In a nursery group room by the area 45 m2 there are 25 children. It is set at measuring of microclimate: temperature of air 18°C, relative humidity of air 75%, the rate of movement of air is 0,4 m/s, effective temperature 16°ET. Indexes of luminosity: c
Task 1 In the town N. the big level of morbidity of population by arterial blood pressure and caries high is marked as compared to middle indexes on a region. With the purpose of search of reasons of growth of this pathology researches of drinking-water are conducted. At the analysis of water from an artesian mining hole providing a city by water, it is set: Оrganoleptic indexes – in a norm, a dry remain is 2300 mg/l, maintenance of chlorides is 670 mg/l, sulfates are 750 mg/l, nitrates is 42 mg/l, ferrum is 0, 2 mg/l, fluorine are 0, 8 mg/l. Give a hygienic estimation to water. Is there the connection of increase of these diseases with quality of drinking-water? What yet are the diseases possible in this town? How to reduce the level of these diseases among the population? Task 2 At the analysis of morbidity of population in a district T. the increased level of of sharp intestinal infections (SII) is exposed. At the analysis of superficial water sources in this period it is set in a district: the smell of water is 2-3 marks, taste is 1-2 marks, turbidity 1-2 mg/l, dry remain 800 mg/l, oxidableness of water 5 – 6 mg of O2 /l, coli-titr – 150 – 200. Could quality of water to serve by reason of growth of SII? What are possible reasons of changes of quality of water? What indexes of water must be explored additionally? Specify need measures for improvement quality of water in this district. Task 3 In the town K. the last few years there is sharp growth of morbidity of population by illnesses of breathing organs. With the purpose of search of reasons of this phenomenon the local SES are conducted researches of air. In mid air cities found out the row of pollutants, including maintenance of oxides of nitrogen at the level of 0, 8 MPC, oxide of carbon in the concentration 0, 6 MPC. At the joint affecting organism these matters possess an additive effect (summation). Give the hygienic estimation of degree of contamination of air in town. Can contamination of air in town influence on multiplying this pathology? What other factors of risk influence on the increase of morbidity of population? What hygienic measures are needed on the decline of contamination of air? Task 4. At the analysis of water from an artesian mining hole providing a city by water, it is set: organoleptic indexes – in a norm, a dry remain is 1300 mg/l, maintenance of chlorides is 570 mg/l, sulfates are 550 mg/l, nitrates are 20 mg/l, iron is 0, 2 mg/l, fluorine are 0, 8 mg/l. Give a hygienic estimation to water. What diseases can be related to quality of drinking-water? How to reduce the level of these diseases among the population? Task 5 At the analysis of water it is set from the rural plumbing: Smell is 2 ball Oxidableness is 7 mg of O2/l Taste is 3 ball Fluorine is 0, 7 mg/l
Turbidity is 1 mg/l Nitrates are 5 mg/l Dry remain is 2000 mg/l Microbe number - 80 Sulfates are 500 mg/l Coli-index - 5 Give a hygienic estimation to water, how possibly its use in drinkable aims, or the methods of improvement of quality of water are required (what? )? To what violations of health can bring the use over of this water? Task 6 At research of microclimate it is set in a dwelling room, that time of cooling of katatermometer is 100 sec., factor of katatermometer - 600. Effective temperature – 16, 5 0 EТ. Give an estimation to the microclimate. What devices were used for researches? How to improve a microclimate in a room? Task 7 At the sanitary inspection of living room are set that in a room 2 men live by the sizes of 2, 5 m x 4m x 5m, due to natural ventilation in a room acts 40 m3 air in hour. Temperature of air 21 0C, rate of his movement 0, 1 m/s, effective temperature 22, 5 0 EТ. Give a hygienic estimation to the terms in a room, what index it is necessary to explore additionally? Task 8 In the operating block of hospital there is operating room on 2 tables (area 54m2). Ventilation is influx-extraction ( +4, -5). Luminosity of the operating field - 1500 lux. General luminosity - 200 lux. Temperature of air during the operation - 260C, relative humidity - 80%. Content of CO2 -0, 15%, general microbe number in air before the operation 1000 in 1m3. . Give the hygienic estimation of operating block. How to improve hygienic conditions in operation hall? Task 9 In a nursery group room by the area 45 m2 there are 25 children. It is set at measuring of microclimate: temperature of air 18°C, relative humidity of air 75%, the rate of movement of air is 0, 4 m/s, effective temperature 16°ET. Indexes of luminosity: coefficient of natural illumination (CNI) - 1, 0%, light coefficient (LC) – 1: 7, luminosity by luminescent lamps – 200 lux. The multiplicity of ventilation is 1 time in h. Contents of CO2 - 0, 23%. Give the hygienic estimation of group room. Give recommendation on optimization of conditions in a nursery group room. Task 10 For building|construction| of hospital on 120 beds an area is offered by the 120 x 80 m, located in relation to|toward| a dwelling district|region| so, that the nearest|next| dwelling-houses are in the distance 80 m, the radius of service of policlinic does not exceed a 2 km. In 40 m from the border|boundary| of area there is a district motorway. A sound-level on an area makes in the day-time - 60, and|but| at night 50 dB|, in chambers – 30 dB|. Estimate|evaluates| the fitness of this area for building|construction| of hospital, give the recommendation on placing of functional areas|zones| on the area of hospital. PART 4. HYGIENE OF WORK
THEME № 16. SUBJECT OF HYGIENE OF WORK. PHYSIOLOGY OF WORK. PROFESSIONAL HARMFUL FACTORS AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. PROFESSIONAL DUST PATHOLOGY AND ITS PREVENTION. Hygiene of work - the section of hygiene studying influence process of work and harmful professional factors on an organism of the working person and developing preventive actions for decrease and prevention occupational diseases.
Basic sections hygiene of work: - Physiology of work - studying influence on an organism various kinds of work, estimation its weight and intensity, prevention exhaustion. - Hygiene of work with adverse physical professional factors - studying influence on an organism noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, laser irradiation, etc. - Radiation hygiene - studying influence radiation on an organism, development actions of antiradiation protection - Hygiene of work with industrial poisons - industrial toxicology – studying parameters toxity of industrial poisonings, reasons and clinic of professional poisonings, prevention it - Hygiene of work in agriculture with agrochemicals - agricultural toxicology - studying parameters toxity of agrochemicals, reasons and clinic of professional poisonings, prevention it - Hygiene of work in conditions dust pollution of air – studing action on the person different dust, prevention professional dust pathology (phneumoconiosis) There is also division hygiene of work on industries (chemical, mining, metallurgical, building etc. ) and in agriculture.
PHYSIOLOGY OF WORK Physiology of work - boundary section of hygiene and the physiology, studying influence process of work on an organism of the person and developing actions for increase serviceability and the prevention development of early exhaustion.
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