Read and translate into Russian the following words paying
attention to the suffixes and prefixes in word-building: locate -location happen - happening signify - significant – significance burglar - burglary - burglarize larceny – larcenous murder - murderer - murderess care - careful- careless reconstruct - reconstruction – reconstructor urgent - urgency operate - operation - operational- operator - operative participate - participant - participation - participle value - valuable identify - identification enter - entrance distinct - distinction – distinctive appear - appearance behave - behaviour – behaviourist strange - stranger success - successful negative - negation – negativism nature - natural conclude – conclusion apprehend - apprehension detain - detention apprehend - apprehension tie seize - seizure
Look through the following synonyms and antonyms. Translate into Russian. action – operation interview – questioning investigation - inquiry distinction – difference general – common object - thing obtain - get apprehension - detention, seizure protection – defence process - procedure significant - essential, important homicide - murder, killing, manslaughter, assassination observation - examination, search, inspection, survey necessary - inrtispensable, urgent Antonyms. object – subject absent – preseat general - special (re) construct – destroy negative - positive note - overlook mind - forget
8. Take the English-Russian dictionary and look up for the verb "do". Read all the information about it. Pay attention to: 1) different meanings of the verb; 2) its different functions; 3) special expressions with it.
9. Situation: You are an instructor of a police academy. Ask your police cadets to answer your questions on the topic "Observation of a Crime Scene". l. What is a crime scene? 2. What are the most common types of crime? 3. What is a crime scene search? 4. What actions of the investigator does it consist of? 5. What questions should an investigator answer during the crime scene search. 6. What does an experienced investigator manage to do after a careful study of the crime scene? 7. What stages does the process of crime scene search usually include? 8. What problems does the investigator (or the patrol officer) solve during the preliminary stage? 9. What problems does the investigator solve at the stage of general observation? 10. What questions does he usually try to answer at the stage of detailed examination? 11. Do the answers to those questions help the investigator to build a hypothesis of the crime commission? 12. What does the investigator do at the final part of observation?
Text 2 1. Translate these words and word combinations: Crime scene investigation tedious process physical evidence investigative approach windowpane victim's jacket
terrible smell perpetrator trace evidence preserve the evidence reconstruct the crime
2. Read and translate the text: Crime scene investigation is the meeting point of science, logic and law. "Processing a crime scene" is a long, tedious process that involves purposeful documentation of the conditions at the scene and the collection of any physical evidence that could possibly illuminate what happened and point to who did it. There is no typical crime scene, there is no typical body of evidence and there is no typical investigative approach. At any given crime scene, a CSI might collect dried blood from a windowpane -- without letting his arm brush the glass in case there are any latent fingerprints there, lift hair off a victim's jacket using tweezers so he doesn't disturb the fabric enough to shake off any of the white powder (which may or may not be cocaine) in the folds of the sleeve, and use a sledge hammer to break through a wall that seems to be the point of origin for a terrible smell. All the while, the physical evidence itself is only part of the equation. The ultimate goal is the conviction of the perpetrator of the crime. So while the CSI scrapes off the dried blood without smearing any prints, lifts several hairs without disturbing any trace evidence and smashes through a wall in the living room, he's considering all of the necessary steps to preserve the evidence in its current form, what the lab can do with this evidence in order to reconstruct the crime or identify the criminal, and the legal issues involved in making sure this evidence is admissible in court.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What is the crime scene investigation? b) Is the physical evidence itself only part of the equation? c) What are the duties of crime scene investigation? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) There is typical crime scene, there is typical body of evidence. b) The ultimate goal is the conviction of the victim of the crime. c) The physical evidence itself is only part of the reconstruction the crime.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Crime scene investigation is... b) ... "Processing a crime scene" is... c) А СSI might collect dried blood from... 6. Give English equivalents for: осмотр места преступления вещественные доказательства ужасный запах воссоздать преступление суд правонарушитель типичное место преступления Text 3 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: police officers secure visual examination drawing sketches documentation stage identified area of expertise 2. Read and translate the text: The investigation of a crime scene begins when the CSI unit receives a call from the police officers or detectives on the scene. The overall system works something like this: The CSI arrives on the scene and makes sure it is secure. She does an initial walkthrough to get an overall feel for the crime scene, finds out if anyone moved anything before she arrived, and generates initial theories based on visual examination. She makes note of potential evidence. At this point, she touches nothing. The CSI thoroughly documents the scene by taking photographs and drawing sketches during a second walk-through. Sometimes, the documentation stage includes a video walk-through, as well. She documents the scene as a whole and documents anything she has identified as evidence. She still touches nothing.
Now it's time to touch stuff— very, very carefully. The CSI systematically makes her way through the scene collecting all potential evidence, tagging it, logging it and packaging it so it remains intact on its way to the lab. Depending on the task breakdown of the CSI unit she works for and her areas of expertise, she may or may not analyze the evidence in the lab. The crime lab processes all of the evidence the CSI collected at the crime scene. When the lab results are in, they go to the lead detective on the case. 3. Answer the following questions: a) When does the investigation of a crime scene begin? b) How does the overall system work? c) Does CSI thoroughly documents the scene by taking photographs and drawing sketches? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) The CSI arrives on the police agency and makes sure it is secure. b) The CSI documents the scene by interviewing a witness. c) The crime lab processes all of the CSI collected at the police agency. 5. Complete the following sentences: a) The investigation of a crime scene … b) The CSI thoroughly documents the scene by … c) Depending on the task breakdown of the CSI unit … 6. Give English equivalents for: расследование вызов оперативный работник прибыть на место происшествия фотографировать рисовать наброски упаковывать вещественные доказательства анализ вещественных доказательств
Text 4 1. Translate these words and word combinations: Forensic science collect the evidence forensic lab crime scene responder to be submitted identification fingerprints questioned documents to collect the gun
2. Read and translate the text: Every CSI unit handles the division between field work and lab work differently. What goes on at the crime scene is called crime scene investigation (or crime scene analysis), and what goes on in the laboratory is called forensic science. Not all CSIs are forensic scientists. Some CSIs only work in the field -- they collect the evidence and then pass it to the forensics lab. In this case, the CSI must still possess a good understanding of forensic science in order to recognize the specific value of various types of evidence in the field. But in many cases, these jobs overlap. Joe Clayton is a primary crime scene responder at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). He has 14 years of field experience and also is an expert in certain areas of forensic science. As Clayton explains, his role in laboratory analysis varies according to the type of evidence he brings back from the crime scene: Depending on what scientific examinations are needed or requested, I may be involved in the actual "bench work" once the evidence is submitted to the laboratory. I have expertise in blood pattern identification (blood spatter), trajectory determination, serology (blood and body fluids), and photography. I also have knowledge in many other areas (firearms, fingerprints, questioned documents...) that may assist me at the scene. As a primary crime scene responder at the CBI, my role at the scene may involve one or more of my particular disciplines. While I would not do a functionality test on a firearm here at the laboratory, my role at the crime scene would be to collect the gun and understand its potential evidentiary significance. 3. Answer the following questions: a) What is called crime scene investigation? b) What is called forensic science? c) Where do some CSIs only work and what do they do there?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) Joe Clayton is a detective at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. b) My role at the scene may not involve one or more of may particular disciplines. c) My role at the crime scene would be to make pictures.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Every CSI unit handles … b) Joe Clayton is … c) Depending on what scientific examinations … 6. Give English equivalents for: иметь дело с собирать вещественные доказательства установить понимание с научная экспертиза отпечатки пальцев оружие значимость Text 5 1. Translate these words and word combination: a massive undertaking fire fire investigators determine act of arson save sb. timber footage
2. Read and translate the text: Crime scene investigation is a massive undertaking. The seat of the fire that caused major damage to the Cutty Sark is being treated as a crime scene, police told the ship’s trustees yesterday. Forensic scientists and fire investigators have cordoned off the area around the rear deck hatch. Their first tasks are to determine what ignited the blaze and whether it was an accident or act of arson. The investigation began in earnest as the Duke of Edinburgh, president of the Cutty Sark Trust, visited the ship and an anonymous donor pledged £100,000 to help to save her. The Duke walked around the stricken tea clipper, peering closely at the shell of iron and burnt timber. He compared the damage to that of the fire at Windsor Castle in 1992. Earlier he and the Queen visited the National Maritime Museum to celebrate the completion of the Time and Space extension at the Royal Observatory. Detectives were viewing CCTV footage from cameras around the site at Greenwich, southeast London. Officers said that the film showed a number of people in the area before the fire broke out at 4.46am and a silver car leaving the area. They are anxious to trace those people and the vehicle. 3.Answer the following questions: a) What is the crime scene investigation? b) What are the tasks of forensic scientist and fire investigations? c) Who was the Duke of Edinburgh? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) Forensic scientists have not cordoned off the around the National Gallery. b) The Duke compared the damage to that of the fire at Edinburgh in 1996. c) Officers said that the film showed a victim in the area before the fire. 5. Complete the following sentences: a) The seat of the fire … b) The investigation began in … c) The Duke walked around the stricken tea clipper…
6. Give English equivalents for: устанавливать отмечать, праздновать идти по следу машина серебристого цвета спасать кого-либо место происшествия Text 6 1. Translate these words and word combination: night watchman to be on duty restore to be destroyed conclusions aft to be cordoned off
2. Read and translate the text: One night watchman was on duty but none of the team involved in the £25 million project to restore the famous ship had been there since Friday afternoon. The tea clipper has been a tourist attraction in her dry dock in Greenwich for 50 years. Many of her original features – including the masts and master’s cabin – had been removed for the renovations but the vessel still suffered severe damage. The decks were destroyed, the unique iron hull that made her one of the fastest sailing ships has been distorted by heat and there is concern about the vessel’s stability. Heavy timbers have been removed to prevent them falling and causing further damage.
A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police said that investigators had to work cautiously inside the damaged frame of the ship. The London Fire Brigade said that it could be a number of days before the investigation produced firm conclusions. Richard Doughty, chief executive of the Cutty Sark Trust, told The Times: “Forensic scientists have been on board since morning and the site remains a crime scene – that is the phrase that has been used to me. The area around the aft hatch, which has stairs for public access, is cordoned off and that seems to be the principal focus of their attention.” Mr Doughty said that the trustees were having to reevaluate the scale and nature of the restoration project, which envisaged suspending the ship above the dry dock to relieve pressure on the keel and show off her revolutionary design. The project already had a funding shortfall of £7 million and the fire is estimated to have added at least £5 million to that. Mr Doughty said: “We have a different project on our hands now. We are having to lay off some of the designers who were working on the restoration, at least temporarily, while we put our recovery plan in place.” 3.Answer the following questions: a) What did a spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police say? b) Who was Richard Doughty? c) Did the trustees have to reevaluate the scale and nature of the restoration project?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) The tea clipper has been a tourist attraction in her dry dock in Hyde park for 30 years. b) A spokeswoman said that investigators had not to work inside the damaged frame of the ship. c) The project already had a funding shortfall of 10 million$.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) The tea clipper has been a tourist … b) A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police said that … c) Forensic scientists have been on board ….
6. Give English equivalents for: сторож быть на дежурстве оригинальная черта предотвратить повреждение спикер заключение быть в центре внимания Text 7 1. Translate these words and word combinations: forensic identification determine cloth targets crime scene investigation bullet wipes reconstruct the events circumference bullet hole bullet lubricant metal jacketed bullet visible gunshot bullet entrance sequence of events
2. Read and translate the text: Analysis of Bullet Wipe Patterns on Cloth Targets From the Journal of Forensic Identification Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the reliability of bullet wipe patterns on cloth targets for use by the investigator in analyzing and reconstructing the events in a crime scene investigation. The study included variables such as ammunition, distance to target, and angle of impact. The study examined the coloration and measurements of the bullet wipes and the effect of the variables tested. Although bullet wipe patterns can assist in reconstructing the events, the investigator should exercise caution when interpreting bullet wipe patterns. Introduction This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of bullet wipe patterns in investigations. Bullet wipe is a gray or black ring around the circumference of an entrance bullet hole. It consists of bullet lubricant, by-products of propellant, traces of metal from the bullet, and any residue in the barrel from previous use. Bullet wipe is present on lead and full metaljacketed bullets. When a weapon is fired from a distance of greater than three feet, there usually will not be any visible gunshot residue on the target’s surface. However, a dark ring around the hole is characteristic of a bullet entrance hole. Bullet lubricant and propellant by-products are wiped off around the margin of the hole as the bullet passes through the target The sodium rhodizonate test can be used to test the dark gray ring around the hole’s margin for the presence of lead. Even though bullet wipe may be left on materials such as doors, walls, and other solids that the bullet passes through, this study deals only with bullets passing through cloth targets. Bullet wipe patterns can be useful as investigative aids because investigators attempt to reconstruct the sequence of events at a crime scene to identify types of physical evidence that may be present. Also, physical evidence can be used to corroborate or expose deception in statements from suspects or witnesses.
3. Answer the following questions: a) For what purpose was the study conducted? b) What did the study include? c) What did the study examine? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) This study was not conducted to evaluate the usefulness of bullet wipe patterns b) Bullet wipe consist of fingerprints. c) A dark around the hole is characteristic of a bullet wipe. 5. Complete the following sentences: a) Bullet lubricant and propellant by-products are wiped off … b) Even though bullet wipe may be left … c) Physical evidence can be used to …
6. Give English equivalents for: пуля обстоятельства вещественные доказательства подозреваемый свидетель утверждение осмотр места происшествия цель воссоздать случившееся инструкция Text 8 1. Translate these words and word combinations: bullet wipe patterns exercise caution interprete vehicle vessel deserve attention solve the particular investigation criminal act shooting
2. Read and translate the text: Understanding bullet wipe patterns can assist the investigator in analyzing and reconstructing the events in a crime scene investigation. Investigators can evaluate the bullet wipe pattern to determine whether the pattern is consistent with other physical evidence at the crime scene; however, the investigator should exercise caution when interpreting bullet wipe patterns. During a criminal investigation the crime scene investigator or evidence recovery technician may be assigned the task of processing a vehicle or vessel. That vehicle or vessel may not be a primary scene in the investigation however it will deserve the same attention. As with any investigation the primary function of the crime scene investigator or evidence recovery technician involves the documentation and the collection of physical evidence. The evidence found in the vehicle may hold an important key to solving that particular investigation. The types of evidence that may be found in the vehicle will be dependent on the criminal act that is being committed. As an example, a burglary to the vehicle may yield fingerprints to identify a person who gained entry into the vehicle. Where as a vehicle that was used in a homicide involving the shooting, stabbing, or transporting of a victim may yield an assortment of physical evidence. It is important that the crime scene investigator or evidence recovery technician in the field establish an organized approach to processing the vehicle. As with any scene in an investigation the first task is to gather the information need to identify the vehicle and its contents. This starts with an initial examination of the vehicle. Careful examination of the vehicle will give the investigator or technician an idea of what types of evidence might be present. 3.Answer the following questions: a) What can assist the investigator in analyzing and reconstructing the events? b) May vehicle or vessel a primary scene in the investigation? c) What will give the investigator an idea of what types of evidence might be present? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) It is important that the crime scene investigator in the field takes fingerprints. b) The second task is to gather the information need to identify the vehicle. c) A burglary may make pictures to identify a person who gained entry into the vehicle.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Understanding bullet wipe patterns can … b) During a criminal investigation the crime scene investigator … c) The evidence found in the vehicle may …
6. Give English equivalents for: кража со взломом уголовное расследование устанавливать личность самоубийство собирать информацию первоначальный осмотр типы вещественных доказательств организовать подход выявить Text 9 1. Translate these words and word combinations: vehicle front area VIN Damage ignition area glove box instrument panel trunk area seat area initial examination injuries trace evidence
2. Read and translate the text: After the examination the investigator will then need to thoroughly document the vehicle as it is seen. This will be done by a series of photographs depicting the vehicle. The photographs should start with the exterior and be taken from each side, each corner, front, rear, tag, VIN, any decals, any damage or custom accessories. The interior of the vehicle should be photographed from the front drivers area, from each side with the doors open, the ignition area, the dash, the glove box, the instrument panel, the rear seat area, and the trunk area. With the photographs completed an organized search will then need to be done. The purpose of the organized search is to find items of evidence not observed during the initial examination. The vehicle can be divided into sections (similar to an organized zone search pattern) for the search. It should make no difference what area of the vehicle the investigator chooses to start with, only that the investigator get into a habit to always consistently start from the same area each time he-she processes a vehicle. The investigator or technician needs to practice on the side of caution when searching under seats and hard to see areas. He-she does not want to stick there hands under a seat and risk being punctured by a contaminated needle or other item. A small mirror and flash light will allow the investigator to check these areas without the risk of exposures or injuries. If other items of evidence are located during the search, the investigator or technician can then place a series of evidence marking stands alongside the items of evidence to take a series of photographs depicting the location and relationship of any evidence found. If the search for pathways and directions of projectiles becomes the task at hand, the investigator can insert string or dowel rods to track the flight paths. A note to remember is that two points of reference are needed to determine the flight paths of a projectile. The primary purpose of using the string or dowel rods is to illustrate and document the directions of the projectiles for flight paths to assist in locating the projectile. The next step in the process would be the collection of evidence. The investigator or technician will usually want to start with the most fragile evidence. Evidence becomes fragile by the passing of time, exposure to the elements or environment, any movement, and of course improper handling. The most fragile of the evidence types would be any trace evidence aboard. With the new developments in DNA an area to consider would be swabbing samples of the steering wheel, inside door handle and of course the driver's seat belt buckle. Last but not least would come the mechanical processing for any latent fingerprints. The investigator or technician should search the common sense areas working a border of approximately 6 inches wide around the sides, hood, trunk, roof support post, and windows of the exterior of the vehicle. Common sense would also alert to the areas of the fenders surrounding the wheel weld if a tire is missing. For the interior, the door handles rear view mirror, seat belt buckles, windows, and any other nonporous item will need to be checked. An organized system in place allows a tedious task to be more simple and mistake free. 3. Answer the following questions: a) Where do the photographs should be taken from? b) What is the primary step of reference to determine the flight paths of a projectile? c) What is the second step of reference?
4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) The purpose of the organized search is to make pictures. b) There are three steps of reference to determine the flight paths of a projectile. c) The most fragile of the evidence types would not by any trace evidence abroad.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) The investigator or technician needs … b) The investigator or technician should search … c) The most fragile of the evidence types … 6. Give English equivalents for: поднос первоначальный осмотр привычка эксперт -криминалист место нахождения сбор вещественных доказательств ошибка общий смысл отпечатки пальцев UNIT 2 DRUG TRAFFICKING. Text 1 1. Translate the following words and word-combinations:
menace trafficking abuse wellfare gain hidden economy engage drug traffic enhance cooperation illicit traffic disseminate intelligence group message depth area
2. Read and translate the text:
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