Список использованных источников
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
1. Алтунин, А.А. Функциональный аспект концепта «Вежливость» в английской лингвокультуре [Электронный ресурс] / Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка. – Режим доступа: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/funktsionalnyy-aspekt-kontsepta-vezhlivost-v-angliyskoy-lingvokulture. – Дата доступа: 14.05.14. 2. Балахонова, И.М. Обучение речевому этикету на уроках английского языка / И.М. Балахонова [Электронный ресурс] / Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт. – Режим доступа: http://www.sspi.ru. – Дата доступа: 15.05.14. 3. Бирюлина, А.И. История развития этикета в России / А.И. Бирюлина // Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация: сб. науч. ст. / Поморский гос. ун-т им. М.В. Ломоносова; сост. и отв. ред. Л.В. Чалова. – Архангельск, 2006. – С.21-28. 4. Богданова, Л.И. Правила речевого поведения как регуляторы общения / Л.И. Богданова // Язык и социум. – Мн., 1997. – С. 7-8. 5. Викторовский, В.Г. Использование страноведческой и лингвострановедческой информации на занятиях иностранного языка / В.Г. Викторовский, С.К. Викторовская [Электронный ресурс] / Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка. – Режим доступа: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ispolzovanie-stranovedcheskoy-i-lingvostranovedcheskoy-informatsii-na-zanyatiyah-inostrannogo-yazyka. html. – Дата доступа: 14.05.14. 6. Воротникова, И.Г. Речевой этикет как аксиологический параметр культуры общения / И.Г. Воротникова // Текст. Язык. Человек: сб. науч. трудов: в 2 ч. / Мозырский гос. пед. ун-т им. И.П. Шальякина; редкол.: С.Б. Кураш (отв. ред.) [и др.]. – Мозырь, 2009. – Ч.2. – С.106-107. 7. Гольдин, В.Е. Речь и этикет / В.Е. Гольдин. – М.: Просвещение, 1983. – 109 с. 8. Джандар, Б.М. Формирование межкультурной компетенции в профессиональной подготовке преподавателя иностранных языков и культур [Электронный ресурс] / Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка. – Режим доступа: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/formirovanie-mezhkulturnoy-kompetentsii-v-professionalnoy-podgotovke-prepodavatelya-inostrannyh-yazykov-i-kultur. html. – Дата доступа: 14.05.14.
9. Каминская, И.С. Лингвометодические основы обучения культуре речи в общеобразовательных учреждениях Республики Беларусь / И.С. Каминская // Веснiк Беларускага дзяржаўнага ун-та. Сер.4, Фiлалогiя. Журналiстыка. Педагогiка. – 2010. - №2. – С.84-87. 10. Лавыш, Т.А. В Англию, с любовью / Т.А. Лавыш, А.Л. Русяев, В.С. Шахлай / 2-е изд. – Мн.: ИРИ ООО «ЛистПлюс», 1997. – 96с. 11. Ларина, Т.В. Категория вежливости и стиль коммуникации: Монография / Т. В. Ларина. – М.: Изд-во РУДН, 2003. – 77с. 12. Лихачева, Л.С. Этикет как технология толерантности: теория, история, современность / Л.С. Лихачева. – Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2008. – 407с. 13. Лелюшкина, К.С. Культурологический компонент при обучении иноязычному общению / К.С. Лелюшкина // Известия ТПУ. – 2010. – №6. – С.185-189. 14. Лунева, В.В. Прагматическое содержание речевого этикета [Электронный ресурс] / Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка. – Режим доступа: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/pragmaticheskoe-soderzhanie-rechevogo-etiketa. – Дата доступа: 14.05.14. 15. Мордовина, Л.В. Речевой этикет [Электронный ресурс] / Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка. – Режим доступа: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rechevoy-etiket. html. – Дата доступа: 14.05.14. 16. Речевой этикет [Электронный ресурс] / Энциклопедия Кругосвет. – Режим доступа: http://www.krugosvet.ru/enc/gumanitarnye_nauki/lingvistika/ RECHEVO_ETIKET.html. – Дата доступа: 15.05.14. 17. Рыжова, Л.П. Речевой этикет и языковая норма / Л.П. Рыжова // Языковое общение: единицы и регулятивы. – Калинин, 1987. – С. 51-57. 18. Соколова, Н.Л. О системном характере речевого этикета / Н.Л. Соколова// Филологические науки. – 2005. - №1. – С. 43-52. 19. Ступин, Л.П. Современный английский речевой этикет / Л.П. Ступин, К.С. Игнатьев. – Л.: Изд-во Ленинградского ун-та, 1980. – 143с. 20. Сухарев, В.А. Психология народов и наций / В.А. Сухарев, М.В. Сухарев. – Д.: Сталкер, 1997. – 400с. 21. Фаенова, М.О. Обучение культуре общения на английском языке: Науч.-теорет. пособие / М.О. Фаенова. – М.: Высш. шк., 1991. – 144с.
22. Фонина, М.Н. О типологии этикетных объявлений и этикетных средств / М.Н. Фонина // Веснiк Беларускага дзяржаўнага ун-та. Сер.4, Фiлалогiя. Журналiстыка. Педагогiка. – 2010. - №2. – С.41-45. 23. Формановская, Н.И. Культура общения и речевой этикет / Н.И Формановская. – 2-е изд. – М.: Изд-во ИКАР, 2005. – 250 с. 24. Формановская, Н.И. Русский речевой этикет: Лингвистический и методический аспекты / Н.И Формановская. – 4-е изд. – М.: ЛКИ, 2008. – 160 с. 25. Фролкина, Л.В. Речевые традиции и этикет / Л.В. Фролкина// Имплицитность в языке и речи: отв. ред. Е.Г. Борисова, Ю.С. Мартемьянов. – М., 1999. – С. 108-114. 26. Юй Юань, Этикентный речевой жанр приветствия в русском и китайском языках / Юй Юань // Веснiк Беларускага дзяржаўнага ун-та. Сер.4, Фiлалогiя. Журналiстыка. Педагогiка. – 2010. - №2. – С.52-55. 27. Hughes, Glyn S. A Handbook of Classroom English / Glyn S. Hughes. – Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1981. – 224p.
Приложение А Формулы речевого этикета Commanding 1. Open the window. 2. Close your books. 3. Don't write this down. 4. Don't look at the answers. 5. Alison, you try number 2. 6. You say it, Tom. 7. You boys, listen now. 8. Answer it, somebody. 9. Come on, everybody. 10. Don't you help him, Mark? 11. Don't you talk, you two girls. 12. Don't anybody move. 13. Do be quiet now. 14. Do try to hurry up. 15. If you don't be quiet, you can... 16. Just sit down and be quiet. 17. Just put that book away. 18. Just pass me that book, Alan. 19. Just turn the lights off. 20. I want you to finish this off at home. 21. I would like you to try exercise 24A. 22. I (would) prefer you to use your own words. 23. I expect you to prepare down to page 35. 24. I don't want you to spend too much time on this. 25. I wouldn't like you to do this exercise in a hurry. 26. I don't expect you to write a masterpiece. 27. I (would) prefer you not to use a dictionary. 28. I would like you not to keep interpreting. 29. I expect the boys not to make any noise. 30. I want this work to be finished by Friday. 31. I would like this work to be copied. 32. I (would) prefer this work to be done in your notebooks. 33. I expect this work to be finished off at home. 34. I prefer you(r) leaving out the essay ones. 35. I insist on you(r) at least trying the exercise. 36. I prefer this work (being) written out in full. 37. I insist on this work (being) done in groups. 38. I prefer (that) you learn these words by heart. 39. I insist (that) you use the passive. 40. I'd (I would) prefer it if you rewrote number 5. 41. I'd (I would) rather you did it at home. 42. You will have to write this out again. 43. You must have this finished by Monday. 44. You should write your name at the top. 45. You must use the past tense here, I'm afraid. 46. I'm afraid you will have to do this again. 47. You are to work in groups of four. 48. You are not to talk. 49. You are to finish this off at home. Requesting 1. Try it again, Bill. 2. Come out here. 3. Try it again. 4. Bill come out here. 5. Put your pencils down. 6. Please put your pencils down. 7. Put your pencils down, please.
8. Tom, please come here. 9. Please, Tom, come here. 10. Please come here, Tom. 11. Tom, come here, please. 12. Come here, please, Tom. 13. Come here, Tom, please. 14. Number 7. Yes, Karen, please. 15. Right, the next one. Err, Mohammed, please. 16. Would you like to write that on the board? 17. Do you want to try the next one? 18. Would anybody like to be the narrator? 19. Could you share with Anne today? 20. Would you prepare chapter 24. 21. Will you write this out neatly at home. 22. Can you say that again? 23. Could you please try question 5 at home. 24. Would you come out to the front, please. 25. Please will you try to remember your workbooks. 26. Can you write that on the board, please. 27. Clean the board, would you. 28. Try it again, will you. 29. Do number 6, could you. 30. Open the window, can you. 31. Please look this way, could you. 32. Look this way, please, could you. 33. Look this way, could you, please. 34. Do you think you could write this out at home? 35. I wonder if you could say it in your own words. 36. Would you mind sharing today? 37. Do you mind repeating what you said? 38. Would you be so kind as to stop talking. 39. Would you be kind enough to lend me your copy. Suggesting and Persuading 1. Let's start now. 2. Let's finish this off next time. 3. Let's not waste any more time. 4. Don't let's bother with number 10. 5. Let's try the next exercise as well, shall we? 6. Let's not listen to it again, shall we? 7. Don't let's do all of exercise 5, shall we? 8. Number 9 then. How about that one, Pierre? 9. OK, the next one. How about you, Yutaka? 10. What if we leave this exercise until next time? 11. What if you finish this off at home? 12. What if we change(d) the word order? 13. What if you start(ed) with 'Yesterday'? 14. What if you (were to) put the verb at the end? 15. What about if we translate these sentences? 16. How about if you start(ed) with the adverb? 17. Why not leave the adverb until the end? 18. Why don't we act this conversation out? 19. Couldn't we say this in a simpler way? 20. I think we ought to revise these points. 21. I think you should concentrate on number 3. 22. Number 6 can be left out, don't you think? 23. We can finish this next time, don't you think? 24. Perhaps you ought to translate this paragraph. 25. You could check the vocabulary at the back perhaps. 26. I suggest leaving this until next time. 27. I would suggest starting with the verb. 28. May I suggest appointing a secretary. 29. I suggest (that) you omit the relative. 30. I would suggest we check this next time. 31. May I suggest you learn these by heart. 32. My suggestion is you underline this phrase. 33. My suggestion is for you to finish this off at home. 34. I would suggest you copied this out again. 35. I would suggest you went through this carefully. 36. You may sit down again now. 37. You can leave question 8 out. 38. You needn't do the first three. 39. There's no need to translate everything. 40. There's no need for you to do number 5. 41. It might be an (good) idea to try this one again. 42. It would be an (good) idea for you to write this down. 43. It mightn't be a bad idea if you did this at home. 44. It wouldn't be a bad idea. 45. We can just as well use the continuous here. 46. You could just as well leave the 'that' out. 47. We might just as well stop here this time. 48. It would be just as well to check this at home. 49. It would be just as well for you to revise this. 50. It would be better if you wrote in ink. 51. It would be quicker if you just crossed the word. 52. It would be neater if you underlined it. 53. It would be more English to begin “Who did…” 54. It would be more sensible to listen in sections. 55. You'd (you had) better do this exercise again. 56. I'd rather you finished this off at home. 57. I'd rather you didn't look at the answers yet.
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