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V. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences.

Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби

Методическая разработка

По английскому языку по формированию навыков профессионального общения

По специальности «Психология»

Алматы 2015


к.ф.н. Айсултанова К.А.

ст. преподаватель Жанадилова З.М.

ст. преподаватель Атабаева Г.К.


Рецензенты: канд. фил. наук Аргынгазина Ш.Б. (КИМЭП)

канд. психологических наук Ли Е.П. (Универ. «Туран»)

доцент Махажанова З.Ш. (КазНПУ)

доцент Джарасова Т.Т.

Пособие предназначено для студентов по специальности «Психология».

Пособие содержит тексты, отражающие ряд тем по специальности, а также необходимый комплекс упражнений к каждому тексту, направленный на расширение профессиональной лексики. Тексты носят изучающий характер. Пособие содержит также глоссарий, содержащий наиболее употребительную лексику по специальности.


Целью данного пособия является развитие навыков изучающего чтения и ведения беседы на профессиональные темы.

Пособие предназначается для студентов отделения психологии, овладевших курсом нормативной грамматики и имеющих запас репродуктивной лексики в объеме средней школы.

Пособие состоит из 13 уроков, включающих тексты и систему упражнений. Уроки охватывают такие темы, как Group Formation, Group and Group Norms, Conformity, Attitude, Conflict, Crowd, Style of Leadership, Social Adjustment, Comprehension, Introduction to Learning Theory and Behavioral Psychology, Intelligence, Memory, Forgetting.

Тексты предназначены для усвоения новой лексики и ведения беседы. Система упражнений призвана обеспечить понимание прочитанного, запоминание и активизацию специальной лексики и умения вести беседу на заданную тему.

Пособие является решением проблемы обеспеченности студентов базовым материалом по специальности.



I. Read the international words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

group individual

formation structure

process characteristics

typological specific

collective psychologist

principle start

dynamics factor

interest situation

integration personal

II. Match English and Russian equivalents

1. group formation a) общая цель

2. isolated group b) общие правила

3. international relations с) определенное количество людей

4. general rules d) изолированная группа

5. a certain number of people е) межличностные отношения

6. a common goal f) групповая формация

7. temporal proximity g) низкий уровень

8. low level h) временная близость

III. Read the text.

Group formation is a process in the course of which a previously accidental aggregation of individuals turns into a separate isolated small group with a certain structure and typological characteristics. A specific type of Group Formation is collective formation. Western psychologists, who do not consider the collective an object to research in its own right and take no account of the principle of work mediated inter personal relations, regard Group Formation as a socio- psychological phenomenon governed by the general rules and laws of group


dynamics. It is maintained that Group Formation starts when certain number of people motivated by individual needs display a striving for a common goal. The process is completed when such interpersonal relations are formed which are necessary for attaining this goal. Three main group forming factors are distinguished: coincidence of individual interests; people’s partial and temporal proximity; and the presence of a stressful situation threatening their

personal well-being and prompting them to invite. This integration which proceeds from recognition of strictly individualistic interests of group numbers applies to communities with a low level of group development and is therefore invalid for the process of collective formation.

IV. Insert the right word.

Group Formation is a __________ in the course of which a previously accidental aggregation of individuals turns into a separate isolated small group.

It is maintained that G.F. starts when certain number of people need to display a striving for a common _____________. Three main group-forming factors are distinguished: coincidence of individual interests; people’s spatial and temporal _________; and the presence of a stressful situation threating their personal well-being and prompting them to invite. A specific type of G.F. is ___________ formation. The process is completed when such interpersonal __________ are formed which are necessary for attaining this goal.


V. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences.

1. G.F.is a process in the course of which a previously accidental aggregation of individuals turns into a separate isolated small group with a certain structure and typological characteristics.

2. Western psychologists,who do not consider the collective an object of research in its own right and take no account of the principle of work-mediated interpersonal relations, regard G.F. as a socio-psychological

phenomenon governed by the general rules and laws of group dynamics.

3. It is maintained that G.F. starts when a certain number of people motivated by individual needs display a striving for a common goal

VI. Answer the questions.

1. What is a Group Formation?

2. When does G.F. start?

3. When is the process of G.F. completed?

4. What are three main group forming factors?

VII. Complete the sentences.

1. Group formation is a process in the course of which a previously accidental aggregation of individuals turns into ____________________.

2. A specific type of Group formation is __________________.

3. It is maintained that Group formation starts when _____________.

4. The process is completed when such inter-personal relations _______________.

5. Three main group forming factors are __________________________.

VIII. Retell the text.

Group and Group Norms

I. Read the international words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

group norms

characteristics standards

to organize individuals

psychology communication

barometers control

structure system

role elements

dynamics process

forms social

II. Match English and Russian equivalents

1. a certain characteristics

2. human relationships

3. sanctions against persons

4. low development level

5. distribution of roles


a) санкции против личностей

b) распределение ролей

c) четкая характеристика

d) низкий уровень развития

e) человеческие отношения


III. Read the text.

Group is a social unit differentiated from the social whole on the basis of a certain characteristics (class affiliation, the fact or nature of joint activities, the level of development of interpersonal relationships, features of organization).

Groups are classified correspondingly: conventional and large and small groups,

organized and non-organized groups, groups with high and low development level.

Social psychology views Groups as the subject of activity through which the group is included into the system of social relations. The basic parameters of Groups traditionally studied by social psychology are composition (membership), structure (the structure of communications), relations of leadership and subordination, the distribution of roles, group processes (interpersonal relations), the dynamic of group norms and values, the level of group development.

Group Norms are standards of behavior accepted in a given community and governing human relationship. Observance of Group Norms is a requisite for effective interaction of individuals in the course of joint activity and communication. When a subject complies with social norms reflected in Group Norms, this makes him socially responsible for his behavior, Group Norms fulfill regulative, evaluative, stabilizing and other functions associated with human relationships in social groups. Group Norms allow a person to assess his own and other people’s actions, compare their models, choose the necessary forms of behavior and drop out those unacceptable to a given community, and guide and control his relations with other people. The functioning of Group Norms is directly connected with social control of group and individual activity. Any organized community of people existing for a fairly long time would develop for themselves and be guided by a definite system of specific group norms. A uniform and unambiguous response by the group members to individual actions differing from the behavior of the most of the other members would signify the presence of Group Norms. Group Norms establish the basic elements that govern socio-psychological processes in a given group, human relations, rights and duties, possible versions of intragroup behavior, and the content and admissible bounds of sanctions against persons whose behavior is noticeably deviant from established norms.

IV. Insert the right word:

(are classified, regulative, evaluative functions, connected with the social control, the system of social relations, interaction of individuals)

1. Groups ____________ correspondingly: conventional and large and small groups, organized and non-organized groups, groups with high and low level.

2. The functioning of Group Norms is directly _______________ of group and individual activity.

3. Group norms fulfill _____________ associated with human relationships in social groups.

4. Observance of Group Norms is a requisite for effective ____________ in the course of joint activity and communication.

5. Social psychology views groups as the subject of activity through which the group is included into _________.

V. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences.

1. Groupis a social unit differentiated from the social whole on the basis of a certain characteristics.

2. Group Norms are standardsof behavior accepted in a given community and governing human relationship.

3. Group Norms fulfill regulative, evaluative, stabilizing and other functions associated with human relationships in social groups.

4. The functioning of Group Norms is directly connected with social control of group and individual activity.

5. Group Norms allow a person to assess his own and other people’s actions, compare their models, choose the necessary forms of behavior and drop out those unacceptable to a given community.

1. Translate into English the words and word-combinations given in brackets. Social psychology views Group Norms as the subject through which the group (включается в систему социальных отношений).

2. Group Norms are standards of (поведение, принятое в данном обществе) and governing human relationship.

3. (Когда субъект подчиняется социальным нормам) reflected in Group Norms, this makes him socially responsible for his behavior.

4. Group Norms (осуществляют регулирующие, стабилизирующие и другие функции) associated with human relationships in social groups.

5. The functioning of Group Norms (прямо связано с социальным контролем группы) and individual activity.



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