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The Past and the Future of the Laser 5 глава

III. Read the text for detailed information about alternative sources of energy.

Alternative Sources of Energy

It is not a secret that energy consumption has increased immensely in. the last decades. But do we have enough fossil fuels to satisfy our needs? As fossil fuels are nonrenewable we are highly interested in developing alternative sources of energy.

Solar Power is renewable. It is used for heating houses. Solar cells and furnaces make electricity from sunlight. Solar cells are expensive. Solar power isn't much use unless you live somewhere sunny. It doesn't cause pollution and doesn't need fuel.

Wind Power is renewable as well. It doesn't cause pollution; doesn't need fuel. However, a lot of generators are needed to get a sensible amount of power. It is necessary to put them where winds are reliable. And the noise can drive you nuts.

Hydroelectric Power plants are built for getting energy from flowing water. Usually we build a dam, and let the water turn turbines and generators as it goes through pipes in the dam. Renewable. No pollution, no fuel needed, no waste. Very expensive to build. Building a dam we flood a lot of land.

Waves Power. There's a lot of energy in waves on the sea. However it is not easy to get it. A wave power station needs to be able to stand really rough weather, and yet still be able to generate power from small waves. This source of energy is renewable - the waves will come whether we use them or not.



Geothermal Energy means heat from underground hot rocks. Hot water comes up and we use the heat to make steam to drive turbines, or to heat houses. It is renewable - so long as we don't take out too much, the energy keeps on coming. However, there are not many places you can do it - the rocks must be suitable. Sometimes we get poisonous gases coming up too.

"Biomass" means burning wood, dung, sugar cane or similar. It is renewable - we can always plant more trees. We burn the fuel to heat water into steam, which drives turbines, which drive generators. Burning anything we pollute the environment.

Nuclear (atomic) power stations use uranium as fuel. It is nonrenewable. Heat from the reactor turns water into steam, which drives turbines, which drive generators. It doesn't cause pollution unless something goes wrong.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do we have to develop alternative sources of energy?

2. What is solar energy used for?

3. What are the disadvantages of wind power?

4. What requirements should hydroelectric power stations meet?

5. Why can the use of geothermal energy be dangerous?

6. Are nuclear power plants considered safe?

V. Name the sources of energy that are...


4. needing no fuel, 5. safe.

1. renewable,

2. pollution-free,

3. producing no waste,

VI. Can these sources of energy be used in your country? Give your reasons.


Power Source Can Be Used Cannot Be Used
solar power    
wind power    
hydroelectric power    
waves power    
geothermal power    
nuclear power    

VII. What new or useful information have you learnt from the text?




Your country is running out of fossil fuels soon and is facing an energy crisis. Other sources of energy must be developed quickly. Divide into several groups.

a) Discussion.

The Government: state the problem; announce the award for the best


The Engineering groups: carry out your research, consider all the

factors (both positive and negative) and suggest a power plant to be


b) Presentation.

The Engineering groups: present your project; explain your choice and answer possible questions.

The Government: ask the engineers questions after their presentation, choose and award the best project with a prize.


I. We are surrounded by electrical appliances and take modern
conveniences for granted, ignoring the fact that we are rapidly
exhausting our energy resources. Write a paragraph discussing the
following questions:

1. What electrical appliances do you have at home?

2. How much electricity do they consume?

3. Is it possible to reduce their energy consumption? If so, how?

4. Why is it important to save energy?

II. Translate the passage into Russian. Use the dictionary if necessary.

Glowing in the Dark

Have you ever wondered why a TV-set being already switched off is glowing in the darkness? The same effect may be observed with a fluorescent lamp in a darkened room. With the light switched on, cover the eyes with a hand to shut out the light. Then count off 15 to 25 seconds, switch off the light, and open the eyes quickly. The tube will be seen glowing, the glow gradually but quickly disappearing.


This phenomenon is explained as follows. The light given off by a fluorescent tube is produced when the electric current flows through a gas containing a small amount of mercury. The light produced is ultra-violet, not suitable as room illumination. But ultra-violet light shines on a coating inside the tube, a coating made of phosphors, substances that glow with different colours when excited by ultra-violet light. The ultra-violet light goes out as the switch is turned off, but the phosphors continue to glow briefly. Different phosphors give off different colours, and the tube uses phosphors emitting light visible to the eye and suitable for illumination. The picture of your TV-set is also made by phosphors that can be seen to glow briefly after the set is turned off.

Section B. Automotive Problems


I. Discuss the following questions.

a) Are you good at repairing cars?

b) What are the most common faults in a car?

c) Do you know how to repair them?

II. Listen to the students' conversation and learn what faults can occur in
a car.

Peter: Alex, I would like you to have a look at my car, please. Alex: What's wrong with it?

Peter: I don't know. Having just started the engine stops again. Alex: There is no petrol in the tank, I'm afraid. Peter: On the contrary! The tank is full and the battery seems to be

In order.

Alex: Let's go into the garage then and ask Denis to have a look at it. He is said to be a good car mechanic and is sure to find the fault in your car.

Peter: OK. Considering the situation, we are going to need his help.

(a couple of hours later)

Peter: What are you busy with?

Denis: I'm repairing the engine of your car.

Peter: But what has happened? It's quite new as faras I know.



Denis: Don't you understand that you should never operate the engine if the air filter is out of order? Well, having entered the engine, dust and dirt damaged the cylinders, pistons and piston rings.

Peter: OK, I get it, I should have changed the filter.

Denis: Yes. By the way, have you ever checked your spark plugs?

Peter: Let's see... But they are as good as new!

Denis: Certainly, they are all right. Having cleaned and tested them,

I only have to repair the engine now.

Peter: Oh, now it's clear why there was no spark.

Denis: And there wouldn't be. Being covered with oil the spark plugs

will not give a spark. That's why your engine stops.

Peter: I see.

III. Complete the following dialogues.

a) -Vlad,...?

- …

- What's wrong with it?

- …

b) -...

- The tank is full, I have checked it.

- What about the...?

- …

c) - Well, let's go into the garage and...

- Is he good at repairing cars?

- …


d) - The engine seems completely …. What can it be?

- Look here, the spark plug is...

-... The car won't start as....

III. Match a line in A with a line in B. A



a) Not yet. b) But I have just charged it! c) No wonder, the pistons are damaged. d) I'm changing the air filter. e) What's wrong with it? f) On the contrary! It is full.

1. My car doesn't start.

2. I think there is no petrol in
the tank.

3. What are you busy with?

4. The engine is out of order.

5. Have you checked the spark

6. The battery must be flat.


Language Practice


I. Find the English equivalents in В to the Russian words in A.

a) amount a) to change a) difficult a) to reduce a) starter a) clockwise a) overhaul
b) quality b) to block b) easy b) to decrease b) particle b) thorough b) research
c) count c) to remove c)free c) to increase c) spark c) backwards c) maintenance

1. количество

2. чистить

3. свободный

4. увеличивать

5. примесь

6. тщательный

7. ремонт


II. Match the words with the similar meaning.


to get into ordinary free to break to overhaul to replace dust and dirt down

to damage downwards

to change impurity common unobstructed

to enter

to repair


III. Complete the table with the missing words.


  Verb Noun
заводить (мотор)    
  to radiate  
  to conduct  

Grammar: Participle

IV. Make all possible sentences, matching the actions that take place at the same time.

EXAMPLE: to repair the car / to follow the machanic's instructions

(When) repairing the car I followed the machanic's


to park your car to remember about the speed

to maintain the car in order limit

to press the accelerator to start the engine

to push a car forwards and to save yourself a lot of trouble

backwards to consider road signs

to introduce automated vehicles to keep the distance

to drive a car. to take into account the safety

of traffic

V. Explain why these things happen.

EXAMPLE: The spark plugs gave a spark at last. (to clean) Being cleaned the spark plugs gave a spark.

1. The engine needs cooling. (to heat)

2. The ammeter is recording no current. (to break)

3. The moving parts work almost without friction. (to oil)

4. Solar-powered systems operate at night. (to supply with batteries)

5. The project promises good results. (to design carefully)

6. The car needs a serious overhaul. (to damage)

VI. Expand the following sentences as shown in the example.

EXAMPLE: When removed the particles of dirt can't cause damage. When the particles of dirt are removed, they can't cause damage.

1. If tested the engine may be started.

2. When repaired and repainted, the car looked as good as new.

3. If removed impurities cannot block the carburettor.

4. When removed from the pump, the filter is cleaned with a brush.

5. If added to the engine, oil decreases friction between the moving parts.

6. When adjusted properly, the spark plugs produce a spark.

VII. Study the following sentences and point out the differences in their


1. a) A car running on hydrogen was invented long ago.

b) Running on hydrogen this car is not likely to cause pollution.


2. a) Students attending classes regularly study better.

b) Attending classes regularly students understand the material quicker.

3. a) The exhaust system being repaired at the moment produces too
much smoke.

b) Being repaired by a skilful mechanic the exhaust system is now
in order.

c) If not repaired the exhaust system will have to be replaced.

4. a) When redesigned the engine will perform better.

b) Being redesigned completely the engine became more efficient.

c) The engine redesigned and improved by the researchers showed
excellent performance.

VIII. If none of the switches are working something must be wrong with
the electrical system in the car. Say in what order you will check its
components. Work in a chain.

Begin like this: Having noticed a fault in the electrical system of my car I will turn the engine on. Having turned the engine on I will turn it off again. Having...etc.

Your actions: to switch on the lights;

to switch them off;

to press the horn button;

to push the indicator lever to the left;

to push the lever to the right;

to stop the indicator;

to switch on the engine again;

to press the brake pedal;

to release the pedal;

to switch off the ignition;

to ask the machanic for help.

IX. Match the beginning of each sentence with its end.

1. Having been cleaned a) the participants of the confe-

2. Having been repaired by a good rence were surprised.

mechanic b) I had to pay the fine for

3. Having been stopped by speeding.

a policeman. c) the car needed a serious over-

4. Having been damaged badly haul.

5. Having been shown the results d) the filter increased the airflow.

of the research e) the car was as good as new.


X. Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.


clockwise, anticlockwise, to the right, to the left, in front of, upwards, downwards, forwards, backwards

1. To start the car the key should be turned....

2. Take the first turn..., the second... and you will see the service
station... you.

3. If the starter is jammed you should try to push the car... and....

4. It is necessary to turn the bulb... in order to take it out of the

5. The pistons in this car move... and....

XI. Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1. Устранив неисправность, водитель уехал со станции техоб-

2. Проверяя тормозную систему машины, механик обнаружил

3. Попав в двигатель, сор и пыль повредили цилиндр и поршне­-
вые кольца.

4. Будучи серьезно поврежденной, машина не заводилась.

5. Удаляя различные примеси из воздуха, фильтр не дает кар­-
бюратору засориться.

6. После того, как свечи зажигания были зачищены, они дали искру.

7. Заметив, что топливо заканчивается, он остановился на за-­
правочной станции, чтобы наполнить бак.

8. Регулярно проходя техосмотр, вы экономите, по крайней ме­-
ре, время и деньги.

Reading and Speaking

I. Look at the headline and try to guess what the text is going to be about.

II. Scan the text to find the answers to the following questions.

1. Do modern cars need servicing regularly?

2. What are the three most common faults in the car?

3. What should you do if the battery appears to be dead?

4. What does a fuel warning light show?

5. Why is there no spark sometimes?

6. What is likely to happen to the petrol pump?

7. How can the fuel pipe become blocked?

8. How do you know that the starter motor is likely to be jammed?

9. Is the air filter an important part of the engine?

III. Read the text attentively and learn about the most common faults inthe car and the ways to repair them.

Finding a Fault in the Car

Servicing your car regularly you prevent it from becoming unreliable. Of course, you can't foresee everything. Having failed to start the car in the morning you had better check three things first: the battery, the fuel level and the spark plugs. It is quite easy to repair these faults.

If the battery appears to be flat it is necessary to recharge it. If this doesn't work, you should replace it.

An empty tank is another common fault in the car. Having noticed a fuel warning light on the instrument panel of your car you should fill up the tank with more petrol.

Dirty spark plugs are also certain to cause a problem. To drive the car it is important to clean them regularly and adjust the gap in the spark plugs to the proper width. If the gap is not correct the engine will not run well.

If your car still does not start, the petrol pump may be broken, or the fuel pipe may be blocked. Having discovered a broken pump, it is a good idea to repair or replace it. If the fuel pipe is blocked, take it off and unblock it.

Having heard a loud CLICK! when you turn the key, you are sure to realize that the starter motor may be jammed. If it is, you can try to release it pushing the car forwards and backwards (in the 2nd gear). If the car still doesn't start, the starter motor should be repaired or even replaced.

And don't forget about the air filter. Its function is to remove particles of dirt, dust and other impurities from the air passing to the carburettor. A blocked filter decreases the airflow to the carburettor thus increasing the amount of fuel in the mixture. This causes the engine to operate inefficiently. Cleaning and changing filters regularly you prevent a considerable damage that is certain to be caused inside the cylinders. In this case the engine will need a thorough overhaul.

If you are a poor mechanic, stopping at service stations periodically you will save at least time and money. As they say, prevention is better than cure.


IV. Do you recognise these parts of the car engine? Find their names in the text.


V. Fill in the table with the data from the text.

A component of the car The fault What to do

1. the battery flat

2. … … …

… … …

VI. You are studying to get a driving license. The topic of the lesson
today is 'Maintenance of a Car'. Your friend is your instructor. Ask him
about the most common faults in the car and the ways to repair them.

You can start like this: - What shall I do if the car doesn't start?

- Well, you should...

VII. Expand this gist of the text.

The text deals with common faults in the car and ways to repair them. Special emphasis is laid on the necessity of regular car servicing.

Further Reading

I. The cooling system is a necessary component of any engine-driven
vehicle. Why is it important to cool the engine? How can the engine be

II. Scan the text to get the answers to these questions.


1. Why does the engine become very hot?

2. How much energy pushes the pistons?

3. What are the two functons of the cooling system?


4. How are motorcycles usually cooled?

5. What increases the efficiency of air-cooling?

6. Why is liquid-cooling preferred to air-cooling in large engines?

7. Where is hot fluid cooled in the car engine?

8. What liquids are used in the cooling system?

9. What requirements must the coolant meet?

III. Read the text attentively for more details about cooling systems.

1. Cooling Systems

When you drive a car, the engine becomes very hot. Why?

Burning in the engine the fuel-air mixture produces energy. But only a quarter of this energy makes the pistons move. Most of it turns into heat. About half of this heat goes down the exhaust pipe and the other half stays in the engine making it very hot. In fact, the cooling system on a car driving down the freeway dissipates enough heat to heat two average-sized houses! The primary job of the cooling system is to cool the engine and to keep it from overheating. However, the cooling system also has several other important jobs. The engine in your car runs best at a fairly high temperature. When the engine is cold, components wear out faster, and the engine is less efficient and emits more pollution. So, another important job of the cooling system is to allow the engine to heat up as quickly as possible, and then to keep the engine at a constant temperature. There are two types of cooling systems found on cars: air-cooled and liquid-cooled.

2. Air Cooling

Some older cars, very few modern cars and most motorcycle have air-cooled engines. Constructing the engine block covered in numerous external aluminum fins engineers greatly increase its surface area, which can be cooled by the flow of air passing over it. A powerful fan is used to supply an increased amount of air for cooling multi-cylinder engines. The forced airflow conducts heat away from the cylinders radiating it into the air more efficiently.

However, it is difficult to design large engines with an unobstructed airflow over all the cylinders. The alternative is a liquid (water)-cooling system.

3. Liquid Cooling

Most cars are equipped with liquid-cooling systems. Flowing around the engine the fluid absorbs its heat, which consequently allows the engine to get cooled. Then, having entered through the top



hose the hot fluid passes through the heat exchanger or radiator. The radiator transfers the heat from the fluid to the air pulled through the exchanger by a fan. Leaving the radiator through the bottom hose the cooled fluid is pumped around the engine again.

Cars operate in a wide variety of temperatures. So whatever fluid is used to cool the engine it has to have a very low freezing point, a high boiling point, and it has to have the capacity to hold a lot of heat. Water holds heat quite effectively, but it freezes at too high a temperature to be used in car engines. The coolant used in most cars is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (C2H6O2), also known as antifreeze. Adding ethylene glycol to water, the boiling and freezing points are improved significantly.

IV. When burning the fuel-air mixture produces a lot of energy. Where
does 25% / 75% / 37.5% / 38.5% of the initial amount of this energy go?

V. Name the objects in the picture in the text. Use the words in italics
from paragraph 3.

VI. Point out the functions of the following objects.

EXAMPLE: The function of the engine is to move the vehicle.

a fuel-air mixture, the cooling system, the coolant, a top hose, a fan, a pump

VII. You are taking a test for a driving license tomorrow. Today you have
a consultation. Your friend is your instructor.

Student: Prepare a list of questions concerning cooling systems

and ask the instructor for explanations.

Instructor: Look at the picture again and explain the operation of the cooling system to your student.


I. Discuss in small groups what system is better: air-cooling or water-cooling. Consider advantages and disadvantages of both.

II. a) What are these objects called? You can choose from the following:

1) cover

2) spark plug

3) socket



b) Complete the instructions with the words given above.

How to Check a Spark Plug

First you should remove the cover. Having achieved this, place the... over the spark plug. Then it is necessary to rotate the... anti­clockwise until it seems to be loose. Having removed the plug from the..., examine the gap and check it to be clean. After that, insert a... in the gap. Check that the... is between 0.65 and 1.00 mm wide. Having replaced the plug in the socket you should rotate it clockwise until it is hand-tight. Next, it is necessary to place the spanner over the plug and give ONLY a quarter turn clockwise. Caution should be taken not to overtighten the plug. Finally, replace the....

III. Solve the puzzle.


1. part of a cooling system;

2. ordinary, conventional;

3. it can be either positive or negative;

4. part of the engine where fuel is
mixed with air;

5. petrol, diesel, gas;

6. the fuel warning light shows that
the tank is...;

7. dirty spark plugs cannot produce it;

8. if you want to stop you should push it;

9. gasoline;


10. a device to produce a sound signal;


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