Postgraduate Coursework Programmers in Business Administration
Postgraduate Coursework Programmers in Business Administration I attach details of our postgraduate coursework programmers in Business Administration and related fields at Macquarie. I would be grateful if you would bring them to the attention of any interested students or colleagues. As you will see from the brochure we have a range of programmers covering a number of fields broadly within Business Administration. In addition, in the Graduate Diploma and Master's programmers we also have very well developed research degrees in similar fields at MA (Hons) and PHD levels. These can be taken externally as can some of the coursework programmers. A separate brochure is available from the Department covering our research degree programmers. Applications for the March 2001 commencement of postgraduate coursework programmers are due in early November 2000, although these are possibilities for late registration if places remain. I look forward to hearing.! rom you, If you have any questions we may be able to answer. Our Postgraduate Studies Office In the Department (address inside the brochure) will also be ready to assist any Interested applicants.
With good wishes Professor Christopher G. Nadlin Enc.
Letter of request Письмо-просьба Письмо-просьба {letter of request) содержит те же элементы, а в конце стандартная фраза «Заранее благодарю Вас» (Thank you in advance).
Danish Centre Strandgade DK-1401 Kobenhavn К
Denmark 1st. March 2011 Time for English 21 Tverskaya str. Moscow Russia
Dear Sir/Madam
Exchange Agreements We are in the process of up-dating our mailing-list pertaining to exchange agreements and ask you kindly to fill in the enclosed questionnaire and return it to us soonest possible.
At the same time please correct your own address on the form if necessary.
Please note that exchange publications for Us should be mailed to the above indicated address whereas correspondence concerning exchange agreements should be forwarded for attention of the undersigned.
Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully
Lisbeth Dursine Encl. Letter of complaint Письмо-жалоба Письмо-жалоба {letter of complaint) должно быть достаточно кратким и точным в изложении проблемы. Обратите внимание на фразу в строке приветствия: «Для предъявления по месту требования» (То whom it may соncern)
Stream Ave. Seattle, WA98103 October 23, 2003 CompuWorld PO Box 6098 Portsmouth
Re: Order # 445446
To whom it may concern:
On September 3, 1 ordered 2 keyboards, 1 screen and 1 tower processor for a total of $ 480 plus shipping $ 30. This brings the final total to $ 510.
Enclosed is a copy of your receipt, which I received with my order. Today I got a bill for $ 590 for 3 keyboards, 1 screen and 1 tower processor. Since I didn't order 2 keyboards and I never received 3_keyboards I am sending a check for the original amount, $ 510 for the merchandise I did receive. Please correct your billing. Thank you.
Sincerely, Sandra Sand Enc.
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