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The Past and the Future of the Laser 2 глава

Ь) Leftward welding. To weld low carbon steel and cast iron sheet and plate up to 5 mm in thickness leftward welding is used. As the name implies, the weld is started at the right hand side and progresses towards the left. The filler rod precedes the blowpipe3 and is held at an angle of 30° - 40° to the work surface. The blowpipe is held at an angle of 60° - 70° to the work surface and is given a slight side to side movement to ensure side fusion as the filler rod is fed into the molten pool4.

c) Rightward welding. This method is used on steel plate over 5 mm thick. The weld is started at the left hand side of the joint and progresses towards the right. The blowpipe is held at an angle of 40° -50° to the work surface and travels in a straight line. The filler rod, which is held at an angle of 30° - 40° to the work surface, follows the blowpipe and is fed into the molten pool with a circular action. A considerable amount of practice is required to perfect this technique.

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Зтрубка для подвода сжатого воздуха 4сварочная ванна; ванна жидкого металла

Section В. Mechanisms


I. Discuss the following questions.

a) What car mechanisms do you know? Make a list and compare it
with that of your partner.

b) Can you name the functions of the car mechanisms that you have
in your list?

II. Listen to the teacher's explanations and learn the functions of the

Pavel: Could you tell me what a carburettor is? What system

does it belong to? Teacher: Well, it belongs to the fuel system of the car.


Pavel: And what functions does it


Teacher: The two functions to be

performed by the carburettor

are very important. Its first

function is to measure exact

quantities of the petrol to be

Pavel: Teacher:

mixed with air.

What is the second function,

I wonder?

Oh, it is to break up petrol

into fine particles so that

the mixture will burn

rapidly, of course.

Pavel: Teacher: Pavel: Teacher: Pavel: Teacher:

And may the carburettor be blocked?

Certainly, it may happen as petrol contains some dirty


I see. What is there above the carburettor?

That's an air filter. Its function is to clean the air to be

delivered to the carburettor.

Does that mean that the carburettor can't be blocked if the

filter works well?


lll. Complete the dialogues.

a) -... does the carburettor perform, I wonder?

-And what is the second..., I'd like to know? -As for..., it is to...

b) - The carburettor is blocked sometimes,...?
- Of course, if.... But there is...

c) - And what is the function of the filter?

-Oh, I see,...

IV. Match a line in A with a line in B.



a) It is above the carburettor. b) It happens when petrol contains some dirty particles. c) Its function is to clean the petrol to be delivered to the carburettor.

1. What system does the
carburettor belong to?

2. Does the carburettor mea­
sure exact quantities of the
petrol to be mixed with



3. What other functions does the carburettor perform? 4. When does the carburettor get blocked? 5. Where is the air filter situ­ated? 6. What is the function of the air filter? d) Well, for example, it breaks up petrol into fine particles. e) It belongs to the fuel system of the car. f) Certainly.  

Language Practice


I. Find the English equivalents in В to the Russian words in A.


1. воск a) substance b) mix c) wax
2. транспортное средство a) transport a) means с) vehicle
3. потребление a) use b) need c) consumption
4. охладитель a) engine b) carburettor c) coolant
5. предотвращать a) to perform b) to prevent c) to avoid
6. клапан a) piston b) radiator c) valve
7. заряжать a) to charge b) to dischange c) to fill
8. количество a) quality b) quantity c) a lot

II. Match the words with the similar meaning.

to consume to include
to contain purpose
amount to purify
to possess to carry out
to switch on to turn on
to perform to use
petrol gasoline
to clean quantity
aim to own


IV. Complete the table with the missing words.


  Verb Noun
  to sense  
  to expand  


Grammar: Infinitive

IV. Point out the purpose of the objects according to the model.

EXAMPLE: A: This paper describes important properties of new

engineering materials.

B: The purpose (aim, goal, object) of this paper is to describe properties of new materials.

1. This experiment establishes the relations between these two

2. The article deals with the prospects for electric road cars.

3. This book gives the description of the electrical instruments in the

4. His report presents some information on the new fuel system.

5. The speedometer is used to indicate the speed of a car.

6. The filter is used to clean petrol.

V. Define the functions of these objects: a petrol tank, a robot, the
Internet, a carburettor, a battery, a vehicle, a laser, a ruler, a tachometer.

EXAMPLE: The function (purpose) of a speedometer is to indicate the speed of a car.

VI. The two sentences on p. 20 have a different structure but the same
meaning. Change the structure of the sentences so as to keep their
meanings unchanged.


EXAMPLE: A: The substance that should be analysed is of great value. B: The substance to be analysed is of great value.

1. The equipment that should be installed in the workshop has
specific use.

2. The petrol that should be delivered from the petrol tank should be

3. The new battery that should be used in the car is very effective.

4. The new car devices that should be developed have several

5. The car emissions that should be controlled are very harmful to
the environment.

6. The automobile that should be developed will run on hydrogen.

VII. Restore the original sentences.

1. the carburettor, the function of, petrol, is, to break up, fine
particles, into

2. the instruments, to be located, with important information, the
instrument panel, provide, the driver, on

3. the petrol, should be, clean, to be delivered, to the carburettor

4. the hydrometer, is, the condition of the battery, the function of, to

5. to be performed, very important, the functions, are, by this device

6. is, the new fuel system, in this car, completely, of a new design, to
be employed

VIII. Correct mistakes.

1. The aim of an instrument panel is provide the driver with
certain information.

2. When the driver notices some fault it essential to repair it at once.

3. The function of the tachometer to indicate the engine speed in
revolutions per minute.

4. The speed limit to was adopted in populated areas is 30 mph.

5. I have a battery to recharging.

6. Drivers must don't speed, especially when they see speed limit signs.

7. The properties to studied may be of great value.

8. You must go to the service station in order repair the brakes.

IX. Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

2. Моя задача заключается в том, чтобы найти неисправность
в этом приборе.

2. Функция этого прибора - измерять давление в системе.


3. Статья дает следующую информацию: назначение карбюрато­
ра - дозировать количество бензина, который должен смешиваться
с воздухом.

4. Новая топливная система, которую нам нужно разработать,
будет иметь ряд преимуществ.

5. Важно помнить, что карбюратор может быстро засориться,
если в бензине есть частицы мусора.

6. Известно, что функция фильтра - очищать бензин от сора и пыли.

7. Если в бензобаке мало топлива, на панели загорится преду­
преждающая лампочка.

8. Вот термостат, который нужно заменить.

9. Функциями термостата являются обеспечение быстрого нагре­
ва двигателя и предотвращение его остывания в рабочем режиме.

Reading and Speaking

I. Modern cars have a complex instrument panel. Why is it a necessary
component of any car? What instruments does it include? What are their
functions? Scan the text to get the answers to the questions.

II. Look through the text and find the derivatives from the following verbs:
to alternate, to revolve, to drive, to supervise, to sense.

III. Read the text for more information about the instrument panel of the car.

The Instrument Panel of a Car

A modern car is a complex means of transport. However, it is relatively easy to operate as a number of devices help you to keep control. An instrument panel in a modern car, for example, provides the driver with valuable information. It includes such instruments as a speedometer, a fuel gauge, a tachometer and an ammeter.

The function of the speedometer is to indicate the speed of the car. A speed limit to be adopted for towns and built-up areas is 30 miles per hour or 60 km per hour.

The purpose of the fuel gauge is to indicate the amount of fuel to be contained in the petrol tank. If its level in the tank is very low, the warning light switches on in the car. When this happens it is necessary to put some more petrol into the tank.

The tachometer is necessary to indicate the engine speed in revolutions per minute. When the engine turns slowly at the minimum speed the alternator also turns slowly. It doesn't produce enough current for the engine. Therefore, the battery must supply the necessary current.



A car battery can easily become discharged in quite a short time. The function of the ammeter is to indicate whether the battery is charging or discharging.

Instrument panels in the cars in the near future will become much more complicated. The common devices will soon be replaced by onboard computer systems, as intelligent vehicles are the field to be researched nowadays. The idea is to create automatic cars on automatic highways. The vehicles to be introduced will move with the minimum supervision on the part of man since they will communicate with one another and with the road sensors on the way. This is necessary in order to reduce the load on drivers and to ease the stress on the road network. The leading engineering companies are using advanced mechatronics to achieve this goal.

IV. Fill in the table with the data from the text.


The Instrument Panel
Instruments Functions
1.... 2. a fuel gauge 3....   4. an ammeter 5. onboard computers to indicate the speed of a car … to indicate the engine speed in revolutions

V. Answer the questions.

1. The aim of the instrument panel is to provide the driver with
information, isn't it?

2. Does the instrument panel include such instruments as a multi­
meter and a fuel gauge?

3. Is the speed limit for towns and built-up areas 30 mph or more?

4. What is the function of the fuel gauge?

5. Why does the warning light switch on?

6. What instrument indicates if the battery is charging or discharging?

7. How will the instrument panel change in future? What will cause
the changes?

VI. Complete the following sentences.

1. An... panel provides the... with valuable information.

2. The... of the... is to indicate the amount of the petrol to... in the
petrol tank.



3. An instrument panel in the car... a speedometer,..., a fuel gauge

4. The tachometer indicates the... of the engine in... per minute.

5. The battery must... the necessary.......

6. A car... can easily... discharged.

7. The function of.the... is to indicate whether the... is... or

8. The idea is... intelligent... that will... the load on drivers and...
the stress on the....

VII. Give the gist of the text. Start with the words given below.

1. In this text we look at...

2. The text deals with...

3. The text gives information on...

4. The text is about...

VIII. Discussion. Some of the city authorities want to introduce the
automatic car system on the road in Minsk but some of them have doubts.
Make two teams ('for' and 'against') and discuss the following question:
Are automatic cars worth introducing? Try to come to an agreement.

Further Reading

I. What do you know about thermostats? Where are theyused? What
are their functions? What are the types of thermostats? Scan the textto
find the answers.

II. Find in the text international words and translate them into Russian.

III. Translate the following compound nouns into Russian:

a heat sensor a top hose

liquid pressure the coolant temperature

hot water flow a coil spring

a wax type thermostat engine wear

a temperature-sensitive valve fuel consumption

IV. Read the text and say what you have learnt about thermostats.

As the dictionary says, the thermostat is an apparatus that can be set to keep a room, machine, etc., at an even temperature as it connects and disconnects the supply of heat when necessary. In short, the thermostat is used to control the temperature. How does it work?

As it is known liquids expand when they are heated. This effect is used in the thermostat in the picture. With an increase in the air temperature the liquid expands in the heat sensor. This expansion causes the valve to close in order to reduce the flow of hot water. After a short time, the temperature goes down and consequently the liquid cools and contracts. The spring load is now greater than the liquid pressure, so the valve will open. Once again, the hot water flow is increased. This type of the thermostat is widely spread in various heating systems.

The same principle is used in the wax type thermostat, which is almost universal in modern vehicles. This thermostat is a temperature-sensitive valve that is situated just below the top hose. As the coolant temperature rises, the valve is opened by the expansion of the wax inside it. When the temperature falls, the valve is automatically returned to the closed position by a coil spring. When thermostats of this type fail, it is very important to replace them immediately. It is normally more convenient to fit a new one than to overhaul the old one.

The thermostat is used to prevent the flow of water to the radiator when the coolant temperature is less than about 80°C. Its functions are as follows:

- to allow the engine to become warm quickly. Both engine wear
and fuel consumption are increased if the engine is operating at a low

- to prevent the engine from remaining cool under running

V. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

1. The thermostat is a device to control the supply of heat.

2. Liquids expand when they are cooled.

3. Wax does not expand when the temperature rises.

4. The valve is opened by the expansion of the wax outside it.

5. When the wax type thermostat fails you should replace it at once.

6. The thermostat prevents the flow of water to the battery when the
coolant temperature is below 80°C.

7. The higher the temperature of engine operation, the more fuel is

VI. Read these gists of the text and find the one which corresponds to
the contents best. Explain your choice.

1. In this text we consider universal devices in modern vehicles.

2. This text deals with the wax type thermostat, its operation and

3. This text provides information on the principles of the thermostat

4. The text informs us of thermostats, their functions and principles
of operation.

VII. Make a short report on thermostats, their functions and principles of


I. Name the objects in the picture according to the following description and say what functions they perform. Work with your partner.

1. The foot presses the pedal.

2. The pedal pushes the first piston down.

3. The piston squeezes the oil.

4. The oil pushes the second piston outwards.

5. The second piston pushes the brake shoe against the wheel.

6. The wheel stops.

EXAMPLE: - What is e called, I wonder?

- It is called a piston, of course.

- And what is its function?

- Its function is to push the brake shoe against the wheel.

II. Ask you friend to explain to you the purpose of various devices in the car. Use the dictionary if necessary.

You can start like this:

- Denis, what is the function of the...?

- Well, its function is to...


I. Write a short paragraph that contains a description of the most
important car mechanisms and their functions.

II. Translate the text into Russian. Use the dictionary if necessary.

Automated Highway Systems: Principles of Operation

1. Vehicle system checkpoint: Every vehicle is equipped with a transponder1. Its function is to send out a signal to road sensors to be located in the validation lane2 in order to provide them with the



status of all onboard computer systems. If all systems are functioning correctly, control of the vehicle is assumed by the system.

2. In-vehicle navigation system: Its function is to note the
driver's destination point.

3. Automated highway system: It moves the vehicle into a
protected lane. Its task is to maintain safe control of the vehicle
speed and steering. To achieve this result, adaptive cruise control
systems, automatic braking systems and collision avoidance3
systems are introduced. When the driver's destination is reached
control is returned to the driver.

4. At destination: When the car is approaching the destination,
a signal is emitted that advises the driver to resume manual control.
The function of the transponder now is to send signals to other cars,
which create a space so that the given car can exit.

1 ретранслятор

2 проверочная полоса

3 избегание столкновений


Unit Fourteen


Section A. Electricity Basics


I. Discuss the following questions.

a) Can you imagine our life without electricity?

b) What benefits can we get from electricity?

II. Some students are writing their coursework now. Suddenly the light went
off. Listen to their conversation to see how they will solve this problem.

Olga: Alex: Olga: Alex: Olga: Alex: Olga: Alex:

Alex, I need your help badly. I'd like you to have a look at my

a) Is Michal busy now? b) Did you ask me to come? c) What did the engineer tell you? d) Why are you in such a hurry to complete the coursework? 1. The lamp is out of order. 2. Could you help me repair the circuit?

table lamp.

What is wrong with it?

I have no idea. I was writing my coursework when suddenly

the light went off. Can you repair it?

I'll try. Give me the lamp.


No wonder the light doesn't work. The bulb has a broken filament.

What do you mean?

The bulb has simply burnt out. All we have to do is to turn

the burnt bulb out of the socket and replace it with a new bulb.

Olga: Alex: Olga: Alex: Olga:

Do you have one?

Unfortunately not. And my roommates are all asleep - I can't

ask them. You can't lend me your own lamp, can you?

Well, yes. But it is time to sleep already. Why don't you finish

the coursework in the morning?

You see, my supervisor asked me to bring it to the consultation

tomorrow. He expects me to finish it.

OK. Don't sit up too late anyway. I'll ask Irene to bring you

a new bulb. Don't switch on the power till you have turned it

into the socket.

I won't. Thanks a lot.



IIl. Complete the dialogues.

1. - Nick, I need you to...

-...? It was all right five minutes ago.

2. - I,m afraid...

- Don't worry. We'll ask somebody to...

3. -Let's...

- Well?
-You see,...

- What shall we do?

-.... But I'd like you to... the power first.

- …

- I'm sure you won't forget to turn on the... again. The light will
let... your report.

IV. Match a line in A with a line in B.


3. have a look.

4. What is wrong with it?

5. Yes, the teacher made him rewrite
his lab report.

6. He warned me not to switch on the
power till he asks.

7. Yes, we'd like you to change the
burnt bulb.

8. Well, my supervisor expects me to bring it to the consultation tomorrow.

Language Practice


I. Find the English equivalents in В to the Russian words in A.


b) discharge b) rectifier b) winding b)secondary
a) dielectric a) condenser a) voltage a) primary
c) domestic c) capacitor c) insulator c) early

9. непроводник





5. передавать a) to keep b) to store c) to transmil
6. нить накалa a) fillament b)gap c) coil
7. частота a) resistance b) frequency c) alteration
8. светиться,      
накаляться a) to reverse b) to rotate c) to glow
II. Match the words with the opposite meaning.
to turn into to increase  
insulator to turn out (of)  
to decrease closed  
direct step-down  
initial alternating  
to open final  
step-up conductor  

III. Cross out the odd word. All the words in the line should belong to one
part of speech.

1. complete, carry out, measurement, perform

2. wire, bulb, socket, switch off

3. winding, capacitor, frame, rectify

4. current, power, electrical, flow

5. into, out of, from, careful

6. transformer, alternate, rectifier, generator

7. voltage, insulate, frequency, resistance

Grammar: Complex Object

IV. Report what these people said.


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