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Listening (ex.6,7) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Frid/STQUhsi3p

Unit 2




Can you translate the verbs below? Which of them are irregular? Do you remember their 4 forms?

feel, be,are,is, involve, help, prepare, meet,discuss,depend(on), speak(to), put (to sleep), have, perform, change, make, cut, hold, wake up=awake, tell,remove,begin.

A)Look through the Vocabulary

operating theatre операционная

common частовстречающийся, распространенный

to feel nervous /ˈnɜː.vəs/ чувствовать нервозность

involved in связанный с ч-л, имеющий отношение к ч-л

calm спокойный

confident in уверенный в

pamphlet /ˈpæm.flət/ (or a handout) информационная брошюра

preparation подготовка

depend(on) зависеть от

transplant /trænˈsplɑːnt/ трансплантат He had a heart transplant (= doctors gave him a different, healthier heart instead of his old one).

resection /rɪˈsek.ʃən/ операция по удалению органа или части органа

gall bladder excision /ekˈsɪʒ.ən/ удаление желчного пузыря

excision (syn. removal) удаление

in any case в любом случае

to put to sleep усыпить

unconscious /ʌnˈkɒn.ʃəs/ находящийся в бессознательном состоянии

the entire time весь период пребывания

tool инструмент

be assured /əˈʃʊəd/ будьте уверены

sterile /ˈster.aɪl/ стерильный

replaceable parts сменные части,блоки

scalpel /ˈskæl.pəl/ скальпель

to make a very precise incision /prɪˈsaɪs ɪnˈsɪʒ.ən/ выполнить очень точный разрез

(incision -хирургический разрез -оперативное вмешательство, заключающееся в рассечении кожи (или слизистой оболочки) и находящихся под ней тканей, является первым этапом любой кровавой хирургической операции для доступа к органу, полости) The surgeon makes a small incision into which a tube is inserted.

clamp зажим

temporarily /tem.pəˈr.ər.ili/ not lasting or needed for very long(временно)

to hold to keep something in a place (удерживать)

suture /ˈsuː.tʃər/ шов; накладывать шов

to remove /rɪˈmuːv/ to take away(удалять)

removal удаление

to awake (awoke awoken) просыпаться

recovery room (RR) послеоперационная палата

healing process процесс заживления, выздоровления, реабилитации

medication медикаменты;медикаментозное лечение He is currently on/taking medication for his heart.

follow-up visit (follow-up - done after a related event or action) последующий визит, посещение

technique /tekˈniːk/ техника

to eliminate pain купировать боль

event событие

stretcher носилки; натяжное приспособление

B) Match the words with the definitions.

a. incision

b. medication

c. resection

d. sterile

e. scalpel

f. preparation

g. transplant

h. suture

i. pamphlet

j. clamp


1.an opening that is made in something with a sharp tool, especially in someone's body during an operation

2.completely clean and free from dirt and bacteria

3.something, especially a new organ, that has been transplanted

4.a device that is used to hold two things together tightly

5.a thin book with only a few pages that gives information about something

6.the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something

7.the act of removing any part of the body in a medical operation

8.a very sharp knife that is used for cutting through skin and flesh during an operation

9.a stitch used to sew up a cut in a person's body

10.a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs, used to improve a particular condition or illness

C) Match the antonyms.

conscious nervous
asleep loose /luːs/
pre-op unconscious
sterile rare
common finish
begin to suture
to cut post-op
tight awake
calm non-sterile

d) Match the synonyms.

operating theatre method
calm whole /həʊl/
technique to substitute
pamphlet relaxed
to replace operating room
entire /ɪnˈtaɪə/ handout
healing therapy
medication recovery
involved in anxiety /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti/
nervousness connected with
confident cut
incision removal
excision prior
to suture to wake up
to awake to stitch
tool assured
before device

Listening (Before your op.) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/27zq/2fwd5rjtX

Comprehension questions.

Write the answers to the following  comprehension questions. Use them as a plan and retell the text in English.

1.What are this type of pamphlets used for?

2.What is surgical preparation? What does it depend on?

3. What will anesthesiologist speak to the patient about?

4.What surgical tools can you name? What are they used for?

5. What are sutures used for?

6.Where will the patient awake after the operation?

7. What will the post-op healing process involve?

Listening (ex.6,7) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Frid/STQUhsi3p

Note (ex.4)

guideline / ˈɡaɪd.laɪn/ рекомендация

Note (ex.6)

to cancel / ˈkæn.səl/ - отменить

be concerned about /kənˈsɜːnd/=worried about беспокоиться по поводу ч-л

Notes (ex.7)

go over the schedule UK /ˈʃedʒ.uːl/   US /ˈskedʒ.uːl/просмотреть расписание

bowel resection /ˈbaʊ.əl rɪˈsek.ʃən/ резекция кишечника

is scheduled for the rest of the morning запланирован на остальную часть утра

you are supposed to (you are expected) предполагается, что вы

cholecystectomy /ˌkɒlɪsɪˈstɛktəmɪ / холецистэктомия


could take a while может занять довольно много времени

quite large and advanced довольно большая и разросшаяся

to allow time for complications оставить в запасе время на случай возникновения осложнений

What should we do then? В таком случае, что будем делать?

to push back the procedure by a couple of hours (= to schedule the operation for a later time) сдвинуть операцию на пару часов позже

let’s see then давайте посмотрим

is slated to work with you on that назначен для работы в паре с вами

please, let…know about the change предупредите, пожалуйста … об изменениях

nursing staff медперсонал


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