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Synthetic polymeric and plastic substances


At heating can formed the different excreting builders, which gives such kinds of action: Narcotic action, Irritation action, Influence on blood genesis bodies, Infringement pregnancy, Allergenic activity, Teratogenic and embryotropic action, Cancerogenic effects




Modern ecologic and hygienic problems of agriculture.

Agriculture is a large field of activity of the person in which many people are occupied. In many regions, including Crimea, this branch takes conducting place in structure of public economy.

Modern way of the development agriculture is intensification – it means to receive more production at the same agricultural areas. But this way demands using many agrochemicals - application pesticides, fertilizers, growth factors etc. It substances can act on the working, polluted bosphere and collect in food products.

Features hygiene of work in agriculture.

As a whole work in agriculture has a number differences from other spheres of industry production which negatively can influence at health working:

1. Seasonal irregularity and urgentness of works - it is non-uniformity of loading during year, in some periods - very heavy not normalized work (for example, the period of sowing, harvesting). It can promote fast exhaustion, overfatigue and possible infringements of health.

2. Work on open air in different seasons of year at the influence of adverse metheorological factors - overheating, overcooling, surplus UVR + chemicals – melanomas at skin more often between agricultural workers in South regions.

3. Heavy physical work. May be quick development of overfatigue.

4. Contact with trauma danger mechanisms. The level of traumatism in agriculture is higher, than in industry.

5. Far distance places of work from a residence. Absence transport - big energy expences - fast exhaustion.

6. Wide chemization of agriculture - contact with big amount of different toxicants at combined and complex action on organism. It is the most adverse feature of agricultural work and on it we shall stop in detail.


Agrochemicals - the big group of chemical substances, used in agriculture. There are more than 5000 chemical substances, used as agrochemicals.

The basic groups of agrochemicals: pesticides, fertilizers, growth factors, etc.

Hygiene and toxicology pesticides.

Pesticides (in translation - destroying harm) - chemical and biological means protection plants from wreckers, weeds and illnesses. It is the most dangerous group of agrochemicals by high level toxity for person.

Despite of great toxicological and ecological damage from application pesticides, prohibition it using is impossible - it means destruction about 50 % of crop, what in conditions of world deficiency of products, especially proteins, is inadmissible.

For decrease danger of pesticides for the person and environment it assortment is constantly updated and reconsidered by prohibition especially proof and toxic preparations, goes constant toxicological and hygienic selection new synthesized preparations with high selective toxicity for wreckers and low toxic for the person and biote. Conducting world chemical concerns (Bayer etc. ) constantly synthesize new pesticides, but to application it is supposed only 1 of one million offered preparations.

Development hygiene and toxicology of pesticides.

The USSR was conducting country on studying this problem - researches have begun in 30-th year XX century. The founder of the doctrine about hygiene work with pesticides - academician L. I. Medved - worked in Kiev Research scientific institute hygiene of work and occupational diseases, in 1965 he organized all-USSR research institute of hygiene and toxicology of pesticides; academician J. I. Kundiev - developed the doctrine about per-skin influence of pesticides. Academician J. S. Kagan – conducting scientist in toxicology pesticides, acad. E. I. Goncharuk founded the theory reglamentation pesticides in ground.



1. On general toxity for animals

Degree toxity                                                LD 50 mg/kg per os

Strongly working poisonous substances                           < 50

High toxic                                                               50 - 200

Middle toxic                                                           200 - 1000

Low toxic                                                                   > 1000


2. On skin toxity for animal

Degree of toxity                                    LD 50 on a skin, mg/kg

Sharply expressed toxity                                      < 300

Expressed toxity                                                   300 - 1000

Poorly expressed toxity                                                     > 1000


3. On ability to cumulation

Ability to cumulation                                   factor cumulation

Over cumulation                                                           < 1

Expressed                                                                    1 - 3

Moderate                                                                      3 - 5

Weak                                                                                 > 5


4. On stability in an environment

Degree of stability             time of decomposition up to not

                                                                toxic components

Very proof                                                           > 2 years

Proof                                                                    0, 5 - 2 years

Moderately proof                                             1 - 6 month

Low proof                                                          < 1 month


- Insecticides - for struggle against insects

- Acaricides - for destruction pincers

- Algicides – for destruction seaweed

- Arbiricides - for destruction trees and bushes

- Bactericides – for struggle with bacterial illnesses of plants

- Larvicides - for destruction larves and tracks of insects

 - Ovicides - for destruction eggs of insects

- Zoocides - for struggle against rodents

- Limacides - for destruction molluscs

- Fungicides – for destruction fungi

- Herbicides - for struggle against weeds:                 

- Defoliants - for remove foliages of plants



 Contact - at contact to any part of a body of insect

 Intestinal – getting in organism insect per os

 Fumigants - through a respiratory organs of insect

Systemic – plants become poison for insect in all part


1. Chlorine- organic (CHOP) - DDT, aldrine, dildrine, hexachlorane etc.

2. Phosporos-organic (PHOP) carbophos, chlorophos, fosphamid, etc.

3. Carbamates - derivatives carbamin acids – sevin, zineb, maneb, ziram etc.

4.  Mercury and arsenic organic – mercuran, granozan, arsenit calcium etc.

5.  Preparations copper – connections of copper - Bordo liquid

6.  Derivatives simmetric triasines – atrazin, propazin, simazin

7.  Synthetic pyretroids ambush, zimbush, decis etc.


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