Read and translate the text paying attention to new words and phrases.
Кафедра Гуманитарных и социально-политических дисциплин (ГСПД)
Кузнецова Н.Б.
Aircraft Engines Пособие по английскому языку Для студентов II курса
Иркутск 2013
contents Unit 1. Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians: Nature of the Work 4 Unit 2. Guide to Propulsion.. 12 Unit 3. Power Plant is the Heart of the Engine.. 19Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Unit 4. Main Parts of the Gas Turbine Engine and their functions. 34 Texts For Reading And Writing Practice.. 46 Appendix Методические рекомендации по написанию рефератов и аннотаций 66 The Complex Object.. 69 The Complex Subject. 74
Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians: Nature of the Work Essential Vocabulary 1) operation and maintenance (эксплуатация и техническое обслуживание); efficient operation and maintenance of a gas-turbine engine; to provide efficient operation and maintenance of a gas-turbine engine the mechanic should be familiar with the engine design; operational and periodic maintenance; operational maintenance requires checking all the troublesome units and systems of the engine; 2) in particular (в особенности, в частности); for any specific engine in particular; be familiar with the manufacturer's instructions for any specific engine in particular; 3) precautions rules (меры предосторожности); certain precautions rules; certain precautions rules should be inspected for foreign objects; 4) inflammable material (воспламеняющийся материал); to remove all inflammable material; in operating the engine at full power it is necessary to remove all inflammable material from the area; 5) engine compartments; engine compartments and nacelles (отсеки двигателя и гондолы); engine compartments and nacelles are checked for cleanliness and security. 6) fuel and oil leaks; all fuel and oil leaks, loose parts, cracks, corrosion, missed rivers, warping, buckling, burning and other undesirable conditions; all fuel and oil leaks, loose parts, cracks, corrosion, missed rivers, warping, buckling, burning and other undesirable conditions should be revealed and eliminated (все утечки топлива и масла, незакрепленные детали, трещины, коррозии, подтёки, деформации, прогибы, обгорания и другие несоответствующие состояния должны быть выявлены и устранены);
7) minor inspection (частичный осмотр); minor inspection and major inspection; to include minor inspection and major inspection; The periodic engine maintenance includes minor inspection and major inspection
Read and translate the text paying attention to new words and phrases. Text: Engine Maintenance In order to keep the engine in working condition, it is necessary to provide its inspecting at regular intervals. To provide efficient operation and maintenance of a gas-turbine engine the mechanic should be familiar with the engine design, inspection, starting and overhaul procedures in general; andthe manufacturer's instructions for any specific engine in particular. In performing maintenance operations certain precautions rules should be inspected for foreign objects; in operating the engine at full power it is necessary to remove all inflammable material from the area; no work should be performed on the ignition system or spark plugs during engine running; the hot starts should be avoided as the turbine or other parts overheating usually requires the engine overhaul. Maintenance of any gas-turbine engine includes operational and periodic maintenance. Operational maintenance is performed prior to every take-off and after the aircraft landing with the view of checking all systems and units for their readiness for flight. It is called pre-flight and post-flight maintenance, correspondingly. Operational maintenance requires checking all the troublesome units and systems of the engine. Engine compartments and nacelles are checked for cleanliness and security of all lines and fittings. All fuel and oil leaks, loose parts, cracks, corrosion, missed rivers,warping, buckling, burning and other undesirable conditions should be revealed and eliminated. Operational maintenance also includes checking the fuel, oil, water and hydraulic fluid level before each flight. The periodic engine maintenance includes minor inspection (performed every 60 hours of flight) and major inspection (performed every 200 and 600 hours of flight). When the engine was operated during a certain predetermined number of hours it is removed from the aircraft and sent to the overhaul base. The engine overhaul includes complete disassembly, washing, delectation and repair or replacement of worn units or parts.
Text: Duties and Responsibilities Essential Vocabulary 1) to be responsible for – нести ответственность за ч.-л. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians are responsible for making sure airplanes are safe for flying. Some of the parts aircraft mechanics and service technicians are responsible for maintaining include the engine, the landing gear, and the instruments inside the cockpit used to determine direction and altitude. 2) to be familiar with – быть хорошо осведомлённым в ч.-л. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians need to be familiar with these complex systems. 3) to be employed in – работать где-либо
Aircraft mechanics and service technicians are employed in aircraft hangars, in air fields, or at stations where aircraft repairs are done. 4) to be able to – (мочь), быть в состоянии The mechanic must first be able to get to the engine, which usually involves using lifts, hoists, or ladders because of where it is located. There are also aircraft mechanics and service technicians that are able to repair the airframe and work on the power sources. 5) to check for – проверять They will also check for wear, defects, corrosion, and cracks in other parts of the airplane, including the tail, the fuselage or body of the craft, and the wings. 6) to involve – включать в себя, касаться, вовлекать. Involved – сложный The mechanic must first be able to get to the engine, which usually involves using lifts, hoists, or ladders because of where it is located. Other aspects of maintaining and repairing the aircraft can be more involved. in accordance with - согласуясь с (чем-л.), в соответствии с (чем-л.) They are responsible for maintaining the aircraft, repairing parts that are broken or worn, and inspecting the aircraft on a regular basis in accordance with the schedules. 7) to be licensed as – быть квалифицированным как Those who are licensed as power plant aircraft mechanics are skilled enough to fix the engines and, to an extent, the propellers. 8) to provide with – обеспечивать чем-л. These tools can provide the mechanics with information about the essential functions of many of the different parts of the aircraft. 9 ) to be taken apart – разбираться на части The engine must be taken apart completely and then each part must be thoroughly checked for wear and cracks. 10) to work in shifts – работать по сменам So aircraft mechanics and service technicians typically work in shifts, sometimes during evenings and weekends. 11) to be well-versed in smth, to know a great deal about – хорошо разбираться в чем-л. Mechanics need to be well-versed in computers and advanced electronic systems. They also must know a great deal about composite materials and turbine engines.
Read and translate the text paying attention to new words and phrases. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians are responsible for making sure airplanes are safe for flying. The airplanes that are utilized by many airlines nowadays have increasingly complex operating systems, which have been developed in the interest of keeping the passengers safe. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians need to be familiar with these complex systems and know how to prevent mechanical failures that can endanger the passengers and crew. They are responsible for maintaining the aircraft, repairing parts that are broken or worn, and inspecting the aircraft on a regular basis in accordance with the schedules. Some of the parts aircraft mechanics and service technicians are responsible for maintaining include the engine, the landing gear, and the instruments inside the cockpit used to determine direction and altitude. They also maintain and repair the brakes, air-conditioning mechanisms, pumps and valves. These mechanics and technicians need to make sure they are replacing parts at regular intervals and maintaining a log for each piece of aircraft indicating its maintenance and repair history. Mechanics often use tools within the airplane itself to find and diagnose problems. These tools can provide the mechanics with information about the essential functions of many of the different parts of the aircraft. Other aspects of maintaining and repairing the aircraft can be more involved. Maintaining and repairing an engine, for instance, can be a very time-consuming and grueling process. The mechanic must first be able to get to the engine, which usually involves using lifts, hoists, or ladders because of where it is located. The engine must be taken apart completely and then each part must be thoroughly checked for wear and cracks. Often imaging equipment using X-ray technology and other instruments calibrated to give precise measurements are used. Often the beginnings of engine wear are invisible to the naked eye, so aircraft mechanics and service technicians must know how to use imaging equipment to find the first signs of deterioration to evaluate whether the part needs to be replaced. They will also check for wear, defects, corrosion, and cracks in other parts of the airplane, including the tail, the fuselage or body of the craft, and the wings. They also may repair various surfaces of the aircraft, including those made of sheet metal, and will check to be sure the aircraft cables still have enough tension to operate properly. If they do not, it is the mechanic’s responsibility to replace them. Once they have examined and repaired all of the airplane’s parts, they also need to test each part for functionality.
Aircraft mechanics and service technicians can also become airframe mechanics, which provide maintenance and repairs for many parts of the plane, except for the controls, propellers, and power sources. Those who are licensed as power plant aircraft mechanics are skilled enough to fix the engines and, to an extent, the propellers. There are also aircraft mechanics and service technicians that are able to repair the airframe and work on the power sources. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians are sometimes needed to be on call in order to fix problems that occur during the pilot’s preflight check. If the pilot or co-pilot notices that something on the plane doesn’t work, such as the gauges or controls, a mechanic will need to be called in to fix these before the plane can safely take off. The mechanic will have to work quickly but also thoroughly to ensure the safety of the aircraft. Mechanics often specialize in different kinds of aircraft. There are aircraft mechanics and service technicians who specialize in repairing commercial jets, helicopters, and smaller planes powered by propellers. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians are employed in aircraft hangars, in air fields, or at stations where aircraft repairs are done. They have a large responsibility not only to ensure the safety of the aircraft, but also to do so quickly in order to facilitate the maintenance of flight schedules. They must be strong enough to lift objects that can weigh more than 50 pounds. They are often required to work in unnatural positions or climb on top of ladders and scaffolding, which can be precarious. When they test the parts of the airplane, they usually have to protect their ears from the excessively loud noise to which they will be exposed. Airlines need mechanics to be available 24 hours a day, so aircraft mechanics and service technicians typically work in shifts, sometimes during evenings and weekends. They often work overtime as well. The technology used to build aircraft is changing all of the time, and more aircraft are now built with high-tech capabilities. Because of this, mechanics need to be well-versed in computers and advanced electronic systems. They also must know a great deal about composite materials and turbine engines as well, because these components are used with increasing frequency in the construction of aircraft. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians must know a great deal about physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and drafting. These academic disciplines provide aircraft mechanics students with the scientific grounding they will need to understand how the aircraft works, how repairs are made, and what repairs need to be made to keep the aircraft safe and functional. Mechanics also must be able to read and write English, update the maintenance log, and provide repair and maintenance reports to their supervisors or to pilots.
Beyond formal training, there are many qualifications that aircraft mechanics and service technicians must have. They must be ethical, self-motivated, reliable, and able to diagnose and fix complex mechanical or electrical problems. They also must be able and willing to climb ladders and stand on scaffolding. People who are afraid of heights are not suited to this position. There are many opportunities for professional advancement in this field. Aircraft mechanics and service technicians are able to advance to many different positions, including inspectors, lead inspectors, supervisors, or crew leaders. Aircraft mechanics can progress more rapidly if they gain a certification to inspect aircraft. They also become owners of aircraft repair facilities, work in repair consulting, or help researchers and designers build better aircraft. Exercise 1. Match English words with their Russian equivalents:
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