Проверь себя. (test yourself). Длительные времена. (the Progressive (continuous) tenses). Form: be + Ving (participle I)
ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ (TEST YOURSELF) 1. Good morning, ladies and gentleman/ ladies and gentlemen/lady and gentlemen/ ladies and gentlemens, we are glad to see you. 2. These are your books, take them/ they/it/its. 3. There is little money/are little money/are little moneys/ were little money in the bank. 4. He is America/American/Americans/America’s best athlete. 5. There are/were/is/will be a desk and some chairs in the room. 6. There is/ will be/was/are a meeting tomorrow. 7. There was/ will be/ is/are much snow in winter last year. 8. I has/will have/have/have had two sisters, whose names is/are/be/were Mary and Kate. 9. I don’t remember the title of the book/ the book’s title/the book title/the books title. 10. My wife do/did/does/to do the cooking every day, and I did/do/does/will do the shopping. 11. John usually drives/drive/drove/will drive to his work, but today he walk/will walk/walked/walk. 12. Do you study/ you study/does you study/study you English or German at school? 13. Jack broke the window, doesn’t he/don’t he/isn’t he/didn’t he? 14. How do they plan to get to the airport? – They take/took/takes/will take the taxi. 15. Who took/ who did took/ who take/who did take the car to the garage? 16. Does she play/ do she play/ plays she/play she the guitar well? 17. Last year we go/went/gone/will go to Italy. 18. When we be/are/were/been in Italy last year we saw/see/seen/sees many places of interest. 19. Our cat don’t like/does not like/likes not/not like to sleep on the floor, she sleep/slept/sleeps/will sleep on the bed. 20. Why you left/you did leave/ you leave/did you leave the party early?
UNIT 2 Длительные времена (The Progressive (Continuous) Tenses) Form: be + Ving (Participle I) Meaning: an action is in progress during a particular time
Упражнение 1. Используйте нужное время. 1. Mary can’t come to the phone because she (wash) ___ her hair. 2. Look. It (rain) _____.
3. Every morning the sun (shine) ------ in the window of our sitting-room. 4. As a rule, I (sleep) _________ until 6 o’clock in the morning, and then I (get) __________ up and (study) __________ for my classes. 5. Shhh. Grandpa (take) _____________a nap in the living room. We (want, not) _____________ to wake him up. He (need) _______ his rest. 6. Right now I (look) ________ at Janet. She (look) ________ angry. I wonder what’s the matter. She (have)___________ a frown on her face. She certainly (have/not)________ any fun right now. 7. I (want)_________ to figure out the meaning of this saying: “The pen is mightier than the sword”. I (know) ___________ that “mightier” (mean) __________ “ more powerful”, but what’s a “sword”? What ‘sword” (mean)________________? 8. Right now I (look) _________around the classroom, Mary (write) ___________ in her book, Peter (bite) _________his pencil. Упражнение 2. Используйте Present Simple или Present Progressive. 1. Give some examples of your daily habits. 2. Give some examples of “timeless truth”. 3. Describe activities that are in progress in this classroom right now.
Упражнение 3. Используйте формы времен Continuous. 1. Where you (to go)? – I (to go) to the supermarket. I want to buy some food. 2. The Browns (to come) to see us tonight. Go and buy some sweets and a cake. 3. Where is Ann? – She (to do) when flat. Tomorrow is Nick’s birthday. 4. What you (to do) when I rang you up yesterday? – I (to draw) pictures for my little daughter. 5. You (to watch) TV? – No, I am not. – Switch it on at once. They (to show) your dancing group. 6. When I (to walk) in the park yesterday I saw a small dog who (to lie) under a tree and (to look) at me. I decided to take it home. 7. Tomorrow we’ll have a party. What dress you (to wear)? – I don’t know yet.
Упражнение 4. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы. 1. Am I speaking to Ann? 2. Are you buying anything? 3. Is he going shopping now? 4. Is she washing up in the kitchen? 5. Are we going out tonight? 6. Are you going my way? 7. Are they moving to a new house? 8. Was it speaking too long? 9. Were you driving too fast? 10. Was it raining in the morning? 11. Were they looking for something? 12. Shall I be seeing you tomorrow? 13. Will you be wearing your new dress? 14. Will she be waiting for you? 15. Will they be walking this way?
Упражнение 5. Используйте формы времен Continuous или Simple. 1. Father ___ morning newspapers. He always ___ morning newspapers at breakfast. (to look through) 2. You ___ now? – No, I never ___ on Saturday. (to go shopping) 3. She ___ a letter to our friend when I came. She ___ three letters to him last month. (to write) 4. What you ___ in the shop when I saw you? – I ___ a sweater. I ___ three sweaters, but none fitted. (to try on) 5. What you ___ at the party? – My evening frock, I think, I ___ not ___ it last time. (to wear) 6. What you ___ now? I always ___ news at this time. ( to watch) 7. We ___ tonight. We sometimes ___ on Sundays. (to dine out) 8. Where they ___ for the vacation? – Normally they ___ to the South. (to go).
Упражнение 6. Переведитена английский язык, используя времена группы Simple или Continuous. 1. Сейчас студенты 2-й группы пишут тест. Студенты 1-й группы писали тест вчера с 10 до 12. Студенты нашей группы будут писать тест завтра в это же время. У нас всегда много тестов в конце семестра. 2. Где твои родители? – Они работают в саду. 3. Вчера мы не поехали за город, потому что шел дождь. 4. В июне у нас будет практика. Мы будем очень заняты. 5. Когда родители пришли домой, дети спали. 6. Писатель заканчивает третью часть своей новой книги. 7. Не звоните мне вечером. Я буду смотреть рок-концерт по телевизору. 8. Он много читает? Что он читает сейчас? 9. Что вы говорите? Я вас плохо слышу. 10. Сейчас 6 часов утра. Анна встает. Она никогда не встает поздно. 11. Мы видели тебя вчера в автобусе. Ты разговаривала с подругой и не видела нас. 12. Через полчаса мы будем обедать. Приходи. Мама очень хорошо готовит. 13. Вчера днем он гулял в парке, не так ли? 14. Что вы будете делать завтра в это время?
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