Ex.5. Give as many combinations as possible
a centre (политический, финансовый, деловой, исторический, промышлен-ный, сельскохозяйственный, национальный) an industry (текстильная, кораблестроительная, сталелитейная, угольная, рыб-ная, химическая, пищевая, металлургическая) a monument (исторический, хорошо известный, знаменитый, национальный) a situation (политическая, международная, экономическая, трудная, трагичес-кая)
Ex.6. Complete the sentence – любые отрасли промышленности – множество достопримечательностей One can find here – ряд высокоразвитых отраслей промышленности – много известных учёных и знаменитых писателей – ряд крупных промышленных центров – множество архитектурных и исторических памятников
Ex.7. Give all possible endings:
1. Great Britain is famous for… 2. London is rich in … 3. The main industrial centres in Great Britain are… 4. The most developed industries are… 5. The most typical feature of the English life… 6. Among the well-known English writers are… 7. The most popular sights of London are…
Ex.8. Give the English equivalents and make up sentences: Сельскохозяйственный район, славиться архитектурными памятниками, Британское правительство, промышленное развитие, ряд известных учёных, привлекательная черта, развивать экономику, могущественное государство, ведущая отрасль промышленности, не удивительно, что…
Ex.9. Say which of the statements are true to the text. If not so, correct them: 1. The British Isles are formed of Great Britain and Ireland. 2. The south coast is washed by the English Channel. 3. It is impossible to travel by water from one end of the country to the other. 4. Great Britain is the most powerful capitalist state in Europe. 5. The climate of the country is mild. 6. The best thing about the English climate is the thick fog. 7. London is the biggest port in the whole country. 8. The leading industry in the country is the textile industry. 9. Scotland is Britain’s largest shipbuilding centre. 10. One of the most typical features of the English life is the love for customs and traditions. 11. Britain is the country of great writers and poets. 12. There are three parts in London: the city, West End and East End.
13. London is very rich sights. 14. The oldest part of London is the port. 15. The name «West End» is associated with the rich. 16. Whitehall is the financial centre of the country. 17. All government departments are situated in Fleet Street.
Read the text and give a brief summary of it in Russian:
United States of America The United States of America is situated in the southern half of North America. It occupies a favourable geographical position being washed by two oceans and having various climate zones. Once the country was an English colony. In the War of Independence (1775 — 1783) it became independent. The area of the USA is much larger than that of Western Europe. Today the USA covers an area of 9,4 million sq. km1. The USA is a federation of 50 states. The population grew from 4 million (1790) to 300 million inhabitants now Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, the USA borders upon Canada in the North and upon Mexico in the South. The biggest river in the United States is the Mississippi. The largest lakes are the Great Lakes, five in number. The highest mountain chains are the Appalachian Mountains in the East and Cordillera Mountains in the West. On the whole the USA has a continental climate. It is at the same time one of the hottest and one of the coldest countries; one of the wettest and one of the driest. The US is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country. Heavy industry prevails in the USA, including such branches as the mining, metallurgical, machine-building and chemical industries. War industry (including the production of atomic weapons) plays an important role in the US economy. Being well developed light industry includes textile, leather and footwear industries. The food industry is also well developed. The capital of the USA is the city of Washington situated in the District of Columbia. The population of Washington, D.C., is about 4 000 000 and together with the suburbs (metropolitan area) its population is about 7 million. Washington is like no other city of the USA. You know that the flag of the USA, the «stars and stripes» has 50 stars on a blue background. Each of these stars represents one of the fifty States. But the city of Washington is not in any of those states. It belongs to all of them. Washington is the seat of government of the nation. The White House, where the US President lives and works, the Capitol, the home of the US Congress, and the Supreme Court are all in Washington, D.C. New York is a center of finance, of shipping, of fun; New Orleans deals in cotton; Chicago will sell you wheat and cattle. The United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, athletic games played for recreation, and hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal; some sports are commercial and professional. Baseball is the most popular sport in the United States. Football is the most popular sport in the fall. It is still played by almost every college and university in the country. There are professional football teams in all major cities of the United States. Basketball is the winter sport in American schools and colleges. Other spectator sports include wrestling, boxing, and horse racing. Americans like both to engage in sports and to watch games being played. They are also fond of reading and talking about sports. Usually, several pages of the daily paper are devoted to discussing sports events, and games are carried on television and radio.
The United States is often described as a nation on wheels. There are a great number of modern highways from four to ten traffic lanes. There is no official list of national holidays because the establishment of holidays is within the province of the individual states. In if most states banks, post-offices and most places of business are closed on these days: February, 2 — Lincoln's Birthday (16-th President) February, 22 — Washington's Birthday (the first President of the USA) May, 30 — Memorial Day (a day honoring Americans killed in wars) July, 4 — Independence Day The first Monday in September — Labor Day October, 12 — Columbus Day The last Thursday in November — Thanksgiving Day (a day of thanksgiving and praise) December, 25 — Christmas Day Notes: 1. sq. km. = square kilometer квадратный километр 2. Thanksgiving Day — День Благодарения (официальный праздник в память первых колонистов Массачусетса).
I. Divide Text «В» into the sense parts. II. Find the answers to the following questions in the text and read
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