XVI. Независимый причастный оборот.
1.The temperature being 10º, water boiled quickly. 2.A new technique having been worked out, the results rose. 3.The work finished, we went home. 4.The experiment having been carried out, we started a new investigation. 5.Two samples were used, the former having low catalytic activity, the latter high activity. 6.Current passing through a coil of wire, magnetic poles are produced at each end of the coil and the latter acts like a magnet. 7.Computers can be subdivided into two classes, analog and digital, the basic distinction being the way in which numbers are presented inside the machine for calculating. 8.Many scientists have tried to cool some gas to absolute zero, their attempts coming to nothing. 9.Two objects having the same temperature, the average energy of their molecule motion is the same. 10.The atoms form combinations known as molecules, a molecule being defined as the smallest part of a substance. 11.The term “speed” means the rate of motion, the term “velocity” meaning the speed in a definite direction. 12.The road conditions being unchanged, the automobile can travel at a constant speed. 13.The Earth revolves around the Sun, the Sun moving relative to the stars. 14.The molecules always collide and change direction of speed of the molecular motion greatly depending on temperature. 15.The north pole of a magnet being moved closer to a coil, the induced current causes a field opposing the motion. 16.There are many good conductors of electricity, silver and copper being the best of all. 17.An electric current passing through a conductor, we generally detect its various effects. 18.The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low. 19.A gas cooling down, the average speed of its molecules decreases. 20.Different molecules have different speeds, the average speed of all molecules remaining the same as long as the temperature is constant. 21.The occurrence of metals in the earth’s crust is unequal, some of them being plentiful, the other existing only in small quantities. 22.Infra-red rays being invisible to us, photographic films and plates are made to-day which are sensitive to them. 23.The evaporation increases with the temperature, other things being equal. 24.In the course of our investigation we have synthesized a great number of substances, some data being listed in table 3. 25.Two objects being at the same temperature, the average energy of motion of their molecules is the same. 26.With the experiment having been carried out, we started a new one. 27.This group being inert to most reagents, it is impossible to hydrolize it. 28.The agenda of the conference exhausted, the delegates began leaving for their homes. 29.With the isomerization preceding the reaction, the results were very low.
New words: sample n – образец coil of wire – катушка индуктивности attempt n – попытка collide v – сталкиваться
crust n – кора evaporation n испарение – exhaust v – исчерпать precede v – предшествовать
XVII. Условные предложения. 1.The volume of gas will be proportional to its absolute temperature provided its pressure remains constant. 2.If you studied the physics of semiconductors, you would know the properties of the p-n junctions. 3.If the transformer had operated in abnormal conditions the unit would have been damaged. 4.If I were an electrician, I should know how to reduce the resistance of the computer. 5.Had he used this formula, he wouldn’t have made this mistake. 6.It may be best to program the onboard computer to initiate the process providing certain parameters are exceeded. 7.If the reference is not stable, the digital-to-analog converter output will change when reference changes. 8.If the host adapter fails, the entire disk subsystem is unusable. 9.If something goes wrong during launch, there may not be time to operate the ejection seats manually. 10.Had they read instructions, they wouldn’t have broken the device. 11.The work would have been done long ago providing they had been prepared for it properly. 12.If the North Star ceased to exist, the Earth would continue to receive light from it for about half a century. 13.Were there no loss energy by friction, the motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started. 14.Providing there were no forces acting on a body, that body would be in equilibrium. 15.Were you to start early tomorrow morning you would (could/might) be at your destination by evening. 16.It would be necessary to resort to a prior separation of the two elements provided one had only cathodic waves to work with. 17.If it were possible to measure such tension between two different phases in contact, all our problems might be solved. 18.If a way could be found to avoid segmentation, overall speech recognition system performance might improve. 19.If Mars were a planet as large as Earth, it, too, could be technically active. 20.Mars might be habitable, if it were only as big as Earth. 21.Providing the radiation were produced by galaxies, it would now be concentrated in certain parts of the sky. 22.If the Telstar satellite had been built using the state-of-art of science a decade ago, it would have been a very different satellite. 23.Had you followed the procedure described, the experiment would have been a success. 24.I would be very glad to take part in the conference, if I were invited.
New words: damage v – повреждать exceed v – превышать reference n – обращение, сообщение fail v – выходить из строя cease v – прекращать destination n – место назначения resort to v – (зд.) использовать avoid v – избегать habitable a – обитаемый state-of-art – достижения success n – успех
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