III. Answer the following questions.
1. What kinds of transport do people use for going on business? 2. What are advantages and disadvantages of going by train (by plane)? 3. Do travellers often make reservations for flights (book tickets) in advance? Why? 4. Who is responsible for making (whose duty is to make) travel reservations? 5. Can travellers book tickets by phone? 6. Do trains (planes) always arrive on time? 7. What may be the reasons for a train (a plane) to arrive with a delay? 8. Is it expensive to travel by train (plane)? 9. Can you take much luggage with you? 10. In what case do you pay extra charge for your luggage? 11. Do your friends and relatives (meet) see you off at the terminal station? 12. Do you always enjoy your trip by train (by air)? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. A). Дайте, пожалуйста, билет "туда и обратно" в мягкий вагон до Лондона. 2. Ваш поезд стоит на третьей платформе. 3. Поезд отправляется в 9 часов. 3. Носильщик, найдите мне, пожалуйста, вагон для некурящих (car for non-smokers). 4. Мне нужен билет до Манчестера. 5. Вы должны сесть на поезд, отправляющийся в 8.45. 6. Этот поезд отправляется в Бостон в 9 часов утра. 7. Когда этот поезд прибывает в Лондон? 8. Скорые поезда останавливаются только на больших станциях, тогда как пассажирские поезда останавливаются на всех станциях. 9. Поезд на Оксфорд находится на первой платформе. 10. Мне нужны два билета в спальный вагон. 11. Вы можете заказать билеты на любой поезд в окошке номер 5. 12. Ваш поезд отправляется через 5 минут, поторапливайтесь. 13. Вы можете оставить свой багаж в камере хранения (left-luggage office). 14. С какой платформы отходит поезд на Москву? 15. Мои чемоданы были слишком тяжелые, и мне пришлось взять носильщика. 16. Поезд идёт строго по расписанию (to keep to schedule) и прибудет в Москву минута в минуту. 17. Сколько пассажиров в вашем купе? 18. Он положил маленький чемодан на багажную полку. 19. В нашем поезде есть вагон-ресторан. 20. Проводник проводил нас до купе. 21. Вам придется прийти на вокзал раньше, чтобы взять чемодан в камере хранения.
B). 1. Я хочу лететь в Лондон на следующей неделе. 2. Какие есть завтра рейсы из Нью-Йорка в Лондон? 3. Есть ли самолеты до Лондона в субботу утром? 4. Я бы хотел заказать билет до Лондона. 5. В этот день до Лондона есть три рейса. 6. Я могу забронировать место на рейс компании TWA. 7. Каким классом вы собираетесь путешествовать? 8. Я полагаю, вы должны сначала зарегистрироваться. 9. Пройдите, пожалуйста, к выходу на посадку №7. 10. На этот рейс сейчас производится посадка у выхода номер 7. 11. Пожалуйста, пристегните ремни безопасности и воздержитесь от курения. 12. В каком аэропорту приземляется самолеты из Лондона? 13. Так как правый двигатель вышел из строя, самолет совершил вынужденную посадку (forced landing). 14. Когда я приехал в аэропорт, то понял, что опоздал. 15. Все пассажиры были уже на борту самолета, и он выруливал на взлетную полосу. 16. Самолет вылетит через 5 минут. 17. Служащий аэропорта зарегистрировал мой билет на самолет. 18. Пассажиры сели в самолет за 15 минут до вылета. V. Read and translate the following dialogue. Travelling by railway Mr. Kozlov had an invitation from one of the biggest British firms to visit an exhibition of chemical equipment in Edinburgh. As Mr. Lipman had promised to send the quotation only in two or three days Mr. Kozlov decided to take the opportunity of visiting the exhibition. So on Wednesday morning Kozlov got up earlier than usual as he had to catch аn early morning train to Edinburgh. He packed his suitcase and was about to go to the restaurant when the telephone rang. The secretary of the Russian Trade Delegation was phoning Kozlov to tell him that he could get accommodation on the 9 o'clock express to Edinburgh at the booking-office of Liverpool Street Station. At the booking-office Kozlov: Good morning. I want a firsts-class ticket on the 9 o’clock train to Edinburgh. Clerk: Would you like a single or a return ticket? Kozlov: Return, please. I think it's more convenient. Clerk: Certainly, it is. Kozlov: Shall I have to change? Clerk: No, you needn't. It's a through train. Kozlov: What's the fare? Clerk: 25 pounds, please. Kozlov: Would you mind telling me when the train is due in Edinburgh? Clerk: Just a minute. I’ll check that for you. You are due at 5.30 p.m. Kozlov: Oh, are we? I thought it would take me more time to get there. Clerk: This train is the most convenient. It goes faster than any other train. Kozlov: Thank you. On the platform Kozlov: Porter, will you see to my luggage, please? Porter: Yes, sir. Where are you going to?
Kozlov: I'm going by the 9 о'clock express to Edinburgh. Porter: Is this your suitcase? Kozlov: Yes, it is. It can go to my compartment. Porter: Very well, sir. Which class? Kozlov: First. Porter: This way, please. Kozlov looks at the train at platform 2. Kozlov: Isn’t this my train? Porter: No, sir. Your train is at platform 5. We’ll have to hurry or you'll miss the train. It's leaving in 5 minutes. Kozlov: Oh, is it? Porter: Now, sir. Here is уоur carriage. They get into the compartment and the porter puts the suitcase on the luggage-rack. Kozlov: Thank you, porter. Here you are. (He gives a tip to the porter). Porter: Thank you, sir. A pleasant journey to you. VI. Read and translate the following texts with a dictionary. At the railway station It's common knowledge that nowadays people travel a lot. They travel on business and for pleasure, about the country and abroad. Those who wish to travel have at their disposal various means of transport: express trains and aircraft, big ships and cars. Although aircraft are faster and, some people say, more convenient, the railway is still one of the most popular means of travel. First of all, the railway tickets are cheaper. And there are people who don't like flying, and there are others who enjoy travelling by train more than by plane. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable corner seat of a carriage you have a splendid view of the countryside. If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dining-car or the buffet-car and if the journey is long you can have a comfortable bed in a sleeper. A big railway station is a very busy and interesting place. There are a lot of platforms at which trains come in and go out. A train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave. The porters are very busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. On another platform a train has just come in. Some passengers are getting out, others are getting in. Those who haven't bought their tickets in advance are waiting in queues at the booking-office. At the bookstalls people are choosing books, magazines and newspapers for the journey. At the cloak-room or luggage office some people are leaving and taking their luggage. There are a lot of signs in a big railway station. You may see ENTRANCE and EXIT. There is also a WAITING ROOM where you can relax until it is time to board your train. If you are hungry or thirsty you'll go to the REFRESHMENT ROOM. If you don't know the number of the platform from which your train leaves, look for the signs ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES. They will tell you the number of the platform. When you arrive in a large town you may leave your heavy luggage at the station. In this case you will look for the CLOAK ROOM or LUGGAGE OFFICE. If you have lost something you need to find LOST PROPERTY OFFICE. If you find anything, if it is a small item like glasses or umbrella, you can take them to the lost property office, too. If it is big, something like a parcel or a suitcase, report it to the POLICE OFFICE, never touch it yourself. You will also see the sign BOOKING OFFICE. This is where you buy your ticket. If you don't know the time or the platform your train leaves from you'll go to the INQUIRY OFFICE or the INFORMATION BUREAU.
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