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Условные предложения. (Conditional sentences).   ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ



Условные предложения

(Conditional sentences)


Zero conditional If +present tense, present tense.   If+ past tense, past tense. Нулевой тип ус-ловных предложе-ний. Этот тип описывает универ-сальные ситуации, в которых выпол-нение условия из придаточного предложения не-избежно повлечет за собой результат, указанный в главном предложении. If I eat fish, I get ill. If I didn’t eat my meals, Mom got cross.
First conditional If/as soon as/unless/until/in case/provided/when + present tense, will infinitive. Первый тип услов-ных предложений в английском языке отвечает за «реальное» условие действия, представленного в предложении. If it rains, I won’t go out. If your sister’s going to be there, I’ll definitely go.
Second conditional If + past tense, would (might, could) + infinitive.   Note! We use were, not was after if. Второй тип услов-ных предложений в английском языке выражает маловероятное условие, которое может относиться как к настоящему, так и к будущему времени. If I were you I would apply for the job. If I went to Africa, I might see wild elephants.
Third conditional If + had + participle II, would have+ participle II. Третий тип услов-ных предложений в английском языке характеризуется своим отношением к нереальным дей-ствиям. В этих предложениях не-реальное условие относится к про-шедшему времени, а значит, вы-полнению не подлежит никоим образом. If I had known you were in hospital, I would have gone to visit you. (But the real situation was that she didn’t know he was in hospital. )


Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party. 2. If you (not to buy) coffee, we will  drink tea. 3. If you spoke English every day, you (to improve) your language skills. 4. If you get a " five", your mother (to be) happy. 5. If he (to learn) the poem, he would not have got a bad mark. 6. If you gave me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (to translate) this text. 7. If I (to he) a musician, I should be very happy. 8. If Barbara (to get) up at half past eight, she would have been late for school. 9. If she had told them it was her birthday, they (to give) her a birthday present. 10. If I had more time, I (to read) more books. 11. If they had come home not very late, they (to watch) the President's speech last night. 12. I will wait for you until you (to come).

Упражнение 2. Продолжите следующие предложения.

1. If you took more exercise, ___.

2. I’d feel very hungry if ____.

3. If I didn’t go to work tomorrow, ___.

4. Would you go to the party if ___?

5. If you bought some new clothes ___

6. Would you mind if ___?


Упражнение 3. Составьте предложения, соответствующие предложенным ситуациям, начиная их с If…”.

1. He doesn’t speak very clearly – that’s why people don’t understand him.

If he __________ more _________, people _________.

2. That book is too expensive, so I’m not going to buy it.

3. We don’t go out very often because we can’t afford it.

4. Margaret wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.

5. You didn't have any breakfast - that's why you're hungry now.

6. I didn't get a taxi because I didn't have any money on me.


Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если бы я знал немецкий, я бы поговорил с ней. 2. Если бы мне не нравился этот певец, я бы не посещала все его концерты 3. Если бы он был более уверен в себе, он бы постарался познакомиться с этой девушкой. 4. Если бы я не был так занят, я бы с удовольствием помог тебе. 5. Если бы он был более внимательным, он бы не сделал столько ошибок. 6. Если бы она была действительно уехала заграницу, ее брат сказал бы мне об этом вчера. 7. Вы бы знали намного больше, если бы регулярно читали книги. 8. Если он ее любит, то скоро сделает ей предложение.



                                    ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ

                                              (TEST YOURSELF)

1. I will phone you when I came/come/will come/would come back.

2. If you pass your exams you would enter/would have entered/will be entering/will enter the University.

3. I would tell him the news if I see/saw/will see/would see him.

4. Could you look after my dog while I will be/am/was/be away?

5. If I had finished writing the paper in time I will have gone/will go/had gone/would have gone to bed earlier.

6. As soon as I get/got/will get/would get tickets I will phone you.

7. I would buy a car if I save/saved/would save/have saved enough money.

8. If they go/went/had gone/would go by car they would have saved time.

9. If I spend/spent/would spend/will spend much time in the sun I have a high temperature afterwards.

10. In case you forget my telephone number write it down/wrote it down/will write it down/writes it down in your pad.

11. I would have come /will have come/will come/would come sooner if you had phoned me.

12. I will wait after/until/as soon as/if you come.

13. The secretary will call you in case/when/as soon as/while you forget about the meeting.

14. Keep in touch while/as soon as/till/until you come.

15. If I were/was/will be/am you I would pay attention to this suggestion.

16. If he came/had come/has come/comes in time he would have watched this interesting film.

17. If I were rich I would have gone/would go/will goy/went on a voyage round the world now.

18. If I didn’t do my homework my mother didn’t let/hadn’t let/won’t let/wasn’t let me to go out.

19. I will let you know about it as soon as I come/came/will come/would come back home.

20. She would have bought me a new dress if she went/would go/had gone/has gone to the city.



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