Factors causing occurrence and development cities
FACTORS CAUSING OCCURRENCE AND DEVELOPMENT CITIES As a rule, cities arise not on any place; their occurrence, development or decline is determined by a number of economic, social and political factors, named TOWN-FORMING FACTORS: In the past such factors were: 1) Development crafts and convenient waterways – in mouth of the rivers, at coasts of the seas - Athens, in Crimea - Chersonese, Feodosiya (Cafa), Sudak (Sugdeya). 2) Presence feudal fortress with the lock, strong city walls for protection the population from enemies (medieval cities – center of Moscow, Bonn, Krakow). 3) In 19 century - growth the industry and business activity (Manchester). MODERN TOWN-FORMING FACTORS: 1) Presence the industrial enterprises and deposits of minerals. Many cities it is in bad climatic conditions (Norilsk in Arctic zone). 2) Presence the large transport units and crossing of large highways. So 200 years back there was formed Simferopol (city - collector). 3) Presence administrative establishments state level - governmental, republican, regional. In USA it is Washington, new capital of Brazil – Brazilia. 4) Presence science, education centers and scientific and technical complexes - the Novosibirsk academic town, Oxford, etc. 5) Presence the large bases of the Navy - Sevastopol, Vladivostok, etc. For cities - resorts - presence recreational resources (medical dirties, mineral waters, coastal seawaters) - cities - resorts of Crimea, Caucasus. Basic groups urban population. All urban population shares on 3 groups: 1) town-forming group - workers of the industry, transport, administration, science. It makes about 30-35 % of the population of city. 2) Serving group - workers of municipal services, education, public health services, trade, communication, etc. (20-25 % of the city population). 3) Not amateur population – it is children, learning, pensioners, jobless. (40-45 % of the city population). FUNCTIONAL ZONES IN CITIES 1) Inhabited (seliteb) zone where the basic part of the population lives. Should have the best hygienic conditions. 2) Industrial zone. Concentration the industrial enterprises in industrial units. Between this zone and inhabited zone should be sanitary - protective breaks (zones) with green plantings. 3) Тransport-warehouse zone. In Simferopol it is brightly expressed in area of railway station near our university. 4) The green zone - is located diffusely in territory, is very important for auto purification of atmosphere and creation recreational conditions in city. 5) Residential suburb - parks, woods, zones of rest, the agricultural enterprises serving city. HYGIENIC CHARACTERISTIC KINDS of the LAY-OUT OF CITIES 1) Radial-ring layout - medieval cities, in the center - the feudal lock and narrow circular streets and streets - radiuses to former city gate. (Center of old cities - Moscow, Bonn, Krakow etc. ). Lack - high density of the population, bad airing, lighting, it is not enough parks and squares.
2) Chess lay-out - streets and lanes are crossed under a right angle - cities of 18-19 centuries - St. Petersburg, the center of Simferopol, Odessa etc. Airing is complicated, difficulty for transport - it is a lot of crossroads - air pollution. 3) Linear layout - the city is located along the rivers, highways - Volgograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye etc. Hygienic conditions are better, but huge losses of time for transport (very long along river). 4) Modern type lay-out – free lay-out - in view of a relief, hygienic conditions, functional zones. Old kinds of city layout at reconstruction try to transfer in this kind. Kinds of law-out of inhabited quarters. The initial inhabited cell of city is quarter - the part of residential buildings limited by streets and lanes. They can have the various sizes depending on type of building of quarter: 1)Continuous building - old quarters in city center – all area of quarter has buildings. Lacks - bad airing, lighting, high level of noise, air pollution, the big density of inhabitants. 2) Closed building - continuous building - on periphery of quarter, inside - empty places. Lacks - bad airing, high level of noise and pollution. It is recommended for conditions of Far North. 3) Perimetery building – buildings are with intervals on perimeter of quarter, inside gardening. It is used at reconstruction old types of building. Lack - the raised noise level. 4) Line building - buildings are located by lines along streets. Better conditions for airing and light, bul it is hogh level of transport noise. 5) Stitch building - buildings at end (short part) face to roads. Better hygienic conditions. Lack - architectural monotony of quarters. 6) Free building - buildings are located in one quarter in apparent disorder, but in view of hygienic requirements. Modern principle of layout of residential zones – it is MICRODISTRICT - large inhabited files for 10-12 thousand inhabitants with free building. In the center - establishments for service inhabitants - school, polyclinic, post office, etc. The highways is only on periphery of microdistrict. At such layout in city center there are only townspeople's establishments that reduce transport losses for inhabitants of microdistrict.
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