therapy, which carries out application of positions of dietology in clinical and out-patient conditions with reference to the given patient, according to features of current of his disease and individual properties of an organism. Task of dietetic therapy includes also the coordination and reduction conformity of a used diet with other medical means (medicinal therapy, physiotherapy etc. ). The Practical part of dietology is also the medical cookery, which is carrying out in practice of position and the requirements of dietology to culinary processing of food. Dietetic therapy is the powerful medical means of the strengthening effect of medicamentous and other kinds of therapy. Dietetic therapy can be also the main kind of therapy. Sometimes it is enough only one dietetic therapy to cure disease. A feeding of the patient is construction on the basis of physiological needs of an organism for food substances and energy of the person, and optimal proportions of nutients, proceeding from features of pathogenesis, clinical current, a stage of disease, a level and character of metabolic infringements.
CLASSIFICATION OF FOODSTUFF IN VIEW OF IT MEDICAL ACTION 1 group - the products having sparing influence on intestinal mucous: Groats for a children's and dietary feed (meal), gomogenized vegetable and fruit canned food, dietary fruit-and-vegetable, meat and fish canned food, rolls with the lowered acidity, enpits for inside feed (meal). Indications to assignment: gastric and intestinal illnesses, postoperative conditions, cranio facial traumas. It is need mechanical security due to a high degree of dispersion.
2 group - products with the low contents of chloride of sodium (saltless): Bread and saltless crackers, salt substitutes (chloride calium or ammonium, sanasol). Indications: hypertonic illness of 1-2 degrees, sharp and chronic greenstones, insufficiency of blood circulation of 1-2 stages, nefropathia of pregnant, long treatment by corticosteroides. 3 group - products with low power value: Albuminous bread (caloric content is reduced on 15-30 %, carbohydrates - in 3 times), products with methylcellulose (for replacement to 40 % of a butter or sour cream), aerin (a sour-milk product from skim milk with fruit additives). Are appointed for ill by diabetes, with adiposity and chronic locks. 4 group - products with the reduced amount of fats: The skim dairy products (oil " sandwich-type", sour cream of 10 % of fat content, the skim kinds of milk and kefir) products with the increased contents of polyunsaturated fat acids (oil " Dietary" - 25-30 % of vegetable oil, margarine dairy dietary " Health" ). Products are recommended at an atherosclerosis of vessels, adiposity. 5 group - products with the modified carbohydrate component: group of dietary products - substitutes of sugar (sorbite, ksilit, fructose, saccharin etc. ), and also compotes, confectionery products and juices on it basis. Are applied at a diabetes and adiposity. 6 group - without protein products simulating bakery products, groats: As a substitute of protein it is used corn and amylopectin starch. Appoint at chronic kidney insufficiency. 7 group - the products enriched with microelements and vitamins: products enriched with iodine (with sea kale, iodine salt etc. ), fluorine, vitamins (milk with vitamin C etc. ).
PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL NUTRITION. In a basis of dietetic therapy there should be principles of a balanced diet: conformity of caloric content of food to energy losses of organism, balance between nutrients, optimum mode of nutrition, good absorbtion, maintenance of feeling of pleasure and saturation, safety of nutrition. However, in case of need in these principles the essential corrective amendments caused by character of disease, can be brought by a condition of the patient, his specific features. So, in dietetic therapy the principle of qualitative and quantitative restriction of a feed (meal) down to partial or full starvation is widely used. Full starvation in rather short time intervals is applied at sharp inflammatory processes in bodies, at intoxications, uraemias etc. Longer time it is used a mode of partial starvation - so-called unload days: apple, cottage cheese, salad, potato, water-melon, pumpkin, cucumber and fatty days (are used at treatment of fatness and cardiovascular diseases). To modes of quantitative restriction concern also a feed (meal) with the limited amount of a liquid which, as a rule, is combined with restriction of salt - it is recommended at fatness, an atherosclerosis, hypertonic illness, urological diseases etc. Diets with increase of amount of a liquid are widely used: at intoxications, infectious diseases, diathesis etc. Diets with increase of amount of vegetative crude food are applied. Besides enrichment of an organism by vitamins at the given diet it is source of cellulose, pectinaceous substances, tartranic acid interfering adiposity, a complex of optimum balanced mineral substances etc. The increasing of crude vegetative food is recommended at a gout, fatness, a diabetes, diseases of cardiovascular system, a liver, kidneys, chronic locks etc.
In some cases (the anemia, decreas of a tone and reactance of an organism etc. ) is appointed crude animal food: blood, a crude liver, the meat crushed and seasoned up to a level of pleasant appearance and taste. At processing the contents in crude food of pathogenic microorganisms should be excluded.
Main principles of medical nutrition
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