Language in use. Can - may — must — need — should — would — ought to — to have to – to be to. Значение модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов
Language in use Can - may — must — need — should — would — ought to — to have to – to be to Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Какой модальный глагол выражает вежливый совет или рекомендацию? 2. Какой модальный глагол служит для описания правил и требований закона? 3. Какой модальный глагол выражает настоятельную необходимость или рекомендацию? 4. После каких модальных глаголов не употребляется частица to?
Значение модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов Модальные глаголы обозначают не действие, a: • возможность или способность совершения действия; • разрешение, позволение; • вероятность, предположение; • необходимость; • долженствование. I) Прочитайте предложения, объясните значения модальных глаголов: can/ could, must, to have to, to be to, may/ might, should, ought to. Переведите на русский язык: 1. The laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation cannot contradict federal laws. 2. Bills may be initiated by the two chambers. 3. To become a law a bill must be approved by both chambers and signed by the President. 4. The President can veto a bill. 5. Can a state system of a particular country be changed? 6. The House of Representatives can also impeach the President. 7. The President is to carry out the programmers of the Government. 8. The Federal Assembly – parliament of the Russian Federation shall be the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation. 9. The Monarch must give the Royal Assent before a Bill can become a legal enactment (Act of Parliament). 10. Should the monarchy last or is it harmful? 11. The Prime Minister might appoint some of his supporters to Ministerial posts.
II) Вставьте подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. 1. The doctor said, “The child is very ill He … be taken to hospital at once” 2. A man help his parents when they become old. 3. Everybody … learn a foreign language. 4. We … live without food and water. We … eat and drink. 5. You … drive a car at night without lights. 6. The matter … be discussed in tomorrow's debates. 7. I … read to the end of the story because I want to see who gets the treasure. 8. She … sing quite well.
9. … I use your phone? – You … ask for permission; you … use it whenever you like 10. If you don't know the meaning of a word you … see a dictionary. 11. He … swim very soon.
III) Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами: 1. —... I take the document? — No, you... 2. —... you work as a detective? — Not yet. 3. The trial... to be open at 10 o'clock. 4. She believes that the judge... discharge him. 5. You... tell him that we need his assistance. . 6. The investigator was very tired and he... to stop the cross-examination. 7. The witness... answer the barrister's questions during the cross-examination. 8. He... to explain all the difficulties in the case to the accused. IV) Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты: 1. В Британии многие дети должны носить униформу, когда они ходят в школу. 2. Все граждане обязаны соблюдать законы общества, в котором они живут. 3. Свидетель должен прийти в кабинет следователя в 9 часов утра. 4. В наши дни члены общества не должны жить по законам джунглей. 5. Вам следует просмотреть все вещественные доказательства еще раз. 6. Могу я попросить Вас описать этот случай? 7. В соответствии с новым законодательством Президент должен быть переизбран. 8. Судьям следует действовать в соответствии с законом. 9. Вы обязаны помогать вашим пожилым родителям. V) Составьте диалоги по модели:
Model: A. You went by taxi, I suppose? (take a bus) В. No, I took a bus A. You needn’t have taken a bus. You could have gone by taxi.
1. You went by bus, I suppose? (walk) 2. You took the lift, I suppose? (walk up the stairs). 3. You phoned him, I suppose? (write) 4. You borrowed the book, I suppose? (buy) 5. You went second class, I suppose? (go first class) 6. You left your heavy case at the station, I suppose? (take it with me) 7. You sent the sheets to the laundry, I suppose? (wash them myself) VI) Соедините предложения в левой колонке со значениями в правой колонке. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Sentences 1. You should observe the Constitution of your country. 2. Lawyers have to ensure the principle of equal justice under law to the people of the state. 3. All citizens have to pay taxes.
4. You mustn't give false evidence to a court.
5. You shouldn't violate the laws of your country.
a. I think it's a bad thing to do this.
b. Do this because it's a rule or the law.
c. Don't do this. It isn't allowed. It's against the law.
d. Do this. I think it's very important.
e. I think it's a good thing to do this.
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