ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. (Modals). Modal +have +Participle II (действия, относящиеся к прошлому)
ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ (TEST YOURSELF) 1. They know /have been knowing/ have known/ has known each other since childhood 2. She is in the library. And she is translating/ has been translating/had translated/ was translating an article from English. 3. It rained/ had rained/ have been raining/ has been raining since early morning. 4. They have left/ left/will leave/ leave the theatre an hour ago. 5. She was written/ was writing/ has written /wrote a letter when the phone rang. 6. When he came home the room was cleaned/ was cleaning/ had cleaned/had been cleaned. 7. What you have… done /have… been doing/were… doing /has…. been doing when I phoned you? 8. This book had been translated/was translated/ has been translated/was translating into Russian two years ago. 9. This question is discussed /will be discussed/ will discuss/will be discussing tomorrow. 10. I have seen/have been seeing/ saw /was seeing some good films recently. 11. I was meeting / met/ had met/have met Alex at a party a couple of weeks ago. 12. Some rare books keep/keeps/were kept /are kept in the National Library. 13. When he came home his parents has had/had/were having/was having dinner. 14. They have played tennis for an hour/ have been playing tennis for an hour/have been played tennis for an hour/ were playing tennis for an hour when it stated to rain. 15. Who wants/want/ is wanting/have wanted to take part in the discussion? 16. Many of his novels made/make/ will make/have been made into films. 17. This book was first published/is first published/did first publish/ was first being published in 1960. 18. I was reading/ read/had read/ have been reading the book all day. 19. We was taught /are taught/ is taught/taught English by Mrs. Brown. 20. This time tomorrow I will swim/will have swum/will be swimming /will have been swimming in the sea.
UNIT 6 Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (Modals)
Modal +have +Participle II (действия, относящиеся к прошлому)
Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык; определите модальный оттенок глагола. 1. Could you hold the line a moment, please? 2. You can reach the hotel in five minutes. 3. Students may use any study notes in this exam. 4. You must vaccinate your cat against rabies. 5. Drivers mustn’t exceed the speed limit. 6. You needn’t worry. I’ll take care of everything. 7. Would you like me to help you? Shall I call the doctor? 8. Hurry up! The train is to leave in ten minutes. 9. You don’t have to shout. I hear you perfectly well. 10. You ought not to eat sugar and you know it. 11. Can’t you stay a little longer? – I’m afraid I can’t. 12. Will you, two children, be quiet? 13. You should renew your driving licence. It has expired. 14. May I ask your name, please? 15. All students have to register by October 5th. 16. My sister couldn’t swim until she was eleven. 17. I’m going to speak to the boss about my salary today. – I’m afraid you won’t be able to do it. He is away on business. 18. When I was a child my mother used to help me with my homework. 19. What are the children doing at home? They are supposed to be at school. 20. He may be the right man for the job.
Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски одним из предложенных в скобках глаголом.
1. Tom ___ play the piano and also the guitar. (can/may). 2. You look hot and thirsty. ___ I get a cold drink? (may/shall). 3. I ___ go now. I’m late for work. (must/should). 4. You ___ use my car whenever you like. I don’t need it now. (may/can). 5. ___ you mind if I use your phone? (could/would ) 6. Citizens ___ to pay their taxes on time. (ought/should) 7. Now children, go straight to your beds. Tomorrow you’ll ___ get up early. (must/have to). 8. You ___ not play with matches! You’ll burn yourself. (must/should) 9. ___ I see you again? ( could/may) 10. My sister ___ read when she was 5. (could/can) 11. You ___ keep your money in the bank to save enough for the holiday. ( should/need) 12. I ___ go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday! ( needn’t/don’t have to) 13. ___ you please close the window? ( will/can) 14. I can’t go to the party with you. I ___ go to the airport to meet my parents. (to be to/ to have to) 15. You ___ not drive so fast. We’re not late. ( needn’t/ don’t have to ) 16. ___ you please help me to translate this letter? ( would/could ) 17. Although the Titanic sank quickly, many passengers ___ to escape. (can/to be able to) 18. Jack ___ you lend me five dollars? ( can/will)
Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или модальными эквивалентами. 1. Where are the keys? I ___not find them last night. 2. You ___ not forget what I told you. It is very important. 3. You ___ not come if you don’t want to. 4. ___ I turn on the heater? It’s chilly in here. 5. ___ you like to have dinner with me tonight? 6. When I was a child I ___ sit for hours reading fairy tales. 7. Drivers ___ stop at a red traffic light. 8. ___ you help me to move this sofa? 9. You sound very busy. ___ I call back later? 10. He said you ___ need my help today. 11. She doesn’t ___ to get up early. She gets up early because she prefers to. 12. It is nice ___ to sleep late on Sundays. 13. The lecture ___ to begin at 10. 14. You look tired. I think you ___stay at home this evening. 15. He often ___ to go away on business. 16. Kings ___ be kings in all things. 17. I ___ to tell father the truth. – Then you ___ go to him at once before he learns everything himself. 18. ___ you tell me why are you so certain?
Упражнение 4. Переведите, используя модальные глаголы ( A ) или модальные эквиваленты ( B ). A. 1. Я могу поговорить с вами? – Да, пожалуйста. 2. Я умею пользоваться компьютером. А ты? 3. Он не умеет играть в шахматы. 4. Ты сам должен поговорить с ними. 5. «Вы не должны много разговаривать», сказал врач больному. 6. Зажги свет, пожалуйста, я ничего не вижу. 7. Не нужно покупать этот учебник, он есть в библиотеке. 8. Мне подождать вас? 9. Не могли бы вы остановить машину на минутку? 10. Ты просто обязан извиниться перед ними и все объяснить. 11. Не следует так долго оставаться там. 12. Можно я помогу вам? 13. Где ваш брат? – Возможно, он в саду, но я не уверена. 14. Не хотите чашку чаю? B. 1. Они собираются пожениться следующим летом. 2,. Когда мы жили в деревне, я ходил в лес каждый день. 3. Я думаю, нам лучше поторопиться. Последний автобус уходит через 15 минут. 4. Детям до 16 лет не разрешается смотреть такие фильмы. 5. Нам приходится много работать, т. к. зимой мы должны сдавать пять экзаменов. 6. Я не смогу сделать это без твоей помощи.
Упражнение 5. Переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие перфектные формы инфинитива с модальными глаголами. 1. He must have already bought the cake. I saw him in the bakery an hour ago. 2. We needn’t have worried so much. The test was so easy. 3. He can’t have stolen your watch. I don’t believe you. 4. I must have lost my way. Can you help me? 5. Can he have forgotten about my birthday? 6. He shouldn’t have left for the USA. He can’t find work there. 7. They might have divorced. Have you heard anything about it? 8. -I can’t find my gloves. – You may have left them in a café yesterday.
Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык, используя перфектные формы инфинитива с модальными глаголами. 1. Тебе не надо было поливать цветы, я это уже сделала. 2. Он, должно быть, проработал на этом заводе много лет. 3. Неужели он выучил английский за месяц? 5. Тебе не следовало туда ходить - этот район очень опасный. 6. Вчера, должно быть, прошел сильный дождь. Хорошо, что нас не было в городе. 7. Вчера, возможно, был дождь в городе: когда я уезжала, на небе было много туч. 8. Может вчера и был дождь в городе, я не знаю, так как уезжала к бабушке. 9. Тебе следовало навестить больного друга. Я не думаю, что ты был так сильно занят.
Упражнение 7. Составьте утверждения и вопросы, конкретизирующие предложенную ситуацию. Используйте соответствующие модальные глаголы или модальные эквиваленты. Example: John is a very talented man. (can, could). - He can play several instruments. - Can he speak any foreign languages? - As a child he could solve difficult maths problems. 1. We are students of the Academy now. (must, mustn’t, can, be going to) 2. We are going to Egypt for our holidays. (should, must, to be able to, can) 3. My sister has a temperature and a headache. (have to, should, must not, can not) 4. We are going to have a party at the weekend. (may, must, should, shall) 5. You have just won a lottery. (may, to be able to, should, be going to)
ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ (TEST YOURSELF) 1. Can/may/will/would you tell me the time, please? 2. I didn’t pass my exam yesterday. I’ll need/must/have to/should take it again on Monday. 3. You mustn’t have/needn’t have /can’t have /might have phoned before you visited me.
4. We have finished our work and now we may/are able to/could/can go home. 5. Could/would/may/shall you like to have dinner with me tonight? 6. He took a taxi and could/would/was able to/might get to the station in time. 7. May/can/need/shall I help him? – Of course, we must/have to/need/are to help our friends. 8. I don’t know anything about it. You must have/should have /have to/may have consulted a specialist before doing this work. 9. He is to/must/has to/should speak at the conference tomorrow. He has already written his speech. 10. Parents must/should/are to/ought to spend more time with their children. 11. Good morning, Mr. Smith! Can/may/could/will you drive me to town? 12. Can/may/shall/will I have a look at your new picture? – No, you can’t/may not/mustn’t/needn’t. I haven’t finished it yet. 13. Will you/shall you/are you able to/should you speak louder, please? I can’t hear you. 14. I was able to/ had to/ used to/ was going to live in the country when I was a child, and I don’t like noisy cities. 15. You mustn’t/shouldn’t/don’t have to/couldn’t go with us if you don’t want to. 16. The weather is changing. You must/should/ought to/had better stay at home. 17. What are you doing here? You must/are supposed/have to/need to be at school now. 18. I know you don’t like musicals, but you can/must/may/will like this one. 19. Have you eaten all the cake? You are supposed/are going to/would/must be sick! 20. You can/might/are able to/may use my library any time you need it.
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