Higher education in the USA.
1. Higher education in America is provided by 1 colleges and universities. The main difference between a college and a university is that the latter is a collection of colleges each of which specializes in a different field. 2. American colleges and universities are either private or public. There are nearly 1900 institutes of higher learning in America. Roughly one-third are state institu-tions, 1,200 are private ones. Only about half of the school children graduate from high school in America and receive a high school diploma. College is getting more expensive every year. Not all American families can afford universities education. 3. The American high school offers a wide variety courses. In the same school a student can specialize in economics, in chemistry and physics, Latin and humani-ties, or in automobile mechanics. During the four-year high school program, the student studies four or five major subjects per year. In addition the students usually have classes in physical education, music and art. The first two years are a conti-nuation of secondary education; then a student begins an intensive study of his spe-cial field. If a student fails a course, he repeats only that course and not the work of the entire year. 4. Students are classified as 2 freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A fresh-man is a first year student; a sophomore, a second year student; a junior, a third year student; and senior, a fourth year student. All students who have graduated from the senior class and who continue studies at a university are classified as advanced students or graduate students. 5. At the conclusion of studies a college or university grants a bachelor’s degree; after one or two additional years of studies – a master’s degree. The highest acade-mic degree is the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). It may take a number of years to complete the original research work necessary to obtain this degree. 6. College prepares the student for two things: either graduate studies, leading to a master’s or doctor’s degree, or 3 a job immediately after graduation. The majority of college graduates have to apply to public and private employment agencies to get any job, which is not an easy thing.
Notes: 1 is provide by – зд. осуществляется 2 Students are classified as … - Студентов подразделяют на … 3 either … or – либо … либо
Выполнение лексических упражнений:
Ex.1. Repeat it after me; specialize; private; roughly; expensive; variety; specialize; chemistry; automobile; mechanics; major; advanced; bachelor; re- search; immediately; majority; agency
Ex. 2. Translate the following words into English: осуществляется; раз-личие; специализируется; частный; государственный; заканчивать универси-тет; получают диплом; большое разнообразие курсов; гуманитарные предме-ты; потерпеть неудачу; второкурсник; третьекурсник; студент четвертого курса; курс повышенного типа для продолжающих обучение; бакалавр; сте-пень кандидата наук
Ex.3. Give synonyms: complete - finish, end; public - state; learning - educa-tion; receive - get; offer - suggest; propose; wide - broad; freshman - first year stu-dent; sophomore - second year student; junior - third year student; senior - fourth year student.
Ex.4. Choose the right word: 1. All American universities are … institutions. a) state b) old c) private 2) The… to the Universities is examination or selection. a) admission b) regulation c) innovation 3. Most students take … in the summer for about six weeks. a) exams b) job c) accommodation 4. The students … grants. a) spend b) receive c) pay
Ex. 5. Give antonyms: majority - minority; employment - unemployment increase - decrease; private - public; difficult - easy; regular - irregular; graduate - enter; wide - narrow; profitable - unprofitable; fail - pass;
Ex.6. Complete the following sentences: Higher education in America is provided… The main difference between a college and a university is that… The American high school offers… Students are classified as…. At the conclusion of studies of a college or… College prepares the student for two things…
Ex.7. Answer the following questions: 1. How many institutes of higher learning are there in America? 2. Are there private and state colleges in the USA? 3. Is education getting more expensive every year? 4. When does a student begin an intensive study of his special field? 5. The highest academic degree is PhD, isn’t it? Higher education in Russia. New words: Institution - учреждение Cover - охватывать Professional training - профессиональное обучение Science - наука Research - исследование Private - частный Consolidation - укрупнение Merge into - сливаться, объединяться Declaration - декларация Degree - степень Postgraduate - послевузовский Entitle - иметь право
Higher education in Russia. There are three kinds of higher education institutions in Russia: universities, academies and institutes. University covers a wide range of fields of study. They conduct fundamental and applied researches in a wide spectrum of sciences. Academy differs from the university by a narrower spectrum of specialties con-nected with a particular industry, e.g. Agriculture Academy, Academy of Econo-mics Academies also conduct research activity. The status of an Institute requires teaching of at least one discipline. Institutes mainly offer the professional training.e,g. Institute of International affairs and Law of the Novosibirsk State Academy of Economics and Management. There are state educational institutions and private ones in our country. All of them are regu-lated by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation According to the statistics for the period of 1991 – 1996 the number of univer-sities increased 6 times, and academies – in more than 30 times.
The trend for consolidation began in 2006 when state universities and colleges of Rostov – on – Don, Taganrog and other southern towns merged into Southern Federal University e.t.c. In 2003 Russia co-signed the Bologna Declaration. According to this Declaration there will be two levels of higher education: - Basic higher education (4 years) leading to the Bachelor’s degree, the first university level degree. - Postgraduate higher education (5-6 years or more).After two years students get a Master’s degree. After graduating, students can continue to study toward a doctoral degree: Kandidat Nauk Degree and Doctor Nauk Degree. Many Russian universities also offer distance education and provide courses for working professionals for specific professional needs. The academic year lasts from 1 September to Mid June everywhere, with long summer vacations from July 1st to August 31. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. The applicants must have a Secondary Education Certificate, they are to pass the entrance examinations successfully.
NEW WORDS. Professional education – профессиональное образование To train – обучать A graduate – выпускник Pre-service – до службы Department – отделение Correspondence department – заочное отделение Refresher courses – курсы повышения Men-in-command – командный состав To move up the promotional ladder – продвигаться по служебной лестнице An applicant – абитуриент Entrance examination – вступительные экзамены To pass examination – сдавать экзамены According to regulation – согласно уставу A trainee – обучающийся To wear uniform – носить форму Master of Law – кандидат наук Assistant-professor – доцент Up-to-date – современный Lecture hall – лекционный зал Gymnasium – спортивный зал Firing range – стрелковый тир To get a diploma – получать диплом Tutorials – занятия под руководством преподавателя To be engaged in – заниматься ч-л To be at one’s disposal – быть в ч-л распоряжении Bachelor’s degree - степень бакалавра Master’s degree - степень магистра To tare postgraduate courses - поступить в аспирантуру
Ex.1 Read after me: Conduct fundamental and applied researches; wide spectrum of scienсes, special-ties; discipline; require; southern towns; certificate, successfully.
Ex. 2 Translate into Russian: Conduct fundamental and applied researches, requires teaching; merged into…; basic higher education; postgraduate education; offer distance education; provide courses for public and specific needs; summer vacations; Ex. 3 Translate into English: Три типа высших учебных заведений; проводить фундаментальные и при-кладные исследования; частные и государственные; согласно статистике; ба-зовое высшее образование; послевузовское образование; получить степень бакалавра: дистанционное обучение; абитуриенты; сдать вступительные эк-замены успешно.
Ex. 4 Answer the questions: 1. What kinds of higher education in Russia do you know? 2. What is the main difference between an university a college and an academy?
3. Are there private and state educational institutions? 4. When did Russia cosign the Bologn Declaration? 5. What levels of higher education do you know? 6. What are the requirements for entering the Krasnodar university?
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