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XXI. Придаточное предложение в роли подлежащего.


1.What were needed were ways to increase the size of the signal collecting area.

2.That composite components would not have to be cooled with excess air offers a great advantage.

3.What appears likely is that selection of the most appropriate algorithm may have to occur during the work process.

4.What is needed is technology that allows autonomous operation.

5.What happens to the dust is pretty clear from theoretical studies.

6.What they had realized was the necessity of an extra testing.

7.What you wouldn’t see at first launch is a second set of solar panels.

8.That advanced thermoplastics are not easy to deal with is the first barrier to processability.

9.What John W. Verbicky has done is reinvent the advanced polymer molecule.

10.That the Big Bang theory is wrong has been recognized by only a few astronomers.

11.Whether or not this synthesis will take place is not known yet.

12.That these compounds are cheap is a great advantage.

13.That steel does not expand on solidification is a well-known fact.


New words:

advantage n – преимущество

dust n – пыль

Big Bang – Большой Взрыв (космический)

synthesis n –синтез

solidification n – затвердевание


XXII. Оборот “for + существительное (местоимение) + инфинитив”

1.It is not difficult for a signalman to work at a junction completely controlled by the new electronic system.

2.Means must be provided for a system to inject the fuel into the cylinders for ignition.

3.It is necessary for all generators to be economically and efficiently serviced at a central deport.

4.The tendency is for the load factor to increase due to double-shift operation in some mines.

5.It is easy for the dispatcher to give a signal.

6.It is necessary for the cam-shaft to rotate at a speed equal to half the speed of the crankshaft.

7.It was almost impossible for some machines to withstand such atmospheres.

8.One cannot consider the use of higher voltages for transmission in small collieries to be necessary.

9.It is impossible for a single force to produce the same effect as a couple.

10.It was almost impossible for the drill to break.

11.For automatic system to be successful, it must tune a transmitter at least as accurately as can be done manually.

12.The problem is far too involved for one to be able to solve it.

13.Everything was ready for the research to begin.

14.A clock that is too slow makes the system wait longer than necessary for data to be converted.

15.Buffer units provide a channel for information to pass between the microprocessor and the external devices.

16.Originally, Windows was intended to make it easier for people to use PC.


New words:

junction n – пересечение дорог

inject v – впрыскивать

mine n – шахта

cam-shaft n – кулачковый вал

crankshaft n – коленчатый вал

colliery n – угольная шахта

couple n – пара

drill n – сверло

tune v – настраивать

involved a – (зд.) сложный


1.One can reasonably suggest that this is the case.

2.The problem is far too involved for one to be able to solve it.

3.In any event one should bear in mind that the information obtained may be misleading as to the course of the reaction.

4.One sometimes has to work with solutions containing as much as 90% of an organic solvent.

5.This method allows one to obtain information on separate components.

6.To solve this problem one needs new methods.

7.It is necessary to resort to a prior separation of the two elements if one has only cathodic waves to work with.

8.One would expect zinc oxide to have the largest volume.

9.Studying biological systems one tries to solve difficult classification tasks.

10.One cannot consider the use of higher voltages for transmission in small colliers to be necessary.

11.One should know that the weight of an oxygen atom is 16 times as that of a hydrogen atom.

12.The analysis presented here extends and improves the one presented by other authors.

13.In order to separate this factor from the other ones we observe spectral difference patterns.

14.This substance reacts 100 times as fast as the other one.


New words:

involved a – сложный

bear in mind – иметь в виду

mislead v – вводить в заблуждение

as to – относительно

resort to v – прибегнуть к

volume n – объем

colliery n – угольная шахта



XXIV. Оборот there + be.

1.There are several ways of handling this difficulty.

2.There are a few papers dealing with this subject.

3.There is no new evidence available as to these reactions.

4.There has been a renewed interest in this compound in recent years.

5.As far as this theory is concerned there are different views.

6.There are unmistakable proofs of Pauling’s having been wrong.

7.There can be little doubt that the sequence shown is correct.

8.There was a strong objection to carrying on this costly investigation.

9.There is a number of manufacturing processes for producing ceramic components.

10.There have been many attempts to prepare this compound.

11.If this sample is heated there will be a strong ferromagnetism.

12.There is much to be said in favour of using an inert atmosphere at all stages of work.

13.There remains the problem for the future of correlating the accurate measurements.

14.There is no hope of our getting positive results.

15.There took place an unexpected drop in the demand for this product.

16.However, there were no logical reasons for these events.

17.There is also no reason to think there is any such thing as dark matter.


New words:

handle v – (зд.) преодолевать

evidence n – доказательство

compound n – смесь, соединение

concern v – касаться, иметь отношение

proof n – доказательство

sequence n – последовательность

objection n – возражение

attempt n – попытка

sample n – образец

in favour of – в пользу

correlate v – согласовывать

drop n – падение

demand for – спрос на

matter n – вещества, материя



XXV. Конструкция The more …, the more.


1.The more we study, the more we know.

2.The greater the potential difference, the larger is the quantity of electricity.

3.The faster an object moves, the greater is air resistance.

4.Since the barometer measures the pressure of the atmosphere, the greater the elevation, the lower the barometer reading.

5.The greater the conductivity of a substance, the less is its resistance.

6.The higher the temperature of a piece of charcoal, the faster it will burn.

7.The greater the e.m.f., the greater is the pressure on the electrons moving through the conductor.

8.The more surface of the material being burnt presents to the air, the more rapidly burning takes place.

9.The larger the diameter of the wire, the smaller is the resistance, the more current will flow through it.

10.The shorter the booster burn time, the harder it is to catch the missile in its boost phase.

11.But the more carbon, the lighter weight of the product will be.

12.The higher the energy of the bombarding electrons, the greater the number of secondary electrons to be emitted.

13.The heavier a floating body, the greater the weight of liquid it will displace.

14.Whatever the nature of metal, the slower the rate of cooling, the larger will be the size of the crystals.

15.The higher the purity of titanium, the easier it is to fabricate, but the lower is its strength.

16.The difficulty is that the larger the object, the more time it takes to grow.

17.The more is known about the system model, the better these parameters may be adjusted.

18.The more complicated a computer gets, the more likely it is that it will be good at some things and not as good at others.


New words:

charcoal n – древесный уголь

e.m.f. – electromotive force

emit v – излучать

booster n – стартовый двигатель, ракетный ускоритель

rate n – скорость

adjust v – регулировать




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