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Ecologic and hygienic estimation ways of application pesticides.

Ecologic and hygienic estimation ways of application pesticides.

Pesticides in agriculture are applied by 3 ways: airprocessings, tractor sprayers and individual sprayers. Each way has the advantages and lacks concerning health working and protection of biosphere.

Hygienic characteristic biological pesticides.

Biological means protection of the plants intensively take root into last years in connection with toxicity of chemical pesticides. It based on prevention destruction and illnesses of plants due to biological means.

Basic groups of biological means:

- Bacterial, fungoid means. (Virus preparations, causing illnesses of wreckers);

- Biological products for struggle against illnesses of plants (antibiotics);

- Ferromones (sexual hormones) insects - for attraction in chemical traps or scaring away.

Lacks of biological way protection plants:

- Low efficiency in comparison with chemical pesticides (30 %);

- High cost;

- Allergenic action on working.

Toxicology and hygiene of work at application fertilizers.

Except pesticides, in agriculture are used many other chemicals, on 1 place on scales of application there are fertilizers. Fertilizers - the substances used for increase productivity of plants.

    Classification fertilizers:

- Organic (peat, manure);

- Mineral - macrofertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium – in form simple fertilizers and complex fertilizers) and microfertilizers (microelements for plants).

Among all fertilizers on application 90 % make nitric - give fast growth weight of plants, but thus in ground and plants can collect nitrates and nitrites – in big amounts in person may be methaemoglobinaemya. The control production under the contents of nitrates is necessary.

Phosphoric fertilizers as impurity frequently contains fluorine, and it may be fluorosis among population near this working manufactures and at application, formation anthropogen biogeochemical provinces on fluorine.

Hygiene of work with fertilizers.

As fertilizers concern to low toxic substances, at their use no so strict measures as at work with pesticides - protection bodies of breath against dust of fertilizers and protection skin (individual means of protection) are necessary.





Kinds of hospitals.

Hospitals divided by level of medical help on:

- large district hospital – for high-specialized medical help

- city hospitals – for specialized medical help to city population

- central regional hospitals – for specialized medical help to rural population

- small regional hospitals and medical ambulance – for first doctor medical help

Hospitals divided by amount of cots (beds) on:

- for 1000 and more cots

- for 300 – 500 cots

- for 100 – 200 cots

- for 50 and less

Treatment-guarding mode in hospital

  and it main components.

All the treatment establishments (hospitals) build for creation treatment-guarding mode for patients. The treatment-guarding mode is the complex of treatment - diagnostic, hygienic, administrative and economic actions, directed on the fastest restoration of work capacity or health of the person.

Treatment-diagnostic actions:

- Diagnostical and medical procedures. It is the main factor, but without performance other measures of treatment-guarding mode it efficiency is reduced.

Hygienic actions:

- Optimum choice site of hospital, observance requirements to hospital site and its functional zones;

- Creation sanitary - antyepidemic mode in hospitals, prevention intra hospital infections (II);

- Creation optimum hygienic conditions of accommodation, lay-out, isolation and functional connection premises in hospital;

- Maintenance hygienic requirements to microclimate, bacterial impurity of the hospital environment, illumination, ventilation, water supply, heating of hospital premises;

- Maintenance rational and dietetic nutrition patients, prevention food poisonings;

- Observance personal hygiene by patients and the personnel;

- Creation optimum working conditions for medical staff and prevention occupational diseases in personnel.

Administrative actions:

- Establishment the schedule and mode of operation of hospital and polyclinic;

- Management states of the personnel;

- Analysis effectiveness work of the personnel etc.

Economic actions:

Supply with medicines, linen and the equipment, foodstuffs; transport supply of hospital.



At choice place for site of hospital of the general structure (central regional hospital, city hospital with polyclinic etc. ) 

2 basic requirements are showed:

1) Creation optimal hygienic conditions in the place of location - is better behind city.

2) Availability to the served population (radius service of polyclinic in city 3-5 kms) – hospital must be in city center, where it is bad hygienic conditions

It is difficult enough to combine both these requirements since it is inconsistent. Now the problem is solved by construction hospital on surburb, and polyclinics - in city center.



For the specialized hospitals (phtysiatric, oncological, psycho-neurologic, infectious, venerologic) the first requirement is priority, second is not need.


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