IV. Complete the following sentences.
1. Attitude is a subject’s readiness or predisposition in anticipation of …. 2. The notion Attitude was initially introduced into … by …. 3. The basic shortcoming of various interpretations of Attitude is that they …. 4. In general psychology, Attitude is used to study …. 5. In social psychology, Attitude is used to study …. 6. The basic functions of Attitude in activity are as follows: …... V. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences. 1. Attitudeis a subject’s readiness or predisposition in anticipation of a definite object (or situation). 2. The notion Attitude was initially introduced into experimental psychology by German psychologists. 3. In general psychology, Attitude is used to study purposeful animal behavior. 4. In social psychology, Attitude is used to study the relationship of an individual as a group member to various social objects. 5. Attitude determinesthe stable, consistent and purposeful nature of activity. VI. Answer the following questions. 1. What is Attitude? 2. Who introduced the notion “Attitude” into experimental psychology? 3. What purpose did the German psychologists introduce the notion “Attitude” into experimental psychology for? 4. What is the basic shortcoming of various interpretations of Attitude? 5. What are the basic foundations of Attitude in activity? VII. Give the outline of the text. VIII. Retell the text using words and word-combinations given in Ex.1 and 2. Conflict I. Read and translate the following international words and word-combinations. Conflict, tendency, negative, emotional, motive, person, situation, social, practical, problem, pedagogic, classification, motivational, cognitive, factor, pathopsychology, psychoanalysis. II. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations. Collision, counterposed, incompatible (goals, values, norms), consciousness, interpersonal interaction (relations), experience, to distinguish, drives, approximately, to pursue, simultaneously, on acute competitive struggle, to attain, to achieve, to obstruct, to investigate, to conduct, propositions, approach, a choice, to engender, ambivalent, avoidance, as such, to accept, to perceive, to expect, a participant. III. a) Match English and Russian equivalents: 1. Incompatible tendencies 1. Так называемый 2. Conflicting side 2. Становиться реальностью 3. To obstruct each other 3. Как таковой 4. So-called 4. Конфликтующие стороны 5. As such 5. Делать выбор 6. To become a reality 6. подчеркивать 7. Basing himself 7. Несовместимые тенденции 8. To pursue incompatible goals 8. Мешать друг другу 9. To make a choice 9. Преследовать несовместимые цели 10. To put the stress 10.основываясь B) Make up sentences with each of them.
IV. Read the text and get ready to render its content into Russian. Conflict is the collision of counterposed, incompatible tendencies in the consciousness of an individual, in interpersonal interaction or interpersonal relations of individuals or groups of people associated with sharply negative emotional experiences. Distinguished in psychology are the following types of conflicts: 1) Intrapersonal conflict – the collision of motives, needs, interests, drives, etc. approximately equal force in one person; 2) Interpersonal conflict – a situation of interaction of people when they either pursue incompatible goals, or uphold incompatible values and norms, endeavoring to realize them in relations with each other, or simultaneously in an acute competitive struggle seek to attain the same goal, which can be achieved by only one of the conflicting sides. 3) Intergroup conflict where the conflicting sides are social groups which pursue incompatible goals and by their practical actions obstruct each other. The problem of an intrapersonal conflict is being investigated in general and pedagogic psychology, in pathopsychology and psychoanalysis. One of its first experimental studies was conducted by Alexander Luria. Basing himself on the propositions of Kurt Lewin’s “field theory”, he suggested the classification of conflicts, which consists of three main types: a) “Approach-Approach” conflict – a situation when a person has to choose one of equally attractive alternatives; b) “Approach-Avoidance” conflict – one and the same goal is equally attractive and unattractive for the individual making a choice and engenders both positive and negative c) emotions. This kind of conflicts is sometimes called ambivalent; d) “Avoidance - Avoidance” conflict – here an individual is forced to choose one of equally unattractive alternatives. A special case of an intrapersonal type of conflicts is the so-called conflicts of roles – social situations in which role actions incompatible with each other are expected from one individual. As for the intrapersonal conflicts, two concepts are represented in Western social psychology: motivational and cognitive. V. Translate into English the words and word - combinations given in brackets. 1. Conflict is (столкновение) of incompatible tendencies (в сознании) of an individual, (в межличностных отношениях) of an individual or group of people. 2. (Внутри личностный конфликт) is the collision of (мотивов, потребностей, интересов, побуждений) in one person. 3. (Межличностный конфликт) is a situation of interaction of people when they either (преследуют несовместимые цели) or (защищают несовместимые ценности и нормы). 4. (Межгрупповой конфликт) is a situation where the conflicting sides are social groups which pursue incompatible goals and by their practical actions (мешают друг другу). 5. Conflict becomes a reality only if it (как таковой) is accepted and perceived by (участниками). VI. Complete the following sentences. 1. Conflict is the collision of ….
2. Intrapersonal conflict is the collision of …. 3. Interpersonal conflict is a situation of interaction of people when …. 4. Intergroup conflict is a situation when the conflicting sides are …. 5. The problem of intrapersonal conflict is being investigated in …. 6. According to A. Luria intrapersonal conflicts are divided into …. 7. Conflict of roles is a social situation in which …. 8. Western social psychology divides all interpersonal conflicts into …. 9. Conflict becomes a reality only if …. VII. Answer the following questions. 1. What is a conflict? 2. How many types of conflicts are distinguished in psychology? What are they? 3. What conflict is called intrapersonal conflict (interpersonal conflict, intergroup conflict)? 4. What classification of intrapersonal conflicts did A. Luria suggest? 5. When does a conflict become a reality? VIII. Find in the text and read the sentences in which the predicate is in the Passive Voice. IX. Give the outline of the text.
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