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The Past and the Future of the Laser 6 глава

11. you should do it to keep your car reliable.





I. You are a mechanic at the service station. Write a set of instructions
'How to maintain a car'.

II. Translate the passage into Russian. Use the dictionary if necessary.



Having noticed it on the instrument panel of your car you start looking for a petrol station. What is it? Certainly, a fuel warning light (A). Its function is to prevent your stopping in the middle of the road with an empty tank (B).

The light switches on in order to enable the driver to see when the level of fuel (C) in the tank becomes critical. What makes this light work? The tank is equipped with a special float (E) indicating the level of the fuel in it. When falling, the level of the fuel causes the float to move downwards. This makes the arm go down as well allowing the lever to touch an electrical contact and thus switching on the fuel light in the car. Having noticed the fuel warning light the driver should put more petrol (D) into the tank. When rising, the fuel level pushes the float up. Being forced upwards the float moves the arm in the same direction (up) raising the lever. This consequently breaks the electrical contact switching off the fuel warning light on the instrument panel of the car.


Unit Sixteen


Section A. Holograms


I. Discuss the following questions.

a) Have you ever seen a hologram? What is it?

b) Where are holograms used nowadays? Make a list of their possible
applications and compare it with that of your partner.

II. Listen to the students' conversation and learn how holograms are made.

Nick: Sveta, I'm looking for Boris. Have you seen him today?

Sveta: Yes, he is making a hologram in the lab.

Nick: Is he? And what is a hologram?

Sveta: Look at your watch! See? A hologram is a three-dimensional image. It is produced when laser light is recorded on a holo­graphic plate.

Nick: I can't imagine Boris experimenting with a laser beam.

Sveta: Well, just ten minutes ago I saw him splitting the laser beam into two separate beams by means of a beam splitter.

Nick: As far as I can see, it's rather difficult to make a hologram.

Sveta: Oh, it is not. If you have all necessary equipment you can

make holograms at home.

Nick: Really? What equipment do I need?

Sveta: Well, the easiest hologram requires a laser, a lens, a holo­graphic plate, a stable table, a dark room with green safe-lights and a holographic model. Of course, you are supposed to know what to do with this equipment.

Nick: Right. Where can I learn how to make holograms?

Sveta: If you are so interested, you can join our Science Club. By the way, Boris is still in the lab. You can watch him producing a hologram right now.

Nick: Indeed. See you at the Club tomorrow then.



III. Complete the dialogues,
a) - I wonder,... now.

- …

- What is he doing there?

- …

b) - I suppose it is not easy to...

-Why?... I have just seen...

-...? It is difficult to imagine...

- …

c) -...

-A hologram is...

- Can it be produced at home?…

- What equipment do I need?

IV. Match a line in A with a line in B.


1. Where is Denis? a) Oh, really?

2. It's rather difficult to make a hologram, b) In the lab.
isn't it? c) Indeed.

3. I can't imagine Paul experimenting with d) Neither can I.

a laser beam. e) You are welcome.

4. Holograms can be made at home. f) Actually, no.

5. You can watch me doing a hologram right now.

6. Thank you for the information.

Language Practice


1. Find in В the English equivalents to the Russian words in A.

1. пленка a) image b) film c) coating

2. видимый a) visible b)seen c) sensitive

3. разбивать a) to split b) to remove c) to record

4. одноцветный a) ultrasonic b) sound c) monochromatic

5. отражать a) to reflect b) to emboss c) to belong

6. первоначальный a) first b) original с) early


II. Match the words with the similar meaning.

visible single-colour

to separate to coat

monochromatic whole

to light spectator

to cover viewable

image to split

complete to illuminate

viewer picture

III. Divide these words into four columns according to their part of speech.

normally, theorist, originally, incidentally, imperfect, achievement, considerably, numerous, vibrate, viewable, spread, reflection, viewer, multidimensional, specialize, holographic, sensitive, interference, monochromatic, insulate, typically, directly, split

Grammar: Participial Constructions

IV. These two sentences have a different structure but the same
meaning. Change the structure of the sentences below so as to keep
their meaning unchanged.

EXAMPLE: We found that a laser beam is split by means of a beam-splitter device.

We found a laser beam being split by means of a beam-splitter device.

1. We found that a laser beam is split into two separate beams.

2. The students assumed that laser beams are reflected off the two


3. She supposed that one of the laser beams is reflected off the mirror

onto the holographic plate.

4. You heard how the teacher was explaining the properties of a laser


5. I'd like to watch how they are working with a holographic plate.

6. We consider that a hologram is a three-dimensional image.

V. Say what you saw (heard, noticed, observed, watched, found) these
people doing yesterday.

EXAMPLE: Boris - to explain the way of doing a hologram.

I saw Boris explaining the way of doing a hologram.

the engineers to demonstrate real-image holograms;

the students to carry out the analysis of the data with

the help of a computer;

the chief engineer to speak about the prospects of holography;

the students to test a beam-splitter;

my friend to work with holographic lenses;

the teacher to record laser light on a holographic plate

VI. Change the structure of these sentences so as to keep their meaning.

EXAMPLE: It is found that a laser produces a powerful beam of light. A laser is found producing a powerful beam of light.

1. It is known that lasers produce multidimensional images.

2.It is found that a laser beam is split into two beams.

3.It is assumed that holograms are widely used in industry.

4.It is believed that this group of researchers experiments with a
new type of a hologram.

5.It is considered that this scientist applies advanced methods of

6.It is observed that the student explains the principles of hologram

VII. Say how you want these things changed.

EXAMPLE: A: The laser is out of order (to fix)

B: I'd like to have (see, get, etc.) the laser fixed.

1.The beam-splitter has gone wrong (to test).

2.The hologram has been badly produced (to reproduce).

3.The green safelights are out of order (to repair).

4.The dimensions of the object are badly measured (to measure them

5.The equipment for making a hologram is not ready yet (to prepare).

6.The TV-set is producing a lot of noise (to switch off).

VIII. Restore the original sentences.

1. being made, to see, I'd like, a hologram

2.properties, having, this group of substances, valuable, is

3.many faults, is assumed, having, the device

4.is found, the splitter device, many advantages, revealing

5.reported, the engineers, improving, the quality of a hologram, are

6.being, the wavelength, short, extremely, is known


IX. Split these complex sentences into simple ones using suitable conjunctions. Pay attention to the translation of Absolute Participial Constructions into Russian.

EXAMPLE: A hologram is a three-dimensional image, special

equipment being necessary to produce it.

A hologram is a three-dimensional image and special

equipment is necessary to produce it.

1. A holographic plate is a piece of glass coated with a substance, the
latter being sensitive to light.

2. The first beam is reflected off the mirror onto the holographic
plate, the second beam being reflected onto the object.

3. One beam is called the reference beam, the other being called the

object beam.

4. The analysis of the new data having been carried out, the

researchers made an interesting report.

5. A beam-splitter having been repaired, the students began to make

a hologram.

6. The experiments having been carried out, the students started a

new series of tests.

X. Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1. Если один луч лазера отражается от объекта, другой луч
отражается от другого зеркала на голографическую пластину.

2. Голограмма - это отражение в 3-х измерениях, причем для
его получения необходимо специальное оборудование.

3. Мы наблюдали, как студент проверял электрическую цепь.

4. Преподаватель смотрел, как мы создавали голограмму.

5. Выяснилось, что лазерный луч расщепляется на два

отдельных луча.

6. Мы видим, как инженер использует лазер, чтобы сделать


Reading and Speaking

I. Translate the following compound nouns into Russian.

electron microscope rainbow hologram
light source quality control

laser light stress analysis


II. Technological progress supplies us with unusual things and holograms are a good example. Scan the text to find answers to these questions.

1. What is the difference between holography and a hologram?

2. Who discovered the holographic effect?

3. How was the word hologram coined?

4. What was the aim of Dennis Gabor's research?

5. Was the aim achieved?

6. Why were first holograms imperfect?

7. When was the first laser operated?

8. What are the basic types of holograms?,

IIl. Read the text attentively to learn more about holography.

Holography and Holograms

History. Holography and hologram are normally referred to as a process and as a plate or film itself respectively. In 1947 Dennis Gabor (the father and the first theorist of holography, awarded with the Nobel prize for his research) coined the term hologram from the Greek words 'holos' meaning whole or complete and 'gram' meaning message. Gabor's theory was originally intended to increase the resolving power of electron microscopes. Incidentally, it was proved not with an electron beam, but with a light beam. The result was the first hologram ever made. Gabor's hologram was clear, but imperfect, as he lacked the correct light source - the LASER, which was first seen operating in 1960.

Typ es. The latest achievements in laser technologies being applied, holography has developed considerably. Numerous types of holograms can be noticed operating everywhere. The following are considered the most frequent:

a) transmission holograms. They are viewable with laser light when
both beams approach the film from the same side;

b) reflection (white-light) holograms. These are viewable with white
light from a suitable source (spotlight, flashlight, the sun, etc.)
when both beams approach the film from the opposite sides;

c) multiple-channel (rainbow) holograms. These holograms with
several images are not only visible from different angles; they also
change colour at each new angle;

d) real-image holograms. They produce the image in front of the plate
towards the viewer. Most holograms in holography museums are
of this type.


A pplication. Holography being an art that attracts people's attention and curiosity, colourful multidimensional images are widely used in advertising, stamps, jewelry, with holography museums exhibiting masterpieces. Credit cards are considered original if supplied with a hologram. Holographic lenses are lighter than traditional lenses and mirrors and can be designed to perform more specialized functions, for instance, to make the panel instruments of a car visible in the windshield in order to increase safety. Holographic interferometry (a very precise technique used for measuring changes in the dimensions of an object) is widely used in industrial stress analysis and quality control. The list of applications may be continued indefinitely.

IV. Complete the table below with the data from the text.


Type of a Hologram View
… …

V. Where is holography used nowadays? Can you continue the list of
applications? Where is holography likely to be applied in future? Give
reasons for your opinion.

VI. You are very interested in holograms. Your friend is taking a course
on holograms at the Science Club. Ask your friend what he has already
learnt about holography.

VII. Your friend happened to miss the first lecture on holography. He
wants to know the information delivered. What will you tell him?

Further Reading

I. Match the following noun compounds with their Russian equivalents.

1. laser beam а) интерференционная картина

2. beam splitter b) луч лазера

3. reference beam с) разделитель луча/светоделитель/

4. object beam расщепитель

5. interference pattern d) опорный луч

e) объектный луч

II. Do you know how holograms are made? What equipment is necessary for this? Study the picture and say what the text is going to be about. What other information can it provide? Skim the text to check your guess.



III. Read the text attentively to find out how holograms are made. How Holograms Are Made

A hologram is a three-dimen­sional image, special equipment being necessary for producing it. A hologram is created when laser light is recorded on a holographic plate (a piece of glass coated with a substance, sensitive to light). The laser beam

is split into two separate beams by means of a device called a beam splitter. One beam is reflected off the mirror directly onto the holographic plate, while the other beam is reflected off another mirror onto an object. The former is called the reference beam, the latter being called the object beam.

When reflected off the object onto the holographic plate, the object beam meets the reference beam and an "interference pattern" is produced. It is this interference of the two beams that is recorded on the plate to produce a hologram.

If a hologram is illuminated in the direction of the reference beam, a three-dimensional image of the object appears where the object was originally. Some holograms are viewed with laser or monochromatic (single-colour) light, others with white light.

Holograms being mass-produced, it is advisable to divide them into categories:

- embossed holograms. These are stamped on foil backed Mylar
film using a metal master (most common method).

- polymer holograms. These are made from light sensitive
plastic. The Polaroid Corporation mass produces holograms by
this method.

- dichromate holograms. Very bright holograms on jewelry,
watches, etc., which are recorded on a light sensitive coating
of gel containing dichromate.

Holograms can be homemade as well. The easiest type of holography for amateurs requires a holographic model, a stable table, a laser, a lens, a holographic plate and some darkroom supplies (e.g. green safelights). Freedom from any (air and sound) vibrations within millionths of a centimeter must be assured. The greater the number of optical components, the greater the destructive effect of vibrations. One more thing must be always kept in mind - SAFETY RULES.



IV. Answer the questions using the data from the text.

1. A hologram is a three-dimensional image, isn't it?

2. In what way is a hologram made?

3. How many beams is the laser beam split into?

4. What are the functions of these two separate beams?

5. What are the two beams called?

6. How is 'interference pattern' produced?

7. Is the interference of the two beams recorded on the plate?

8. How can a hologram be viewed?

V. What are the categories of holograms? Fill in the table below.


Category Material Usage
... ...

VI. Explain why...

1) you need green safelights when making a hologram,

2) the table used should be stable,

3) there must be no movement in the room while producing a

VII. Can you shortly describe the process of creating a hologram? Use
the diagram for help. Do you think it is difficult to make a hologram at
home? Give reasons for your opinion.


I. Students in the lab are discussing how to make a hologram.

Student A: You want to make a hologram but are not very sure of your skill. Ask your friend for help and more information.

Student B: Explain to your friend how a hologram is made. Give him instructions how to produce a hologram.

II. You had a unique chance to visit the world-famous Science Museum
at Exhibition Road, London, during your winter holidays. The
Holographic Gallery attracted your attention. Now you are back home.
Tell your friend what you have seen and learnt at the exhibition.


III. Solve the puzzle.


1. a person who watches sth.
happening; a spectator;

2. temperature changes and noise
cause the air to...;

3. complete, not broken or split;

4. the degree of clearness with
which objects can be seen according
to air or weather conditions;

5. a person who consumes goods or


6. a covering of a surface, can be insulating;

7. when an object is used everywhere it is said to have a wide...;

8. a device for recording;

9. first, earliest, new, not copied.




I. Write a 'How to Make a Hologram' guide for those who want to create holograms at home. Cover the following questions.

1. What is a hologram?

2. How is it created?

3. What special equipment is necessary?

4. What must everyone remember while making a hologram?

5. Where can holograms be applied?

You can start like this:

1. A hologram is a three-dimensional image. It is created when laser

2. To produce a hologram at home...


II. Translate the passage into Russian. Use your dictionary if necessary.

Holograms possess a unique property - each small portion of a hologram contains information about the whole object. Let's consider a simple example. A unique 11 x 14" hologram of a George Washington bust is wanted by two museums. They decide to cut it horizontally and exactly through the middle. In this way each



museum has a representation of the whole

bust, unchanged in size but viewed from

different angles. The hologram is like a

window into the room containing the bust. If

the window is made smaller, the object does

not reduce in size. We just have a narrower

angle of view of the object. You will see, for

example, the hat, even from the bottom part

of the hologram; however, you may not see the very tiptop of the

plume from the reconstructed angle of view of the lower part. This is

because the light from that point cannot spread enough to reach and

interfere with the reference beam at the bottom of the plate. Placing

the object farther back from the film you can improve the view but it

recedes from your personal three-dimensional world.

Section B. The Age of Robots


I. Take a piece of paper and within one minute put down your
associations with the word 'robot'. Compare your ideas with those of
your groupmates.

II. Listen to the engineers' conversation and learn about the latest
achievements in robotics.

Chief Engineer: Look, Andrew, I've got terrific news for you.

Engineer: Oh really? What is it?

Chief Engineer: We've received a grant from the government for buying new equipment for our research laboratory. I suggest buying a robot.

Engineer: That's a good idea. And I think we should buy

a robot called ASIMO.

Chief Engineer: ASIMO?

Engineer: Yes, it's an up-to-date model capable of performing various tasks, such as walking, talking, moving different objects from one place to another.

Chief Engineer: Are there any difficulties in operating this robot?

Engineer: No, I don't think so. It's one of the latest achievements in robot technology. So there shouldn't be any problems.


Chief Engineer: And what about compiling programmes for it?

Engineer: Oh, you don't need to compile any programmes, as they are ready-made on disks. Besides, you have a possibility of switching to another programme without using additional controlling devices.

Chief Engineer: That sounds interesting. We'll be able to continue

our research on artificial intelligence then. Engineer: OK then, settled.

III. Complete the dialogues.

a) - Have you heard the news?

-....What is it?

- We are going to receive... and obtain...

- Is this robot worth buying?

-...! It is a brand-new...

- No difficulties at all! It is the latest...

-.... Do you have to compile...?

- No need....

- Does it require many additional devices?

- …

- That sounds fascinating. When do we continue...?

- …

IV. Match a line in A with a line in B.


l.Why is this robot worth a) No need. They are ready-
buying? made on disks.

2. What can this robot do? b) Buying new equipment for
3.What do you suggest doing the lab.

with the grant received? c) None.

4. Are there any difficulties in d) Without using additional
operating this device? devices.

5. What about compiling pro- e) It is an up-to-date model.
grammes for the robot? f) Well, it is capable of

6. How do you switch from one performing various tasks,
programme to another? like walking, talking and

moving objects.

Language Practice


I. Match the words with the similar meaning.

precise evidence

capable surroundings

creature able

data one more

clever exact

additional to carry out

to perform being

environment intelligent

II. Make up all possible word combinations.

artificial intelligence

intelligent creature

precise definition

dangerous task

repetitive environment

humanoid robot

to imitate humans

conscious instructions

III. Find in В the derivatives from the words in A.


1. to supervise - pressure, supervision, ultrasonic,


2. to exist - exit, existence, exhibition, exactly

3. to invent - intention, invention, infrared, internal

4. to define - definition, defusing, despite, deformation

5. to manipulate - medieval, man-made, manipulator,


6. to repeat - report, preparation, action, repetitive

7. to explore - expensive, exploration, conscious,


8. to sense - suitable, considerable, sensor,


___________________ Grammar: Gerund

IV. How do you find these ideas? Use the table to make your own sentences and express your opinion.

EXAMPLE: In my opinion, t he idea of performing operations in this way is quite new.


the idea   compiling new     important
the method   programmes     simple
the way   exploring space is   specific
the purpose   calculating the seems very obvious
the necessity of dimensions appeared quite modern
the importance   supervising sounds rather necessary
the technique   robots proved   strange
    using robots      
    gathering data      

V. a) Say if it is impossible (hard, difficult, easy, etc.) to do these things.


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