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Ex. 3. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Мы обязательно должны писать диктант сегодня? – Да, завтра мы будем учить новые слова. 2. Вчера мне пришлось ответить на все эти письма.

3. Виктора тоже пригласить на обед? – Да, сделайте это, пожалуйста. 4. Вам пришлось остаться дома, потому что была плохая погода? 5. Вы обязательно должны прийти и посмотреть нашу новую квартиру. – С удовольствием. 6. Я рад, что мне не пришлось заканчивать эту работу вчера. 7. Я не люблю позд-но ложиться спать, но иногда мне приходится. 8. Можно мне пойти погулять сейчас? – Нет, нельзя. Ты должен скоро ложиться спать. 9. Вам следует наве-стить вашего друга. Он вчера не пришёл на урок. 10. Почему ты не пришла? – Я не могла, я должна была помочь маме по дому. 11. Вам не нужно идти в библиотеку, у нас много книг дома, и вы можете взять любую, какую хотите.


Ex.4.Составьте предложения, используя модальные глаголы, данные в


1. It isn’t necessary to buy a ticket (need).

2. I advise him to be more careful (ought).

3. I think that is John’s car (must).

4. I don’t think he is her brother (can’t).

5. He couldn’t swim when he was five (to be able to).

6. It’s possible that he will win the race (might).

7. You are not allowed to play in the garden (mustn’t).

8. Shall I pour you another drink (would)?

9. It’s not possible for you to eat so much (can’t).

10. Do you want me to open the window (shall)?

11. Is it just possible she’s still at work (could)?

12. Do you want me to help you with that (Would)?

13. I don’t think she is the woman who spoke to me (can’t).

14. We don’t have to go shopping with Mum (needn’t).

15. Is it really possible that she’s 50 years old (can).

16. I advise you to study harder (should).


Ex.5. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. This must be Jack’s house.

2. It can’t be 7 o’ clock already.

3. Shall I open the window for you?

4. You should buy anew car.

5. You can’t leave before 12.

6. You may come in now.

7 could I ask you a question?

8. He ought to be more careful.

9. There might be some apple pies left.

10. We have got to run to catch the buss.

11. You can leave your coat there.

12. You mustn’t tell anyone what happened.

13. She needn’t wait for us.

14. He may know about it.

15. Do I have to come with you?


Ex.6. Вставьте вместо точек модальные глаголы по смыслу.


1. I don’t feel well, … you call a doctor? 2…. You iron the clothes, please? 3….

we go climbing? No, let’s go swimming. 4. … I help you to move the furniture?

5.You … shout, I can hear you. 6. You … come to the party if you don’t wan t to. 7. You … brush your teeth after meals. 8.“I’m hungry”. – “ Don’t worry. I … a sandwich for you”. 9. Where … we … go on holiday this year? 10. A fish … swim, but it … fly. 11.She is very rich. She … work. 12. He … read When he was seven, but he … swim. 13. You … be late for dinner tonight. We are having gu-ests. 14. He’ got a cold. He … stay in bed for a week. 15. I haven’t got any money … you lend me some?


Ex.1. Repeat after the speaker:

The British Isles; Ireland

the European continent

the United Kingdom


the North Sea

the Atlantic Ocean



the Severn

the Thames,










St. Paul's cathedral

the Houses of Parliament

Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace

Trafalgar Square







Ex.2. Repeat the following word combinations and phrase

the speaker:

a number of small islands

the south coast

joined by canals

the climate is mild

the thick fog

a very typical feature

highly developed industries

coal and metal countries

iron and steel industry

a centre of engineering and chemicals

a shipbuilding centre

rural areas

urban districts

great scientists

a typical feature

is full of historical buildings

customs and traditions

the whole country

the business and financial centre

is associated with the rich


the kings and queens are buried



Ex.3. Read and translate the following international words:

continent, to form, mile, canal, population, climate, typical, capitalist, industry, textile, centre, metal, type, production, port, export, import, chemical, Film, territory, intensive, ur­ban, poet, author, interesting, discipline, emotion, tragic, situation, tourist, historical, monument, tradition, financial, bank, concert, fashionable, architecture, visit, memorial, resi­dence, gallery, political, agency, figure, demonstration, mee­ting.


Read and translate the text.



The British Isles are formed of Great Britain, Ireland and a number of small islands situated to the west of the European continent. The total area is about 120.000 square miles. The United Kingdom is composed of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The east coast is washed by the North Sea and the west coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. There are no high mountains in Great Britain. The highest mountains are the Snowdon (3000 ft.) and the Highlands.

The biggest rivers are the Severn and the Thames joined by canals, so that it is possible to travel by water from one end of the country to the other.

The climate of Great Britain is mild. It is never too hot or too cold because of the sea which keeps the island warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer. The worst thing about the climate is the thick fog. If you go to England, you'll find that the fog is very typical feature o: the country.

The population of Great Britain is over 57 million people. About; 20 per cent of the British people live in rural areas, the others live in urban districts, i.e. towns and cities.

Great Britain is no longer the most powerful capitalist state Europe but it has highly developed industries. There are many big и industrial cities there, such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Cardiff, Sheffield and others. One of the Leading industries in Great Britain is the textile industry. Liverpool and Manchester are the main centers of textile manufacturing.

Northern and western England are traditionally coal and main countries. The oldest centers of iron and steel industry are Birmingham and Sheffield. One can find here any type of metallurgical production.

Liverpool is the biggest port in western England. It is first in Great in Britain in exports and comes second after London in imports.

New industries have been developed recently. London, e.g., is an | important centre of engineering and chemicals. It also comes first in j Britain in clothing and food industry, and in film production. Scotland is Britain's largest shipbuilding centre. The fishing industry is concentrated mostly on the east coast.

The territory of the island is not big, so it's no wonder that the British farming or agriculture is being developed in an intensive way.

Great Britain is the country of many great scientists, poets, artists and writers. Among the world-known scientists are Newton, Darwin, Edison, Russel, Reserford and a number of others.

Great Britain is famous for its writers and poets. Among them one can find Shakespeare, Defo, Dickens, Byron, Burns, Green, Aldridge, and many others.

The most famous English painters are Hogarth, Gainsborough, Reynolds, Turner and Constable.

London, the capital of Great Britain, is very attractive for tour-because it is full of historical buildings, monuments, customs andtraditions. There are four parts in London: the City, the West End, the EastEnd and the Port.

My friend has been to London three times. He told me many in­teresting things about it. He said that the oldest part of London was the Citywith its narrow streets. It is the business and financial centre of the whole country. A lot of banks and offices are situated here.

The name «West End», he said, is associated with the rich. Here are the finest theatres, cinemas and concert halls, the largest department stores, the most fashionable hotels.

The East End and the Port of London are situated to the east of the City. They are unattractive, but very important to the country's economy.

London is very rich in sights. My friend showed me the post cards which he had brought from London. Among them - Westminster Abbey which is famous for its architecture and history. In Westminster Abbey the kings and queens of England are buried. Here is also the Poet's comer where many great writers and poets are buried: Kipling, Dickens, Tennyson and others. My friend said that he had also visited the memorials to Shakespeare and Byron, Scott and Longfellow.

Of no less interest are the Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace — the Queen's residence, the National Art Gallery, the British Museum, St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower, which was first a fortress, then a prison and which is now a museum.

There are a lot of parks in London, the most famous of them is Hyde Park with its Speaker's Corner.

My friend said that many streets and parts of London had their own history and traditions. Whitehall, for example, is the political cen­tre of the country. All government departments are situated here.

If you walk westwards from St. Paul's Cathedral, you'll come to the Fleet Street, the place known all over the world. Here the most important newspapers and news-agencies have their offices and publishing houses.

Trafalgar Square is about a hundred years old. The main feature is the tall Nelson monument, with the figure of the great seaman on the top. Many demonstrations and meetings take place here.

My friend asked if I liked the sights of London and said that he would go to London the next month and bring me some postcards. I advised him to do more sightseeing.

Notes to the text:

1. no longer — больше не

2. it is no wonder — не удивительно

3. e.g. — for example — например

4. i.e. — that is — то есть

5. to come first (second) — занимать первое (второе) место

6. ft — foot (pi. feet) - 30,48 см

7. of no less interest — не меньший интерес

8. all over the world — во всем мире

9. to be associated with — быть связанным с; ассоциироваться

10. to be composed of — состоять из

11. to be full (of)—быть заполненным

12. a number of — ряд

13. one can find — можно найти

14. to be popular (with) — пользоваться популярностью (у)

15. it is possible—возможно

16. to be rich in — изобиловать

17. to go sightseeing (to do sightseeing) — осматривать досто­примеча-тельности.


Ex.4. Find in the text the English equivalents:

ряд островов, состоять из, располагаться, омываться, можно путешествовать, типичная черта, могущественный, высокоразвитые отрасли промышленно-сти, ведущая отрасль, текстильная промышленность, можно найти, занимать первое место, главный центр, сельское хозяйство, учёный, художник, ряд других, славиться, восточное побережье, привлекательный, привычки и тра-диции, похоронены, ассоциироваться с чем либо, экономика страны, изоби-ловать, наименьший интерес представляют, правительственные учреждения, издательство, главная черта, происходить, достопримечательности.



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