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VI. Complete the following sentences.

1. Group is a social unit differentiated from the social whole on _______________.

2. Group Norms are standards of ______________.

3. Group Norms fulfill functions associated with ________________.

4. The functioning of Group Norms is directly connected with _____________.

5. Group Norms establish the basic elements that govern ______________

VII. Answer the question

1. What is a group?

2. What are the basic parameters of Groups traditionally studied by social psychology?

3. What is observance?

4. What functions do Group Norms fulfill?

5. What do Group Norms allow a person to do?

6. What would signify the presence of Group Norms?

7. What elements do Group Norms establish?

VIII. Retell the text.

IX. Conformity

I. Read the international words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

person individual

associate tendency

to adopt experiment

conflict problem

social universal

situation traditional

diagram theoretical

interpretation form

fact factors

II. Match English and Russian equivalents

1. to change somebody’s behavior

2. under the influence of somebody

3. mutual relations

4. group’s opinion

5. universal regularity

a) мнение группы

b) взаимные отношения

c) изменить чье-либо поведение

d) под чьим-либо влиянием

e) универсальная система

III. Read the text

Conformity is a person’s tendency to change his behavior under the influence of other people so that it would correspond to the opinion of one’s associates, a striving to adopt it to their demands. Conformity is recorded where there is a conflict between an individual’s own opinion and that of the group he belongs to, if this conflict is resolved through accord with the group’s opinion. The investigation of Conformity was begun in the works of Solomon Asch, where Conformity appeared as an individual’s tendency to change his opinion under the influence of a group, to adopt the viewpoint expressed by the majority. Experiments were conducted primarily in diffuse groups, in which the subjects jointly solved simple, insignificant problems. Subsequently, Conformity was declared a universal regularity of a person’s behavior in diverse social situations. The theoretical interpretations and traditional experimental diagram of pinpointing Conformity reveal an essentially mechanistic interpretation of the mutual relations of people in society. Critically assessing the results of corresponding studies, some social psychologists reject the theses of Conformity’s universality and generality as a form of individual’s reaction to the influence of a social community. The fact is that in Asch’s and his followers experiments the value and goal factors acting as a mediator in relations between people were deliberately neutralized.

IV. Find sentences in Passive Voice and translate them.

V. Complete the following sentences.

1. Conformity is a person’s tendency to change his behavior under ___________.

2. Conformity is recorded there where there is a conflict between an individual’s own opinion and that of the group ________________.

3. Conformity was declared a universal regularity of ________________.

4. Conformity clearly reveals an essentially mechanistic interpretation of __________.

5. ________ as an individual’s tendency to change his opinion under the influence of a group, to adopt the viewpoint expressed by the majority.

VI. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences.

1. Conformity is a person’s tendency to change his behavior under the influence of other peopleso that it would correspond to the opinion of one’s associates, a striving to adopt it to their demands.

2. Conformity is recorded where there is a conflict between an individual’s own opinion and that of the group he belongs to.

3. The investigation of conformity was begun in the works of Solomon Asch, where conformity appeared as an individual’s tendency to change his opinion under the influence of a group, to adopt the viewpoint expressed by the majority.

4. Conformity was declared a universal regularity of a person’s behavior in diverse social situations.

5. Experiments were conducted primarily in diffuse groups, in which the subjects jointly solved simple, insignificant problems.

VII. Translate into English the words and word-combinations given in brackets.

1. Conformity is (склонность личности изменить свое поведение) under the influence of other people so that it would correspond to the opinion of one’s associates, a striving to adopt it to their demands.

2. Conformity is recorded where there is a conflict (между мнением личности и той группы, к которой он принадлежит) if this conflict is resolved through accord with the group opinion.

3. The investigation of Conformity was begun in the works of Solomon Asch where Conformity appeared as an individual’s tendency to change his opinion under the influence of a group (чтобы выбрать точку зрения, выраженную большинством).

4. Experiments were conducted primarily in diffuse groups, (в которых субъекты решали простые незначительные проблемы).

5. The theoretical interpretations and traditional experimental diagram of Conformity clearly reveal an essentially mechanistic (интерпретация взаимоотношений людей в обществе).

IX. Answer the questions.

1. What is Conformity?

2. When is Conformity recorded?

3. Whose books was the investigation of Conformity begun in?

4. Where were the experiments conducted first?

5. What do theoretical interpretations and traditional experimental diagram of Conformity reveal?

X. Retell the text


I. Read the international words and guess their meaning.

Object, situation, character, activity, experimental, psychology, factor, reaction, illusion, process, sociology, individual, orientations, group, abstract, principle, mental phenomena, mechanism, adaptation, limit, regulation, stability, coordination, variation, forms, function, effects, control, interpretation, propaganda.

II. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

Attitude, subject’s readiness, predisposition in anticipation, to ensure smth., subsequent, to introduce into smth., to designate, past experience, to determine smth., speed, perception, to describe smth., an unconscious state, conditions, to designate smth., different values, socially accepted ways, basic shortcoming of smth., human (animal) behavior, to study the relationship, member, under the influence of smth., to forecast smth., to reveal smth., to free smb. from smth., to take decision, voluntary control.

III. Read the text

ATTITUDE is a subject’s readiness or predisposition in anticipation of a definite object (or situation); a state that ensures the stable and purposeful character of subsequent activity in relation to that object.

The notion “Attitude” was initially introduced into experimental psychology by German psychologists to designate some factor conditioned by past experience (like readiness to act in a given way), a factor determining the speed of reaction to a perceived situation and certain illusion of perception (Georg Muller), and also to describe an unconscious state of readiness when a task is set, a start that conditions the trend of various mental processes (Narzis Ach). Later, the notion of Attitude was introduced into social psychology and sociology to designate subjective individual orientations of both group (or society) members to different values that prescribe specific socially-accepted ways of behavior (William Thomas, Florian Znaniecki). The basic shortcoming of various interpretations of Attitude is that they actually limit the area of social regulation of human behavior by certain abstract conditions. As an explanatory principle in studying mental phenomena Attitude was most extensively studied by Dmitry Uznadze and his school. In general psychology, Attitude is used to study purposeful animal behavior; psycho-physiological mechanisms of body adaptation to anticipated situations; selectivity and orientation of mental processes; mechanisms of unconscious regulation of individual character; and forming of individual character. In social psychology, Attitude is used to study the relationship of an individual as a group member to various social objects; self-regulation mechanisms; stability and coordination of social behavior and the process of socialization and variation of attitude, say, under the influence of propaganda, and also to forecast possible forms of individual behavior in specific situations. The function, effects and essence of Attitude are revealed in studying its role in activity regulation. The basic foundations of Attitude in activity are as follows:

a) It determines the stable, consistent, and purposeful nature of activity, and acts as its stabilization mechanism allowing to preserve its orientation in continually changing situations;

b) It frees the subject from the need to take decisions and voluntarily control his activity, in standard, previously encountered situations;

c) It may also act as a factor that causes inert activity and makes it difficult for an individual to adapt to new situations.


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