XXVI. Сочетание rather than.
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1.It is very important to treat this phenomenon from a thermodynamical point of view rather than from a statistical one. 2.The prediction was based on molecular asymmetry rather than atomic one. 3.We obtained monomolecular rather than bimolecular compounds. 4.Elemental analysis favours structure I rather than П. 5.The diffusion is radical rather than linear. 6.In many tables the factor of safety rather than allowable stresses is given. 7.The most efficient way to use tapes is to transfer information to or from them in large blocks rather than by individual words. 8.Digital memory unit for analog computers uses a magnetic tape transport that moves the tape in small discrete steps rather than continuously. 9.In this presentation one should follow a logical rather than historical order. 10.Rather than accelerate the reaction this compound brought about the rapture of the chain.
New words: point of view – точка зрения compound n – смесь, соединение favour v – (зд.) указывать diffusion n – распространение, рассеивание rapture n – разрыв
XXVII. Некоторые предлоги, союзы, наречия, а также only/the only, in terms of, both and, whether, no + существительное.
1.Due to inertia, tram keeps running after the brakes have been applied in order to stop it. 2.Energy machine loses useful energy because of friction. 3.Without friction we could neither walk nor stand up in spite of our efforts. 4.But for the brakes it would be impossible to stop a moving train in case of emergency. 5.According to Lomonosov’s ideas, science should serve the people. 6.Both circulating water and air blasts may be used in order to carry off the heat developed because of friction. 7.For two thousand years it was believed that all heavy objects fell faster than light ones for Aristotle had stated it was so. 8.But for the opposition to the motion of a body, no force would be needed to change its position. 9.The engineers saw that all the devices but one were operating in the proper way. 10.The metric system is adopted by all the countries of the world but America. 11.One cannot but mention that the first work on electricity published in Russia was written by Lomonosov. 12.One of the spheres is four times as large as the other one. 13.Four times four is sixteen. 14.At times a spark appeared between the two ends of the wire. 15.The experiment in question was finished in good time. 16.In order to define a polymer completely its chemical composition is not enough. 17.Diamagnetizm is due to the effect of the field on the moving electrons. 18.This simple result no longer holds true. 19.No zirconium was removed from the compound under these conditions. 20.These reactions are no longer used for the synthesis of glycine. 21.No reactions of these compounds with different substituents have been described.
22.Once the melting point had been raised hydrolysis became more pronounced. 23.They had been through wirh their experiments by the end of the year. 24.An object lying on the table does keep it position unless you move or push it. 25.In order to solve the problem in question you should apply Newton’s Laws of Motion. 26.The equilibrium is neutral unless the forces have a tendency to increase or decrease the displacement. 27.It is the only means of solving the problem in question. 28.Inspection of these two substances shows that the latter is usually between 107 and 1011 times as large as the former. 29.The reaction did not start until the next morning. 30.The values obtained have little relevance to the problem under investigation. 31.We obtained these values in terms of the following formula. 32.Both the former and the latter procedures gave little more than 5 per cent yield. 33.The temperature will either slightly rise or drop. 34.In order to determine whether a given compound is organic it is frequently sufficient merely to heat it. 35.This procedure is applicable whether or not the product is pure. 36.Furthermore, since simulation is a common way of testing behavioral processes, the graphic display is best suited for monitoring such processes. 37.Because of the curvature of the Earth, the vehicle is rotating in the north-south plane. 38.Since electronics involves the movement of charge, components are all viewed in terms of how they move signals back and force across wires. 39.The only errors considered have been those due to the Earth rotation. 40.In addition to weak signals, the uncertainties of weather had to be faced. 41.Such generators are affected by wide temperature changes. 42.Since the devices are so compact, experiments with them are cheap. 43.No longer are robots a luxury on a space station. 44.No one knows the f (v, A, t) part of the equation. 45.He remembered to have once carried out this reaction. 46.No satisfactory formula for calculating the surface of a particle from its diameter has been devised. 47.The algorithm proposed is applicable to both single and multiantenna receivers. 48.User interaction is conducted with either a mouse or a dial box. 49.Nothing but a double row of bearings can improve the machine. 50.Because of the closed loop just discussed, the controlled variable is obviously affected by the actions of the control system. 51.Experimental data were presented in some detail and discussed as thoroughly as possible. 52.Water evaporated more and more quickly as the temperature grew.
New words: emergency n – авария blast n – поток substituent n – заместитель melt v – плавить pronounced a – ярко выраженный relevance n – отношение in terms of – исходя из, на основе… yield n – результат behavioral a – поведенческий suited a – подходящий curvarure n – кривизна view v –рассматривать luxury n – роскошь bearing n – подшипник
XXVIII. Повторение. 1.Evidently, a fuel with a lower ignition temperature, all other conditions being equal, will ignite more quickly than one with higher ignition temperature.
2.There are many considerations to be taken into account in determining space velocity. 3.In order for any phenomenon to be shown visually as a function of time it is necessary that it be electrical in nature. 4.To obtain one ton of uranium it would be necessary to get at least 40 000 tons of uranium ore. 5.One cannot expect a complicated problem like that of using solar energy to be solved in a year or so. 6.It is this kind of investigation and presentation of results that can be invaluable in pointing the direction for further development of the whole industry. 7.Whatever the nature of metal, the slower the rate of cooling, the larger will be the size of the crystals after solidification. 8.The property of plastics being superior to that of wood, the designers are believed to be working at the problem of replacing the latter whenever possible. 9.This picture is useful but it can hardly be said to account completely for the remarkable properties of rubber. 10.The third case to be considered concerns a ring flexible in its own plane. The applied force is considered to be parallel to the X axis. 11.Having overcome all the difficulties on the way of improving the performance of the engine, there is every reason to believe it to replace the old one. 12.Of the numerous methods of conducting similar experiments to be found in literature, the following are among those which have been proved to be most useful. 13.We have got Mr. Arthur and Walker’s opinion on this question, the former being a scientific worker and the latter director of a large plant. 14.Had there been no earth gravitation, the satellite would have moved through airless space in a straight line at a uniform speed. It is the gravitation that makes them move round the Earth.15.The author of the paper claims to have been the first to arrive at such a conclusion. 16.If no energy were lost during the transformation, the input and output would be equal and the machine would be perfect as it would change the form of the energy and lose none. 17.Such minerals are likely to occur in some other places as well, the probability of discovering them being however limited to certain areas. 18.Both filters employ ladder networks, with the former using two crystals and the latter three ones. 19.In radio communication systems the received signal strength can be affected by fading phenomena due to multipath propagation. 20.The objective is to determine if one scheme is better than the other one. 21.Average model parameters extracted from the experimental data set are provided for the different states and elevation angles considered. 22.The rates and molecular weights are affected by lowering the temperature, the former being decreased and the latter increased. 23.This model is especially appropriated for describing the urban radio multipath channel, when large area effects need to be accounted for. 24.We found new routes of synthesis, the older ones being unsatisfactory. 25.The results were favourable, especially that of Jones and those obtained with new compounds. 26.Theoretical models to predict radiowave propagation in both rectangular and arched tunnels are available. 27.One of the most common problems analysts face is the determination of a spacecraft’s location above the Earth and whether it is in range of a ground- or satellite-based antenna. 28.Associated with these experiments are several constraints. 29.To keep the mass of the ship and cost within reason, propellant exhaust velocity would have to be close to 50 km/sec. 30.Without this lumpiness, there would be no Sun, no planets, and no one to wonder about it. 31.Storing the fuel is one difficulty, since any contact with matter would result in an explosion. 32.The antimatter would have to be supercooled to almost absolute zero to form antihydrogen ice, a supertask in itself. 33.By itself, the Big Bang was supposed to produce a black body spectrum, an object in perfect equilibrium, neither emitting nor absorbing energy from surroundings.
34.To measure the rest of the spectrum, instruments would have to be lifted up in rockets or satellites. 35.All they have to do is let the ground know they have found their target. 36.There happened to be some good reasons to believe it to be the case. 37.The searching algorithms we shall consider in detail are sequential and binary search. We search the data items one by one until we either find the item we are looking for or not. 38.It is due to the radio that we receive most information the satellites are collecting in space. 39.While agitating the mixture no temperature rise was observed to take place. 40.In fact, neither cooling nor any other method has yet been found to give an entirely amorphous product. 41.They appear to be the first to have suggested the currently accepted reaction mechanism. 42.The rates and molecular weights are affected by lowering the temperature, the former being decreased and the latter increased. 43.It has not been until very recently that the basic assumptions on this theory have been seriously called in question. 44.This step proved to be greatly influenced by the final pH of the solution. 45.If the value of the force a particle would experience at any point of a region of space is given, a force field is said to exist in that region. 46.The weight of all the molecules of a substance being the same, the molecules are considered to be composed of exactly the same number and the same kind of atoms. 47.Does it make any difference whether fluoride to prevent dental caries is added to the milk a family consumes, or to the fruit juice, rather than water? 48.It is the physical property of the substance that is known to attract the attention of the scientists. 49.We know heat to be a form of energy, but there was a time when it was supposed to be a kind of substance which was believed to flow from a hotter body to a colder one. 50.Since there are only 15-20 billion years available since the Big Bang, the theory predicts that there should be no objects in the universe beyond a certain size limit around 100 million light-years across. 51.If the American military were to gain the offensive advantage when fighting against enemies who were heavily protected with radar, new aircraft technology that would reduce radar signatures would need to be designed and built. 52.Temperature and solvent would expect to play a role in this reaction. 53.Some elements possess so few metallic qualities that it is uncertain whether they should be called metals or non-metals. 54.That means that composite components wouldn’t have to be cooled with excess air as superalloys do. 55.We needed to understand several important issues and first of all if we should make the radio modems and antennas ourselves or whether we should buy them from a supplier who could meet our requirements. 56.By this experiment, the stability of hierarchical method in estimating the spectral differences is confirmed to be superior to that of the ordinary linear prediction method.
New words: consideration n – соображение ore n – руда valuable a – ценный solidification n – затвердевание account for v – отвечать за rubber n – резина claim v – заявлять ladder network – цепная схема fade v – затухать propagation n – распространение objective n – цель arch n – арка constraint n – ограничение propellant n – ракетное топливо exhaust velocity – скорость истечения lumpy a – состоящий из глыб matter n –материя, вещество Big Bang –Большой (космический) Взрыв item n –единица информации agitate v – перемешивать call in question –подвергать сомнению superior a –лучший
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