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Protection city environment from pollution.

Protection city environment from pollution.

       1) Administrative - legislative actions.

2) Hygienic - revealing and the account all sources of pollution city, the control projected objects, participation SES in drawing up general plans for development of city, the control realization of these plans. The current control - supervision degree of pollution and acceptance measures to decrease pollution.

3) Architectural - functional zones of cities, reconstruction systems building of cities and inhabited quarters, allocation sanitary - protective zones, gardening cities.

4) Technical and sanitary-engineering measures - the closed technology, change technology with the purpose decrease pollutants emissions, construction clearing constructions on sources of emissions in an atmosphere and sewage treatment etc.


The basic purpose hygienic requirements to premises - to provide optimum conditions for rest, works people.

Microclimate: temperature 18-22 С, relative humidity 40-60 %, speed movement of air 0, 2-0, 4 m/s.

Ventilation: frequency rate 0, 5-1 (in kitchens - 2-3), contence СО 2 - 0, 1 %, volume of air exchange on 1 person 20-30 m3 / hour.

Illumination: natural – Light factor 1/8-1/10, Factor of natural illumination - 0, 5-0, 75 %

Artificial: general - 40-50 lux, local – 100 lux, combined – 150 lux.

Noise level - up to 30 dB (at night).




Introduction hygienic proved methods of removal and neutralization firm and liquid waste products in the occupied places remains as one of prime problems of public health care from all over the world.

The unsatisfactory state of affairs in this sphere is real threat of adverse epidemiological conditions in the occupied places and the important reason of growth infectious and not infectious pathology.

One of priority problems of quality of environment in many countries, in Ukraine and in Crimea is unsatisfactory position with waste products:  

- Accumulation big amount highly toxic waste products and absence effective and ecologically safe methods of their neutralization

- Unsatisfactory sanitary conditions and overload ranges of firm household waste products (dumps), absence places for new ranges

- The insufficient degree clearing of household sewage, trowing in coastal sea water areas, that gives high microbe pollution seawater and results in closing many sea beaches and represents epidemic danger for bathing.


Waste products in the occupied places share on 2 groups:

1) Liquid - sewage, 2) Firm - household waste products, industrial dust etc.

Systems clearing of the occupied places.

1) Clearing from liquid waste products.

For clearing it is used 2 systems - export and floatable (water drain).

In the first case liquid waste products take out from the occupied places with the help of special transport, in the second - alloy for limits of the occupied places on pipes (the water drain – system).

2) Clearing from firm waste products (dust).

Average norm formation of household dust - 320 kg on 1 person per one year, or 0, 75 м3. On Ukraine and in the countries of the CIS the scheduled - regular system clearing of dust is used (from domestic containers).

Methods removal and destruction firm household waste products.

The basic methods of removal and destruction household waste products it is controllable dumps, biothermal methods, burning.

Controllable dumps - ranges of firm household waste products. It accommodation, operation and sanitary condition are supervised by sanitary-epidemiologic service.

Biothermal methods. Are based on creation conditions for development in dust termophylic microbes, thus the temperature in it raises up to 50-700 C, that promotes decomposition organic substances, destruction pathogenic microflora.

To such methods concerns composting (creation compost in natural conditions in countryside), and use artificial biothermal chambers for acceleration formation compost (fermentative towers, biostabilizers, biotencs).

Burning dust. It will be carried out in special furnaces at temperature 650-12000 C, however this method is uneconomical, gives many emissions in atmosphere air and is applied less often.

The sanitary - dangerous materials, infected waste products of hospitals must be burning in special furnaces - destructers (separately in each hospital or on-line).

Methods removal firm industrial wastes.

1. Not toxic industrial wastes (building dust) are taken out on dumps of household waste products and used as isolation material.

2. Firm toxic organic waste products burn in special furnaces at temperature 1000-12000 С with dust removal devices.

3. Low toxic insoluble in water waste products is dug in ground in places with low filtration ability of ground (clay ground).

4. Highly toxic waste products are stored in tight container on special ranges of industrial wastes, dug in containers in ground or dumped in deep-water areas of the seas and oceans. But it represents potential threat of environmental contamination in future.


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