Food poisonings not microbe aethyology
FOOD POISONINGS NOT MICROBE AETHYOLOGY 1. Poisonings by poisonous mushrooms. Poisoning by pale poganka. The most poison mushroom. It contains ammonitotoxine and ammonitohaemolysin. Blocks all kinds of a metabolism, first of all carbohydrate and water. Sharp gastroenteritis – cholera-liked diarrhea - dehydrotation of organism – violations of central nervous system and cardiac system (sharp falling the blood pressure). In blood it is gaemolysis (destroying) of erythrocytes - pallor skin and sharp hepatic insufficiency (destroyed parts of erythrocytes go with blood to liver) - yellowness of a skin. Death may be from a collapse at violations of CNS. Poisoning by fly agaric. Athypic appearance - sometimes it mask under edible mushrooms. Contains muscarin and mycoathropin – changes m-holinolytic nervous system. In clinic: gasthroenteritis, perspiration, tearing and salivation, expansion of pupils of the eyes. Defeat of central nervous system as an alcoholic poisoning. Death can be from paralysis respiratory centre in CNS. Prevention poisonings by poisonous mushrooms. 1) The population must to know poisonous mushrooms by means of sanitary - educational work: lectures, conversations, posters, use mass media (TV, radio). 2) Control in the markets – places of sale mushrooms - sale mushrooms only under the sanction of the sanitary medical assistant. Sale mushroom salads and mixes is forbidden. 2. Poisonings by poisonous wild-growing plants. Are most typical at children's age. Plants with m - cholynolytics - atropine, giosciamine, scopolamine - beladonne, benbane, dope. In clinic it is gasthroenteritis and expansion of pupils of the eyes (beladonne – from Latin “beautiful woman” – in Middle centures women drop to the eyes solution of beladonne – dark, beautiful eyes), spasm of accommodation (violation of sight on close distance), dryness and reddening skin and mucous. At poisoning by dope, benbane – also sight and acoustic hallucinations + oppression central nervous system (CNS). Death - from violations of CNS. After recovery may be the remote effects on CNS – amnesia (loss of memory), etc. Cikuta (cikutotoxine ). In Ancient Greece used for cuicide. Children use it as tubules. Excitation, then - oppression CNS. Loss consciousness, spasms, expansion of pupils of the eyes, cold sweat, vilations of breath, cianosis. Death in 2-3 hours from a paralysis respiratory centre. Wolf berries. Myserin - irritation action - bloody vomitting, a diarrhea. Daphin - infringement CNS and cardiac system. 10-12 berries - a fatal poisoning. Wild grapes. Brionin. Heavy gasthroenteritis, excitation, then - oppression CNS. Death - from a collapse. A fatal doze for adults - 40 berries, for children - 15 berries. Prevention poisonings by poisonous plants. 1) Destruction it in territory of children's preschool establishments 2) The control under children at walking in parks. Work with tutors.
3. Poisonings by products sometimes or in part poisonous. Solanin in potato. In growing and become green potates. Has irritating and haemolytic action. In clinic it is gasthroenteritis of easy and average degree of weight. Prevention – to not use become green parts of potates. Fazin in haricot beans. Its toxine give irritation and gaemagglutination (stick of erytrocites) action. Destruction toxine is at long thermal processing. The use haricot bean or its flours in shops is forbidden. In case of it food poisoning it is gasthroenteritis of easy and average degree of weight. Amygdalin in stone fruits. Most of all - in bitter almonds, in stones of apricots, peaches, cherries etc. In organism it breaks up with allocation cyanic acid - blockade fabric breath. In heavy cases - loss consciousness, plentiful vomitting, diarrhea, spasmes, death in 2-9 hours at paralysis of the respiratory center of CNS. Prophylactic measures - to not use these products or boiling for a long time, because toxins are termolabilic (destroy at high temperature). 4. Poisonings by salts of heavy metals. The reasons of hit heavy metals in food: а) From utensils (the zinc buckets, copper utensils, glaze on pottery), b) From the ground polluted by heavy metal - lead (about highways) Poisonings by Zinc and Copper (cuprum). Basically act from utensils at storage in it sour products. Not heavy gasthroenteritis – in intestines are formed albuminates of copper and zinc - are not soaked up in organism - ulcering, irritating action at intestines. Poisonings by Lead. It may hit in food from utensils (glaze) and ground. Poisonings are usually chronic. In clinic - a lead triad: - lead encephalopatia (violations of CNS) and polyneuritis (vilations of perypheris NS), - lead pains (“lead colicas”) in stomach, - lead border on gums grey color. In blood - bazophyl granularity in erythrocites, retyculocitosis (irritation action at blood-forming organs), increase contents lead in urine (more than 0, 04 mg / l). Prevention: а) hygienic reglamentation of heavy metals in products and control observance it maximal permissible concentration, b) prevention transition metals from container, utensils.
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