III. Answer the following questions.
1. In what case does a traveller have to go through customs? 2. Why are customs houses set up on the frontier? 3. What are functions of a customs officer? 4. What goods are prohibited for bringing in and taking out by all countries? 5. What articles must not be taken out in accordance with the Russian customs legislation? 6. What things can be brought in and taken out duty free? Which are liable to duty? 7. In what case does a traveller have to pay extra duties? 8. What articles can be confiscated or detained at the customs house? 9. What is invented to prevent smuggling? 10. What must be declared in the declaration form? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. В таможне британского аэропорта турист должен проходить либо через зеленый, либо через красный проход в зависимости от количества и стоимости ввозимых товаров. 2. Через зеленый проход идут те, кому ничего не нужно заносить в декларацию. 3. Таможенный служащий должен знать, куплены ли ввозимые товары в странах общего рынка или в других странах. 4. Для товаров, приобретенных в одной из стран общего рынка, существуют льготы. 5. Если стоимость подарков превышает определенный лимит, турист должен платить пошлину за них. 6. Если количество алкоголя и табачных изделий не превышает норму, они не подлежат обложению таможенной пошлиной. 7. Таможенные ограничения распространяются на все эти вещи: картины, драгоценности и т.д. 8. Во всех странах контрабандный провоз запрещенных товаров через границу является преступлением. 9. Я заполнил таможенную декларацию и подошел к таможенному инспектору для осмотра багажа. 10. Среди моих личных вещей нет ничего, что подлежало бы обложению пошлиной. 11. Я прошу вас как можно быстрее осмотреть мой багаж. Мой самолет взлетает через 30 минут. V. Read and translate the following dialogue. Going abroad Techmachimport got instructions to buy chemical equipment abroad. With this in view Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport went on business to Great Britain to place an order with a British firm. He phoned the Intourist booking-office to book a seat for a plane to London. He found out that there were flights daily and that it would take him three and a half hours to get to London.
Mr. Kozlov booked a seat for the TU-104 jet-liner. The next morning he had arrived at Sheremetievo airport by 7 o'clock, an hour before the plane took off. After the clerk had registered his ticket and passport Kozlov filled in a declaration and went to the waiting-room. There were a few passengers there. They were all waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. In ten minutes they heard the announcement, "Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flights 31?" When Mr. Kozlov got on the plane, the stewardess showed him his seat. At eight o'clock the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed, the passengers felt well. At 11.30 a.m. the plane landed at London airport. At the customs office Mr. Kozlov is going through the Customs at London airport. Customs Official: Is this your suit-case, sir? Kozlov: Yes, that's right. Customs Official: Will you, please, open it? Kozlov: Certainly. Customs Official: Have you any things to declare? Kozlov: No, I don’t think so, though I have some cigarettes for my use. Customs Official: How many packets of cigarettes have you got? Kozlov: Oh. I’ve got only three packets. I believe they’ll be duty free. Customs Official: Yes, of course. Have you got any presents or any things liable to duty? Kozlov: No, I haven’t. Customs Official: Well, thank you, sir. Kozlov: Thank you. Text 2 Going through the customs Customs regulations are on the whole similar in any country of the world and a businessman should know them. When you get off the plane you go through passport control, where an immigration officer asks you to show your passport. He asks you about the purpose of your visit to the country and the length of your stay there. You may answer that you have arrived on a business trip for a week. If your passport is in order and you go through the customs. It's not difficult to get through the customs but you’ll have to fill in an entry form (customs declaration) and then produce it to the customs officer, who checks the declaration. The customs officer inspects your bags (luggage) and asks if you have things liable to duty, any presents, things for your personal use or money about you. He informs you about what items are liable to duty and what things you may have duty free. As a rule personal things may be brought in duty free. The customs officer also asks you to put your suitcases (my luggage) on the scales, and if there's some extra weight you’ll have to pay extra taxes. Two special signs are sometimes used to show passengers which way to go through the customs hall: «Nothing to declare» and «Goods to declare». In some countries they have the system of red and green doors. If the visitor has nothing to declare he walks through the green door, if he has goods to declare – through the red one. Any article which hasn’t been declared or produced is liable to forfeiture and the person concerned is liable to prosecution. If you are law-abiding man you know some things are prohibited to be exported — weapons, narcotics, antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures), precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones, valuables, etc.
Transportation of animals, birds, live fish, insects and products of animal origin is under the inspection of the Veterinary Control. A passenger should have a medical certificate for his animal (a dog, a cat) to carry it in the passenger cabin. Any load or baggage containing seeds, bulbs, cuttings, vegetables and fruit are subject to the Plant Quarantine inspection. A passenger must have a special license to carry plant materials. In some cases the customs inspector may ask passengers to open their bags for inspection. It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through (examined) in order to prevent smuggling. The formalities at the customs house usually take some time. After you are through with all customs formalities the inspector will put a stamp on each piece of your luggage and wish your to have a good stay in the country. Vocabulary to go through passport control – проходить паспортный контроль immigration officer – сотрудник иммиграционной службы to be in order – быть в порядке (о документах) to fill in a customs declaration – заполнить таможенную декларацию to proceed to – пройти к personal things – личные вещи to be liable to forfeiture – подлежать конфискации prosecution – судебное преследование, предъявление иска law-abiding – законопослушный weapons – оружие icon – икона precious metal – драгоценный металл crude and processed precious stones – необработанные и обработанные драгоценные камни valuables – драгоценности medical certificate – медицинское заключение load – груз seeds – семечки bulbs – луковицы (растений) cutting – черенок to be subject to inspection – подвергаться проверке to be through – закончить, завершить to wish – желать, высказать пожелания I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: to arrive on a business trip; to be in order; to get through the customs; to fill an entry form; to proceed a customs declaration to the customs officer; to inspect luggage; things for personal use; extra weight; to pay extra taxes; to go to through the customs hall; to have nothing to declare; to have goods to declare; prosecution; to open bags for inspection; to examine (to go through) a passenger's luggage; to be through with all customs formalities; to put a stamp on each piece of a passenger's luggage. II. Give English equivalents to the word following combinations: проходить паспортный контроль; сотрудник иммиграционной службы; продолжительность пребывания; личные вещи; ввозить без пошлины; подлежать конфискации; законопослушный; оружие; икона; необработанные и обработанные драгоценные камни; драгоценности; ветеринарный контроль; медицинское заключение; груз; семена; луковицы растений; черенок; подвергаться проверке.
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