III. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a business corporation? 2. Why is a corporation the dominant form of American business? 3. How often do the stockholders usually meet? 4. What does management of a corporation consist of? 5. What can a stockholder do if he can’t attend the meeting? 6. What advantages and disadvantages have the corporate form of business? 7. What does double taxation of profit mean? 8. How can large amounts of money attracted by a corporation be used? 9. What's the difference between the privately owned business corporation and nonprofit corporation? 10. What do nonprofit corporations do with their profit if they have it? 11. What examples of governmental corporations are given in the text? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Акционерная форма собственности имеет как преимущества, так и недостатки, при этом ограниченная ответственность акционеров является основным преимуществом корпорации. 2. Система двойного налогообложения включает подоходный налог на получаемые акционерами дивиденды. 3. Так как крупные корпорации платят большие зарплаты своим работникам, то для выполнения сложных научно-исследовательских работ могут быть наняты наиболее квалифицированные специалисты. 4. Корпорация может выпускать и продавать акции. 5. Корпорация имеет больше возможностей для вовлечения финансовых ресурсов, чем партнерство. 6. Корпорация может предлагать более высокую заработную плату. 7. Образовательные, благотворительные, религиозные учреждения могут быть корпорациями. Подобные учреждения, как правило, не приносят прибыль. 8. Эта корпорация прибыльна. Она будет расширяться. 9. Каждый год акционеры проводят собрание. 10. Сначала вы должны подать заявление на получение корпоративного патента. 11. Акционеры имеют решающее слово в управлении корпорацией. 12. Административные исполнители компании осуществляют постоянное руководство. 13. Владельцы акций проводят ежегодное собрание и выбирают совет директоров. 14. Корпорация имеет право подать иск и отвечать по иску. 15. Члены правления несут полную юридическую ответственность.
V. Read and translate the following dialogue. Dialogue 3 Secretary: Good afternoon. Steve: Good afternoon. I'd like to see Mr. Jackson. We have an arrangement with him. My name is Watson. Secretary: Just a minute, please. I'll let him know you are here. Steve: Thanks. Secretary: Mr. Jackson is waiting for you. Do you know where his office is? Steve: Oh, sure, thank you. Jackson: Hello, Steve, it's so nice to see you. Sit down, please. Steve: Thanks, Nick. How are you getting on? Jackson: Quite all right, thanks. And what about you? Steve: Everything is all right too. In fact I want to talk to you about my business. Jackson: Oh, I'll be glad to do something for you. Steve: Well, Nick. I need some legal advice. John and I are thinking of incorporating. Jackson: You are going to expand, aren't you? It seems that your partnership has been doing very well. Steve: Oh, yes. We have a success. Now some businessmen are interested in investing with us. So could you explain to me what sort of legal procedure we have to follow to form a corporation? Jackson: At first you have to apply for a corporate charter. Steve: Well? Jackson: Let me get this straight. You want to issue and sell stock in exchange for investment capital, don't you? Steve: Exactly. Jackson: After you obtain the charter the stockholders, as owners, hold a meeting to organize the corporation. Steve: Does that mean we elect our Board of Directors, adopt bylaws and choose the company's officers? Jackson: That's what I mean. Though the officers of the company supervise daily management, the stockholders always have final authority. They vote at annual meetings. Steve: Yes, I see it. By the way, does a corporation have limited liability? Jackson: It does. It also has the right to own property, to buy and sell and the right to sue and be sued. Steve: I see. The corporation acts like a person. It has the right of an individual. Jackson: You are right. Steve O. K. Why don't we get together for a game of golf one day next week? Vocabulary to incorporate – объединяться в корпорацию to follow legal procedure – пройти юридическую процедуру to apply for a corporate charter – подавать заявление на получение корпоративного патента to adopt bylaws – принимать устав и внутренние нормативные акты to supervise daily management – осуществлять ежедневное руководство to have final authority – иметь право окончательного принятия решения to sue and be sued – подавать иск и отвечать по иску to act like a person – выступать в качестве физического лица UNIT 8 Travelling on business Nowadays businessmen go on business trips by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. Most businessmen are interested in speed, comfort and safety.
When I go on business I decide what kind of transport to choose and make all travel arrangement. It's rather difficult to get tickets on the day of departure and I book a ticket at least a week in advance. As I prefer travelling by train I get to Moscow railway terminal. There are crowds of people there: at the timetable, at the inquiry-office, at the booking-office, waiting for trains at the platforms, getting a light refreshment at a cafeteria, seeing off their friends and relatives. They are in a hurry to catch their trains. On the platform the porters are very busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. They are taking those trunks and suitcases to the luggage van. I get all the necessary information at the inquiry office before buying or booking tickets. Usually I prefer a return ticket (round-trip ticket) to a single one (one-way ticket), a lower berth to an upper one. I like to travel by an express train as it's more comfortable than a passenger train. There's a buffet-car and a carriage hostess brings me tea and bedclothes. The fares are reasonable and the trains are always in time. They leave and arrive without delay. When I get on the train I go to my compartment. Here I put my luggage on the luggage rack (roof rack) and make myself comfortable. I prefer a corner seat facing the engine in a smoker. My carriage is near the dining-car and I can order lunch when the attendant comes along. I'm very glad to have one or two other passengers in the compartment of my carriage for it's very pleasant to travel in a good company. Sometimes I read a book to while away the time during the journey. I always have a nice trip by train. Very often I go on business to London by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. I ask my secretary to check flights to London as I want to take the earliest flight I can. She finds out the time of flights to London and reserves me a seat. Usually it's a direct non-stop flight, business class, non-smoking. The secretary arranges everything for me (makes all necessary reservations for the flight) and I go home to pack a bag. I can't waste my time because passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights. There must be enough time for them to complete all necessary airport formalities. Passengers must check in for flights: register tickets, weigh and register their luggage. If your luggage is overweigh you have to pay extra, if it’s underweight you needn’t pay anything. My secretary arranges for a car to take me to the Airport Terminal and phones me to inform about the latest check-in time. On the appointed day after packing my luggage, I proceed to the airport by car. At the check-in desk I put my luggage on the scales and pay an extra charge if it's necessary. Together with other passengers I wait at the department lounge. The registration stops half an hour before the time of take-off. On hearing the announcement about the flight “Boarding the plane Flight 217 begins. Passengers are invited to take their places”. People say good-buy to their friends who comes to see them off and go to a special bus which takes them to the plane on the runway. I collect my hand luggage and go to gate 1. I show my boarding pass to the stewardess and get on the plane. The stewardess meets the passengers at the gangway. She welcomes the passengers and shows them to their seats. On board the plane the stewardesses or flight attendants are always very friendly and helpful. They help everyone get comfortable in the reclining seats adjustable to some positions. Very soon the plane takes off. At the moment I see a notice “No smoking. Fasten your seat-belts”. The pilot begins to taxi out into the middle of the airfield. In a few minutes the plane is above the clouds. During the flight the passengers get information of the altitude, speed, the weather and distance covered. They airhostesses walk up and down the aisle bringing meals and drinks. They serve mineral water, juice, tea, sweets and sandwiches. Besides, newspapers and magazines are offered to the passengers.
As a rule, the flight is smooth. We don’t hit a single air-pocket. If the flight is going through some turbulence, they warn everybody that it might be a bit bumpy and ask the passengers to fasten their seat-belts. Everybody feels comfortable and nobody is airsick. On a long flight I like listening to music through the headphones available to all passengers or watch a video, which is always available, too, and sometimes I have a sleep. I enjoy it all so much. Planes to London leave and land there without delay and when I get off the plane in London Mr. Smith meets me at Heathrow-Airport. Vocabulary to go by train – ехать поездом to go by plane – лететь самолетом travel arrangement – организация поездки to get tickets – добыть, достать билеты to book a ticket in advance – брать, заказывать билет заранее railway terminal – железнодорожная конечная станция crowd – толпа time-table – расписание inquiry (information) office – справочное бюро booking-office – билетная касса to get a light refreshment – слегка перекусить to see smb. off – провожать кого-либо to be in hurry – мчаться, спешить, торопиться to catch a train – успеть на поезд porter – носильщик to carry luggage – нести, везти багаж to push a truck – везти багажную тележку trunk – дорожный сундук, кофр, чемодан suitcase – чемодан (обычно небольшой и плоский) luggage van – багажный вагон return ticket (Br.E.) – билет в оба конца round-trip ticket (Am. E.) – билет туда и обратно single ticket (Br.E.) – билет в один конец one-way ticket (Am.E.) – билет в один конец lower berth – нижняя полка upper berth – верхняя полка buffet car – вагон-буфет, вагон-ресторан carriage hostess – проводница bedclothes (bedding) – постельное бельё fare – стоимость проезда, плата за проезд to leave without delay – отправляться без задержки to get on the train – садиться на поезд luggage rack – (Am. E.) полка для багажа roof rack – (Br. E.) полка для багажа seat facing the engine – место по ходу поезда smoker – вагон для курящих carriage – железнодорожный вагон attendant – проводник to while away the time (a few hours) – проводить, коротать время to check – проверять, сверять to take the earliest flight – улететь самым ранним рейсом to find out the time of flights – узнать расписание полетов to reserve a seat – заранее взять, заказать билет direct non-stop flight – прямой полет без промежуточной пересадки to waste time – терять время international flight – международный рейс
domestic flight – внутренний рейс to complete – закончить, завершать to check in for flights – регистрироваться to be overweight – весить больше положенного to be underweight – весить меньше положенного airport terminal – аэровокзал latest check-in time – крайний срок регистрации on the appointed day – в назначенный день to pack one’s luggage – упаковывать вещи to proceed to the airport – отправляться в аэропорт check-in desk (counter) – место регистрации scales – весы to pay an extra-charge – заплатить дополнительные расходы to wait at the departure lounge – ждать в зале ожидания announcement – объявление, сообщение; извещение, уведомление to be on the runway – быть на взлетной полосе to collect hand luggage – собрать ручной багаж gate – выход на посадку to show a boarding pass – предъявить посадочный талон to get on the plane – сесть в самолет gangway – трап to welcome – приветствовать, радушно принимать on board the plane – на борту самолета flight attendant – бортпроводник reclining seats adjustable to some positions – откидывающееся назад сиденье, регулируемое на несколько положений notice – табло to taxi out – выруливать altitude – высота полета aisle – проход между рядами кресел smooth – спокойный to hit an air-pocket – попасть в воздушную яму turbulence – турбулентность bumpy – ухабистый, тряский (о дороге) to be (to get) airsick – страдать воздушной болезнью to get off the plane – сойти с самолета to meet smb. at the airport – встречать кого-либо в аэропорту I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: to make all travel arrangement; to get tickets on the day of departure; railway terminal; time-table; inquiry-office; booking-office; to get a light refreshment; to see smb. off; to be in hurry; to catch a train; to carry luggage; trunk; suitcase; return ticket; single ticket; to prefer a lower berth to an upper one; to travel by an express train; to be in time; to get on the train; carriage; to travel in a good company; to while away the time; to check flights; to reserve a seat; direct non-stop flight; to make reservations for the flight; to pack a bag; to complete all necessary airport formalities; to check in for the flight; to register tickets; to be overweight; to be underweight; airport terminal; to pay an extra-charge; to wait at the departure lounge; to hear the announcement about the flight; to be on the runway; to go to gate 1; to welcome the passengers; to taxi out; bumpy; to meet at the airport. II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: поехать в командировку поездом (самолетом); скорость, комфорт и безопасность; заказать билеты заранее; толпа людей; ждать поезда на перроне; носильщик; везти багажную тележку; багажный вагон; пассажирский поезд; проводница; постельное бельё; приемлемые цены; отправляться и прибывать без задержки; пройти в купе; положить багаж на полку; пассажирский самолет; место по ходу поезда; вагон для курящих; проводник; улететь самым ранним рейсом; узнать расписание полетов; терять время; международный рейс; внутренний рейс; взвесить и зарегистрировать багаж; крайний срок регистрации; в назначенный день; упаковать вещи; отправляться в аэропорт; положить багаж на весы; собрать ручной багаж; предъявить стюардессе посадочный талон; сесть в самолет; трап; на борту самолета; бортпроводник; спокойный полет; попасть в воздушную яму; турбулентность; страдать воздушной болезнью; сойти с самолета.
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