V.Выберите правильную форму вопросов
36. Some flight was announced. / What _____? a) was announced b) did announced c) announced 37. Someone’s ticket was lost. / Whose ticket _____? a) was lost b) lost c) did loose 38. The bags are being carried somewhere. / Where _____? a) being carried b) are the bags carried c) are the bags being carried 39. The rooms have been reserved by someone. / Whom _____? a) rooms have been reserved b) have the rooms been reserved c) reserved 40. Some mistake has been corrected. / What _____? a) has been corrected b) been corrected c) corrected 41. He has been sunbathing for some hours. / How long _____? a) he has been sunbathing b) has he been sunbathing c) he was sunbathing 42. He is telling something to a customs officer. / What _____? a) is he telling b) he is telling c) does he tell 43. My friends are leaving for Paris in some days. / When _____? a) do my friends leave b) are my friends leave c) are my friends leaving 44. People are waiting for a train at the platform. / Who _____? a) waiting b) is waiting c) waits 45. Very few students have been abroad. / Where _____? a) have b) have students been с) have been students VI. Найдите вариант перевода, соответствующий грамматической структуре предложения 46. The delegates will be met by the commission. a) Делегаты будут встречены комиссией. b) Делегатов будет встречать комиссия. 47. He is being looked at by her. a) Он смотрит на нее. b) Она смотрит на него. 48. In Mr.Black’s office you spoke when you were spoken to. a) В кабинете мистера Блэка вы говорили тогда, когда говорили с вами. b) В кабинете мистера Блэка вы разговорили тогда, когда вам надо было поговорить. 49. The candidates have been interviewed. a) Кандидаты задавали вопросы. b) Кандидатам задали вопросы. 50. The passengers’ luggage should be searched. a) Пассажиры должны осматривать свой багаж. b) Багаж пассажиров должны осматривать. Выберите правильный вариант. 1 I saw Simon before his _____ from Russia. a) arrival b) departure c) depart 2 The plane took off without _____. a) delay b) late c) lately 3 The _____ of our meeting today is to discuss the trip to London. a) goal b) task c) purpose 4 The girls had gone to _____ with friends. a) live b) stay c) visit 5 I've got an _____ for the party. a) ticket b) asking c) invitation 6 Customs officers have the right to _____ all luggage. a) check b) test c) control 7 The journey _____ two hours by train. a) last b) gives
c) took 8 We'll _____ the train if he doesn't hurry. a) miss b) late c) absent 9 They bought some _____ fruit. They spent very little. a) expensive b) cheap c) expenses 10 I will see you in a_____. Two weeks is a short period. a) week b) fortnight c) weak 11 The hotel has its own pool and leisure _____. a) facilities b) accommodations c) conveniences 12 We had breakfast in the student's _____. It was quite cheep. a) cafe b) canteen c) pub 13 You can wash and iron your _____ and linens in the laundry. a) clothing b) cloth c) clothes 14 You need to book tickets weeks _____. a) in advance b) ago c) before 15 This book is _____ in the library. a) find b) possible c) available 16 He _____ the exam, but failed. a) took b) passed c) have 17 The statement may be given _____ or in writing. a) oral b) orally c) written form 18 I _____ to swim a lot, but now I am short of time. a) used b) am used c) use 19 Being in Britain for a year, he _____ English food. a) used b) is used to c) uses 20 Don't _____! He'll recall himself. a) talk b) speak c) prompt 21 Our flight was, thankfully, quite _____. a) uneventful b) eventful c) events 22 The sofa is very _____. a) comfortably b) comfortable c) comfort 23 I was very _____ and wanted to have a rest. a) tired b) tiring c) tire 24 The trip was _____. a) tired b) tiring c) tire 25 My friend received official _____ from the committee. a) confirmative b) confirm c) confirmation 26 The country is famous _____ its natural beauty. a) for b) behind c) by 27 Can I help you _____ the washing up? a) to b) with c) by 28 He was _____ a loss for words. a) at b) in c) about 29 The decision of the committee will depend _____ the exam results. a) from b) on c) at 30 Ann is leaving _____ Glasgow on Monday. a) in b) for c) to 31 They have never been _____ London. a) to b) in c) at 32 According _____ the plan we are to start next week. a) with b) to c) on 33 Take the first turning _____ the right. a) to b) on c) in 34 He waited _____ the reply. a) in b) at c) for 35 The plane took _____ on time. a) off b) up c) at d) Определите, правильное предложение или нет. 36 How many time does it take to get to the railway station? a) correct b) wrong 37 It will take us only 20 minutes by bus. a) correct b) wrong 38 It is within a walking distance. a) correct b) wrong 39 Thank you, the flight was uneven. a) correct b) wrong 40 At first we were at a lost as we hesitated which transport to take. a) correct b) wrong 41 The priority is given to self-studying. a) correct b) wrong 42 Thus you will have to read a lot at advance. a) correct b) wrong 43 So I suggest to go to Brighton. a) correct b) wrong 44 It’s worth seeing. a) correct b) wrong 45 We must be reason, don’t forget about expenses. a) correct b) wrong Выберите правильный вариант окончания предложений. 46 The symbol of England is _____. a) thistle b) rose c) daffodil 47 Big Ben is _____. a) a clock b) a bridge c) a national hero 48 The capital of Ireland is _____.
a) Belfast b) Cardiff c) London 49 Piccadilly Circus is a _____. a) circus b) theater c) square 50 The London home of the queen is _____. a) Westminster Abbey b) Buckingham Palace c) Westminster Palace
Образец экзаменационного текста по специальности (1-2 модуль) для перевода на русский язык. ENTERING THE PROFESSION How does someone become a lawyer? In some countries in order to practice as a lawyer it is necessary to get a university degree in law. However, in others, a degree may be insufficient; professional examinations must be passed. In Britain, it is not in fact necessary to have a degree, although nowadays most people entering the profession do. The main requirement is to pass the Bar Final examination٭ (for barristers) or the Law Society Final examination* (for solicitor). Someone with university degree in a subject other than law needs first to take a preparatory course. Someone without a degree at all may also prepare for the final examination, but this will take several years. In most countries, lawyers will tell you that the time they spent studying for their law finals was one of the worst periods of their life! This is because an enormous number of procedural rules covering a wide area of law must be memorized. In Japan, where there are relatively few lawyers, the examinations are supposed to be particularly hard: less than 5percent of candidates pass. Even after passing the examination, though, a lawyer is not necessarily qualified. A solicitor in England, for example, must then spend two years as an articled clerk, during this time his work is closely supervised by an experienced lawyer, and he must take further courses. A barrister must spend a similar year as a pupil. The rate at which the legal profession grows is terrific. In the 21st century the number of lawyers will probably outpace the rate of population growth. Why is the career in law so popular? In the USA the average salary of experienced lawyers in private practice is more than 100.000. Lawyers’ salaries are substantially greater than those of many other professionals. The glamour of legal practice strengthens the attraction of its financial rewards.
* the Bar Final examination – экзамен, который сдается при поступлении в Коллегию Адвокатов * the Law Society Final examination – экзамен, дающий право быть членом Общества юристов (профессионального союза солиситеров) Балльно-рейтинговая система оценки успеваемости студентов: Общее количество баллов 100 …… Количество рубежных контролей 2 …… Текущий контроль успеваемости осуществляется по 100 балльно-рейтинговой шкале: 1 семестр: 2 рубежных контроля по 30 баллов каждый, 40 баллов - за выполнение устного задания по усмотрению преподавателя (деловая игра или презентация); 2 семестр: 2 рубежных контроля по 30 баллов каждый, 40 баллов – за экзамен.
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