Hair (08.12.2001. Bremen. Starring: Ralf Schaedler. Quality: A-)
Hair (08. 12. 2001. Bremen. Starring: Ralf Schaedler. Quality: A-) Hair (2003. Zagreb, Croatia. Cast: Dani Stipanič ev, Siniš a Magdalenić, Vesna Pisarović, Boris Barberić, Christiana Uichita, Tina Rupč ić, Adalbert Turner Juci, Suzana Anić -Antić, Dragan Peka, Branimir Gospodnetić, Iva Gluhak, Matko Amulić. Quality: A) LIMITED TRADE!
Hair (2003. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cast: Jano Herrera - Margaret Mead, Gimena Argomaniz - Jeannie, Rodolfo Mortola - Sheila, Onel Aru - Claude, Claudia Tejeda - Sheila, Tom Williams, Julian Mardirosian, Nicolas Puiggari. Proshot. Quality: B+) VERY LIMITED TRADE!
Hair in Concert (Probably 28 june 2003. Wien. Reunion Party with Drew Sarich, Dave Moskin, Kyrre Kvam, Sabine Mayer, Jaqueline Braun, Pehton Quirante, Kudra Owens, Steven Seale. Quality: A-)
Hair (20 sept 2004. New York. Cast: Shoshana Bean, Laura Benanti, Kathy Brier, Jm J. Bullock, Liz Callaway, Paul Castree, Chuck Cooper, Gavin Creel, Darius de Haas, Lea DeLaria, Raul Esparza, Harvey Fierstein, Ana Gasteyer, Annie Golden, Ann Harada, Jackie Hoffman, Jeffifer Hudson, Norm Lewis, Brandi Chavonne Massey, Michael McKean, Euan Morton, Julia Murney, Nancy Opel, Orfeh, Adam Pascal, Billy Porter, Jai Rodriguez, RuPaul, Christopher Sieber, Shayna Steele, John Tartaglia, Toxic Audio, Lillias White, Harris Doran. BCEFA Pro video of the one night only Actors' Fund Benefit Concert at the New Amsterdam Theatre. Quality: A)
Hair (2005. Netherlands. Starring: René Van Kooten. Quality: B-. 2DVD) Hair (2005. Tecklenburg. In German. Cast: Sascha Th. G. Krebs - Berger, Ralf Schaedler - Claude, Katja Berg - Sheila, Michael Eisenburger - Woof, Peti van der Velde - Dionne, Marc Boadu - Hud, Lilemore Spitzer - Jeannie, Christopher Hemmans - Ron, Ramona Ludwig - Crissy, Michael Bergmann - Margaret Mead. Multi-camera archive video of TV broadcast quality. Theatre recording. Quality: A+. 2DVD) Hair (2007. Amstetten, Austria. Rob Fowler, Mark Siebert, Sabine Mayer, Kudra Owens, Christa Helige, Ramesh Nair. A presentation of Musical Amstetten. Performed with a mix of English and German dialog, with all the songs performed in English. Filmed using multiple cameras. TV broadcast quality. 2DVD. A+)
Hair (15 march 2009. Broadway Revival. Cast: Gavin Creel, Will Swenson, Caissie Levy, Sasha Allen, Allison Case, Andrew Kober, Megan Lawrence, Darius Nichols, Bryce Ryness, Kacie Sheik)
Hair (4 sept 2010, Matinee. London. Cast: Kevin Kern - Claude, Steel Burkhardt - Berger, Caissie Levy - Sheila, Sasha Allen - Dionne, Kacie sheik - Jeannie, Allison Case - Crissy, Matt DeAngelis - Woof, Darius Nichols - Hud, Ato Blankson-Wood, Lauren Elder, Allison Guinn, Phyre Hawkins, Crystal Joy, Kaitlin Kiyan, Andrew Kober, John Moauro, Aki Omoshaybi, Brandon Pearson, Megan Reinking, Paris Remillard, Oliver Roll, Hannah Shankman, Maya Sharpe, Patrick Smyth, Donna Steele, Liam Tamne. Second-to-last performance, final matinee. Partial recording, about an hour and a half footage)
Hair (28 oct 2010. Washington DC. Cast: Steel Burkhardt, Paris Remillard, Phyre Hawkins, Matt DeAngelis, Darius Nichols, Caren Lyn Tackett, Kacie Sheik, Kaitlin Kiyan. Beautiful capture of the Opening Night performance of the Tour cast. Great to see the cast full of energy and Caren back in the role of Sheila. Quality: A)
Hair (1 aug 2014. Los Angeles, CA. Hollywood Bowl Concert. Cast: Hunter Parrish, Benjamin Walker, Kristen Bell, Amber Riley, Jonah Platt, Jenna Ushkowitz, Mario, Sarah Hyland, Beverly D'Angelo, Kevin Chamberlin, Amanda Balen, Carly Bracco, Jennifer Foster, Taylor Frey, Courtney Galiano, Nkrumah Gatling, Rhett George, Kyle Hill, Jeremy Hudson, Joanna Alexis Jones, Yani Marin, Kimberly Moore, Maurice Murphy, Jane Papageorge, Louis Pardo, Matthew Peacock, Corbin Reid, Johnny Rice, Haylee Roderick, Cailan Rose, Constantine Rousouli, Rustin Cole Sailors, Hanna-Lee Sakakibara, Isaac Tualaulelei. Filmed on a tripod, so it's very steady except for the occasional jerkiness when panning. Video sometimes a little grainy due to the distance from the stage, but well captured with no blackouts. Filmed in 16: 9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Includes curtain call and encore. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (29 july 2002. Broadway. Harvey Fierstein - Edna, Marissa Jaret Winokur - Tracy, Mattthew Morrison - Link, Laura Bell Bundy - Amber, Kerry Butler - Penny, Linda Hart - Velma, Dick Latessa - Wilbur, Corey Reynolds - Seaweed, Clarke Thorell - Corny Collins, Danelle Eugenia Wilson - Little Inez, Mary Bond Davis - Motormouth Maybelle. Digital, Shot from first row mezz. Lots of close ups, from the master. A)
Hairspray: The Caroline Rhea Show (25 june 2003. Cast: Matthew Morrison, Marissa Jaret Winokor, Linda Hart, Laura Bell Bundy, Jackie Hoffman, Clarke Thorell, Joel Vig, Danelle Wilson, Shayna Steele, Judine Somerville, Kamilah Marshall, Harvey Fierstein. Caroline devotes her entire show to the cast-featuring interviews and performances by the OBC. Pretty cool out of makeup performance. Quality: A-)
Hairspray (31 jan 2006. Broadway. Cast: John Pinette, Michelle Dowdy, Stephen DeRosa, Darlene Love, Tevin Campbell, Michael Cunio, Tracy Miller, Kevin Meaney, Becky Gulsvig, Julie Halston, Leah Hocking. Good video with issues. Act one cover up right before " It Takes Two" and through to end of song. Act 2 starts with sound only for first 4 minutes to the end of " Big Doll House", last 4 minutes of act 2 is sound only and no cutain call. Quality: B+)
Hairspray (25 nov 2006. Broadway. Cast: Shannon Durig - Tracy, Blake Hammond - Edna, Diana DeGarmo - Penny, Stephen DeRosa - Wilbur, Darlene Love - Motormouth, Tevin Campbell - Seaweed, Jonathan Dokuchitz - Corny Collins, Lisa Jolley, Isabel Keating, Tara Macri - Amber, Kevin Meaney, Naturi Naughton - Lil Inez, Aaron Tveit. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (04 aug 2007. Music Theatre of Wichita, Wichita, KS. Annie Funke, Blake Hammond, Ray DeMattis, Todd DuBail, Altamiece Ballard, Stephanie Martignetti, Alex Stoll, Christi Moore-Leslie, Deanna Glover, Robert Hartwell. Proshot)
Hairspray (16 oct 2007. London. Cast: Michael Ball, Mel Smith, Leanne Jones, Ben James-Ellis, Tracie Bennett, Elinor Collett, Johnnie Fiori, Adrian Hansel, Rachael Wooding. Quality: A-)
Hairspray (16 dec 2007. Broadway. Cast: Shannon Durig, George Wendt, Ashley Parker Angel, Ashley Spencer, Gretchen Bieber (u/s Velma), Lance Bass, Tevin Campbell, Terita Redd (u/s Motormouth), Naturi Naughton, Hayley Podschun (u/s Penny), Tom Rooney. Beautiful filmed with lots of great closeups. Shot around heads so there are some heads in the way during full stage shots, but overall its a great video. Quality: A-)
Hairspray (1 feb 2008. Thousand Oaks, CA. Cast: Brooklynn Pulver, Jerry O'Boyle, Sharon Malane, Constantine Rousouli, Donnell James Foreman, Pearl Thomas, Jarret Mallon, Kristin Stewart, Dan Ferretti, Angela Birchett, Marsena Eunice Bowers, Arjana Andris, Greg London. A little shaky now and then, and a little dark. One brief blackout during " The Nicest Kids in Town". The only minor obstruction is when action is at farthest downstage. Quality: A-)
Hairspray (11 july 2008. Broadway. Cast: Marissa Perry, George Wendt, Jennifer Lewis, Ashley Parker Angel, Karen Mason, Tevin Campbell, Ken Marks, Leslie Goddard (u/s Penny), Ashley Spencer, Susan Mosher, Clarke Thorell, Naturi Naughton, Kevin Meaney. Highlights, contains the following: " Good Morning Baltimore", part of " Nicest Kids in Town", " Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now", " I Can Hear The Bells", " Miss Baltimore Crabs", Detention", " The Madison", " Welcome To The 60s", end part of " Run and Tell", Motormouth's Record Shop, " Big, Blonde & Beautiful", Act Two is complete through the end of " Timeless To Me". Video is a combo of full stage shots and closeups, with no real obstructions. Quality: B+)
Hairspray (19 nov 2008. Philadelphia, PA. Cast: Amy Toporek, Michael Walker, Josh Young, Kate Fahrner, Joilet F. Harris, Ben Dibble, Liz Kimball, Domonique Paton, Denise Whelan, Neil Totton, Connie Shafer, John-Charles Kelly. Highlights, contains all the musical numbers (except the song " Hairspray" ). Nice video of a solid regional production, no real obstructions. It's interesting to see " Hairspray" staged different than the Broadway production, although some things are the same. Quality: A-)
Hairspray (2009. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Cast: Simone Gutierrez - Tracy, Edson Celulari - Edna Turnblad, Arlete Salles - Velma, Danielle Winits - Amber, Jonatas Faro - Link. A little difference from the Broadway version but still fun to watch. Multicam proshot, without menus. Quality: A)
Hairspray (3 jan 2009. Broadway. Cast: Harvey Fierstein, Marissa Janet Winokur, Clarke Thorell, Constantine Rousouli, Kate Loprest, Niki Scalera, Tevin Campbell, Charlotte Crossley, Susan Mosher, Melissa VanPelt, Karen Mason, Ken Marks. Third to last performance on Broadway, and only video done during Marissa and Harvey's final run. Quite a few blackouts, but none of them last for more than 30 seconds or a minute. Filmed mostly wide and medium shots, with some close-ups. Head in the way at times but taper films around it, some washout in the wides. Curtain call is included. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (2010. UK Tour. Cast: Brian Conley, Les Dennis, Laurie Scarth, Liam Doyle, Gillian Kirkpatrick, Danny Bayne, Sandra Marvin. This lavish show is perfectly shot with no obstructions or blackouts. Great performances. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (20 march 2010. Kö ln. Cast: Uwe Ochsenknecht - Edna, Jessica Jä de - Tracy, Martin Berger - Wilbur, Nicole Berendsen - Velma, Leoni Oeffinger - Amber, Rob Fowler - Corny Collins, Leila Vallio - Penny, Michael Heller - Link, Amber Schoop - Motormouth Maybelle, Julius Williams III - Seaweed J. Stubbs, Denise Obedekah - Inez, Eric Minsk. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (08 apr 2010. Kö ln. Cast: Jessica Jä de - Tracy Turnblad, Tetje Mierendorf - Edna Turnblad, Martin Berger - Wilbur Turnblad, Nicole Berendsen - Velma von Tussle, Tineke Ogink - Amber von Tussle, Michael Ernst - Corny Collins, Jana Stelley - Penny Pingleton, Daniel Berini - Link Larkin, Deborah Woodson - Motormouth Maybelle, Tedros Teclebrhan - Seaweed J. Stubbs, Denise Obedekah - Inez, Eric Minsk - Mr. Spritzer/Mr. Pinky. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (02. 05. 2010. Kö ln. Cast: Uwe Ochsenknecht (Edna Turnblad), Maite Kelly (Tracy Turnblad), Martin Berger (Wilbur Turnblad), Nicole Berendsen (Velma von Tussle), Tineke Ogink (Amber von Tussle), Rob Fowler (Corny Collins), Jana Stelley (Penny Pingleton), Daniel Berini (Link Larkin), Julia Davine (Motormouth Maybelle), Tedros Teclebrhan (Seaweed J. Stubbs), Denise Obedekah (Inez), Sarah Schü tz (Prudy Pingleton), Eric Minsk (Mr. Spritzer/Mr. Pinky). 2DVD)
Hairspray (24 sept 2010. Kö ln. Cast: Tetje Mierendorf, Maite Kelley, Leon van Leeuwenberg, Nicole Berendsen, Tineke Ognik, Lars Redlich, Marleen de Vries, Daniel Berini. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hairspray (July 2011. Plays in the Park, NJ. Cast: Melanie Porras, Richard Colonna, Michael Fernandes, Amanda Braun, Emily Phillips, Lyle Dungee, Eric Harper, Jonathan Fishman, Mimi Francis, Cindy Chalt, Amber Palmer. Multicam proshot. Quality: A. 2DVD)
Hairspray in Concert (6 aug 2011. Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA. Cast: Marissa Jaret Winokur, Harvey Fierstein, Diana DeGarmo, Susan Anton, Corbin Bleu, Drew Carey, Mo Gaffey, Nick Jonas, Darlene Love, Tara Macri, Michael McDonald, John Stamos, Chyka Jackson. Filmed in a 16: 9 ratio in a combination of wides, mediums, and very few close-ups. A few obstructions and a couple of washouts, as well as somewhat fuzzy in the close-ups, picture is shaky at times. Songs cut out were " The Legend of Miss Baltimore Crabs", " Velma's Revenge", and " Cooties. " Otherwise a nice video. Quality: B+)
Hairspray (10 aug 2012. Tecklenburg. Cast: Ilse La Monaca, Andreas Lichtenberger, Mathias Schlung, Jana Stelley, Michael Ernst, Nicky Wuchinger, Maja Sikora, Kerstin Marie Mä kenburg, Amanda Whitford, Gino Emnes, Valesca Frank, Eric Minsk, Anne Welte, Jü rgen Strohschein, Hakan T. Aslan, Kevin Foster, Andrew Hill, Rupert Makethaler, Jaime Rodney, Fernando Spengler, Julius Wilams III, Elena Wirbulis, Marthe Rö mer, Jane Reynolds, Yeal de Vreis, Lucy Costelloe, Vanessa Athu, Denise Obedekah, Gina Marie Hudson, Andrea Sachez del Solar. Multicam proshot. Quality: A)
Hairspray (22 apr 2018. Hamburg. Cast: Beatrice Reece - Tracy Turnblad, Uwe Krö ger - Edna Turnblad, Isabel Varell - Velma von Tussle, Claudius Freyer - Wilbur von Tussle, Devi-Ananda Dahm - Penny Pingleton, Janko Danailov - Corny Collins, Krisha Dalke - Link Larkin, Maja Sikora - Amber von Tussle, Monica Lewis-Schmidt - Motormouth Mable, Riccardo Haerri - Seaweed J. Stubbs, Chiara Fuhrmann - Little Inez/Dynamite Girl, Frank Brunet - Harriman F. Spitzer/Mr. Pinky/Direktor, Angela Hunkeler - Prudy Pingleton/Sportlehrerin/Aufseherin, Rebecca Stahlhut, Jahlisa Nikitser, Mickey Junior Ayer, Kai Braithwaite, Sarah Kornfeld, Silvana Schollmeyer, Lukas Schwedeck, Lysanne van der Sijs, Nigel Watson, Thomas Zigon, David Mendez, Kirsty McDonald. Quality: A-. 2DVD) LIMITED TRADE!
Haiti Gala (11 may 2011. Wien. Cast: Andreas Bieber, Drew Sarich, Lenneke Willemsen, Ann Mandrella, Carin Filipcic, Lukas Perman, Marjan Shaki, Gordon Bovinet, Gernot Kranner, Ethan Freeman, Caroline Vasicek, Yngve Gasoy-Romdal, Lisa Antoni, Wietske van Tongeren, André Bauer, Alexander Goebel, Ana Milva Gomes, Luzia Nistler, Norbert Lamla, Felix Martin, Isabel Weicken, Reinhard Brussmann, Yamil Borges, Cornelia Zenz. Multicam proshot. Quality: A)
Haiti Gala (19 may 2014. Wien. Cast: Pia Douwes, Annemieke van Dam, Maya Hakvoort, Wietske van Tongeren, Ethan Freeman, Yngve Gasoy Romdal, Carin Filipcic, Uwe Krö ger, Lukas Perman, Marjan Shaki, Mark Seibert. Quality: B+) LIMITED TRADE!
Hamilton (July 2015. Broadway. Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda - Alexander Hamilton, Phillipa Soo - Elize Schuyler, Leslie Odom Jr. - Aaron Burr, Renee Elise Goldsberry - Angelica Schuyler, Jonathan Groff - King George, Daveed Diggs - Thomas Jefferson/Marquis de Lafayette, Christopher Jackson - George Washington, Jasmine Cephas Jones - Maria Reynolds/Peggy Schuyler, Anthony Ramos - John Laurens/Philip Hamilton. Starts a little into the first song. People in the spotlight can get a bit washed out but could definitely be a lot worse. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hamilton (29 dec 2015. Broadway. Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Phillipa Soo, Leslie Odom Jr., Renee Elise Goldsberry, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Anthony Ramos, Jonathan Groff, Sydney James Harcourt, Daniel J Watts, Neil Haskell, Ephraim Sykes, Gerald Avery, Carleigh Bettiol, Neil Haskell, Sasha Hutchings, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Austin Smith, Betsy Struxness, Ephraim Sykes, Kamille Upshaw, Daniel J Watts. Some heads at the bottom and sides that can be seen occasionally. No major blackouts, just a few quick dropouts, mostly between scenes. Excellent picture and clear sound. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hamilton (19 june 2016. Broadway. Cast: Javier Munoz - s/b Alexander Hamilton, Phillipa Soo - Eliza Hamilton, Leslie Odom Jr - Aaron Burr, Renee Elise Goldsberry - Angelica Schuyler, Nicholas Christopher - u/s George Washington, Daveed Diggs - Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson, Okieriete Onaodowan - Hercules Mulligan/James Madison, Andrew Chappelle - u/s John Laurens/Philip Hamilton, Alysha Deslorieux - s/b Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds, Rory O’Malley - King George. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hamilton (13 aug 2016. Broadway. Cast: Javier Munoz, Lexi Lawson, Sydney James Harcourt (u/s Aaron Burr), Renee Elise Goldsberry, Christopher Jackson, Andrew Chappelle (u/s Lafayette/Jefferson), Ephraim Sykes (u/s Hercules/Madison), Anthony Ramos, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Rory O'Malley, Roddy Kennedy (u/s), Thayne Jasperson, Neil Haskell, David Guzman (u/s George Eacker). Complete show with no washout and no blackouts, just a couple very quick dropouts between scenes. There are a couple of heads that can be seen occasionally, but they are worked around and don't obstruct the action. Very well filmed in 16: 9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Excellent clear sound and great picture throughout. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hamilton (2 oct 2016. Chicago, IL. Cast: Joseph Morales - alt. Alexander Hamilton, Ari Asfar - Eliza Hamilton, Joshua Henry - Aaron Burr, Jonathan Kirkland - George Washington, Chris De'Sean Lee - Marquis de Lafayett/Thomas Jefferson, Karen Olivo - Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Gemignani - King George, Jose Ramos - John Laurens/Philip Hamilton, Wallace Smith - Hercules Mulligan/James Madison, Samantha Marie Ware - Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds. A fantastic capture of the Chicago cast. Standouts include Karen Olivo who blows the roof off the theatre as Angelica and Joshua Henry as Burr. Joseph does a wonderful job as Alexander Hamilton. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hamilton (12 aug 2017. Tour. Cast: Michael Luwoye, Solea Pfeiffer, Joshua Henry, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Isaiah Johnson, Jordan Donica, Mathenee Treco, Ruben J Carbajal, Amber Iman, Rory O'Malley, Ryan Vasquez, Andrew Wojtal, Daniel Ching, Raymond Baynard, Dan Belnavis, Jeffery Duffy, Jennifer Geller, Afra Hines, Sabrina Imamura, Lauren Kias, Raven Thomas. An absolutely stellar tour cast with fantastic performances all around. Some great nuanced interpretations of the characters make the show fresh. This capture is nearly perfect with just one dropout toward the end of My Shot that lasts less than a minute. There is one head that occasionally blocks the actors' legs on the right side of the stage. It's filmed in 16: 9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Quality: A. 2DVD)
Hamilton (November 2018. West End. Cast: Sifiso Mazibuko - s/b Alexander Hamilton, Rachelle Ann Go - Eliza Hamilton, Giles Terera - Aaron Burr, Rachel John - Angelica Hamilton, Obioma Ugoala - George Washington, Jason Pennycooke - Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson, Tarinn Callender - Hercules Mulligan/James Madison, Cleve September - John Laurens/Philip Hamilton, Christine Allado - Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds, Michael Gibson - King George III, Jade Albertsen, Johnny Bishop, Leslie Garcia Bowman, Jon Scott Clark, Kelly Downing, Gregory Haney, Leah Hill, Waylon Jacobs, Miriam-Teak Lee, Phoebe Liberty, Gabriel Mokake. Quality: A-)
Hamlet (2005. In Czech. Cast: Janek Ledecky, Sabina Laurinova, Bohous Josef, Dusan Kollar, Jana Feriova, Richard Tesarik, L. W. Frenk, Pavel Zednicek, Martin Skala, Karolina Chytilova. Commercial Proshot. Quality: A+)
Hand to God (12 apr 2015. Broadway. Cast: Steven Boyer, Geneva Carr, Marc Kudisch, Michael Oberholtzer, Sarah Stiles. Beautiful HD capture of this hilarious new play. Great video with excellent picture and clear sound. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Hands on a Hardbody (2 june 2012. La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego, CA. Cast: Keith Carradine - J D Drew, Allison Case - Kelli Mangrum, Hunter Foster - Benny Perkins, Jay Armstrong Johnson - Greg Wilhote, David Larsen - Chris Alvaro, Jacob Ming Trent - Ronald McGowan, Kathleen Elizabeth Monteleone - Heather Stovall, Mary Gordon Murray - Virginia Drew, Jim Newman - Mike Ferris, Connie Ray - Cindy Barnes, John Rua - Jesus Peñ a, Keala Settle - Norma Valverde, Dale Soules - Janis Curtis, Scott Wakefield - Frank Nugent, William Youmans - Don Curtis/Dr. Stokes. Quality: A-)
Ha'Penny Bridge, The (2005. Dublin, Ireland. Cast: Stephen Ashfield, Annalene Beechey, Jon Conroy, Claudine Day, Flo McSweeney, Daniel Reardon, Eileen Reid, Joe O'Gorman, Karl Harpur, Mark Lambert, Tony Mulholland, Gillian McCarthy, Aidan Kelly, Mark O'Regan, Enda Oates, Kylie Anne Cruikshanks, Holly Dale Spencer, Alan Burkitt, Ryan Dixon, George Smith, Bekki Carpenter, Ben Tribe, Daniel Farrow, Jethro Marles, Karen Aspinall, Lewis Butler, Suzannah Lucy Fay, Jennifer Owen, Bonnie Parker, Paul Farrell, Rhys George. Multicam proshot. Quality: A+. 2DVD) NOT FOR TRADE!
Happy Birthday Uwe Krö ger (4 dec 2014. Wiener Stadthalle. Cast: Uwe Krö ger, Pia Douwes, Wietske van Tongeren, Hanna Kastner, Dieter Landuris, Dagmar Koller, Deborah Woodson, Carin Filipcic, Drew Sarich, Ana Milva Gomez, Susa Meyer, Jacqueline Brown, Christian Deix, Arabella Kiesbauer. The video is shot from the back of the auditorium with a great view of the stage. The action is followed very well, using a mix of shots as necessary. Qualit: A-. 2DVD) LIMITED TRADE!
Harder They Come, The (2008. London. Rolan Bell, Jacqui Dubois, Derek Elroy, Victor Romero Evans, Joanna Francis, Matthew J Henry, Marlon King, Susan Lawson-Reynolds, Joy Mack, Marcus Powell, Joe Speare, Chris Tummings. " Telling the story of Ivan, a country boy who dreams of becoming a reggae star, The Harder They Come features classic reggae tracks including You Can Get It If You Really Want, Rivers Of Babylon and The Harder They Come. Ivan's journey to make it in music is not an easy one, and the scene drives him to a fast and furious life as an outlaw, but he would rather die than kill his dream. " Based on the 1972 film of the same name. This is an archive video of the show meant for cast and crew. Filmed from the back of the house on a tripod, using a stationary full stage shot, with sound patched in directly from the soundboard. Crystal clear. A)
Harmony (9 march 2014. Los Angeles. Cast: Wayne Alan Wilcox - " Rabbi" Josef Roman Cykowski, Will Blum - Ari " Lesh" Leshnikoff, Matt Bailey - Harry Frommerman, Will Taylor - Erwin " Chopin" Bootz, Chris Dwan - Erich Collin, Douglas Williams - Bobby Biberti, Leigh Ann Larkin - Mary Hegel, Hanna Corneau - Ruth Stern. Beautifully filmed from the balcony. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Harrigan 'n Hart (1985. Broadway. Cast: Christine Ebersole, Harry Groener, Mark Hamill, Armelia McQueen, Tudi Roche, Kenston Ames. Broadway flop with just 4 official performances. Well filmed from the balcony, with heads in the bottom of the frame. Surprisingly good for it's age. Quality: B)
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Part I & II (15 apr 2018. Broadway. Cast: Cast: Jamie Parker, Sam Clemett, Noma Dumezweni, Paul Thornley, Anthony Boyle, Poppy Miller, Alex Price, David Abeles, Brian Abraham, Jess Barbagallo, Lauren Nicole Cipoletti, Joshua De Jesus, Jessie Fisher, Susan Heyward, Geraldine Hughes, Edward James Hyland, Chris Jarman, Byron Jennings, Joey Labrasca, Kathryn Meisle, David St. Louis, Polly Chapman, Benjamin Wheelwright, Will Coombs, Olivia Bond. Quality: A-. 2DVD)
Harvey (20 may 2012. Broadway. Cast: Jim Parsons, Jessica Hecht, Charles Kimbrough, Larry Bryggman, Carol Kane, Peter Benson, Tracee Chimo, Holley Fain, Angela Paton, Rich Sommer, Morgan Spector. Very well filmed with clear sound and picture. Disc includes bonus interviews and behind the scenes footage. Quality: A-)
Haven (November 2001. Los Angeles. Cast: Stephanie Block, Mark Edgar Stevens, Sandra Purpuro, Richard Gould, Nathan Holland, Betsy Beard. Multi-camera pro shot producer's copy. Occasional sync issues but an excellent video)
Head Over Heels (23 june 2018. Broadway. Cast: Jeremy Kushnier, Rachel York, Andrew Durand, Taylor Iman Jones, Bonnie Milligan, Peppermint, Tom Alan Robbins, Amber Ardolino. Recorded at the first preview performance from the balcony. No zooms or pans, just a full stage shot, filmed between heads. Improves a little in Act 2. The disc also includes two commercials for the show. Quality: C+)
Head Over Heels (August 2018. Broadway. Cast: Alexandra Socha, Bonnie Milligan, Peppermint, Andrew Durand, Rachel York, Taylor Iman Jones, Jeremy Kushnier, Tom Alan Robbins, Amber Ardolino, Yurel Echezarreta, Ari Groover, Tanya Haglund, Gregory Liles, Samantha Pollino, Justin Prescott, Ricardo A. Zayas. Good clear HD video with very good picture and sound throughout. Quality: A-)
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