2) epidemiological value ground
2) EPIDEMIOLOGICAL VALUE GROUND In ground can get and it is long to be kept activators of the following diseases: 1) Intestinal infections - belly typhus, paratyphus, dysentery, cholera etc. 2) Anthropozoonoses - the Siberian ulcer, etc. 3) Viruses - hepatitis, etc. 4) Gelmintoses – ascarydosis, ets. With ground dust can transfer activators of tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, illnesses of respiratory ways etc. 3) ECOLOGICAL VALUE GROUND 1) It is the environment of accumulation and circulation in a nature pollutants chemical and biological nature 2) It is a source of pollution other objects of environment - food products, atmosphere, superficial and underground waters 3) It is the environment of neutralization firm and liquid waste products, sewage, corpses of animals and people. At sufficient self-cleaning abilities the ground is a primary factor of auto purification of environment.
Ways of autopurification ground: 1) Decomposition pollutants by mineralization and gumification - due to microflora of ground, О2, enzyme activity of ground, 2) Adsorption pollutants by particles of ground 3) Washing away by subsoil waters 4) Evaporation in air above ground 5) Oxidation toxicants by О2 and action UVR in higher layers of ground 6) Neutralization toxicants in acid or alkaline ground.
POLLUTION OF GROUND By definition UNEP, pollution of ground it is chemical substances, biological organisms and products of their life, meeting in ground in an inadequate place, in inadequate time and in inadequate amount. BASIC SOURCES OF POLLUTION GROUND They can be divided on natural and anthropogenous. NATURAL: dying off plants and animals, flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, fires etc. ANTHROPOGENOUS: 1) Brought by the person in ground purposefully: а) agrochemicals - pesticides(herbicides - for struggle against weeds) and fertilizers - formation the artificial biogeochemical provinces influencing on health of the population. b) burial places of people and animals, fields of sewage cleaning - microbe pollution of ground for many years. 2) Getting in ground casually - with industrial and household sewage, places of dumps, the atomic power station, from atmospheric air, superficial waters etc. PROTECTION GROUND FROM POLLUTION 1) Administrative – legislative measures: laws and decisions of authorities for protection ground from pollution. 2) Hygienic: а) Preventive sanitary control - examination civil-engineering designs and normalization pollutants in ground b) Current sanitary control - the control levels of pollution by direct and indirect attributes and comparison it to specifications. 3) Architectural - correct accommodation dumps, ranges of waste products etc. 4) Medical monitoring – it is studying endemic and epidemic diseases in the given district in connection with pollution of ground.
5) Ecological monitoring - the control soil microflora and another biote. 6) Technological measures on prevention pollution of ground. HYGIENE OCCUPIED PLACES. Hygiene occupied places - the important section of municipal hygiene making hygienic requirements to accommodation, to layout and functional zones occupied places, to layout inhabited quarters, to premises. It has great importance for health of the population, for maintenance necessary sanitary conditions in cities, etc. Concept “Urbanization”. Urbanization - prompt growth amount and the sizes of cities, increase urban population in structure population due to reduction agricultural population. On the average in the countries of the Western Europe urban population makes 60 %, in England, Belgium, Germany - 80-90 %. According to the United Nations, for 200 years (1800-2000) the population of the Earth has increased in 7 times, and urban population - in 125 times. Principal causes urbanization: а) Development the industry, science, transport in cities is required many workers living near to the enterprises, b) In cities the level of cultural, public service, information is higher, that in rural - aspiration rural youth in cities. Large cities create not optimum conditions for life and health of the person, therefore at the WHO the special Committee on problems of urbanization was created. Consequences of urbanization: Alongside with the positive sides of urbanization – high level cultural, public service, information, there is present a number NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES: 1) High density of the population in small territory - there is growth infectious disease (flu, tuberculosis etc. ). 2) High pollution city environment by chemical substances, physical and biological factors. 3) Decrease solar radiation on 10-20 %, including UVR - growth rickets in children. 4) High level of noise - on the big highways noise even at night up to 80 deciBell (dB), (norm for rest - 30 dB). Occurrence noise illnesses is possible at 50-60 dB. 5) Because of building in cities air ventilation is worsened - accumulation pollutants (fogs - murderers, etc. ) 6) Not optimal microclimate - in the summer big heating buildings, roads, etc. 7) High level transport traumatism of the population. 8) Big empty losses of energy and time on road for work and back. 9) Problem of rest behind city - in city parks is not enough, departuring city for rest is not always possible in large city. 10) High level of negative psychogenic factors - stresses, psychological diseases. 11) Growth of cities limits agricultural use of the suburban grounds. These negative consequences of urbanization for health illustrates by greater disease of urban population in comparison with rural population, deterioration demographic parameters, decrease parameters of physical development of children and teenagers in large industrial centers. The urbanization has resulted in occurrence of superlarge cities (New York, Tokyo, etc. ) - megacities with huge amount of the population and sharp deterioration of all negative consequences of urbanization.
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