The Past and the Future of the Laser 11 глава
I. Infinitive I. Find Infinitives or Infinitive constructions in the following sentences. 1. I wanted you to help me to weld these two pieces by an electric arc. 2. He suddenly felt the electrode touch the surface of the 3. Robots are supposed to facilitate people's work. 4. The short circuit is reported to have caused a lot of damage. 5. To drive safely it is important to check the brake system 6. All this makes me think that it is fascinating to experiment with 7. You are likely to spot distant planets if you know about Doppler's 8. Ecologists would not like CFCs to be used as industrial gases. 9. The material to be investigated is of great value. 10. The need to develop stronger alloys forces the experiments to be continued. II. Insert to where necessary. 1. You should... recharge your car battery directly. 2. He made me... use protective clothing during welding. 3. We would like you... show us how the actuator works. 4. The function of a thermometer is..'. measure the temperature. 5.... obtain an alloy, one must... mix metals with non-metals. 6. The distance... be measured is between these two points. 7. Professor watched the students... quench a steel bar in oil. 8. Don't let children... play with matches. 9. Domestic appliances are supposed... consume plenty of 10. It is obviously necessary... demonstrate the properties of this substance to the researchers.
III. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. При проведении дуговой сварки, необходимо правильно 2. Прибор, который нужно использовать, имеет совершенно новую конструкцию. 3. Целью. данной статьи является описание преимуществ использования электрических автомобилей. 4. Такая система позволяет генерировать мощный электрический ток. 5. Возможно, автомобиль имеет серьезные повреждения. 6. Сообщается, что экспериментальный микроскоп работает II. Participle I. Find Participles or Participial constructions in the following sentences. 1. You have come early. The experiment is still being carried out, 2. When carried out, the experiment was discussed with great interest. 3. Being translated into many foreign languages, her works are 4. Having studied the properties of the alloy the engineer made a 5. The hologram having been made, we switched off the laser. 6. The results received were of great importance for further
7. Having been taught by a good teacher, I know Geodesy well. 8. When burnt, coal produces not only heat but polluting gases as well. 9. They tried to repair the engine trouble following the instructions 10. The professor delivering a lecture on nanotechnology mentioned interesting facts. II. Choose the right option. 1. The canal связывающий the two seas is being built now. 2. The explanation данное is not complete. 3. При нагревании metals expand. a. when heating b. when heated c. when having been heated 4. Work done, you have fun. а. сделанная работа b. когда работа сделана с. делая работу 5. Анализируя elements Mendeleev divided them into 9 groups. a. studying b. having studied c. studied 6. Получив good results we stopped the research. a. being received b. having received c. receiving 7. Life existing on other planets is no longer under question. 8. Being built on time the bridge was opened for public use. 9. Having been shown the design I found the fault quickly. а, показав b. показывая с. после того, как мне показали 10. While calculating the speed the student made a mistake. а. вычисляющий b. вычисляемый с. вычисляя III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. Проверив электрическую цепь, он начал наблюдать за показаниями приборов. 2. При проведении исследований мы использовали этот микроскоп. 3. Полученное оборудование устанавливают в данный момент в 4. Занимаясь исследованиями, он пришел к выводу о возможности применения нового материала в электронике. 5. Воспользовавшись мощным лазером, мы создали голограмму, видную издалека. III. Gerund I. Find Gerunds or Gerundial constructions in the following sentences. 1. The teacher insists on our coming on time. 2. We don't know much of the Challenger having failed its mission. 3. The value of his having discovered natural lasers is not realized 4. The idea of connecting these wires was not mine. 5. Using renewable resources can significantly reduce the amount 6. I don't mind your reading science magazines in the reading room. 7. We hear of the up-to-date equipment being bought for your lab. 8. He was sure of repairing the ignition system without anybody 9. Exploring other worlds by means of robots soon will become 10. Seeing is believing. 6 Часть 2 145
II. Choose the right option. 1.... heavy units is not easy. a. assembling b. assembled с being assembled 2. The teacher does not know of the students... the apparatus.
3. New possibilities for... atomic energy open up. 4. The projects of...waste-to-energy plants cause fierce opposition. 5. Instead of... the old air-filter they replaced it with a new one. 6. You can improve your work efficiency by... modern a. applying b. having applied c. applied 7. What device do taxi-driver use for... passengers? 8. They are talking about the shuttle... already. a. launched b. being launched с having been launched 9. He always operates the apparatus without... safety regulations. 10. They insist on the short circuit... a. being avoided b. avoiding c. having avoided III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1.Составление новой компьютерной программы было нелегкой 2.Решение данной проблемы невозможно без проведения серии экспериментов. 3.Вы можете рассчитывать на то, что компьютер выдаст вам 4.Роботы способны выполнять тяжелую работу не уставая. 5.Мы осведомлены о том, что он сейчас исследует свойства нового сплава. IV. Reported Speech I. Correct mistakes and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. They announced that the new vehicle will be widely used in the 2. The article said that rain forests are badly damaged by acid rains.
3. She asked Denis if when the Science Museum had been opened in 4. We are all interested is there life on Mars. 5. The student answered that he never heard of the Doppler effect. 6. The student was asked that to enumerate advantages of personal 7. I was interested if were actuator robots more mechanically 8. They wondered why were those devices made of quenched steel. 9. The engineer said to us not to touch the wire while the power was on. 10. Can you tell me how does a power plant generate electricity? II.I Choose the right option. 1. It was reported they... their research 2 days before. a. had carried out b. would carry out с. carried out 2. The inventors were interested who... finance the further research. 3. The miners did not know what... the explosion. 4. She asked how often... in various scientific projects. a. did you participate b. you did participate с you participated 5. The instructor advised us... driving during rush hours. 6. They were certain they would win the race. а. выиграли b. выиграют с. выигрывают 7. He said the device needed no improvement. а. не нуждается b. не нуждался с. не будет нуждаться 8. That article said that the hail had damaged many cars. 9. We were asked if we believed in artificial and alien intelligence. 10. They wanted to know... the fault had been found. a. - b. if c. who III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. Он сказал, что эти пластины делают из закаленной стали. 2. Как вы думаете, что вызвало данный эффект? 3. Они поинтересовались, экспериментирую ли я со сплавами. 4. Ученые объявили, что с помощью биотехнологий они создали новый сверхпрочный материал, свойства которого они сейчас изучают.
5. Сообщалось, что существует возможность создания искусственного разума.
Translation Check
1. Bomb Buster. The Mini-Androsis is used by bomb squads across the country to locate and dispose of bombs. About three feet long, the Mini-Androsis looks something like a small armoured tank with eight wheels on four 'legs' that extend for climbing stairs. Its movable arm can lift objects weighing up to 15 pounds and place them in bombproof boxes. Detachable accessories allow the Mini-Androsis to break windows, to see in the dark, and to defuse or detonate bombs directly, either by blasting them with water, firing at them with a shotgun, or placing other smaller bombs nearby. 2. There is a lot of debate at present about the best way of 3. Burning domestic waste in order to reduce its amount and to 4. Marine scientists use three types of vehicle to explore and
a) Manned submersible usually power in batteries. Mechanical arms, controlled from inside the sphere, allow the crew to collect samples and conduct experiments on the ocean floor. At present, there are only five vehicles in the world that can carry people to a depth of 6,000 metres - just over half way to the deepest point in the oceans. b) Remote operated vehicles (ROVs) are unmanned and
c) Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are also unmanned, 5. Making high-quality alloy products is a complex process
particularly steel, to impart specific properties. For instance, heating hardened steel to 752 F (400 °C) and holding it for a time before quenching in oil decreases its hardness and brittleness and produces strong and tough steel. Quench-and-temper heat treating is applied at many different cooling rates, holding times, and temperatures, and is a very important means of controlling the properties of steel.
6. Home-made Electricity? Two wires of different metals (e.g. 7. Natural infrared lasers are very rare in space. However, it was
Writing a) Read these advertisements below and choose the one you like most.
b) Write your CV and a letter of application for the post you've chosen.
SUPPLEMENTARY READING TEXT 1 I. Scan the text to find answers to these questions. 1. Is the function of the car very complicated? 2. What features affect the car design today? 3. How does the Hy-wire differ from the conventional car? 4. Why is there no engine compartment in the Hy-wire? 5. Where is all the equipment positioned? 6. How is the Hy-wire operated? 7. What are the major problems of the Hy-wire to be solved in the near future? II. Read the text attentively for more details about the unusual car. How GM's Hy-wire Works
Cars are very complicated machines with an incredibly simple job of turning wheels. The overall function of the car being so basic, does it actually need all those complex heavy devices? Most likely, a lot of us will be driving radically different vehicles within 20 years. Two basic elements dictating car design are the internal combustion engine and mechanical and hydraulic linkages. The defining feature of the Hy-wire is that it has neither of them. The engine is replaced with a fuel cell stack, which powers an electric motor connected to the wheels. A computer-based drive-by-wire system substitutes the linkages. These changes result in a very different car - and a very different driving. There are no pedals, no steering wheel and no engine compartment. In fact, all the equipment moving the car is housed in an 11-inch-thick aluminium chassis at the base of the car. The main computer in the chassis sends electronic signals to the motor control unit to vary the speed, the steering mechanism to maneuver the car, and the braking system to slow the car down. Everything above the
chassis serves only to driver control and passenger comfort, but the coolest thing in this design is the possibility to switch from a van to a sports car just by replacing the car body.
looks like a video game joystick having two ergonomic grips, to the left and right of a small monitor replacing an instrument panel and giving you a rear view from video cameras (in place of mirrors). Buttons on the controller let you switch easily from neutral to drive to reverse, and a starter button turns the car on. As it doesn't directly drive any part of the car, the X-drive controller can be moved freely in the passenger compartment. A second monitor provides stereo, climate control and navigation information. There are no ideal cars as yet. Safety is a big concern with drive-by-wire cars since electrical failure means the total loss of control. The other burning issue is developing energy-efficient methods of supplying hydrogen for the onboard fuel-cell stacks. Assuming that GM can tackle the major fuel and safety issues satisfactorily, the highway will see some major changes within the next few decades. III. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 1. The simple job of the car consists in.... a) turning wheel; b) showing video-film; c) having complex devices. 2. The major characteristic of the Hy-wire design is the absence of.... a) the internal combustion engine; b) mechanical and hydraulic linkages; c) both. 3. The driving system operated by the computer receiving and a) 'fly-by-wire'; b) 'drive-by-wire'; c) 'fuel cell'. 4. The main computer is installed... the passenger compartment. 5. Speed, mileage and fuel level information are available to the driver.... a) on the monitor of the X-drive; b) on a video camera; c) on the instrument panel.. 6. The Hy-wire is started by.... a) pushing a button on the X-drive; b) turning a grip; c) observing the monitor. 7. While operating the Ну-wire you do not use your.... a) hands; b) feet; c) head. 8. To mass-produce the Hy-wire car General Motors will have to solve a) passengers; b) highways; c) safety and fuel supply. IV. Translation Check. Use the dictionary if necessary. Zero-pollution Cars
The electric car is an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles. It performs like a conventional car with one important difference - it is nearly silent and pollution-free. The electric car is propelled by an electric motor powered from a controller, which in its turn gets its power from rechargeable batteries. However, the batteries need replacement every 20,000 miles. Fuel cells solve the battery problem. A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that converts hydrogen and oxygen into water, producing electricity and heat in the process. Unlike a battery, you can continually recharge a fuel cell by adding chemical fuel - hydrogen from an onboard storage tank and oxygen from the atmosphere. The proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) seems to be one of the most promising technologies. A single fuel cell produces about 0.7 volts. To get this voltage up many separate fuel cells are combined to form a fuel cell stack. Zero-pollution cars are also designed to run on compressed air using the concept of the steam engine. Liquid nitrogen stored at -320 °F serves as the propellant for the LN2000's cryogenic engine. Air moving around the vehicle heats the liquid nitrogen to the boiling temperature and causes it to turn to gas pushing on the engine's pistons. The only emission being nitrogen (which makes up 78% of the atmosphere), the air-compressed car fully justifies the name of its manufacturer - Zero-pollution Motors. TEXT 2 I. Scan the text to find answers to these questions. 1. When was the first flying car designed? 2. What models of flying cars have already been designed?
3. What speed can the Skycar develop? 4. Is the Skycar fuel-efficient? 5. What is a 'fly-by-wire system*? 6. How does the CityHawk differ from the Skyrider? 7. Why are flying cars designed as an alternative to road cars? II. Read the text carefully and say what you have learnt about the new breed of cars. Flying Cars
Just a decade and a half after the Wright Brothers took off in their airplane over the plains of Kitty Hawk, N.C., in 1903, other pioneering men started dreaming of a flying car. The attempt to develop a gliding horse cart in the 18th century, to no great surprise, failed. Numerous flying cars are being invented today. Moller's latest project, the Skycar M400, is designed to take off and land vertically, like a Harrier Jet, in small spaces. Having a range of 900 miles, it will cruise at around 350 mph with the top speed of 400 mph using petrol, diesel, alcohol, kerosene and propane as fuel. The fuel mileage of the Skycar will be comparable to that of a medium-sized car, getting 20 miles to the gallon. To make the Skycar safe and available to public, it will be completely controlled by computers using the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites - a so-called 'fly-by-wire system'. In an emergency the vehicle will release a parachute and airbags, internally and externally, to cushion the impact of the crash. The cost of a Skycar is estimated to be $60,000 if mass-produced. MACRO Industries' SkyRider X2R will use the same fly-by-wire system to safely transport passengers. Drivers will simply get in, turn on the power and enter the address or phone number of the desired destination, with the SkyRider doing the rest. MACRO said that the system would be fully automatic, but allowing some manual control. Commands will be entered just by telling the car what you want it to do. Similarly to Skycars and SkyRiders, CityHawks also take off and land vertically. However, there are some key differences. The CityHawk will be powered by fans driven by four internal combustion engines. This number of engines will allow the vehicle to land even if
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